

Mindaza gazed ahead from the highest point of the vessel, her eyes filled with wonder at the sight before her. The vastness of the mainland of Mindanao exceeded her expectations, as she had been accustomed to the limited space of an island she could easily traverse in a matter of hours. The unending expanse of the mainland's coastline, with its series of headlands and coves, along with the picturesque sandy beaches, left Mindaza in awe. Beyond the shoreline, she observed the gradual ascent of lush green hills, stretching ridge after ridge, eventually leading up to the majestic purple-blue peaks of the mountains in the distance.

"Mindanao" Sulaya said quietly.

Sulaya whispered softly, "The vast landmass where my formative memories were made." She continued speaking as she followed closely behind her daughter, "Is that why I was named Mindaza?"

Sulaya nodded.

"There are so many things out there. There is a part where everyone is living in peace normally like what we have, there is some part where people are living in war, some parts are mysterious places and some parts are forbidden," Sulaya said.

Mindaza was stunned for a moment, wondering why the island's customs and situation were different from her home island.

"Now we will sail as close as possible to the capital and give our message to the king."

Mindaza touched the hilt of her sword. Then she calls out, "But mother..."

Sulaya turned her face to her daughter, "What?"

"I chose the sword, but I don't know how to use it," Sulaya smiled and said, "You were born by the way of the sword, that sword chose you, it's not about choosing it."

"But, how do you know that it's mine?" Mindaza still asked her mother to clear her thoughts about the sword.

"My grandmother told me before, someday a great warrior from her blood will be born, and she will take the warrior's path. The sword you are holding is the sword of your great-grandmother. Her name is "Malaya", they said. She is the great warrior of our bloodline at the same time, she is a healer."

Mindaza chuckled and said, "But I am not a warrior."

Sulaya frowned, then she continued, "Before she died she buried her sword in that cave, situated on the top of the mountain where the said warrior had to climb the mountain cliff. I have faith that you are "the chosen one" after you succeed."

"But, what if I don't want to be a warrior?"

Sulaya raised her eyebrows. "It is in you, it's your destiny,"

"What should I do? How do I fight?"

Mindaza fixed her gaze on her mother's eyes. They were steady and bright, wise with years.

Sulaya patted Mindaza's shoulders and said,

"You will know, but remember this, you must never draw that sword, unless it is at the right time, and in the right way. Defend the weak and the righteous. You must never kill or wound for sport or fun. Do you understand?"

"Aye, Mother" Mindaza said as she bowed her head as a sign of agreement.

"You must never take pleasure in killing, or kill for revenge or cruelty. Fate has granted you a gift, and you must use it responsibly, or the power will drain and turn against you. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Mindaza responded.

"Good girl," Sulaya said. Although Sulaya did not smile, there was a world of compassion on her face.

"You had a choice between a life of sloth and luxury or a life of duty and devotion. You chose the latter. Your name will be known, Mindaza. People will tell tales to the younger generations and bards will sing of your deeds, or you will die in a ditch and the wind will play tunes through your bones. That is the way of the warrior."

Sulaya's face showed sadness, while Mindaza kept her gaze to listen to her mother.

"It is a hard choice I have made and your father, but we must embrace the reality."

The silence covers, but the noise of the ocean whispered to their ear.

"Sweetie, it is your choice. If you draw your sword for the right one, always defend the weak and oppose tyranny, the great-grandmother Spirit will fight for you. She will not fight for injustice, or for the wrong. She is still alive, with that sword. Remember that Mindaza."

"I will,"Mindaza said. After that, Sulaya leaned forward and kissed her daughter on the forehead. The resulting cheers did nothing to ease Mindaza's blushes.

"Sulaya, look at that!" The urgent cry pierced the air, originating from a lone woman standing nearby.

"Stay vigilant," Sulaya commanded with authority. Without hesitation, she sprang into action, swiftly grabbing her weapon to investigate the source of the disturbance.

"Everyone, stay alert!"

The sound of Sulaya's voice reverberated through the deck as the colossal fish rose from the deep, its sharp head looming above the ship. The creature's form glistened in the shadows, catching the dim light that filtered down from the surface, casting a haunting display.

The fish made a sudden and intentional move towards the ship of the Islanders, resulting in a precarious swaying of the vessel upon collision. The force of the impact created ripples that spread through the water, causing loose items on the deck to be knocked off and fall into the unforgiving sea below. The unexpected encounter between the fish and the ship left a sense of chaos and instability in its wake, as the crew scrambled to regain control and assess the damage caused by the collision.

As the crew scrambled to regain their balance and assess the situation, the fish circled around the ship, its presence casting a shadow over the once calm waters. The Islanders watched in awe and fear as the majestic creature displayed its power, a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of the ocean.

The fish darting through the water, encircling the ship, created another wave. With its body illuminated by a shimmering light, it exuded an electric-like energy that fueled its rapid movements beneath the ocean depths.

Sulaya urgently expressed the need to leave the current location and instructed Granny Juana to keep a watchful eye on Mindaza, emphasizing the importance of their safety. Granny Juana acknowledged Sulaya's instructions with a nod.

Realizing the necessity for additional assistance with the paddles, another person promptly suggested the need for more hands. Mindaza overheard this and took the initiative to offer her help, requesting Granny Juana to remain behind and ensure her safety. Mindaza swiftly left the room and crawled towards the oar, securing it to her waist along with her sword. As she joined the others, she noticed that some Islanders were armed with large spears while others wielded long bows, ready to face the challenges ahead.

"Hold!" Sulaya shouted to order everyone to be alert, and get ready for the attack.

Others are busy managing the oars, while others are ready to fight the monstrous fish that is trying to destroy their ship.

"It's ten times bigger than before; do you think we can easily subdue it?" A woman asked Sulaya.

"We should try our best.

In a matter of seconds, the entire group swiftly adjusted their positions to face the oncoming fish. Its head emerged from the water, giving the impression that it was famished and eager to devour the ship along with its occupants. Sulaya's bow was poised and ready, indicating that they were well-versed in targeting the vulnerable spots of the fish, such as its head and eyes.

Mindaza's gaze widened in awe as she observed the bustling activity of the people as they readied themselves for the impending battle. It dawned on her that the islanders possessed a diverse range of talents beyond just farming the land; their prowess extended to the sea as well, evident in their exceptional skills as fishermen and divers.

"What remarkable abilities they possess," Mindaza murmured softly to herself, impressed by the level of expertise displayed by the islanders in their maritime pursuits. The sight of them preparing for battle only served to deepen her admiration for their resourcefulness and adaptability in different environments.

Sulaya's voice echoed through the air as her eyes caught sight of the colossal waves looming in the distance. With a mix of excitement and awe, she couldn't help but exclaim, her voice carrying the thrill of the moment. As the mysterious creature gracefully glided through the water, its tail extended beyond the surface, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

"Ganadara, you know what to do," Sulaya said to her fellow hunters.

Granny Juana clung tightly to the ship's deck as it tilted once more, her eyes fixed on the small window. Through the glass, she caught sight of a massive fish approaching. The ship appeared to be soaring through the air as the water level steadily increased. Amidst the chaos, Sulaya's voice rang out, commanding everyone to prepare for an imminent attack.

Khallel carefully gripped the sturdy rope, ensuring the safety of Mindaza as he slid down the ship's floor. The vessel swiftly changed its direction, smoothly gliding towards the west. Meanwhile, the other hunters exerted their strength, propelling the ship forward with the aid of massive oars. In perfect synchronization, Ganadara and Sulaya leaped into the water, their eyes fixed on the monstrous fish. They patiently awaited the precise moment when the creature would approach their ship, aiming directly for its vulnerable eye.

Ganadara and Sulaya, the skilled hunters, executed a strategic move in the water and skillfully aimed their large bow at the monster's eye. Witnessing the creature sink to the depths after the precise shot, the hunters saw it carry the bow embedded in its eye, never to resurface again.

Khallel hurriedly made his way across the ship's deck, scanning both sides in search of Ganadara and Sulaya. Anxious and fearful for their safety, he prayed that they would emerge unscathed from whatever danger they faced.

The other hunters stood by, their expressions a mix of concern and anticipation, as they awaited the return of their comrades.

Ganadara emerged from the water first, closely followed by Sulaya, as they completed their deep dive. The exhilaration of their achievement was evident as they expelled water from their mouths, a testament to the intensity of their underwater adventure. Their fellow shipmates erupted in jubilant cheers, celebrating their successful endeavor.

"Mindaza, how's your grandma?" Sulaya asked right away when she went up in the shift with Ganadara. The two were wet but still they looked like strong hunters with courage in their appearance.

"She's fine...but we lost some supplies of food" Mindaza told her mother as she wiped her long and wet hair with cotton cloths.

"It's okay, we have to move fast before the sun is down."

Mindaza let out a deep sigh as she contemplated her next move, wondering how her Mother would react now that the menacing monsters had disappeared.

Meanwhile, Ganadara and Sulaya observed the vast expanse of the ocean surrounding them, taking in the tranquil scene as the water gradually grew calm.

"Khallel?" Sulaya call out.

"Here I am." Khallel answered as he immediately stood behind her.

"Instruct my daughter in the art of sword fighting after a couple of hours"

"Yes Sulaya. It's my honor to be her teacher this time."

"Thank you very much. I owe you this time." Sulaya told him. Khallel proudly nodded at her.