The jubilant wind of Victory against Southern Kingdom swept through whole Yureshia, infusing the capital with infectious buzz of joy and vibrancy.

Every other household of Capital were scarred with the pain of the war, yet they were relieved and happy that it was over and their sons were victorious.

Even before the Royals officially announced the celebrations, the townsfolk adorned the streets with colorful fabrics and lanterns, eager to mark the occasion. To honor the soldiers and welcome them wholeheartedly.

Carts and stalls brimmed with an array of delicacies, fabrics, and decorative items, from all over the world, turning every corner into a festive spectacle.

Amidst the sea of Jubilation, there lingered a somber undertone.

The Crown Prince of Yureshia's name was also being wishpered. It wasn't something new, he was used to people spreading rumors about him.

Unfazed the Cold Prince, never batted an eye on them.

He knew anything related to Royals would always makes the headlines as hot topics.

Him having a cat as pet is no exception.

Almost half a century ago, Every Church of Yureshia, announced the prophecy they recieved from "God".

That a demon will be manifest in the guise of A Cat, that will bring downfall to humanity and rule over it.

Every decade Church will come up with something and cause massacre to one species until it's wiped out.

When people motivated by religion and fear of calamity, they would go any extent to protect the so called humanity, ironically with most inhumane ways.

They had been indoctrinated to believe in the existence of cause, purpose, and that God had chosen them.

God don't give two shit about them.

If God truly cared about them, wouldn't he have already granted them entry into heaven at birth?

While the Churches only claimed the prophecy about a cat being born as demon. People added things of their own ,out of their own imagination.

And in the mind there is no subtraction or division, Only multiplication.

Multiplied version of their own wild imagination.

This madness led people mindlessly started killing anything that resembled a cat, shapeshifters alongside the Witches and it goes on for years until they are all wiped out.

They feared the new and different.

Having such a controversially extinct animal as a pet is of course the topic of discussion for everyone.

Newspapers overflowed with sensationalized claims and unfounded allegations.

The prince's response was as nonchalant as ever, a casual yawn followed by a dismissive shrug.

However, his Assistant and Minister of disaster management and geography, Joseph, betrayed sign of mounting anxiety.

They were afraid that this might escalate into something big.

Beads of sweat dotted Ashter's heads as he exchanged concerned glances with Joseph, under the shadow of Niveus.

Ashter couldn't resist nagging him about the persistent rumours.

If these rumors reaches the Churches, they will use it as an excuse to turn public sentiment against Emperor.

Marquis Joseph, the one with long blue hair tied in a pony complimented by sea green eyes, adorned with glasses, as loyal as ever, just nodded in agreement.

However, the expression remained unchanged on Niveus face as if the words were just passing through one ear to another.

He propped his elbow at the desk, resting his chin on the palm, he tilted his head lightly "Do you know I am The Crown Prince? "

The deadly look made Ashter flinched back "of.. Of course Your highness, who doesn't? "

"Then bring forth anyone who dares to speak ill of me" He said "I will simply attend them"

Ashter eyed Niveus's hand were twitching, nervously he turned his head away. "Understood" He squeaked.


"Sir Joseph" The Minister came forward, and gave him a respected bow of 90°.

"your turn now"

He nodded " Your highness" He began with a grave tone, as he pushed his glasses with his finger.

"we have received concerning reports from the Western border. The activity of demonic beasts has escalated, indicating a heightened state of agitation. Additionally, there is a pressing matter in the northwest region of the Empire."

The Prince's interest was piqued. "And what precisely is this situation?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Joseph's expression remained solemn as he delivered the news.

"Earthquakes, Your Highness," he stated, his words carrying the weight of the grave reality. "Over the past few days, there have been several seismic disturbances."

"Hmm" Niveus closed his eyes for a moment "And the impact on the villagers?" he pressed, concern evident in his tone.

Regrettably, Your Highness, approximately 37% of the population has perished," Joseph reported, his demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation.

"The remaining survivors have been relocated to safer areas, but the devastation is undeniable."

The toll of war, both in terms of lives lost and resources depleted, has already been significant.

Now, the emergence of disasters in the northern regions.

Intrigued by the behavior of the demonic beasts, Niveus ordered the minister to conduct a detailed investigation to gain further insight into the matter.

Joseph bowed deeply until his eyes met the furry little cat spread on Niveus's book.

His eyes narrowed with a mischievous glint.

Once alone, Niveus Yawned as he stood up stretching himself, taking away all the lights from Ashter eyes, as he knew very well, what was coming to him.

"You will handle the rest" He declared

He patted his shoulders. Ashter's eyes we're already had sunken further. He fell on his knees, crying silently with a smile stretched on his face.

Niveus scooped up the kitten in his arms and departed.


Kitten's pov.

We were bored.

Niveus and I were both sprawled across the couch like dead bodies during Zombie apocalypse. He bought my sleeping self here to be his sleeping buddy.

Lethargy weighing down our limbs after devouring those bland meals and delicious dessert at last.

Niveus has a sweet tooth.

We didn't bulge for what felt like hours, it was unspoken competition about who is the ultimate slouch, Of course Niveus emerged as a champion.

He didn't even twitched in the time being. After playing dead for a few, defeated, I stirred , breaking the law of stillness in the room.

"Get down ,you squawker " Niveus grumbled,

'Get up you retarded shit! ' I shot back, sinking my teeth into his outstretched hand. I didn't get any reactions for a few seconds before he emitted a soft groan.

He lifted me up by the shruff of my neck, settling me onto his chest "what do you want? Are you bored? "

His eyebrows were furrowed. I can't help but marvel at his belief that a cat can converse with him.

He reminds me of my past life, where I was isolated for so long that i became detached from world, my only companion was my cockatiel, who made my hair his very personal nest, perched atop it, napping.

Wow, any other human would have had doubted their sanity, like I did, when I felt that my cockatiel was talking back at me. But this guy..

I wonder why he became like this. The novel had a brief explanation about Niveus's character who lost his mother at very early age.

I hardly remember anything from that book.

In reply of his question, I let out a exaggerated sigh, I shrugged.

"Hmm" He thought to himself before launching himself off the couch.

"How about we take a stroll in the garden?"

"Sounds great" I meowed in my language offering him a thumbs up with my tiny paws.
