Leviathan Slayer

"Stark, you seeing this?" Captain America asked into his ear piece as he looked at the giant flying snake like thing that had just come out of the portal.

"Seeing," Stark's voice confirmed. "still very much working on believing. Goddamn it! Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?" Stark asked suddenly.

"Banner?" Cap asked in a confused voice.

"Just keep me posted." Tony said before cutting communications.

"Does anyone have a plan on how to kill that?" Natasha asked as she gestured to the massive and destructive flying creature.

"Looks too thick big for a single killing curse." Grim said under his breath after casually flicking his wand and slicing one soldier in half just as Padfoot attacked the throat of another soldier. "Let me give it a shot." He said out loud before he took off into the air and flew after the big creature, one that he would simply call Leviathan until or if he discovered its actual name.

He flew alongside it and began casting a spell to check the armour, it wasn't magical thank god, but it was very thick, so much so that Harry would need to use an insanely high amount of energy just to force a killing curse through it and the body. He saw Iron Man who flying on the other side and blasting the Leviathan which showed no visible effect If it was too thick to get from the outside then that meant that he would have to kill it from the inside or make it softer from the outside. Harry decided to try the first option first and teleported a short distance in front of it before he flew straight into the creatures mouth.

"Oh shit!" Iron Man exclaimed with shock and horror. "Grim's gone guys!" He said into his ear piece. "He just went into the thing's goddamn mouth and..." Tony trailed off.

"Stark!" Natasha said into her piece. "What are you..." Natasha stopped speaking and trailed off when she saw the Leviathan suddenly start moving in an odd way before it began screeching in pain, suddenly the big creature dripped out of the sky and fell down on the ground, a few seconds later Grim teleported next to them, covered in various colored liquids.

"I am not doing that shit again." He grumbled as he waved a wand and all the liquid rose from his body and shifted into a spear before flying straight towards an incoming Chitauri chariot, the chariot driver was killed and the chariot descended down and crashed into the ground. He was glad to know that he could kill the creatures from the inside but would prefer if he found a way to do it from the outside.

"Oh crap." Barton said just as a trio of chariots flew towards them, Harry quickly put up a shield that protected them from the chariot blasts. It was then that he realized that Loki was in one of the chariots.

"Loki!" Harry growled before flying off after him, he quickly destroyed the other two chariot before blasting the chariot that Loki was sat on. The chariot exploded, but Harry didn't see Loki's body, he quickly realized that it was an illusion but a second later found himself blasted away, Harry recovered near instantly and flew off after the chariot that had blasted him and saw Loki on it, Harry waved his wand to make sure that it was the real Loki that was on it.

It wasn't, Harry destroyed it anyway, he waited for a blast to come and it did. A purple beam shot out from thin air, Harry dodged it before sending back a torture curse in the direction the blast came from. A scream was heard as the curse had connected and Harry saw Loki. Harry shot towards him, intent on making him suffer, he started by blasting the chariot he was on. When Loki fell out of the sky Grim grabbed him by his ankle and flew towards a nearby building, he slapped Loki against the building before continuing to fly at high speed and dragging Loki against the side of it.

He then threw Loki and jabbed his wand at him, sending a blast wave that caused Loki to fly back a great distance. Grim flew back after him, he grabbed Loki by the neck before flying up, he tossed him at a chariot, hurting Loki and knocking off the passenger and causing the chariot to fly into another chariot. Harry grabbed Loki by the ankle and then took him higher into the air, he held him upside down in the air by the his and aimed his wand at Loki's head, the tip glowed a bright green.

"End this now," Grim said in a calm and commanding tone. "or I end you." He said, and it was clear that he was easily willing to do so. "Last chance asshole."

"Really?" Loki said with a tired smile, it was clear that the cruciatus curse had hurt him a lot. "You're going to kill me? Do it!" He hissed.

"Fair enough." Grim replied before he hit him with a killing curse, the green light flashed and engulfed Loki, a second later Loki's body went limp and motionless but before Grim could do anymore the body suddenly changed and in Harry's hand was not Loki but was in fact a dead Chitauri soldier. Grim growled before tossing the body away.


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