Is there anything wrong with my sister being a bro-con?

Evan looked around but there wasn't anyone present there, it had just been a few minutes since Evan went to the other world but there wasn't anyone present. On the place where a dungeon break just happened?

'Hmm? Why is no one here?'

[That's because it has been a while here, host. You were in that world just for a while but here, it has been 6 hours.]

'6 hours?! The time difference is too big.'

[Correct, host. In some worlds, just a second there can be many hours or days or even years in this world. So it's better for you if you tell the people close to you about this, otherwise, they are gonna get worried for you.]

'Yeah, I should. So, it's almost the time for my school to end. I shall return there soon otherwise, Lyra is gonna get worried for me.'

Saying so in his mind, Evan tore the void in front of him and went inside, arriving right at his classroom.