The Devil

The table lay set before Draven, but instead of the tea he had anticipated, an array of food greeted him. Bowls brimming with fruits, an assortment of bread, fried chicken, and soup adorned the table.

It was morning, and Draven, well aware of human eating habits, found it unusual for such feast to be laid out at this hour. He knew he had no appetite; the previous night's hunt had left him sated, and if he hungered, only blood or perhaps Made... He clenched his fist at the thought. No, he mustn't entertain such thoughs. He would never harm her, for taking her blood would mean taking her life.

Madeline regarded the food on the table with skepticism. While she didn't question the abundance of food, given the coins and gifts they had received from the king, she puzzled over why there were so many dishes before them.

When had they ever eaten so extravagantly? Perhaps it was due to their recent lack of regular meals. No, that couldn't be it. With the king proposing to her, it made sense that her mother had decided to cook so many, after all, their lives were about to change and they could live lavishly.

"If we had known of your arrival, we would have prepared a grander feast," Madeline's mother remarked, smiling as she sat beside her husband at one end of the table.

Madeline, seated next to the king, observed the scene. On the opposite side sat Jo, whose gaze remained fixed on the king.

Draven noticed Jo's scrutiny but chose to ignore it, for now.

"I must say, I have not encountered a more fine gentleman," Jo finally spoke, breaking the silence. Turning to Madeline, he continued, "You should consider marrying the king. His charisma surpasses that of any man I have met, not even your friend can rival his charm..."

Madeline blinked at Josiah, her friend? Did he think Phil was a friend? She glared at him but Josiah just grinned innocently at her. Madeline noticed her father's gaze on her, likely curious about her new friend.

Her mother however quickly redirected the attention to the king in order to avoid any potential scandal. "My king, please enjoy your meal to your heart's content," her mother's voice was soft and sweet, drawing the family's amusement.

Draven nodded and then turned to Madeline, who appeared pale and fixated on her food. With a smile, he picked up a piece of chicken from his plate and placed it on hers, instructing her to eat. Madeline stared at him in surprise, her eyes shifting between the chicken and his face, puzzled by his actions.

Mr. Gavin smiled as he ate his food, while Madeline's mother praised Draven, saying, "Oh, look at him, he is just the perfect man for our darling," unintentionally speaking loud enough for the whole table to hear.

Jo pouted, eyeing the chicken on Madeline's plate and then back at his own smaller portion.

Noticing this, Draven kindly placed a chicken to his plate, brightening Jo's face as he expressed his gratitude. Mrs. Catherine gave her son a warning glance, saving her scolding for after the king's departure.

The dinner conversation mainly revolved around Madeline's mother and Josiah, with the king responding to questions with brief nods or single-sentence answers. Madeline observed that he was not one to talk much.

After breakfast, Draven expressed his gratitude to the family and made his way towards the door. However, he was stopped in his tracks when Mrs. Catherine subtly pushed her daughter towards him. With an awkward smile, Madeline escorted him outside.

"You have a wonderful family," he spoke slowly, his eyes fixed on her.

Madeline detected a hint of pain in his gaze, though it quickly vanished. "Thank you," she replied.

He nodded and continued on his way.

As they reached the road, Madeline noticed Draven's carriage and a horseman who was not Sebastian. She felt the urge to inquire about Sebastian but held back, realizing it might not be appropriate.

"I hope I will receive a positive reply," the king said, nodding at her before boarding his carriage. With one last glance, he bid her farewell.

Watching the carriage depart, Madeline pondered whether the king might not be as cold as he seemed and whether his feelings for her were genuine. Yet, she remained uncertain about his request and whether she would accept it.

Upon returning to the house and sharing her continued contemplation with her mother, Mrs. Catherine dismissively waved her hand, stating, "There is no objection." Twirling with her skirt swaying, she faced her husband, who was packing tools into a bag. "Did you hear her? Did you hear your daughter? There should be no objection."

Mr. Gavin sighed, meeting his wife's gaze. "Let her make her decision."

"Nonsense, Gavin, nonsense," Mrs. Catherine retorted before turning back to Madeline, who leaned against the wall watching her mother with a opened mouth. "You must marry the king, do you understand?"

Madeline sighed internally, wondering if her mother's sudden fixation on wealth was due to their current difficulties. "Mother, please..."

"No," her mother interjected when she attempted to protest. "You will return to the castle tomorrow and give him your answer. 'Yes, my king, I will marry you, no objection'," she declared before storming out of the room, the door slamming shut behind her.

Mr. Gavin paused in packing his tools, lifting his head to meet his daughter's gaze. Taking note of the slight glow in her skin after just a few days off work, he couldn't discern whether she was truly interested in the king or not. "Madeline, do what your heart tells you," he advised with a gentle smile.

"Tomorrow is quite early; I need more time to think this through," Madeline sighed, her mother's words weighing heavily on her mind.

Mr. Gavin nodded thoughtfully. "You can inform him of that tomorrow, but to be honest, Madeline. The king is a remarkable man, and one doesn't need to know everything about the other before getting married."

Madeline's shoulders slumped, unsure of where her father stood by her side in this situation. "Didn't you love mother before marrying her?"

A soft smile graced Mr. Gavin's lips as he recalled the past. "It was an arranged marriage. I didn't know her or even set my eyes on her before our wedding, yet we grew to love each other."

"Arranged?" This revelation piqued Madeline's curiosity, causing her to inquire further about his experiences in those initial years and why the marriage had been arranged instead of choosing someone he knew.

He nodded while finishing packing, slinging the bag over his shoulder. "You should give the king a chance. It may not be so bad. And please, don't resent your mother for this decision. Business is tough, and there isn't much harvest from the farm," he explained before leaving.

The headache return, causing Madeline to touch her throbbing head. Should she choose the king for the sake of her family's well-being or follow her heart and wait for the one she loved? If it were Sebastian, it might have been easier, as her heart had fluttered at the sight of him a few times... But the king?

She shook her head, her eyes burning as hot tears began to fall. She did not know much about him; he could be the devil, dear God, and her family was selling her to the devil who could take her soul to hell.