Officially doomed.

New post from "The extrovert introvert":

[My Motto is grab the opportunities by the neck

Because they are really petty, if turned down 

they might never come back.

By the way money can buy me^^


#IntrovertExtrovert #Chance 20xx/ ]

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"Dawn Bright! Is Miss Bright here? " Hearing my name being called, I was dragen back to reality. Raising my hand, I replayed "Here!".

The fairly old secretary, who strongly gave royal butler vibes, took the familiar thick pile of documents and gestured me to follow him inside. Crossing a long hall, occasionally decorated by antique porslin vasses and paintings, the old secretary stopped before a dark-brown carved oak door and knocked three times.

The doors eerie carvings sent a shiver down my back. Devils and angels tearing each other apart while a huge dragon set fire to the grounds and another eerie creator with a long tail setting heavens in a turbulens on par with the one on grounds. All while ant like creators, most likely humans, were trampled on and died. The picture gave me a non describable feeling, one that gives one the impression of not having any way to escape. Like an ominous prophecy of doom.

After waiting what seemed about 30 seconds, he took the knob and entered. Leaving the door open for me. 

Entering the room, warm luft brushed on my cheeks, lessening the chilly feeling I had since the morning. The room was unexpectedly normal and modern. However normal doesn't mean not expensive. I can bet the system on chairman desk was the latest model that came out literally weeks ago. The one I have been eyeing to add to my game room. The old secretary placed my documents in front of another old man who was seeping from a cup. "Here are her documents chairman, then excuse me." and he gave him a short bow before leaving the room.

I plastered the most friendly, fake, smile I Could on my face and took a deep breath. Before I could say anything, I heard the chairman's voice: "So you are Sam's granddaughter" said the old man with a grimace as he riffled through my entire Life's worth of achievements with an unfazed face. His cold tone made me nervous, that tower of documents were every worth while talent I had. I was so desperate that I had even included my martial arts degrees and the east and west culinary degrees that I got because of grandfather's insistence.

"Yes, That's right. It's a pleasure to meet chairman.." I looked at name plate on the board James King and added"King". Not that grandfather Bright didn't tel me his name, it's just that my mind was busy focusing on other interesting things grandfather was saying. Things that were to my benefit.

"It wasn't a question.", He said as he cast an indifferent glance my way and continued raffling through the documents. As expected from my grandfathers friend. It's really true that birds of same feather flock together. The similarity is almost uncanny! If it was anyone else they would have become disheartening or ashamed but after living with Grandfather for a few years and later on getting visits from him almost every week I had become bool-proof. 

"Is that so?, may I sit down?" I asked as I sat down on an armchair in front of his desk. 

He lifted his head and coldly glared at me. With a smile I glared at him back, feigning ignorance. After a few seconds he took the telefon from his right.

"Secretary Kim, bring it" asked the overbearing old man as he kept on glaring at me. Bring it?, bring it?, his sword?, gun?, He won't kill his friends grand child right? I take everything I said back, his worth than Grandfather.

As I stood from the, now, thorny chair, the door was knocked on. "knock, Knock, knock". Well I think sarcasm before the wrong person, killed the man! I regretted my actions. 

"Come in", his voice void of any emotion. As expected from someone who wont even spare his friends granddaughter. 

Again, after 30 long seconds, the secretary opened the door and the sound of his footsteps broke the cursed silence inside the room. To be honest, the room wasn't entirely silence. A ticking sound, probably from a clock, was bouncing in my ears, raising the tension. The secretaries foot steps stopped behind me. Then a considerably thick pile of papper and a black fountain pen was placed on the glas board in front of me. The front page had a huge eye-caching rubric.


"Sire, should I excuse myself?" 

"No, sit down and wait until she signs it."

After saying that he looked my way again. " Sam's granddaughter you have thirty minutes to read and sign the contract. " he said as he turned over a sand timer. 

Really? That easy?

When Grandfather Miracle said that he would give me a big villa and 1 percent of his hospital shares if I became his friend's grandson's nanny, I expected it to be an impossible task. According to Grandfather, he was indebted to this James guy and couldn't live without repaying the favor. Therefore, when Chairman King asked if he knew of any trustworthy and capable nanny, he recommended me to return the favor. Despite wondering why I should be the one to return the favor he owed, it was a great deal. By taking care of that grandchild, Grandfather's favor would be repaid, and I would own a 1,000 square meter villa with a stable income.


Where I becoming rich? Afraid that he would change his mind, I just flipped to the last page and signed were ever it said to sign and as fast as I could placed the contract in front of chairman King

My eyes twinkling and my mouth smiling from ear to ear I though, 'Goodbye buttering up professors, goodbye annoying patients! My early retirement I am coming. My Play station wait for me. All the dramas I missed, I'm gonna watch you ten time each and all the manga I saved for my vacations, I'm going to savor you batch deliciously.'

Chairman's voice drag me out from my thoughts.

"Well, I guess I lost the bet!" said the chairman King while looking at me as if he was looking at some strange alien.

" Yes sir she signed it within one minute. To be exact thirty seconds.."

"To think that in this era someone would still sign a contract without reading it. I guess Samuel really knew his granddaughter."

"I told you he never bets unless he is sure sir!", the butler like secretary said with a victorious tone.

" Yes, yes. You were right! I shouldn't have bet on my favorit car!" replied the chairman with a hint of sorrow.

Now I was feeling endangered. From the conversation, it seemed like grandfather had bet on me yet again. It was his most beloved hobby, other than making people feel miserable, that is. 

Rushing to take the contact from the desk, chairman king swiftly took it away from me.

"There is no rush dumb child!" He said as he gave me one of the contract copies I had signed and put two in his safe. There was exactly four copies. "Now go sit down and read it load. Tomas, don't forget to film it all." 

" Sure! James!" said Mr. kim grinning who was apparently also the Tomas from grandfathers calls. ANOTHER FRIEND OF THAT DEVIL.

He even said action and I reflexively begun reading. With every sentence I rode my eyes got bigger. I am officially doomed.