What if..

Inside I saw the chairman busy taking a call. 'Dumb Dawn are you his friend to come in before he allowed?', I mentally scolded myself and opened the door to leave.

"Sorry!", I said with the lowest volume I could and I was about to leave that I heard him saying "No need, sit wherever you want! " 

"Not you! ", he shouted and I jumped from the seat I had just sit on. 

"What do you mean you will leave him in the lobby? I told you to bring him to my office, So you should bring him to my office! THE END!", he continued shouting as he gestured me to sit down.

"Another word and your disowned!", saying that he ended the call and smashed the phone on the desk.

He took a few deep breathes and gulped down water from a water bottle.

"Before they come I want to ask you to take care of him and bear with him. You see the this temper is kind of hereditary. Everyone in my family are like this and adding the pain of losing his parents at a young age he is even worth."

"Oh, of course! I will be considerate and treat him the best I can!" I replied kind of awkwardly. After all it was the first time I was going to raise someone.

"No, don't to be considerate, as long as you don't give up is enough. Even though you can't give up considering the cancellation fee, I was just saying.." 'Did he have to put is that way? Just where it hurt.' I thought as I tried to hold my face neutral.

"What I mean is for you to take care of him and guide him without spoiling him. For example you should give him food and if he eats it or starve himself is up to him. He is a King so if you are too soft on him he won't listen to you. I want you to give him warnings and guidance at his mistakes and probation at repeat of those mistakes. You are to control his spending and teach him ways of the world! Do you understand?", he added .

"I'm not sure if I will be good teacher or guide.. I don't know how to! This is too much of a responsibility!", I replied kind of nervous.

"Just teach him what you have learned about the ways of the world. If you are even a tenth of what your grandfather says you are, you will be fine. Now enough with the chitchat! Here! Take these! These are all of Lucas's dokuments, the custody transfer documents and contact numbers! Our family has season meetings at begging of each season. There won't be any sommar meeting so the next meeting will be in september!, the secretary will inform you if anything else comes up so make sure to update her on your location and phone number!" he handed me a black Samsonite bag.

"However, if anything urgent come up, don't bother calling those contacts and call Samuel."

"And give me the address, we need to send Lucas things!", he pointed to the paper and pen on the board.

"Ahem, It's a bit out the town and fare away! I plan spending the sommar in this villa, renovating a bit and finding a place by the end of sommar! I'm not sure if there will be phone signal or Internet signal but this is the house's landline number. Is that okey?" I said as wrote the address and telephone number.

"Totally fine by me! He should suffer a bit to understand just how well fare he is!", he said as he took the note with an evil smile. I was a bit flabbergasted. Did he enjoy the idea of him suffering that much?! Are there any normal loving grandfathers out there?

'Poor Lucas and the one on the call..', as I was thinking about those poor things the door was shut open with a bang.

"Here your grandchild! Delivered to your office! Can I go now?", shouted the one who had barged in angrily. 

"I said I could come by myself! " rebuked a younger voice equally loud.

"Is this a way to talk to your father and grandfather you little pieces of XX? and yes you can get lost!"

If it was a contest chairman King was for sure the winner as he out voiced both of them with how loudly he shouted. 

Looking at the two boys I was stunned and immediately turned around trying my best to be invisible.

'Really what does that piece of work do here? The world isn't that small for him to be from this particular family right?'

I take everything about him being pitiful back! He deserves much worse treatment and if possible also beatings! A lot of beatings at that! I strongly agree with disowning him!

" Of course I will goo! Who would want to sta.."

'No! No! No! I'm invisible! He hasn't seen me! He hasn't seen me!'

"Dawn?" Darn it, he saw me!

I pretended not to hear and kept looking at the chairman. Prying that damned Theodor will lose interest and just go away. Which from my knowledge of him from kindergarten to high school and from high school to university is just not possible! Unless a miracle happens..

"You know each other?" With my under zero luck, not only no miracle happened but the James guy with the new identity tag, damned Theodore's father, also took interest in the matter!

"NO!" ,"No!" we said simultaneously, wow miracle happened. Hearing my "No" Theodor turned his head to me and cast a hatfull glare at me and continued it as if saying a silence "I hate you".

'What? Why is he glaring at me like that? Is he the only one allowed to deny knowing the other? That annoying shit. So what if you shoot hatfull stares, I hate you too!' I though, while glaring back at him. 

"Ha! I'm leaving!", this time as he left he waved his head at me and give me a pathetic look, as if saying "your a lost cause" which I returned by secretly showing my middle finger and a sarcastic smile that I know annoyed him like nothing else could.

Seeing that, he smirked at me with eyes full of hate and then left the room and slammed the door behind him. It was his habit, whenever things didn't goo his way, or he didn't get the last saying, he would slam the door as hard as he could. 

 'Childish shit!, one day I will mess his facial structures so much that he will nerver be able to smirk again!', I promised myself.

When he was around I couldn't fokus on anything else! All my energi would be directed to confront that abnormality from ruing my life further.

'Deep breathes. I am calm and there is no Theodore King in my life! Not even in this universe!' I ordered myself to believe.

Trying to focus on the important task on my hand, I pushed him to the most corner of my mind.

Searching with my eyes, I found the important task. He stood next to the door, hands in the pocket and a headphone around his neck, looking straight to the chairman direction. Just my chance, he looked just like William when he was in high school. Around 180 tall, dark hair and sparkly green eyes that had that superiority in them. 

"He_llo!", darn it my voice shook. Hearing my voice he cast a grim look at me as if saying not to talk to him and again continued looking at the chairman.

Seeing this, I lost all will to getting to know him. Such a great start.. He hates me from the first glance and I didn't take a liking to him either. A really good start.

Embarrassed, I also looked at the chairman who was on a call with someone named director Shin.

"You can take him and go now!", ordered the chairman noticing our stares..

'What? Just like that? Take HIM and goo? ', I thought as the chairman pointed at the door again. 

I was still dumbstruck but taking the briefcase followed Lucas who had already left the room. 

Closing the ominous door, I looked at it's weird patterns for the last time and walked the long corridor. Lucas was nowhere in the corridor so I hasted my path. Strangely enough, he was by the elevators door and only when I got close entered it.

Pressing the lobby bottom. I straightened myself up.

'At least I'm taller!', I though childishly. While my grandmothers always pitied me for my height and my siblings joked about it, I was really thankful for it. It made me feel more confident. A girl that's 187 cm long. Comparing our height I confirmed that he was a few cm less than180, you could say he is tall for a 15 years old boy. Maybe by 20 he would hit 195 m like Theodor.

"WOOF, WOOF, WOOF...", yes and that's why I shouldn't even think about him! Just thought about him once and his calling. 

"haha, ", I let an awkward lough seeing the annoyed Lucas as I touched the red icon. 

"Muumuu", this time he send a massage.

"If you want a ride be in the parkering in 5 min", reading his message I pressed on parking and unpressed lobby. Of course I want a ride, after all I have to visit a car exhibition and then drive all the way to the god knows where villa.

'Still hate him but all ride's are appreciated. Besides, I have just suffered a lot because of him and it's only right to receive as much payment as I can!', I thought to myself as I entered the parking and walked to Theodore standing next to his black purse. 

"I'm listning!" Theodore said with an interrogating tone as he crossed his arms and glaring at me!

I silently stared at him. ' What the heck are you listning?'

After a few seconds, as if just noticing Lucas behind me he waved at him to go away! 

"Go back tell that senile old man I'm not your'e chauffeur, he can send you with company car or whatever!" he added with a cold tone which made me smack him in the back!

"What the.. Do you think you're a lady or something to go around smacking people? That hurt!" he exaggerated and hold the place I smacked.

"Don't listen to him Lucas get in! His our chauffeur for the day!" I said to Lucas as opened the back seat door for him and then satt myself on the front seat.

After Lucas got in, shooting daggers with his eyes, Theodor also got on the driver seat, still confused. 

"Go to this address!" I said as I showed my phone to his face before he could ask anything. 

"A car shop? What's the occasion? Did that scrap finally ascend to hell?" .

"Are you being sarcastic right now?"

"Me! Sarcasm? No, I'm purely curious since you were so in love with that old car!"

"Divine is not old, okey? He just hit 10 years on month ago! And no he didn't! That damned Divine stole it!"

"Pfft" he laughed so hard that he almost chocked to death and drog us with him to grave.

"If you intend on dying do it after we arrived at our destination!!" I shouted at him. I was emotionally attached to that car and occasionally used it as a replacement sandbag for Divine and Theodor. His full name was Divine Theodor El Miracle the First and in his honor, I'm planing on getting a black car. 

"Pfft, in his honor..", this time he stopped the car and banged his head on the steering wheel as he lough out loud.

Well, it seems to have slipped out.. It happened often when I was with Theo, he was my unlucky charm.

I was a tiny bit embarrassed to have accidentally said that out loud in front of Lucas but it's all slipped water.. No point in regretting it now.. It is also kind of positive, he will sooner or later find out that I am a weirdo.

However I wanted to keep some dignity so I just shut my mouth and looked outside the window and ignored whatever Theodor asked or said.

"So what will you name your new baby", In front of the car shop, he was continued teasing.

I closing my eyes to calm down, one side of my face burnt! as if someone had slapped me as hard as they could.