25. First Banquet (2)

The four figures entered simultaneously making everyone bow their heads, I stood between Duke Arthur and Rune as I caught sight of the four who had entered.

The Queen, Her Majesty Katherine walked in the front dressed in a gown that looked like it was made of golden threads instead of yellow, the gems glinted over the fabric and even her platinum blonde hair seemed to be a part of her golden ensemble.

Behind her were the twins, the Second Prince Carlos and Princess Colette, her children and lastly was the First Prince Eric who was walking at a bit of a distance from the three.

I had learned from Viscount about the matters of the Royal Family which was why I could understand why there was such an arrangement.

The First Prince was the son of a concubine which was why he was having a hard time but it was also because the present Queen was the King's second wife who had twins and wanted her son to be the next King. She was from the Esmertia family who supported her.

It was said that the concubine was from a fallen noble family but the King fell in love with her and brought her to the palace while the other nobles were pushing the King to marry Katherine.

The King couldn't do much about the pressure and married Katherine, but after giving birth to the First Prince the concubine's health started deteriorating and currently, she was said to be living in an isolated tower.

I could connect a few dots and see the whole picture without hearing the rumours. The concubine must be trapped by the Queen after being poisoned or something.

[Defender of Divine Glory asks you to draw conclusions based on conjecture.]

"I'm not, want to make a bet that my conjecture is right?"

[Defender of Divine Glory agrees.]

[Goddess of Wisdom asks Defender of Divine Glory to not make a bet carelessly.]

"Stay out of this," I told the Goddess.

"So, what will you give if you fail, Ar-Defender of Divine Glory?"

There was a moment of silence before the notification popped up again.

[Defender of Divine Glory says he will grant you one of the powers that he possesses.]

"That's too vague..." I mumbled.

"Pardon?" Rune asked.


"Rune, Reina."

We looked at Duke, "Let's go we have to greet Her Majesty."

Rune and I followed the Duke as we made our way through the people who were greeting the Queen and presenting the gifts to the Second Prince.

"Oi, Defender of Divine Glory, what reward will I get?" I thought.

[Defender of Divine Glory says that he will let you choose from the three of the powers that will be compatible with your body.]

"Still vague."

[Goddess of Wisdom sighs in resignation.]

Before I knew it I was in front of the Queen, her sharp green eyes fixed on us and I curtsied as I had practised greeting the Queen, I felt a chill run down my spine and I lifted my eyes slightly to see those green orbs fixed on me. The eyes that seemed as if she would devour me whole.

My eyes flitted over to the three kids, the twins were seated right beside her, while the First Prince's seat was on a slightly lower level. I met their eyes briefly before the notification of the system popped up.

[Congratulations, Dear Host.]

[You have successfully established contact with the two candidates who are being considered for the position of the King.]

[Prince Eric Delle Ferin Marismus.

Prince Carlos Marus Ferin Marismus.]

"So, it starts here, huh?"

[Goddess of Wisdom trusts that you will make a wise choice.]

My eyes once again went over to the two Princes, the second prince sat on his throne looking at the gold chain with a huge ruby on it while the first prince sat staring off into space.

"One of these two, huh." I thought.

"This is the first time that your daughter has made an appearance at a social event, yes?" The Queen spoke up making me look down again.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Duke answered.

"Can you lift your head and introduce yourself?"

I gulped feeling alarms going off in my head, I calmed myself by putting on a business smile before I introduced myself.

"I'm Reina, daughter of Duke Arthur Aurelius. It's an honour to be in your presence, Your Majesty."

A small smile appeared on her lips and I couldn't help but feel breathless, it was as if I was trapped in a tiny claustrophobic room.

[Passive Skill: Shield of Invulnerability has been activated.]

The strange feeling of breathlessness disappeared and I saw the Queen stare at me for a moment.

"She's very lovely." She said after that pause.

We walked back but I still couldn't erase the feeling of her eyes boring into the back of my head.

"She'll make holes in my head," I mumbled.

"Why... is she... staring at you anyways?" Rune asked sounding breathless and I looked at him. His face was pale and he seemed out of breath for some reason.

"What's wrong?" I asked and then looked at Duke who was the same.

It suddenly clicked and my eyes widened as I turned around and looked at the Queen who was smiling at the other aristocrat.

"Did she..."

My anger surged into my bloodstream and I clenched my fists.

"How dare she!"

[Goddess of Wisdom asks you to calm down.]

"You saw what she did!"

[Goddess of Wisdom asks you to be a little patient and trust her.]


I gritted my teeth and breathed deeply as I turned away with the cogs in my brain moving.

The one thing that I hated the most was someone posing any threat to my people, Rune and the Duke were my family so, with what the Queen just did, she had successfully pissed me off.

The music shifted after a while and the crowd split up. The adults' and the kids' sections were divided.

"Rune take care of Reina, all right?" The Duke said.


I looked once at the Queen and then at the Duke who was crouching before us. I sighed as I reached out and held his hand making him tilt his head slightly.

"You take care of yourself too."

The Duke stared at me for a moment, before he smiled squeezing my small hand in his.

"I will."

"I mean it, Father." I said and he reached out patting my head gently.

"I understand, Reina."

Rune and I walked towards the other hall which was for the kids. The other kids had already gathered around there, I observed them as Rune left my side to bring fruit juice for us.

The kids were talking just like their parents were behaving back in the ballroom and most of the kids were hovering near the second Prince buttering him up.

"Reina." Rune returned to my side with two glasses and I took one of them.

"They are trying too hard," I mumbled and he followed my gaze.

"What are you talking about?"

"For them, Prince Carlos is already the king." I answered and Rune sighed.

"We shouldn't worry about these matters, Reina."

I shrugged my shoulders as I saw Carlos flaunting his gifts to his so-called followers and then I looked around to see the other candidate and found him standing in a corner alone.

He looked quite pitiful as he stood there on his own, the poor kid was only thirteen years old yet, he had to suffer so much.

"Princess Reina?" I looked at the girls who were starting to gather around me and Rune.

"Your dress is so pretty, where did you buy it from?"

"Ah, it was from a boutique in our territory." I answered with a smile as the girls started praising and chattering.

I tried to maintain the conversation but eventually, I started feeling exhausted so, I excused myself and walked towards the corridor.

"Damn, these kids are the counterparts of their parents." I sighed as I opened the doors of the balcony which was close by and walked outside feeling the cool wind brush against my skin.

"I should test out Uncle's device soon."

The investigation of the concubine could be a good chance for that.

[Goddess of Wisdom asks you to be careful.]

[Defender of Divine Glory asks you to give up.]

"Prepare my reward, I will prove to you that I was right! It's a promise of an otaku." I smirked.

"Um... excuse me?"

I froze as I heard an unfamiliar voice and turned to see a boy wearing a black tuxedo standing at the door with a pallid face.

"... Yes?"

"I-If it is not of trouble then... may I stay here for a while?" He asked sounding hesitant.


He mumbled a quiet thanks before stepping outside and standing a few feet away from me, staring at the night sky.


My eyebrows jumped as I saw the notification pop up.

[You have successfully established contact with the third candidate who is considered for the position of the King.]

"The what?" I gasped making the boy turn to look at me and I noticed the hue of his eyes which were unlike any eyes that I had seen before. It was like there were amethyst crystals that watched me with slight confusion on his innocent face.

[Grand Duke's heir: Davian Raden Montaire.]