After a few hours of chat with Nova, I decided to initiate my plan now.
With just the thought, I killed all the goblins that were first infected with the death qi, their bodies has already began to erode away, they were too weak to handle the death qi at all.
Throughout the entire planet, in different directions, all those goblins cried in agony as their body began to fell apart, their flesh decayed. The pain numbed their mind and their pupils turned white resulting in their demise.
The sudden death of their own kind made all of them panicked and they all looked at their leader, expecting an answer.
But what they got wasn't an answer from him... because he also didn't know what had just happened.
And the next moment as they were trying to figure out the cause of the death of the newly joined goblins, they soon witnessed the same scene again, but this time it was their leader who suffered from that same curse.