The King

How was he in the castle? Was he the king? But that is not possible; a king cannot be the horseman. Why were the guards showing him respect? From the latter, it felt surreal to meet him again.

"Have you been well, lord?" she bowed and found herself smiling. Indeed, she was glad to meet him. Despite them not being friends and only having met him once, he was someone she knew at least.

He smiled, "You remembered me. Gracious, I feel blessed."

There was a playfulness to his tone that brought her at ease. However, she still couldn't help but be curious about his identity. That would be a question for another time.

"Do you live here?" she whispered. Maybe since he had a master, he would likely come here all the time. But the guards giving him resp-

"Have you shown the lady to her room?" he turned to the guards, and they shook their heads.

"Come with me," he led the way this time, and Madeline, along with the guard, followed behind.

When they reached a door, he instructed the guards to take the luggage inside. After they left, Madeline stood with him in the hallway.

"I live here," his mouth curved into a smile. "I didn't think you are the lady who would be coming."

Now Madeline was left confused, wondering who he was, or if he was a noble disguised as a horseman.

"But you are—" she bit her lip, knowing she would sound rude to call him a horseman, "The other day you had a master."

"Ahh," he nodded, "I indeed have a master, one whom you will be meeting soon."

He sighed and added when he saw that she was about to say something, "I apologize for the other day, and ignore the way my master talked to you."

"Oh," she shook her head, "I did not take that to heart."

"Very well, do have a rest, for my master will meet you in an hour," and he bowed then walked away.

Madeline watched his retreating back. Today, he had been dressed in a fine black jacket and cravat that she had failed to notice because she was so engrossed in looking at his handsome face, his mannerisms, and how softly he spoke to her.

Who could be his master, and why was she to meet him when the one she should meet was the king? Or was the master the king? Whoever they were, she would have to find out in about an hour.

The room was brightly lit, with a big bed she had never laid on before stood right in front of her. There was a little bookshelf with a fine amount of books.

She saw a chest close to it and assumed that would be where she would place her luggage. How wonderful it was to be here; it almost felt like she had turned into a princess overnight. She had not expected to be treated this well. Was the angelic horseman the son of the king? Is that why she was receiving this treatment?

Madeline kept her things, and just as she sat on the big bed and attempted to remove her shoe, a knock jolted her, and someone on the other end announced, "Mi lady, the maidens of the castle."

Her eyes furrowed. She had not even refreshed herself. Was the king going to see her now? Or was he so eager to buy their steels?

Madeline walked towards the door. The minute she opened it, two maidens greeted her and bowed their heads, which confused her even more.

They wore matching gowns with their hair styled into ponytails. What they wore was just like what she usually wore daily, except now she looked like she came from a noble home. Or did they think she came from a noble home?

"The king has asked us to attend to you," the maiden smiled, she was the same age as Madeline.

"Attend to me?" Madeline said, still confused.

The maidens nodded, "Yes, please, this way, my dear," she directed with her hand and started walking in, followed by the second maiden.

"What is going on?" Madeline whispered, but they seemed to have heard her.

Now, both of them stood in front of the mirror. The spot they stood in was leading towards an inner door which might probably lead to the bathing room.

"The king, upon finding out about your arrival, has told us to make sure you are well presentable," the other maiden bowed as she spoke.

Madeline scoffed; now this was becoming too much. She did not understand if this was custom or if she was just receiving this so-called special treatment.

"Where is the king?" Madeline asked, her voice now replaced with a boldness ever since she left home.

She was no longer going to stay calm and receive this treatment as if she were a noble or set to marry the king. She was only here for business, and she refused to accept this special treatment.

"We will bathe you and get you ready, my lady," they bowed again.

Why did they keep calling her "lady," and why did they keep showing her respect? Was this the palace's way of treating guests, just as the horseman was treated?

"Where is the king?" she repeated, now gritting her teeth. "I need to meet him."

The maiden shook her head. "One does not seek out the king; he will call for you."

Madeline sighed. This was not going to go well for her. It seemed that this maiden did not hear her at all. "Then go tell your king I can bathe myself."

"Oh no," the maiden shook her head, her eyes now laced with fear. "One must not decline the king's words."

"Then tell the king I need to see him now!" Madeleine's tone became intimidating, causing the maidens to blink.

One of them nodded and spoke, "Very well then," before walking out.

The other maiden smiled and bowed her head. "Why don't I get you ready before you meet with the king?"

Did they know something she didn't? Why were they smiling at her? Why were they treating her this way? Could the angelic horseman answer all of these unanswered questions?

"I do not need the assistance of anyone," Madeline spoke. Her tone was raised now; until she met with the king, she would not stay calm.

Minutes later, the maiden returned and spoke, "Please come with me; the king will wish to see you."

Now that was a relief....

Madeline nodded. At least she would get to meet this man and ask him why he was treating her this way when in fact he had yet to see her.

The maiden who had gone to call the king walked in front of her, while the other one walked behind her; it was almost like they were escorting her like a princess.

As they stepped out of the brightly lit corridor, Madeline looked around again. There were no pictures on the walls, and if it weren't for the lamps, this place would be completely empty.

They began walking towards the route she had followed to get to this place. She knew this because, once again, she was following the path where the lights were dim.

"Why does this corridor have less light?" Madeline finally asked the maidens.

At first, there was a long silence, then the one behind her spoke, "The king prefers it this way."

Madeline nodded, even though she did not understand why anyone would choose darkness instead of light.

Once they reached a door, the maidens stopped, and the one in front knocked then announced, "My lady has arrived."

Madeline raised her brow at her but said nothing. It was pointless to question her why she was addressing her as "my lady." She would get everything out from the king, for it was his instruction which they followed.

"Come in," a deep voice spoke from inside, one that caused every single hair on her body to stand erect, one that suddenly made all the confidence she had come with slip under the carpet.

The maidens bowed at her, then pointed towards the door. "This is your call, my lady. We will wait outside just in case you need anything."

Madeline nodded, then took a deep breath before pushing the door open. It made a little creaking sound as she walked inside.

Inside was not what she had expected. This was the king's room, and she was supposed to be greeted by a grand bed, a spacious area, and fine-looking curtains.

However, all she was greeted with was darkness, complete darkness, except for the yellow lamp casting a faint glow in the room. She saw the bed, which was as large as she had expected, but the room did not look grand at all. Due to the dim light from the lamp, it was impossible to see all four corners of the room.

"Come this way," Madeline jumped with fright upon hearing his voice again. She averted her gaze to all sides of the room, hoping she would at least see the person talking, but it was impossible to know where he was.

"Come closer to the lamp," he said. This time she did hear his voice coming from where the lamp was. She started walking towards it; it was as if his voice had cast a spell on her, compelling her to do what he said.

As she began nearing the lamp, his features started becoming visible. She saw his feet crossed and his hand folded as well as he leaned against the wall. His coat and cloak were all black, shimmering under the glow of the lamp, and she did not have to think twice to know they must be very expensive.

As her gaze traveled up to his face, to the person whom she had been receiving this princess treatment all this while, she staggered back.

Her breath hitched, and her heartbeat became frantic. No, it couldn't be. This was... it was possible. It was him, the one she had met weeks ago in the carriage, the master to the angelic horseman.

He was... he was the king?