Chapter 3: A Leap into the Unknown

The sensation of movement ceased as quickly as it had begun, leaving Jae-min disoriented and blinking against the sudden brightness that filled his vision. As his eyes adjusted, he found himself standing in a starkly different setting—a sterile, white room filled with unfamiliar equipment and technology that seemed straight out of a science fiction movie.

The mysterious man stood beside him, observing Jae-min's reaction with a hint of amusement. "Welcome to the testing facility," he said, gesturing around the room. "This is where the experiment will take place."

Jae-min looked around, taking in his surroundings with a mix of awe and apprehension. The room was unlike anything he had ever seen before, filled with complex machinery and monitors displaying various data and graphs. It was clear that he had entered a world far beyond his understanding, and the reality of what he had signed up for began to sink in.

"Please, have a seat," the man instructed, pointing to a reclining chair in the center of the room. "We'll begin the preparation process shortly."

With a sense of trepidation, Jae-min complied, settling into the chair as the man busied himself with the equipment. Wires and sensors were attached to his body, and a headset was placed over his ears, filling his mind with a soothing hum of static.

"Are you comfortable?" the man asked, his voice tinged with a clinical detachment that sent a shiver down Jae-min's spine.

"As much as I can be, I guess," Jae-min replied, trying to mask his unease.

"Good," the man said, nodding in approval. "The experiment will involve sending your consciousness back in time to your high school years. You'll have the ability to read people's thoughts, but be careful—it's a gift that comes with its own set of challenges."

Jae-min nodded, absorbing the man's words as he prepared himself for what lay ahead. The idea of reliving his past was both exhilarating and terrifying, but he was determined to make the most of this second chance.

"Are you ready to begin?" the man asked, his eyes locking onto Jae-min's with an intensity that brooked no hesitation.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Jae-min nodded. "Yes," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm ready."

With a final nod of approval, the man activated the equipment, and the room was filled with a low, humming sound as the machinery came to life. Jae-min felt a tingling sensation spread through his body, followed by a sudden rush of memories and emotions as his consciousness was transported back in time.

The world around him blurred and shifted, and for a moment, Jae-min felt as if he were floating in a sea of endless possibilities. The boundaries of time seemed to dissolve, and he was plunged into the past, back to a time when life was simpler but filled with its own set of challenges and joys.

As the memories of his high school years flooded back, Jae-min couldn't help but wonder how his presence would affect the people and events of the past. Would he be able to change the course of his life, or was he destined to relive the same mistakes and regrets?

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Jae-min braced himself for the journey ahead, ready to navigate the complexities of his second chance and discover what fate had in store for him.