54. Remains Of Someone's Hope (1)

Ethan was fidgeting while I stood calmly with a smile in front of Davian in his study.

"What do you want?" Davian asked as none of us spoke.

I nudged Ethan's side and he flinched.

"Y-Your Grace, Sir Ocean has a request."

I looked at Ethan as Davian's eyes shifted to me. I knew Ethan wouldn't be able to say it.

"I wish to investigate the Third Wall, Your Grace." I announced making Davian stare at me for a moment.


"The investigation of the whereabouts of the previous Grand Duke and Duchess is necessary, I wish to restart the investigation which was halted and find them. If they are alive then we might find some clues as of where they might be or... find their remains."

I was careful with my words as it was a sensitive matter. Davian averted his eyes and was silent for a moment before he spoke up.

"It's been six months for that incident, Sir Ocean and there might be no clues left now."