
The siren sound of a police car echoed around the block. People looked out of their windows, gawking at our house with interest. I didn't do anything, but somehow felt guilty.

Derek's father, Mr. Nixon, looked serious and inhospitable, making me feel even more uneasy.

"Thank you for bringing my daughter, Mr. Nixon." Mom thanked him.

"It's my job. I advise you all to be careful. At least don't go around walking in the woods at night."

"Yes, of course...thanks again!"

"Have a nice evening, and good night."

He was already for the car, but suddenly turned around briefly to add: "Don't not worry about your daughter's safety. I will look after her."

Mom looked at him silently, then nodded slowly. "Thank you."

The car drove off and the flashers faded into the distance until they had disappeared completely, leaving behind the silence of the night street.

Mom hugged me, and I could feel her trembling.

"Mom?" I suddenly feel terrible.

"I'm fine. I was just scared for you. I'm sorry your date has such a gruesome end to it..."

"Everything is OK." I assured her.

"You have no idea how glad I am that my baby is fine!"

She hugged me even tighter. "Let's go inside—you're soaking wet.!"

The room is dark, but I didn't want to turn on the light. I walked to the window and looked out at the street, as if searching for something.

I couldn't get rid of the aching feeling in my chest after all that I've seen in the forest. It must be just fear. I reached for the switch, hoping that the light will bring me peace. But someone's icy, wet hand touched my hands.

"What the?"

I turned back slowly and saw...Sam! Oh my God!

"Help..." His voice is crooked and overlapped like there's some hands scratching at his throat.


I suddenly woke up. Outside the window, someone's bike bell was ringing as it drove by. It was bright outside.

Mom poked her head inside the room and saw that I am not up yet.

"You'll be late! Get up! Get ready!"

The minute went by, but I continued to lie in bed, waiting for my breathing to return to normal and my heart to stop popping out of my chest. The minute I closed my eyes, I again saw the lifeless body surrounded by flowers.

In my memories, the body emanating a cold feeling from which I could not hide. I wanted to forget this image, but the corpse pursued me even in my dreams.

The horror made it into my bones. I was trembling under several blankets—it was impossible to get warm. I looked at the dream catcher.

"If this thing is the cause of all these dreams, perhaps I should return it to Mrs. Hill..."

"Still in bed?! Get up! Come on!"

There's no choice. I had to get ready for school.

Mom was already waiting outside .I just had to grab my backpack and head downstairs. There was a police car packed in front of my house.

"Good morning Sarah."

I wonder what Mr. Nixon is here for. "Hello."

"You and Luke will have to come with me to make a statement."

I was shocked by this and...Luke was already sitting in the back of the car.

Mom saw this and intervenes. "What kind of statement? They don't know anything! The kids just bumped into a body in the forest. That's more than enough trauma for them for now, don't you think?"

The man seems unmoved, shaking his head: "it's up to us to decide if they know anything or not."

Mom covered me with her hand, as if she could shield me from the idea.

"Don't worry Mrs. O'Neill, I'll get them to school safe and sound." He assured coldly.

Mom reluctantly stepped aside. "Be careful, baby."

I was on my way to the car, but my mother suddenly called out to the sheriff. "Mr. Nixon, can I have a moment?"

He nodded then turned to me. "Wait here."

Luke gog out of the car. He looked worried. Nervous . He wouldn't take his eyes off the sheriff, as if he wanted to here what he was talking about with my mother.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Do you really have to ask? We found my friend dead in the forest!"

"I didn't know that you guys are friends." Of course I wouldn't know, I just got here.

"We were friends."

Luke was silent for some time, but from his face it was clear that he was thinking about what had happened.

He suddenly looked up at me. "There's something wrong with Sam's death...His eyes...Do you remember his eyes?"

"I remember." How could I? hat crazy thing gave me nightmares all night long.

"I cannot forget them. Who could have done this to him? Sheriff Nixon is been silent about the matter, but he obviously knows something! I couldn't sleep until morning. I was just rolling around, thinking about Sam and how we found him. I remembered the day he disappeared. I still feel guilty."

"Guilty?" I asked curiously.

"Let's not talk about it....

"Luke? You can trust me."

He hesitated a bit before opening up. "Sam was not in the mood that day. He was threatened with expulsion, and then had a fight with his stepfather, and he threw him out of the house. Sam always has problems with his nerves, by that day he was running hot...

"I'm so sick and tired of all this crap. They want to expel me now?" Sam turned to school as if he was addressing someone in person. "Go ahead! Do it!"

"Calm down, man. They're not going to kick you out... you're literally like half of the football team's success."

But Sam wasn't listening. He was mostly talking to himself.

"And my stepfather throws me out? Guy drink's like there's no tomorrow, and I'm supposed to sit there and watch him fall apart? He's dragging my mom along with can she not understand..."

He was silent for a while, consumed by his own thoughts . Then he turned red with anger.

"I'll teach him a lesson."


"Haha. My bastard stepfather, who else?"

"What are you going to do?"

He grinned mischievously. "You'll see."

Sam's anger didn't fade away—it only seem to amplify.

"I need to show this piece of shit what happens to those who don't let others live in peace!"

Sam took a stone, hurling it into the air, puting a his rqge into the throw.


The window shattered. Sam was great QB...He reached for another one.

Despite the fact that it was his own house, Sam threw stone in such a frenzy —that it was clear that he no longer intended to live there...I guess he was right about that

"While you live with us, you damned ghoul , I will not set foot in that house, you hear me?! Come on out, let's have a talk!"

The second stone almost crashed into another window with a whistle.


It left a sizeable dent in the aluminum siding.

"What don't you come out, You coward! You can come out and slap me one last time! Or are you afraid that I'll break your head open?"

Sam was from a poor family. Getting into college was the only way to get our of this city...The only way to become something other than a gas station cashier, really. I understand the reason for his dispair turning into uncontrollable aggression. I understood why he was angry at his step father, who was getting his mother drunk and beating him.

"Well, where are you, this bastard."

His step father finally came out of the house.

"What are you doing, you whelp?! You need a beating to remind you where your place is?"

Sam scoffed. "It's you who's gonna get one."

Sam took another stone and before his stepfather had time to take a step, threw it at his head. And Sam rarely misses...Blood flowed down his face and cheeks.

His step father touched his head, staggered a bit, but stayed on his feet.

That night, he came running to me. His whole body was shaking. Sam asked me to hide him at my house, but I refused. I could hear the sirens...the police were coming. My parent wouldn't hide him, and I didn't see any other way for him thatn to surrender...Sam rushed out into the forest, and I never saw him again. If I had just allowed him to hide at my place, he would not have gone out there..."

"What happened to his stepfather?" I asked.

"He got off lightly, compared to Sam.."