The janitor

who told you that Sam and I were fighting?" Michael voice rang out from the classroom "I'minot an idiot, kid. We're not leaving here until you tell me." Mr. Nixonstood his ground and saidi frmly

"Oh All right. Well fine then, yes, we fought with him, especially on yhe football field. But Sam couldn't control his aggression—he was crazy! I wanted him kicked out of the football team. He got us benched... ruined our reputation. I thought this was not very professional. So let him go. Anyway..." He paused for a moment. "He honestly went super crazy."

Me. Nixon nodded. "What made you think he's crazy?"

"He imagined stuff..." Michael paused, not wanting to continue for some reason.

"For example?" Mr. Nixon. Asked.

As I leaned in to hear more of the matter, I heard a voice from behind me.

"What are you doing here?" I turned around and saw the creepy janitor.


"This wing is restricted. There are no classes up here." He eyed me suspiciously.

"I know, I'm just...I need to talk to the sheriff." I said after some deliberation. The janitor looked at me incredulously.

"Any why would you need to do that?"

I ignored his look. "I have something to tell him."

He frowned. "What?"

"Why are you asking?!" I snapped at him. He paused for a moment then frowned again.

"And it's really not good to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." He smiled, revealing his scattered yellow teeth. "I'll take you back to the hall way.

How can he command me like this, what his problem. "I think I'll stay here." I said to him, making his smiling face drop.

"How come?" He grabbed my arms.

"What are you doing?" I screamed at him.

"You are not staying here!"

I sneered. "Well I'm not going anywhere with you!" The janitor ignored me and pulled me along behind him, but I jerked myself free and backed up a couple of steps. He looked at me with a surprised and somewhat jitter, that doesn't allow for objections.

He took a step towards m, and I put my hands out and said in a loud voice as to be heard..."Do not come any closer!"

The voices behind the door stopped. The janitor froze, his face twisted in an evil grin. Finally, he nodded..."okay as you wish." He went on about his business , several times looking back at me with suspicion and some kind of resentment.

'That guy gives me goosebumps...and not the good kind...'

As soon as he had disappeared, I continued to eavesdrop.

"...and another case. That was the strangest thing that Sam did. Just during for an important match...

There was a crowd shouting out the numbers of football players. People had put up posters here and there to support the team. Michael's team was up by several points, but it was only half-time, and everything could still change.

"Go!" Michael threw a pass to Sam.

Sam jumpy, caught the ball and run down the field. He was about to score when he was violently knocked off his feet. A lengthy "oooh" was heard from the crowd.

He fell, the ball popping up in the air and into the hands of an opposing player. Sam stood up and grabbed the boy with the ball by the collar, hit him hard in the face and threw him to the ground , climbing on top of him.

Sam beat the poor fellow, kicked, shouted curses. The guy's face turned into a bloody mess..The game was stopped. Michael took off his helmet and ran towards Sam. "What the hell's wrong with you?!"

To calm Sam down , it took several guys twice his size. He tried to escape—shoutimg, threatening—and just as quickly as he went berserk , he went limp, calmed down, and suddenly began to cry. "Forgive me... forgive me, forgive me..."

The craziest thing is that the next day, Sam behaved like nothing had happened. When I raised the question of excluding him from the team, he got angry, and I sincerely don't seem to understand why."

Sheriff Nixon nodded. "Why do you think he cried?"

"I don't know...I heard his stepfather beat him up." He responded

"Who'd you hear that from?"

"Sam himself."

Mr Nixon coughed.. "Have you ever seen Sam take drugs?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just answer the question."

Michael paused a little

"No. But I kinda know that he did."

"And why's that?"

"Well he once offered to sell me some. He said that he had stolen it from his stepfather , surely he was dipping into it himself."