Chapter 6: Normal Skill To Advance Rank Skill!!

Chapter 6: Evloving The New Skill...Gone Wrong..

POV Narrator

'Being the Eight True Heros is too hard!' Vinny thought and slump dowm into her chair and tiredly sighed at the amount of responsibility her master has given her before she died

'Subject 0000, subject 723 and Hiko Yokai' Vinny exclaim in her thought

'These three subject are the only Subject that survive the experiment, its unfortunate that Subject 723 and 0000 are hostile towards us' Vinny shock her head in disappointment

'I hope Hiko can convince Subject 0000 or Subject 723 to be our Allies, even if some conditions have to be met' Vinny thought, she hope that Hiko could convince them as she's the only Subject that is friendly


POV Hiko

"Mhm!" I hummed in satisfaction, I open the skill panel and click on the information button of two of my recently acquired skill

[Rank: None

Name: Telekinesis

Grade: D

Type: Active Skill

Description: allow the host to move small objects with the host mind.

Activation Cost: 1.000 MP per small Object.

Hint: Could only manipulate small object at the moment]

[Rank: None

Name: Manipulate Element

Grade: D

Type: Active Skill

Description: allow the host to partially manipulate the four basic elements.

Activation Cost: 500 MP per Element ]

"System how much time do I have left?" I asked the system

[8 month before mission Expire]

"Eh? Only Eight months left?" I exclaim a bit surprise,

"Then I better hurry up!.." I jumped down the chair and glance at the few planted tree and large bushes but I didn't care about that

"Advance Angel Wing! Here we goooo!" I shouted excitedly, I unfolded my wings and prepared to fly, all the way to the training ground


With a flap of my wings I flew above the mansion in just a few second "Waahahahhhhahaha!" With a laugh I flap my wings and flew across the mansion heading towards the training ground, I put my right hand forward just like how Superman would have done it

"Hahahahaha!" I laughted childishly and stare at the purple grass and red tree below, with a wide smile "So this is how superman see the world!" I shouted and prepared for my landing on the training ground

After a few more minute of flying and messing around, I finally saw the training ground below, I immediately dive down feet first! Without thinking about the consequences,


[-1 HP]

Dust clouded the area blocking everyone's sight, the dust slowly cleared and revealed Hiko in a hero pose

[+1 HP cause by [Health Regeneration]

"Muahahahahaahahaha! That was fun!" I exclaim, and got rid of the dirt on my clothes

*Clap* *Clap*" -Unknown

Hearing a clapping sound behind me, I hurriedly turn around and saw...a woman in a maid dress?

"What a wonderful entrance!" -Maid

"Ahmm..who are you?" I asked in confusion, the maid had purple hair and purple eyes, beside her hip was a katana? Weird, I never seen a maid with a katana before

"Oh my how immature of me... I am Freya, Vinny-Sama Personal Battle some respect" Freya introduce herself and mutter the last part

'Freya? Where have I heard that name before?' I thought as I felt a sense of familiarity with the name

'Freya, Freya...freeeeeeyaaaa...Ah Hah! I know! It was the butler that said it! I think he said that Freya is a replacement while his gone right?' I thought as I remember where I heard that name before

"Nice to meet you to! Freya-San!" I exclaim while waving my hand towards her

"So Freya! Why are you here?" I asked her in curiosity but I think I know the answered why she's here

"That old butler made me replace him, your stuck with me for the time being" Freya with a annoyed tone in her voice, she seem to not like the butler from her tone of annoyance

"Okay! You can stay outside the training ground! " I bluntly said and shoo her away, she grunted in annoyance and walked away towards the entrance of the training ground while glaring at me

"Now that she's gone, let's test the new skill and evolve it to Advance Rank!" With that I open the Inventory and pull out a Teddy bear

"I start with Telekinesis first! Before trying out the other one" I nodded at that word and began to focus and imagine some kind of energy to surround the teddy bear in front of me

"Telekinesis! Living bear technique!" With a Chuunibyou line, the teddy bear started to be surrounded by a gray aura in all direction

[-1.000 MP]

'Hehehehe! Looks like all that year of watching anime and reading manga was worth it!' -Hiko

[+500 MP cause by [Advance Mana Regeneration]

I focus on that gray energy thingy and made the teddy bear slowly stand up on both of its leg, after it stabilise itself I focus and tried to imagine the teddy bear to slowly walk towards me

"Stop!" With a shout The teddy bear stop mid action without hesitation, I nodded in satisfaction and began to focus on imagining the teddy bear to raise its hand high in the air, and it did just that, the teddy bear raise both of its hand since I didn't imagine which hand it should lift,

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" I hold my head and lost focus, the gray aura around it disappeared, making the teddy bear fall down face first

"Ahhh! My head hurrrtt~" I complained almost kneeling on the ground at this point

[+500 MP cause by [Advance Mana Regeneration]

"System! Why didn't you tell me that it will cause headache!" I complained at the system, I hold my head and tried to massage it to ease the pain

[Host didn't ask]

"..." I gazes at the screen at a lost for words

"Hmght! " I hummed and ignore the system from now on


I pointed at the teddy bear and shouted "Now! Activate Telekinesis! " I activated Telekinesis again and the gray aura surrounded the teddy bear after a few second it completely envelop the teddy bear

[-1.000 MP]

I imagine the teddy bear to stand up, the teddy bear slowly stood on both of its lag in front of me and stabilise itself

"Mhm!" With a satisfied nod I focus my mind and tried to make the teddy bear float above the ground, the teddy bear feet slowly rise a few inches from the ground and stabilise itself again

"This is much more easier then Mastering Angel Wing.." I exclaim as I recalled the amount of time I broke my own spine....just because I flap my wing a little to hard

"*Shiver* atleast I got Pain Resistance and evoled Angel Wing to Advance Angel Wing, so it wasn't all for nothing" I comforted myself and focus back on mastering Telekinesis for the time being

"Now Fly towards me!" I commended as the teddy bear slowly fly towards my direction with ease,


[ Ding! ]

[Skill [Telekinesis] Has evolve to [Advance Telekinesis]

"Yay! It evolved! " I joyfully said and jumped around and celebrates the new evolved Skill that took weeks to evolve which is extremely fast compare to the other skill that took months to evolve

[Rank: Advance

Name: Advance Telekinesis

Grade: C+

Type: Active Skill

Description: Allow the host to move any object except living being at Advance level.

Activation Cost: 100 MP per Small Object / 1.000 MP per Large Object / 10.000 MP per Elemental based Object

Hint: Elemental based object are, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Ice and Etc]

"Now all that's left is Manipulate Element! " I said and immediately get to work on evolving the last active skill


[ Ding! ]

[Skill [Manipulate Element] Has evolve to [Elemental Manipulation]

"Yes! Finally!" I exclaim and layed on the training ground for a bit longer before standing up and opening the skill panel of the newly evolve Advance skill

[Rank: Advance

Name: Elemental Manipulation

Grade: C+

Type: Active Skill

Description: allow the host to manipulate and control the four basic elements at the basic level

Activation Cost: 1.000 MP ]

It took Three Weeks to evolve [Manipulate Element] To [Elemental Manipulation], During this Four weeks the butler didn't come back to check up on me

"I should go and take a shower" I said, as I saw that my dress is a bit dirty

The battle maid Freya doesn't seem to like me and she would always find the opportunity to criticise me, but atleast she give me food and didn't hit me like one of those princess romance manga

"Doesn't matter! I will leave this game world sooner or later!" I exclaim with determination in my tone, once I find a way to leave this game world then I wouldn't have to worry about these petty thing anymore

I was dragged into this game world and died by some unknown mistake that a higher being made, it does not matter that the servant hate me nor does the criticism from Freya hurt me cause all of that will become meaningless once I leave this Game World and come back to the real world!

But in order to do that...I need to get Stronger and gain more Allies

"I need to become more powerful and gain a allies that could help me find a way to escape this game world!" I said outloud as I glance at the mission panel

[Mission Name: Powerful Allies

Grade: A

Description: Save Subject 0000

Time Limit: half a year

Reward: Subject 0000 Loyalty and friendship. Unlock Luck Stat. 200.000 SP. 100.000 LP. Limit Breaker. Grade C Box.

Failure: Subject 0000 Death. ]

"???" I stare in confusion at the Reward section

"How did it went from 50K to 100K?! I swear I remember it being 50k LP so why did it raise to 100k? " I asked in confusion, maybe the system has a answered to that

[+10 Point for being able to remember]

[Some unknown being had risen the reward]

"Unknown being again? Can you tell me who this unknown being is?" I asked the system with a curious tone

[Information related to the Unknown being is unavailable to the Loli system]

"Oh...disappointing.." I said in a disappointed tone

"System open the skill panel" -Hiko

[Active Skill: Analysis, Elemental Manipulation{Advance}, Advance Telekinesis, ]

[Passive & Active Skill: Pathetic Effort, ]

[Passive Skill: Language Japan/English, Advance Angel Wing, Advance Mana Regeneration, Health Regeneration, Ageless, Self Sustaining, ]

[Resistance: Pain Resistance, Starving Resistance, Thirst Nullification, Explosion Resistance, Suffocation Nullification, Age Immunity, Thermal Fluctuation Nullification, Paralyse Nullification, ]

"Four Advance Skill! Not bad!" I exclaim in satisfaction

POV Narrator

"Open the Inventory Panel!" -Hiko

[Inventory: Mirror Of Spell Reflection, potion of Regeneration, Sacrifice Doll, World stick, Barrier Talisman, Mask of Stealth, 500 Gold Coin, Ring of Skeleton, Wand Of Bubbles, ]

"??!" Hiko eyes widen in surprise

"Potion of Regeneration!? When did I obtain that!?" Hiko asked in surprise and regret at the same time

If she had known about that, then she wouldn't have wasted her time evolving her skill to advance rank skill

[Potion of Regeneration] Was obtain in the [Beginner Box]

The system answered Hiko question

"I remember now! How foolish am I? How can I forget about such a Important item!" Hiko exclaim in regret at not looking at the Inventory and instead went to evolve Her skill impulsively without thinking of checking the inventory at all

"Freya-San! Can you guide me to Subject 0000 Room?" Hiko shouted as loud as she can

*step* *step* *step*

Some footstep could be heard from behind her, Hiko turn around and saw Freya-San in her maid uniform attire

"What is it." Freya exclaim coldly, but once she saw Hiko dirty appearance, her face quickly change to a disgusted look

"Ew, with this behaviour of yours, no wonder no servant like you, especially your Demonic Eyes" -Freya

Hiko face darken at her words, Hiko eyes lost their light and become a cold eerie red gazes

"Take me to Subject 0000 Room" Hiko repeated her word devoid of any politeness she once had

"Hmght! Why don't you go there yourself." Freya scoffed as she cross her arms

'System check her Status' Hiko thought as she feel a strange emotion inside her stirring but she ignore it

[Power Level: Grade C+

Abnormality: [ 0000 ]

Title: [Personal Maid Of The Yokai Clan]

Name: Freya Garland

Age: 32 Years

Class: Battle Maid, Katana Expert,

Bloodline: None

Race: [Enhance Human]

HP: 60,000 / 100,000 {-40%}

Mana: 30,000 / 50,000 {-40%}

Strenght: 60 {-40%}

Agility: 60 {-40%}

Defense: 30 {-40%}

Offense: 60 {-40%}

Intelligence: 40 {-40%} ]

"Hm?" She glare at the [ 0000 ] And asked the system about this Abnormality

[Name: 0000

Grade: C + +

Type: Curse Attack

Description: a curse attack cause by Subject 0000 Rampage

Effect 1: -40% in all stat

Effect 2: make the target -10% weaker against [Loli Clone] Race

Hint 1: The only way to break it is by defeating one [Loli Clone]

Hint 2: The [Loli Clone] must be the one that challenge you ]

"What are you glaring at!? You demon!" Freya harshly shouted with hint of anger in her tone

[New mission!]

'Eh? New mission already? ' Hiko thought, Hiko ignore Freya presence and decided to check the mission panel and see what the new mission was

[Mission Name: Fulfill Subject 0000 Request

Grade: A

Condition: kill Freya.

Reward: No Knockback{Peak Rank}, Return Home.

Hint: Subject 0000 has request you to kill Freya. ]

"!!!" -Hiko

'Subject 0000 requested this?! Strange is she watching me?' Hiko thought but got rid of it the moment she saw the reward it offered

"Return Home...." Hiko muttered as she stare at the Reward section, her hand tremble with excitement

"If I kill Freya...then will I be able to Return Back with [Return Home]?" Hiko muttered and read the information again

'But I never killed anyone before...not even in my past life' Hiko hesitate but her desire of going home was higher then her Moral, especially when her mother is still in the hospital waiting for her return

"Hahahaha" Hiko laughted as the strange feeling inside her had become even stronger

She felt it, she knows what this feeling was the feeling of Desire...The desire to save her mother

"Tch! A race like you will never be appreciate" Freya insulted Hiko

Hiko eyes turn lifeless as she stare directly at Freya gaze, a gray and red surrounded Hiko body as a killing intent shot out at Freya figure

Freya Flinched and took a step back "Those eyes! It can't be!" Freya exclaim her eyes retracted and her body began to tremble as she recalled the time she saw those same Crimson eyes

{Flash Back!}

Freya watched as the world burned down in front of her, her house, her friend....Everything was burning in front of her very own eyes

Freya glare at the person in front of her, "Subject 0000! You ##### I ######### Kill you!!" Freya tried to rush at him but couldn't as her body was restraint by the spear that impaled both of her arms against the ground

"Hateful words, but no action....I Curse you to eternal pain" Subject 0000 raise her right hand and a Spear materialise from it

"[Curse: Zero]" she muttered and impaled Freya heart

Freya vision slowly darken, she glare at Subject 0000 and shouted "I KILL YOU!!" Freya vision darken as she glare at the cold expression of Subject 0000 in front of her


Freya heard some kind of explosion and saw that something had knock away Subject 0000

That was the last thing Freya saw before she fell unconscious

{Flash Back Ended}

"Subject Zero!! " Freya Shouted in disbelief her hand tremble and sweat drop down her forehead

"Pull out Ring of Skeleton, World Stick and Mask of Stealth from the Inventory " Hiko muttered as multiple item appeared, Hiko quickly put on the ring and mask as she took a battle stand with the world stick in front of Freya

"I, Hiko Yokai Challenge you to a death match" Hiko exclaim coldly

Hiko activate the mask ability as he figure disappear from Freya Sight

"!!!!" Freya quickly prepare herself and vigilantly oberseve her surroundings


"Ughh" Blood Splatter against the ground, Freya turn around and saw no one but air behind her, Freya gazes down and saw a Stick pierce through her chest, where her heart was located

"Tch! Fire Avalanch! " Freya exclaim, Fire began to appeared from her body then


The fire rapidly expanded and formed a Tornado made of fire and there were even spike shape fire going around the tornado acting as a spinning blade of fire

Hiko retracted the world stick and stab the ground with it


[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]


Hiko stare at the hundred of notification with a stoic expression, Hiko hold the world stick tightly as Hiko tried not to get blown away, her dress burned away and the blade tornado flame quickly faded


Hiko swing the world stick and easily slice Freya in half without giving her any chance to react

Freya quickly unsheathed her katana and tried to block the world stick


Freya katana got slice in half as blood splatter everywhere and painted Hiko body in red but none splatter on her cute face

"Wha..What....How...How did you..." Freya eyes widen, from beginning to end, she didn't feel Hiko presence at all, it was as if she was fighting a spirit race or a the ghost race she fought many time in the past

Hiko raise the world stick and quickly swong down towards Freya heads without hesitation

"!!!!" Freya sensing the danger coming towards her head, she desperately activated her Trump card



Purple Flame exploded from Freya body and destroyed everything In its path

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]


The Purple flame slowly faded and left a burning Hell in a radius of 150 Meters


[Notice: [Mask Of Stealth] Has been destroyed]

[Notice: [Ring Of Skeleton] Has been destroyed]

The smoked cleared and Hiko figure was revealed in front of Freya sight

"I Kill you! I kill you! I kill you!" Freya repeated her word over and over again as she glare at Hiko figure

Hiko body was covered in purple flames that burned her skin every second and her dress was long burn away by the Flame

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[One minit has pass, +500 HP]

[One minit has pass, +1.000 MP ]

[-1 HP]


Hiko raise the world stick again and swong down towards Greya heads without hesitation



Blood and brain matter splatter everywhere and the ground cracked by the immense force of the world stick

[ Ding! ]

[You killed a Grade C+ organism ]

[You gain 10 LP, 20 SP and One C grade chest]

[Your power level has risen!]

[Power Level: Grade D To Grade C+]

[The status screen has been updated please take a look]

[Inventory has been updated please take a look]

[(Completed)Mission Name: Defeat Freya Garland

Grade: A

Description: kill Freya.

Reward: No Knockback{Peak Rank}, Return Home.

Hint: Subject 0000 has request you to kill Freya. ]

[Would you like to receive Mission Reward?]

[ Yes / No ]

"..." Hiko stare at the screen, she look down on both of her hands that was covered in Purple Flames

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]


"I killed someone..." Hiko muttered as she stare at the headless Freya on the ground


She fell down on her knees and cover her mouth

"Blaagghh" Hiko vomited but the vomit evaporated into steam the moment it appeared, as the purple flame heat was that strong

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]


"Why did I kill her....why...why..why" Hiko asked but no one answered


"You did a great job...don't be sad" a soft and gentle voice sounded out behind her

"But..." Hiko turn around and saw a girl in front of her, The girl had Long yellow hair, Crimson red eyes, she doesn't seem to be wearing any clothes on her body

" did a great job in killing her..." The girl smile but it didn't seem to reach her eyes

"..." Hiko stare at the girl in confusion

"After helped me...achieve my goal.." The girl slowly glow in a red light

"Don't be wanted to go home and escape this world right?"

"Then do what you desire...and forget about what others says....and achieve your" the girl disappeared in red particles, leaving Hiko behind

"..." Hiko gazes at the girl previous place with a puzzled expression

"Who was that?" Hiko asked, puzzled at what just happen

[-1 HP]

A system notification woke Hiko up, indicating that she is still taking damage from the purple flame

"I have to get rid of this fire before it consume me" Hiko exclaim, she unfolded her wings and flow into the sky


Getting rid of the purple flame is more important then lingering and waiting for death

[-1 HP ]


To Be Continue....


{ End Of Chapter }