Heart Beat

"You do not find love, it finds you," Madeline said, replying to Sebastian.

They both leaned against the railing on the balcony, gazing at the moon. Madeline had been enjoying the castle view, feeling the breeze caressing her skin and watching the bright half-moon above when Sebastian joined her.

He asked about her love life and if anyone was in line to be her suitor. She didn't know why he had asked, but she answered that no one was, then he wondered why a beautiful lady like her had not found love or any suitors.

"I am but a blacksmith and sometimes work at the farm; who would marry someone whose skin has been tanned from the sun," she replied, biting her tongue after realizing what she had said. This was Sebastian, the person she thought of and wished would not judge her based on her appearance, but she had let those words slip.

To her surprise, he smiled and said, "Who wouldn't want a hardworking lady like you? Those who think otherwise do not deserve you. You deserve better, you deserve love." Then he asked, "Have you ever loved?"

That was when she gave her reply. She did not know if she had ever loved before or if what she felt for him was what love was, but either way, she believed it could be close to love and that it had found her when she least expected, in front of the cathedral when she had first seen him. Love finds you, she said to herself.

Sebastian's hand was crossed over his chest, and as Madeline gazed at the moon, he watched her.

"Have you ever been in love, my lord?" Madeline asked him, still feeling unsure about using his name since he was a man of high status.

"Sebastian, call me by my name," he corrected.

Madeline shook her head and looked at him, "But you are the king's man, a man of high status. How can I call you by your name? Is it not wrong to do so?"

Sebastian frowned, raising his brow, "I don't think anyone cares about that," then his eyes sparkled, "But if that bothers you, call me by my name when we are alone."

Madeline nodded, "Sebastian, have you ever loved?" she repeated the question.

There was a silence that lingered, making her aware of her surroundings, of her clasped hands. She shouldn't have asked, as it was none of her concern. It felt wrong to ask.

"I have," he spoke softly, his gaze fixed on the moon as if lost in thought, with his mouth forming a thin line.

"Oh," was her simple response as she looked away from him.

"She died," he said with a sigh.

Madeline's eyes slowly shifted from the castle ground to him, reading pain in his eyes, which he tried to hide by looking away, trying not to dwell on it or think too much about it.

"I'm sorry," she spoke softly, unable to imagine losing a lover. The pain must have been unbearable for him.

But Sebastian smiled and looked at her, "Do not apologize; it's in the past now."

Madeline nodded and looked away, refusing to meet his gaze, as the pain was still evident in his eyes. How was it that his pain affected her as well? Maybe it was his angelic face and warm voice that intoxicated her like sweet wine. Could this be why she felt this way? She wanted to hug and console him, but she felt it would be too fast, too rushed, and might scare him off, never to talk to her again. 'Get a grip of yourself, Madeline,' she scolded herself inwardly.

Suddenly, as she was lost in thought, she felt warm hands holding hers tightly, "Worry not, Madeline," Sebastian spoke with a soft voice.

Madeline's eyes moved to his hand holding hers, to him walking closer to her, to his eyes locked with hers. She felt her heart racing.

She felt her toes curling, the excitement bubbling inside her, as if the butterflies in her stomach were already eager to burst out.

Sebastian smiled, leaning closer to her.

Madeline held her breath, her heart beating fast. What would he do now? How come she wasn't able to push him away?

"You are quite something, Madeline," he said softly. His hand removed a strand of brown hair that had fallen on her face. "You should go rest now."

Madeline nodded. "Very well, Sebastian," she curtsied and then walked away from the balcony.

What was she thinking? How could she let her mind wander to something so... she shouldn't have thought that a lord, one of high status who was always with the king, would want to kiss her. How could she even think that?

Madeline released the breath she had been holding as she walked into the ballroom. She noticed the room was now scanty, with only a few guests hanging around, drinking and catching fun.

Her eyes wandered about, but she failed to see the king; he had left after she finished dancing with Sebastian. She had been curious, wondering where he was going with such haste until Sebastian came, and her heart kicked again.

But despite feeling all this for Sebastian, she still didn't understand why she was interested in the king. His demeanor was icily cold, yet he was drawing her in like a moth to a molten lava. What was it about him that was taking over her senses? 'Oh, get a grip, Madeline,' she scolded herself. How could she even... what she felt was obviously for Sebastian and not for a handsome demon.

Madeline walked away from the ballroom, avoiding the faces she saw, all of them adorned with wealth, something she did not fit into. She could not wait to be out of here once all of this was over. After the king had bought from her and paid her handsomely, then she could go back to feeling comfortable in her apron and standing against steel; yes, that was all she needed.

All of this would pass; she had to endure everything and return to where she belonged because she did not belong here.

"And where did you hear that having tanned skin was not beautiful?" a deep voice spoke from behind, causing the hairs on her body to prickle.