
The teacher went further, dragging the students along. "Oh look, it's high land hudsonia! It's considered endangered in north America!" There was such a delight on Bobby's face that I took cannot help but smile ."Oh, no. Nevermind. These are all common yellow flowers."

Candy and Derek were talking about something , and Bobby, having decided that I am interested, pulled me along with him. Telling me about each plants that we meet along the way. I wanted to chandelier the topic.

"Tell me about yourself." I asked hoping that he'll talk about another thing.

"Only fools talk about themselves: those who can fit their whole personality into a few simple sentences." He said with a smile that say that why I'm better.

"Well, how else are we supposed to learn about each other"

Bobby stumbled. "Are you sure that you will fit into our company and I will have to be friends with you?"

His words shocked me that I momentarily felt silent. Bobby pause for a while. "I just don't like talking about myself."

"Why?" Why would anyone don't like talking about themselves.

"Is that so interesting to anyone?" Bobby stopped abruptly, looking at me suspiciously. Even with hostility. "Are you sneaking up on me because of my brother?"

"What? No, of course not! What does your brother have to do with it?"

"Did you think you're the first to try to get to him through me?" He asked with a disgusted sneer.

"If course, those flowers have nothing on you, but they are the best in this rotten place."

I looked at the person who just spoke and I saw Michael. Michael sneaked up to me somewhere from behind and handed me a hand-picked bouquet. "There beautiful... I love lilies! Thank you."

"I'm glad you like them." He said with an accomplished tone.

Bobby sneered. "Well, I told you."

" guys are brothers?" Michael hugged Bobby by the neck, pulling him towards him. "Yep. Don't we look alike?"

"Get your hands off me!" Bobby tried to break free, but Michael held him tight. After several intensified attempts , Bobby managed to free his head from his brother's grip. "Get off!"

He adjusted his clothes, and throwing a hostile look at Michael, moved away, back closer to the teacher. "Bobby doesn't like me very much, but nevermind that." Michael watched his brother disappeared in the crowd of student.

"Why is that?" He smiled oddly, looking at me, and the fleeting, slightly noticable seriousness that glimpsed for a moment on his face immediately disappeared without a trace.

"He thinks everyone favors me, including our parents. He scanned the crowd In front of me, looking for his brother. "He considers me an upstart."

Michael smiled and spoke dismissively, as if he was not concerned. But I realized that he was worried about it. A conversation started, and I didn't notice how we have fallen behind the group.

We wandered through some kind of clearing. At first I couldn't understand what was bugging me, but as soon as I recognized it—this was the place that Luke had taken me. Emotion immediately washed over me. I felt both the pleasant excitement of my date and the horror of the night when we were face to face with death.

"What are you doing?" Michael lay down in the grass, arms stretched wide.

"Everyone complains about the weather in Saintfour, but do you know what I like about it?"


"The clouds." He stretched his hands like he could touch the clouds.


"Yes, the Saintfour sky is always covered in clouds. And you can just lie like this for hours, watching them float. Lie down, here. See for yourself." He tapped the place beside him.

"I see it like that too." I said not wanting to lie down beside him.

"No, you have to lie down to understand what I mean." Michael jumped up, grabbed my arms, and pulled me down. I fell on him. I wanted to move away, but he only leaned closer to me. His proximity made me feel hot .As if reading my thoughts, Michael smiled, opened his arms, and let me lie down beside him. "And now look."

He pointed to the sky. The clouds sailed slowly , making no impressive shapes. They simply moved along, drifting idly in the wind. As I lay there, it seemed like the earth was moving too, only in the opposite direction. My head started to spin, as I laughed. "Got it now?"

We looked at each other. "Yes, I understand."

Michael eyes changed —he because very serious. Before I knew what was happening, he had pulled me back towards him, kissing me passionately. I tried to escape , but he pressed my hands to the ground.

I shook my head, avoiding his kisses. "Don't shy away."

"Stop it." I said, trying to sound angry. He pulled away, looking at me and laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Are you afraid of me?" He asked amusingly.

"No." For a few more seconds, he looked at me, trying to understand the reason for my rejection Finally he nodded, and let go of my wrists.

The clouds were still drifting along up there, minding their own business. My head was not spinning anymore. Michael continued to focus on the sky.

"What are you doing here?" A familiar high pitched voice rang out.

"Ah, Adele. There is enough room for everyone. you can join us. Michael looked so relaxed, even bored. He did not seem to care about Adele. I didn't budge. I still lay with Micheal, not responding to Adele.

"What do you think you are doing?" She asked, obviously annoyed for not getting any reaction from me

"As you can see, I'm just laying here."

"Just laying? You are laying with my boyfriend, you slut."

Michael abruptly stood up and looked at Adele in such a way that she immediately fell silent. "You and I are no longer dating, Adele."

"But we have not yet put an end to it!" She's on the verge of tears.

"Yes we did. And long ago."


I got up and shook off the grass. "I think you better leave, Adele."

"Do not tell me what to do!" She screamed at me.

Michael frowned again. "Adele, watch your tongue."

"What do you find in her?"

"None of your business."

Everyone was on edge. Adele looked as if she was about to pounce on me. But then a scream was heard.

"The hell...?"

Adele pointed to the swamp. " coming from there!"

Michael immediately ran after the sound. Adele and I exchanged glances and ran after him.