
"I will buy everything,"....

What had she heard? Did a bird whistle past? A bird must have whistled past, and she must have mistaken it for the voice of the king. It was not the king who had uttered such words but the birds, yes, the birds flying past through the open window.

"Did you hear me, my lady?" the king said, his lips curving into a smile upon the shock on her face.

Madeline looked at him, her eyes grew wide with every second. Did he just say 'my lady,' and did he just say he would buy everything? Everything?

I mean, not like he is not capable of buying everything, but it was a surprise to Madeline that he has yet to check on every weapon, had not even picked out the ones he might not like yet here he was saying he was going to buy everything.

She should be happy, this was what she had wanted, right? For the good of her family, yet here she was shocked, wondering why a man so cold would act so nice.

Draven stood up from his seat and began walking towards her. Each step he took was like a devil descending from hell to earth, one she should be wary of.

Madeline staggered back as he approached, gulping nervously and darting her eyes towards something other than him. She was in no position to share the same space with him. Ah, that insecurity was back, that feeling of fear had returned. One could not blame her for fearing the king, for he was one to be feared.

"Stop moving," Draven snapped, causing Madeline to stay rooted on her spot.

As he reached her, he stopped, his eyes narrowing as he watched her grip her dress firmly. Even though her eyes did not show any fear, she looked at him.

"Why are you so nice?" Madeline asked the question that she could have just left at the tip of her tongue.

He worried her; his words and actions were the opposite of how he appeared. But it worried her that there might be something behind his goodness. One cannot just be so kind, especially not the king.

"Forgive me if my actions came off as too nice, but I did them from the heart," Draven said, raising his brow at her.

Madeline nodded; she would let it slide. The king had bought from her. The fact that the king had bought from her meant she would get what she wanted, and her father's blacksmith shop would get noticed.

"But I have a request," he said.

This caused Madeline to sigh inwardly. Does that mean it did not come from his heart?

As if reading her mind, he said, "But it truly was from my heart. You did a wonderful work; I'm impressed." Then, his gaze traveled towards the open window. "But I have a request. If you agree to my request, I will make sure your family lacks nothing, and your father's business will be known far and wide in many countries."

Madeline's heart began to beat faster. What could the request be for such a wonderful offer? If her father's business became known far and wide, it would change their lives forever.

They could afford to eat three square meals a day. She could even buy Mr. Richard's cakes and meet Mrs. Sophia to make her a fine dress. She could also buy many books - no, she would not let her mind wander there. She was yet to know his request. What if it was something she could not give, something she could not agree to?

Draven turned back to her and asked, "Madeline," his voice soft once again, akin to a devil standing before her but an angel speaking from his mouth.

Madeline turned towards him, eagerly awaiting what this request might be. The way he softly uttered her name left her uncertain whether she was in danger or in safe hands.

"Marry me," he finally said after a long silence.

This time, the silence lingered even longer, with only the beat of her heart resonating in her ears. She didn't hear the bird's song passing by, nor did she feel or hear the breeze entering. Her gaze remained fixed on his face. Marry him? The king was asking her to marry him? But why?

Before meeting the king, all she had ever wanted was to marry for love. Even though at times she selfishly considered marrying for money to ensure her family's well-being, love was her top priority.

She desired to marry a man she loved and who reciprocated that love. She felt that connection with Sebastian, and perhaps he felt the same, but she wanted to allow give what she felt time to flourish.

Her affection was solely reserved for Sebastian, especially for his warmth. Though thoughts of the king did cross her mind at times, she didn't perceive it as love. He appeared cold and dangerous, and she feared she might live in dread all her life. And now, he stood before her, asking for her hand in marriage.

"Why?" Madeline said, finally finding her voice. Her head tilted to one side as she watched him, hoping that this was perhaps a joke. However, his expression showed no hint of jest; his eyes were as cold as rain, narrowing at her like a predator of the night.

"Yes, Madeline, I want you to marry me," Draven affirmed.

Madeline took a deep breath, then bit her lip. "There are many maidens in the country, My king. Many are from noble homes, fine ladies. Why me? I am but a common lady."

Draven sighed, sensing a pain in her eyes that he could not comprehend. He had expected her to agree immediately; after all, he was the king, and who wouldn't want to be queen? But this was Madeline, a business-minded person. "I have eyes only for you," he said.

Madeline blinked in disbelief, gasping softly before quickly averting her gaze, darting her eyes everywhere except towards him. "Did you know me before sending the message?" she finally looked back at him.

Draven nodded. "I have seen you, and you have caught my eye," he replied. All these lines were Sebastian's suggestions; he did not do love, but it seemed to be the only way this human girl might agree to his request, and he was determined to do whatever it took to achieve it.

"Do... Do... you mean love?" Madeline stammered, refusing to believe that this man, this cold man, had taken notice of her.

The thought of love, the idea of being in love, caused Draven's face to darken, but he quickly averted his gaze before she could see it. When he looked back at her, he nodded. "Yes," he confirmed.

Madeline staggered, holding her chest in disbelief. Of all the people who could love her, it had to be him? This man, so cold that he could push others away – why did her life have to take this turn?

"I will give you time to think about it, but..." He paused, then continued, "Do it for your family." With that, he looked away from her, placing his hand behind him. "The carriage will take you home. I will also provide you with some gifts and money to take with you."

With those words, he walked away, leaving Madeline in a daze, standing in the throne room, pondering over the king's unexpected proposal, 'Marry me?'