Henry stepped out of the carriage, the cobbled street echoing with the soft clip-clop of hooves as he paid the coachman.

He straightened his coat, a sense of ease washed over him at the sight of the church's towering spire against the sky.

The air was carrying the familiar faint scent of incense.

Since Childhood, He and his family was devoted to the God. The firm belief that God had always protected and will protect him and guide him to be useful for the "cause".

Henry adjusted his collar, a slight tingling sensation prickling at the back of his neck , Ignoring it, he made his way towards the church, his footsteps echoing in the quiet evening.

The heavy wooden doors creaked open as Henry entered, the dim light filtering through stained glass casting colorful patterns on the stone floor. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead.

With each step closer to the confessional, the tingling sensation intensified, sending shivers down Henry's spine.

Henry reached the confessional and sat down, the familiar wooden panel separating him from the priest on the other side.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, but as he opened his mouth to speak, no words emerged.

Panic surged within him, his heart racing wildly in his chest.The priest's voice, calm and reassuring, reached Henry's ears, but it sounded distant, as if coming from a faraway place.

Desperate to articulate his thoughts, Henry struggled to form coherent sentences, but his tongue felt heavy, his mind a jumbled mess.

Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced through Henry's head, sending him reeling. He clutched at the confessional screen for support, his body convulsing uncontrollably.

The world around him blurred as he collapsed to the ground, his limbs thrashing in the grip of violent seizures.

In the hazy darkness of unconsciousness, Henry's mind swirled with fragmented images and disjointed thoughts.

Fear gripped him as he grappled with the terrifying uncertainty of his condition.

And amidst the chaos, a single question lingered in his subconscious: What was happening to him?

With a sense of urgency, The Priest rose from his seat and hurried to Henry's side.

The priest named Dominic, was a man in his late 50's, he had grey hair and dark brown eyes.

"Quickly, fetch the assistants and a clergy" he commanded, his voice cutting through the stillness of the church.

One of the acolytes nodded in understanding and dashed out of the confessional.

Father Dominic had his own suspicions, he knelt beside Henry's unconscious body.

'He probably had made a mistake and was silenced by the Duke'

The priest's tone turned sharp with a hint of anger as he clicked his tongue in irritation.

"I warned you to handle this with caution," he muttered through clenched teeth.

"No.. We can't afford any mistakes, not when the stakes this high"

While the Clergy and the nuns looked after Henry, Father Dominic, his expression grave, quickly withdrew to his chamber.

With steady hands, he penned a letter, each stroke of the quill reflecting the urgency of his thoughts.

Folding the parchment with care, he sealed it with wax and pressed his signet ring into the molten wax to mark it with his authority.

Turning to his assistant, he handed over the letter with a solemn command, "Take this to the courier at once. Time is of the essence."

The assistant nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation, and hurried off to ensure the message was delivered swiftly and securely.


The grand dining hall of the palace was adorned with opulent tapestries and gilded chandeliers, casting a warm golden glow over the assembled family.

Emperor Gerald Sapphirus sat at the head of the table, with a very composed demeanor, yet beneath the surface, a tension simmered.

Beside him The Crown Prince Niveus who sat opposite to the second Empress Harriet and her 8 year old son, Prince Nicolas.

As servants moved about the table, serving course after course of sumptuous delicacies, the atmosphere remained strained, each member of the royal family acutely aware of the unspoken grievances that hung heavy in the air.

Even the child was used to guard his expression from the elders.

However, he cannot keep his eyes from running into Niveus. Who intently looked at his step-sibling that quivered under his burdening gaze.

Emperor Gerald cleared his throat, breaking the tense silence that enveloped the dining hall. "I must admit," he began "I had my doubts whether Niveus would grace us with his presence this evening."

Crown Prince Niveus glanced up from his plate, his expression impassive as he met his father's gaze. "You doubted my commitment to family, Father?" he replied with a hint of challenge in his voice.

The Emperor raised an eyebrow at him "Given your recent preoccupations, I was uncertain whether you would find the time to join us," he explained, his tone tinged with a touch of reproach.

Niveus's eyes lazily remained rested on his father as he said with the hint of confidence

"Rest assured, Father, family obligations remain a priority for me,"

As the unspoken tension lingered, the Second Empress decided to shift the focus to a lighter topic.

Putting on a warm smile, she glanced at Niveus and addressed the Emperor. "My dear, you'll be pleased to hear that Niveus has taken on a new companion," she said.

Niveus wasn't surprised that the rumors have spread. He has been carrying that furrball here and there. Nothing failed to get noticed if it is associated with him.

Gerald raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued by the unexpected news. "Indeed? Pray, tell us more," he replied, his tone softening slightly.

Niveus, usually ignored pleas to chat about his life,

"Yes, I've adopted a kitten," he fessed, glancing at his little brother whose eyes widened hearing the news.

The Emperor's stern expression lightened at the mention of the furry companion. "A kitten?" he echoed, a hint of amusement coloring his voice. "How... unexpected."

Nickolas's eyes sparkled with excitement at the news. "A kitten? They still exist??!" he exclaimed, his youthful enthusiasm cutting through the lingering tension in the air "how amazing!! "

Niveus felt his chest swell like any other pet owner talking about his unique and mischievous pet.

Like mother of that cat Niveus began to brag about that tiny creature. The dining hall was filled with laugher of the child and the tensed atmosphere subsidied after that.


After the dinner, Crown Prince went for a walk with his Father in the Emperial Garden.

Niveus looked around the freshly planted flowerbeds. Emperor Gerald's keen eyes caught the direction of his son's attention.

"The late Empress adored flowers," Emperor Gerald began, his voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "She would spend hours tending to the gardens,"

Niveus was quiet. He didn't need to agree or disagree or even answer back with something.

He felt that there is no need to bring what does not exist. He let the moment slide with the silence and Emperor understood his son's heart.

"Father, I believe that the victory in the war calls for a celebration of grand proportion"

Emperor hummed in reply before asking" Why did you requested to give Commander Conan Emmanuel, such high Noble Title? "

Niveus replied as if it was obvious " He deserves it, that's why"

Emperor knew his son very well. There was no way he would favour people without any hidden motives.

"Enammuel is a very loyal disciple of Duke Ashenhurts Niveus, He will die but wouldn't betray the Duke"

"Then I must tear him apart from Duke first before I make him to betray Him"

As Niveus spoke, His eyes glinted like a mad scientist.

Even the Emperor was concerned of his son's mental conditions.



In the Crown Prince's Palace, whole palace was dipped into the peaceful slumber, as if someone had casted a spell.

Even the guards can't keep their heads up.

The moon that never waned, above this peculiar planet, dispersed through the partially opened windows, casting it's soft silvery light on the lavish room.

The chilly breeze whispered through the room, causing the curtains to sway gently.

The windows creeks a little but our oblivious kitten lay curled up in her bed, with no care in the world.

Her tiny frame rose and fell rhythmically with each tranquil breath, the innocence of sleep enveloping her.

Absolutely unaware of the Dark figure casting an ominous shadow at her small fragile frame.
