17. A Decision To Make (2)

I didn't have to be at the court for the hearing as the Baron had his money and also the rooted fear of the consequences if he dared to try something.

The next three days passed by and the case was easily won by us, attorney Baron Wester exposed Count Stanson's plot and also got us a remuneration and a punishment for Stanson.

Count Stanson had to lose half of his property for scamming a Duke and fooling the court.

Duke returned home with a shocked expression on his face while Rune ran over and pounced on me giving me the details of what transpired in the court.

He explained to me in detail of how Count Stanson's face turned when his plan backfired on him. Rune looked very happy and even the Duke seemed relieved.

He didn't have to pay the debt back anymore and Count Fergusson would now never show his face at our Duchy as his money was paid back by the remuneration paid by Count Stanson.

It just a night before the weekend that I checked the notification of the Quest Completion.

[Quest completed.

{Help the Duke sort out the problem he's facing.}

Rewards received: Unlocking the skill of Mana Eyes.]

My head spun for a moment and my eyes hurt making me squeeze them shut before I opened them again.

[Would you like to test the Mana Eyes?

- Yes.

- No.]

"Yes." I verified and instantly my vision shifted.

It was as if I was automatically shifted to the high definition giving me the view of a completely different dimension.

How could I explain it?

It was like I was able to see the Mana that was around me. Unlike Mana sense where I could feel the Mana, with these eyes I was able to see everything. Absolutely everything.

I tested it to look around and was able to see through the walls and spot the movements of the people in the mansion. It was as if I was wearing infrared glasses or rather an extremely advanced version of the mixture of nightvision, infrared and microscopic glasses.

"This is amazing." I was greatly satisfied with these eyes but only after using it for a few minutes my head and eyes started pounding making me stop and lie down.

"Ugh... This is a bummer if I can't use it for long term if it's needed."

[Defender of Divine Glory advises you to meditate on regular basis and practice so that you would be able to use Mana Eyes for longer intervals.]

"All right."

The next day we were having our breakfast peacefully in our house and I was just thinking about how I should unlock my other Magic when I recalled the other pending work.

"Now that the court case is handled," I said as I looked at the white crystal brooch that I had worn on my dress.

"Let's handle the deal now."

"Wait, Reina you are forgetting something." Rune said and I looked at him.


"We were supposed to go out in town today for buying you a new dress today." He said with a smile.

"Right, Father?" The Duke who seemed deep in thought blinked before looking at us and then smiled nodding.

"Yes, yes, a new dress for our Reina and also something for Rune."

After an hour, I found myself in the carriage heading towards the town with Rune and the Duke. The Duke was quite silent which was unlike him, usually he would be cheerful and bright but now he seemed dull.

We got down from the carriage once we reached at the marketplace and I was at once hit by the variety of scents, mana and the noise.

The Duke followed by Rune and myself and a few knights walked passed the crowd down the stony path looking at different shops.

The shops here were just like how I'd seen in the fantasy animes and manwhas, I kind of liked the rustic vibe of the place.

"Let's go in here." Rune said as he pointed at the boutique which had the name Madame Flora's Boutique.

I and the others entered and saw the humble interiors of the shop. The lady who probably was Flora herself welcomed us inside.

"How may I help you?" Her smile was pretty but the dark bags under her eyes and the exhaustion concealed under cosmetics was clear.

"We've come to buy a dress for my daughter and an outfit for my son." The Duke said and she smiled.

"I understand, please have a seat."

She showed us a catalogue and the few dresses at hand while I couldn't help but notice the lack of staff, the poor management of the building and the owner herself being so stressed.

"Would you like to try these, My Lady!" She asked gesturing at the dresses and I nodded.


I went to the changing room and the helper assisted me into changing my dress, it was a beautiful yellow dress with pink flowers.

"Oh my! You look so beautiful, My Lady!" The lady gasped and even the Duke and Rune stared at me in trance for a moment.

"It's really beautiful."

"Shall we try some other dresses?" Lady Flora asked and the two nodded.

Flora dressed me into another few dresses each one getting an appraisal from the audience until they had made me wear around ten dresses.

"I think that's enough, we're only buying one dress, after all." I spoke up before they could doll me up again.

"But, all of the dresses looked good on you!" Rune retorted.

"I agree, we will buy all the dresses that you tried on." Duke Arthur announced making me sigh.

Next was Rune's turn, he was so handsome that any type of outfit looked great on him, even he ended up buying seven outfits for himself before we started looking for something for the Duke.

He tried on a suit and a few other outfits before buying three of them and I observed Flora.

She was doing her best to be hospitable with the limited sources she had, she seemed hardworking and also dedicated to keep her business up.

After all the shopping was done, we stepped out of the boutique and started looking around the marketplace.

"Shall we try that?" Rune asked pointing at the kebabs and I agreed.

Duke Arthur tried to refuse but he was dragged along anyways.

We ate and roamed around for a while, I started feeling relaxed as the two were were happy and smiling as we tried out new things.

Since Reina's body was weak so she never set a foot outside of the mansion so, this is her- my first time outing and Rune and Duke Arthur were doing everything to make it my best.

"Are you okay, Reina?" Rune asked.

"You're not feeling tired, are you?"

"I'll carry you," Duke Arthur said and I put my hand up.

"I'm fine, I'm not tired." I said.

"This day is best day of my life!" Rune grinned brightly making me feel at ease.

If a child smiled like that to you then you knew you were doing good.

"Mine as well," Duke Arthur said with a smile before he looked down at me.

"I had thought of making my daughter's first day out of the mansion to be something special but this isn't so bad, right?" He asked we were eating the shredded ice as we walked towards the small park.

"I like it like this." I answered and he seemed satisfied.

To be honest, I'd never had an outing like this in my previous life, my work was mostly taxing and my childhood was another disaster so, this seemed like a good release from it all.

Besides, since it was nearing evening, the crowd seemed to have grown.

It was easy to get lost in such a crowd, I had only thought that and I guess I also ended up jinxing myself because suddenly there was a light commotion which made the crowd go uneasy and I ended up getting separated.

I was pushed around by the tall people as I tried to make sense of what was going on but before I knew it I felt someone grabbing my mouth and pulling me into the darkness.