267. Vile Intentions (1)

The time was ticking and my deadline was coming close and close with it. I did have a plan for the emergency but I was trying that I wouldn't have to use that plan. It would mean bloodbath and some loose ends and I didn't want that.

I wanted to leave this place with as less bloodbath as possible and no loose ends left untied.

I was currently sitting in the garden with the child making the flower wreaths in front of me. The butterflies and the small animals were easily attracted to him and my sides.

I rose my hand and a blue butterfly landed on my outstretched finger and the child came up to me with a bright smile and a flower wreath in his small hands.

With time he had started making them better, I smiled as I ducked slightly and he grinned before he placed the wreath over my head.

These days with him were quite peaceful but I knew the danger was looming just a couple of feet away from us.