Harry's Boundaries

Harry found himself eating breakfast along with Padfoot, though admittedly they ate different things. Harry was on his sofa and eating while Padfoot was lying down by his feet and eating from his bowl. The two were watching TV together, as they usually did. Once the two were done eating Harry's wand appeared in his hand, he waved it and Padfoot's bowl along with his own plate flew towards the kitchen and landed in the sink.

"I'll clean them after I have finished watching." Harry said to Padfoot when he saw the black dog look at him, Padfoot huffed before he continued to watch TV. Harry and Padfoot were enjoying themselves for quite some time when suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Padfoot looked at Harry, his face was asking if they were supposed to be expecting someone.

Harry shook his head to say 'no' before he got up and walked towards the door, he looked through his door's peephole, and saw who was on the other side. He let out the smallest of sighs before he glanced towards Padfoot, Harry shook his head once more and opened it to reveal Alexis.

"Alexis," Harry nodded at her in the form of a greeting. "how are you?" He asked in a polite voice.

"I...I'm fine Harry," She said, shifting on her feet slightly. "I...I just wanted to say sorry about my friends, they were just trying to embarrass and tease me and..."

"It's fine," Harry waved her of. "really." He said.

"Oh good," Alexis said as she breathed out a sigh of relief. "I am glad, and I am sorry that we bothered you on...your date?" She finished in a questioning tone.

"Wasn't really a date." Harry replied.

"But we saw you leave with that woman." Alexis frowned.

"I left with a woman, yes, but I do not have a relationship with that woman." Harry was about to continue when Alexis suddenly spoke again.

"Oh, um...okay. Anyway, I forgot to ask, my mother is out of town for a couple of days and I have a problem with my sink." She said, "mum told me that last time she had a problem you helped her out so I was wondering if you could do me a favor and just take a look at it, please?" She asked.

"Fine," Harry sighed, he had a feeling that she did not want him to come just to check her sink but decided to play along for now. "do you have a tool kit in your apartment?" Harry asked.

"Um...yeah," Alexis nodded, not sounding entirely sure. "yes I do."

"Great, I'll be up in about an hour or so." Harry replied.

"Um...thanks." She gave him a small smile before she turned and left. Harry waited until she was out of sight before he closed the door and turned back to see Padfoot looking at him. Padfoot barked at him twice.

"No, I am not chasing after her." Harry rolled his eyes, Padfoot barked again. "I will take you to France and find you a nice French Poodle if it makes you feel better." Harry said in response. Padfoot paused, his face managed to look thoughtful before he grinned and barked. "The original Padfoot would love you." Harry smiled as he walked forward and began petting him as he sat down and watched TV.

"I'm here," Harry said as he arrived at the Alexis's apartment, he entered and saw Alexis standing nervously. "where's the damage?" Harry asked.

"Um...it's just over there." She said as she gestured to her kitchen sink, "the tool box is there as well." She added.

"Thanks," Harry nodded as he walked over. "you go watch TV or whatever and I will fix it."

"O...okay." She nodded and gulped before she walked off and left the room. Harry walked over to the sink, he was tempted to just use magic to fix it but then that meant that he would have to explain it to Alexis or use magic to mess with her mind and while he didn't mind using that on certain people he tried to avoid it on others.

A small while later Harry had finished with his repair, it was a rather easy one. He cleaned and dried his hands.

"Alexis," Harry called, "I'm done." He said.

"Just wait one minute." Her voice called. A few seconds later she entered the room, except she looked noticeably different. She was not wearing much, a pink bra and panties plus a light purple see through robe. "Harry," She said, her voice a near whisper. "I...I really want to..."

"No." Harry cut her off.

"What?! Why?!" She blurted out as her face turned red due to embarrassment, she had known that rejection was a possibility but she was not expecting one so quickly.

""Look Alexis," Harry sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "you're a pretty girl, really you are. But I think you want a relationship with me and I am sorry but that is not what I want. That girl you saw me with at the bar, a one night stand, that's all she was to me. Now while I am tempted to have sex with you I doubt that you want to stop at just a single night."

"But...but I..." Her mouth opened an closed repeatedly as words seemed to have failed her.

"Look I know you have a crush on me and I am flattered, really but I think it's best if we just keep our relationship as it is. I am sure that one day you will probably make someone really happy, but it's not me." Harry said apologetically before he walked out of the apartment and walked back towards his own. Harry wasn't sure if that was the best way to handle it, usually all of his problems could be dealt with a simple wave of his wand and while it was tempting he did not really want to use mind magic on her.