Defying the King

"Are you certain?" Thor asked his father. "The Aether was said to be destroyed, yet here it is."

"It certainly does seems possible for them to be alive," Harry said with a thoughtful look, remembering his own experiences with dead men. As far as Harry was concerned, if there's no dead body then that person should be considered alive until proven otherwise. "it's possible these elves went to hiding, those that did would either be enough for an army or they would breed and increase their numbers."

"The dark elves are dead." Odin said in a tone that clearly stated the conversation was over.

"Are they though?" Harry tilted his head sligahtly, unfortunately for Odin Harry was probably the only person more suborn than he is. "I mean I came from a world where humans had believed that all the witches and wizards had died out, yet we had an entire country full of them hiding in the same area as them. Most of the time we hid in plain sight as well. I assume that these dark elves have a similar life span to Asgardians, I mean it's possible that they could have gone into hiding, isn't it? So shouldn't you take the necessary steps to make sure that they are not still alive?"

"They are dead," Odin repeated with a slight growl in his voice. "I will not be questioned on this matter by you, wizard."

"Sorry to interrupt but does your book mention anyway to get it out of me?" Jane asked in a hopeful voice. Odin looked at her for all of a second before he replied.

"No, it does not." Odin replied before walking off, he didn't sound too bothered by the fact that Jane could die.

"Thor." Harry spoke up.

"Yes?" Thor asked.

"This may be hypocritical but your dad's a dick."


Harry found himself sitting with Padfoot in a room that Thor had provided for him, everything looked all fancy and rich, like the sort of room one would find in a castle from a fairy book. Despite this Harry knew that this was definitely not one of the better rooms in this place. Thor had left him here before he went to escort Jane away to her room, Harry didn't really know if Thor was going to leave her alone in her room but decided to not think about it as that wasn't really any of his business.

Apparently he would be staying here until he went back to Earth, which could be later today or tomorrow or even a week from now. Going to a planet apart from Earth was a new experience for him, sure he had travelled from another world but that was going from one Earth to another Earth, Asgard was another planet.

"Our lives are never boring." Harry commented to Padfoot who chuckled in response.

"Woof." Padfoot barked.

"Yeah," Harry nodded as he stood up. "I'm sure Thor wouldn't mind if we took a look around." Padfoot happily barked and followed Harry to the door, Harry opened it but before he could take a step outside he came face to face with someone, a pretty woman with black hair that descended down to her shoulders and hazel green eyes.

He recognized her, she was one of Thor's friends, her name was 'Sif' if Harry remembered right. She wore armour like before but this was different from the previous armour she had worn when fighting the Destroyer. She wore a red leather dress that continued down her torso ending in a multi-paneled mini-skirt. Over her dress, she wore silver armor plates that ended right above her cleavage. She also wore black pants under her dress and brown knee-high boots decorated with silver metal which matched her armor.

"Um… hi." Harry said awkwardly. "I don't suppose that you are room service." He added jokingly

"No," Sif shook her head. "I am Lady Sif."

"I know," Harry nodded. "we fought together against the Destroyer."

"Yes," She nodded, pleased that he remembered. "the last time I saw you, you were wearing armour and your face was covered. Thor speaks fondly about you and the 'Avengers.'"

"Yeah, he's one of the founding members." Harry replied.

"Yes, he mentioned how you seemed reluctant to join." She said in a soft voice. "He also spoke about how you, he and others Avengers fought against Loki and the Chitauri army on Midgard. It sounded like an impressive battle."

"It was." Harry nodded.

"I would've liked to fight in such a battle." Sif said, more to herself.

"I probably would have enjoyed it more if there wasn't all the innocent civilians around us." Harry commented.

"Yes, a warrior's first duty must be to protect those who cannot fight." Sif said in an approving voice.

"Woof." Padfoot barked in agreement.

"Hello," Sif blinked in surprise but quickly recovered. "and this must be Padfoot, correct?" She asked.

"Yes, this is Padfoot. Out of curiosity, what did Thor say about him?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Only that he was a loyal and fierce companion who fought alongside you." Sif answered, she heard Padfoot barked and saw him suddenly sit while thrusting his chest as far out as possible while raising his head.

"Great," Harry rolled his eyes. "he's got an ego now. Did Thor happen to say anything about the rest of us?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Sif nodded. "he did. He said that the one called Barton was an expert marksman who would impress even the best of Asgard, he mentioned a gentle but intelligent man called Banner who was capable of turning into a powerful green giant called the Hulk. Then there was also the soldier named 'Roger's' I believe, Thor was very complimentary about him. Thor also mentioned a Midgardian called Stark who invented a very powerful and destructive suit of armour. Then there was the only female on the team."

"Natasha." Harry supplied her name.

"Thor said she was a very competent warrior, he also mentioned that people referred to her as 'Black Widow'." Sif replied.

"It's her code name, we all have second names, well apart from Thor. Barton is called Hawkeye, Stark is Iron Man, Rogers is Captain America."

"Hmm, and yours is Grim." She noted. "But your real name is…'Harry'?" She asked, hoping she got it right.

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "what did Thor say about me?"

"He said you are a very dangerous wizard, and a great ally." Sif answered honestly.

"Did he tell you about me and Loki?" Harry asked.

"Yes he did," Sif answered in a soft voice. "he did mention how you wanted to kill him. I do not believe that he has told the Allfather or Queen Frigga about that, but he has told me and the Warrior's Three. If it means anything to you then I understand why you wanted to end Loki, I probably would have suggested something similar."

"Thanks… I suppose. I don't want to sound rude, but is there something I can help you with?" Harry asked. "Because I don't think that you came here just to talk."

"I am here to offer to give you a tour of Asgard," Sif replied. "if you are willing then I will escort you, if not then I can arrange for food and entertainment to be arranged for you." Harry remained silent for several moments, his emerald eyes locked on to her.

"Thor or Odin?" Harry asked.

"I beg your pardon?" She blinked.

"Who sent you to babysit me?" Harry asked with a small sigh. "Was it Thor to make sure I don't end up doing something or was it Odin to make sure I don't end up doing something?" Harry asked calmly, waiting for an answer.

"Both," Sif answered honestly after a moment of silence. "Thor because he considers you a friend, and…"

"Odin because he doesn't trust me," Harry finished for her. "fair enough. Come on Padfoot," Harry said as he and Padfoot stepped out of the room. "lead the way, Lady Sif." Harry nodded to her. Sif, who was thankful that he wasn't making her job difficult, began walking with Harry and Padfoot following alongside her.


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