Luke's sister

in the waiting room, I found some pamphlet promoting road safety, and I looked through a magazine that someone had left behind. It was impossible to hear what the sheriff was talking about with Luke, but I saw that the conversation was pretty intense.

Two officers came into the waiting room. They passed me byz not paying any attention to me.

"And what does the sheriff think about all these?" The tall officer said to his colleague.

"The kid was way to jacked up on drugs. Addict overdose. Case closed." The thin officer said with a eyes roll.

"Yeah, but I mean...ten years ago, this same thing happened."


They suddenly turned to me suspiciously. It's be better if I just bend my head and pretend like I was reading the magazine but I was to curious. "And what happened ten years ago?"

"I told you!man!, you just can't hold your tongue." The thin officer said with a tired look.

The tall officer ignored the thin one and focused on me. "Aren't you the one who accidentally stumbled on that kid?"

"Yess.. that's me."

"Really .."

Seeing that if I let them continue to think time would not be with me I asked again: "so what happened ten years ago? Was there a murder just like this?"

"No, no, no. A maniac was loose back then, there was a whole series of murders. That's not the case here."

"Did he get caught?"


I grinned. "The maniac."

The officers exchanged glances, but didn't answer.

"Any why are you guys hanging around here?" Mr Nixon said as soon as he stepped out of the office. The officers straightened up and hastily headed off to do some kind of work.

"That is it for now. If we have more questions for you, I will contact your parents."

The sheriff wanted to leave quickly, but he stopped, remembering something. "Wait. I promised your mom I'd take you guys back to school. Come on then."

The police car attracted the attention of the other kids. Apparently, the police were a rare guest around here. I noticed Candy walking through the parking lot in the direction of the school. For some reason, I didn't want her to see me and Luke together again.

Hastily saying goodbye, I jumped out of the car and ran to my friend. "Have you heard the news? I had nightmares all night after that." I said immediately I saw her.

Candy strangely recoiled from me and walked on. "What's wrong with you?" She abruptly stopped, I almost crashed into her, and then she turned to me.

"You went on a date with Luke! Mr. Nixon told Derek that you guys were together. You thought I wouldn't find out about it?!" I fell silent and she continued. "Not the best way to make friends with me, really...

At this point, I don't get why she's even angry. The point that I went out with Luke without telling her it the fact that I went out with her ex. "You guys aren't together anymore."

"That's not the point!"

"Then what's the point!" I asked a little annoyed.

"You lied to me! You should have told the truth..."

"First of all, I didn't lie to you, I didn't just tell you that we are going on a date and what if I said I forgot? Ok, let's even say I told you about it, what would it change?"

The bell rang. Candy tossed me an offended glance and moved on. Jeez, I don't get why she's so mad.

Despite the fact that the lesson had already begu,a lot of the kids were crowded in the corridor. When I walked in, everyone seem to stand still for a moment, and then began to whisper. As soon as I took a few steps forward, a guy approached me.

"You found Sam?" I remembered sheriff words and I kept silent. "He was murdered, right?"

"What?" I was shocked at his questions.

"Was there a lot of blood?"

Questions about Sam overwhelmed me. Many already has heard that Luke and I went to make a statement at the police station. Even the janitor listened in on the conversation, looking at me suspiciously while pretending to clean the floor.

I wanted to pass by, but my path was blocked, and the questions about what had happened didn't let up.

"What did the sheriff say about it? Any suspects?"

Everyone looked at me waiting for any answer I had. The janitor tore a leaflet from the stand talking about the disappearance of Sam, and stared me down with interest.

His gaze was heavy—observing—which only me seems to notice. I felt uneasy. I thought about the parents, whose hope of finding their son was ruined that night.

Michael approached me with some girls. The others parted before them, as if they were some kind of royalty, but they seemed to do it unconsciously.

"I heard you found Sam." He asked.

Not this again. "Yes..."

"What were you doing in the forest, not the best place to walk around at night."

"I was with Luke."

"With Luke?" He sounded very shocked and surprised.

The girl he's with turned to me. "What were you doing there? Do you have something going on with my brother?"

"Calm down, Adele. I will not let Luke have her. She's out of his league."

His answer shocked me and not only me. Adele or whatever her name is called stared at him in disbelief. "What?"

Adele looked at me with such hatred I was taken aback.

"Who are you?" She asked with barely concealed rage.

"My name is Sarah. Can't say it's nice to meet you."

"Huh?" I looked a little proud putting her in her place a little.

Michael looked at her rage filled face. "Haha. Can we just agree that she's hot? God."

From Michael's gaze, I felt my face flush and I turned my eyes away with embarrassment. "We have to go, see you soon."

As if remembering something, Adele approached me and hissed into my ear: "And you, stay away from my brother. You understand?"

The bell rang , straining, as if warning that being late is indeed punishable.