The Evil spirits

I had barely had time to open the door, as the cat attacked my feet.


"Ah! You again! I didn't do anything to you!" I hissed at it.


The cat continued to fight, but she didn't let her claw out. She seemed to want to put on a show of character, while not doing any real damage. "You wanna go back to your owner?" I threatened.

She immediately sat down, carefully looking at me.


"Let me take you back to Mrs. Hill as promised." I bent down to take her in my arms, but she smacked me.


"Come here!" It took a long twenty minutes for me to catch the cat and stuff it into a bag. The cat continued to kick and hiss, and I barely managed to carry her to the antique shop.

The bell rang. Mrs. Hill immediately came to meet me. "Ah, Sarah, hello. What brings you here?" She looked at the bag in my hands. "What do we have here?"

The bag in my bag seemed to come to life. It struggled, jerked, roared and hissed...I was relieved to put on the ground and released the cat. The animal jumped out of the bag, rushing somewhere deep in the room.

"Oh, you little prankster!" She looked at me. "Where's did you find her?"

"She was sitting outside the window of my room."

"Really?" She seemed genuinely surprised. Mrs. Hill went to fetch the cat, took her in her arms, and sat in the chair. "Lately, she often runs away from me. And return less often. Since she came to you, it means that she felt you needed her."

I laughed at this. "What?"

"Oh, don't laugh at an old woman. It's true." She faked a frown.

"It seems that, on the contrary, she didn't like me at all." The cat cast a haughty look at me.

"So what? Animal love and dedication has to be earned." Mrs. Hill paused, strocking the cat, then suddenly revived, jumped up, without letting her out of her hands, and approached me. "I think you should have a pet."

"I don't think my mom will agree with you." I told her. My mum is not a fan of animals.

"If she's against it, you know I will take it back. But you definitely need a pet! Your energy is low, I can feel it. And that means that evil spirits also feel it. A pet will guard it.

"No, really, I don't..."

"Oh no, no. It is very hard for me to take care of them all, and this way I will know that I found one of them a good home."

"One of them?" I asked.

"Yes. You've met the cat and the dog, and now you will get acquainted with the raven." Mrs. Hill disappeared in the doorway and returned with a raven on her shoulder. "So choose!"

I looked at the animals, wanted to refuse, but didn't dare. Something connected me to them. The pets looked at me, as if they were all really interested in my decisions. Even the dog now didn't seem so hostile as the previous time.

'Maybe I can get along with them?' "Oh well. I choose...the dog. Although our first meeting didn't workout, it seemed to me that I will become friends with the dog."

"Oh, how wonderful! She is very kind, I don't know what came over her that day. What will you call your new friend?

"Hmmm... I'm not really good in names but...what about sweetheart? Yes, sweetheart."


Mrs. Hill smile widened. "That's great! If you need any help with how to take care of them, do not hesitate to contact me."

I smiled sweetly. "Thank you!" I wonder how Mmy folks are gonna react. I came out of Mrs. Hill's store with a strange feeling of security that was not there before.

I decided to call Candy. Candy was drawing when I called. Her mom was the one who answered me. "Candy, it's Sarah!"

"Coming!" I can hear candy voice from somewhere in the house. She threw the pencils down, went downstairs and took the phone back to her room. The wire stretched like a strung—it seems like if she moved another centimeter it would snap. Candy didn't want her mother to eavesdrop on our conversation. "Hey hello. Is everything okay?"

"Yes I'm just calling to brag a little. I got a pet from Mrs. Hill."

"A pet? Wow!" She exclaimed. "Don't tell me that it's that insane dog?"

I laughed. "It is."

I can imagine her frown and confusion. "But why."

"She's really not that angry. She lied next to me now, but the truth is when I try to pet her she growls." I have to work on our relationship. But I like her." We chatted for a long time before I hung up. After finishing the conversation, Candy wanted to continue drawing.

"What the?" The pencil fell out of her hand. With trembling hands, she took the drawings, madly flipping through them, not believing her eyes. Candy didn't remember drawing any of them, and yet they were in front of her. There's long little men, with ugly arms and legs and elongated faces, distorted in fear.

Just like...just like Sam's. But how could she draw them and not notice? She frantically looked around. "Who's here?!" Candy jumped when she heard a rustled in the corner. "Oh, God. I'm losing my mind" She grabbed the papers and wanted to tear them apart and throw them away, but something in the corner began to stir, making her freeze In horror.

The lights flickered. Candy recoiled from the table where the lamp was, but the light immediately returned to normal, lightening the wall paper behind. The shout froze in her throat. She silently watched the wallpaper bistering, more and more. Something seemed to be trying to break out.

The wall paper finally burst open, black liquid resembling resin oozed out.. and it smelled of rot. The liquid kept on flowing out, covering the table, dripping on the rocket. And then a pair of hands came out of the wall—tbin, long and seemingly broken.

When the hole became wide enough , a head emerged with a giant gaping mouth, making terrible sounds that resembles laughter.


Candy screamed but the scream could not be heard. Black eyes looked straight through her own. With a sharp movement, the creature stretched out it's hand and dragged her towards itself...

"Candy, did you take the phone up again? How many times have I told you not to do that?" Candy's mom came into the room, but the room was empty and silent.

On the floor, she found crumpled papers of drawings of strange creatures...