Goodbye Mrs. Hill

The flight passed by in a blink. I didn't have time to look back before I found myself in Saintfour—in this small town on the outskirts.

"I haven't been here for so many years! And everything is just...the same. As if I never left.." I watched the houses pass by outside the taxi window. I thought about who lived here before and who still might...

Here then was the school. There was a time when I hated it. And here was my favorite cafe. Interestingly, that dear old man still worked here...what was his name? And here, Mrs. Hill's antique shop...The letter I kept in my pocket started to burn, and a wave of chill washed over me again.

'Am I really back at Saintfour? After all...after everything that happened?!

The taxi drove up to my old house. Asking the driver to wait, I rolled the suitcase to the entrance and took the keys from under the rug, where there were usually hidden. There was nobody at home, so I left the suitcase and headed back to the taxi.

'My parents are probably already at the funeral'

The closer I was to my destination, the more excited I got. I could not explain the feeling...soon the towers of the church appeared.

The whole town are in the funeral. Somewhere in the corner, they played the piano, which was as old as anything in her antique shop for sure. Church song were played, and they sent goosebumps down my back.

I remembered yesterday dream. That same priest was here, as if to remind me...He was standing near Mrs. Hill's casket, having a few words with everyone who approached it." ...I understand. But she's in a better place."

Flowers were laid out everywhere. From their cloying scent, there was not much air to breathe, and the noise of the crowd gave me headaches. I wanted to escape. I was suddenly surprised by the fact that I left everything just to say goodbye to a woman I barely know.

'i hope this wraps up quickly! But I can't leave. I can't do that to Mrs. Hill! And my parents should be around here somewhere...'

I started looking for relatives in the crowd. "Hi, honey."

"Mom! I was just looking for you...Hi." we embraced, but it felt awkward, like all our conversation in recent years. As if strangers were trying to pretend like they're still close. And yet, it was close.

"It's a pity that in order for us to see you here, poor Mrs. Hill has to retire to another world." Mom sighed.

"Sarah?" The priest walked up to us. "I didn't expect to see you here. I'm pleasant surprised. I'm sure Mrs. Hill is glad as well."

"Yeah, I guess..."

"It's great that you all remember her, and came to say goodbye. It's says a lot about your group."

"Group?" What is he talking about, I'm not in any group.

"Yes. Candy and Bobby are here too. Derek hasn't left the city, so I wasn't too surprised by his appearance. I can call them if you like. I'm sorry you didn't know." He offered with a calm smile.

"No, no, don't." I don't want anything to do with anybody in this Godforsaken place.

"Are you sure? You were all so close..."

"Yes, it's fine. I'll catch up with them later."

"As you wish. You can sit down, the prayer will begin shortly." He said before he left.

I and my mother say down on a bench. In church, I've always felt out of place. I tried to focus on the words of the priest, but my thoughts were all over the place. Among the guest, I noticed Candy, my best childhood friend. Our eyes met briefly.

Once, we were inseparable. Now, we both adverted our eyes, pretending to be strangers. I looked at her again. Candy seemed to be listening intently to the priest, clearly trying to avoid looking in my direction.

'Apparently remembering the past is hard for her too.'

Soon the prayers were sung, and the final words were said. Everyone began to diverge. "Should we head home?" Mom said probably noticing my uninterested look.

'Drive together in silence, frantically grasping at topics for conversation? No, thank you. I smiled faintly. "I'd rather walk."

"Walk? Is it that you just don't want to ride with me?" Mom said, a little annoyed.

"No, that's not it..."

" you wish. I'll meet you at home then."

I looked around after my mom left. There was almost no one left in the church. There was nothing left to do there. 'Goodbye Mrs. Hill.'

I headed outside. The sky was blanketed in clouds. "And.. it's overcast as usual, in Saintfour." I didn't want to go home. The sky cracked with lightening and the wind picked up. Lanterns illuminated the wide road along which I walked.

It wasn't so late, but there was no one in the street. It seems the town was dying down at the setting of the sun. 'How often have I returned home along this street, under the light of this lanterns?'

My legs just carried me forward. I don't know where I was going, I just walked, looking at the houses at either side of the road. It began to drizzle a bit, and chills ran all over my body. I thought that I might catch a cold.

'Maybe I can still get a cab? Maybe not, I haven't have a walk like this in a long time.' "I really needed this. I was beginning to forget the feeling."

'Here even the rain smells special. Sometimes I dream about it at night..that smell."

My thoughts drifted off, far into the past, and when I looked up, I saw a lake house in front of me. "How did I get here?" I remembered how I bad weather I used to sit with friends at the lake house. On one hand, the memory resonated unpleasantly in my chest. But on the other hand... At night, the house seemed uninhabited , as if it has been abandoned dozen years or more...

The humidity near the lake made me feel even colder. I pulled in the smell of the stagnant water. My first impulse was to run. But now my legs seems to have a mind of their own.