Chapter 7 - Liberty Calls

21.05 Hours, April 19, 2187

Grid location: Gammas Serpentis System, Proxima Prime, Super Earth space.

Night had fallen over the battlefield, a blanket of darkness interspersed with the occasional flicker of fires still burning in the distance. Captain Alex Reynolds surveyed the perimeter, his eyes narrow against the cold wind that whipped up small whirls of ash and dust around him. The makeshift camp was quiet, save for the soft murmur of exhausted Helldivers sharing rations or patching up their gear.

"Can you believe it, Cap?" Marcus's voice cut through the night, his figure approaching Alex with a confident swagger, the gleam of victory still fresh in his posture. "We showed those bucketheads what we're made of!"

Alex allowed a small smile. "We did at that, Marcus. But remember, this was just one victory. The Automatons will regroup. We need to stay sharp."

A flicker of movement caught his eye—Elena, adjusting the frequency on a makeshift communications rig, her brow furrowed in concentration. She looked up, catching Alex's gaze. "I think you should hear this, Captain," she called over, her voice laced with urgency.

Alex approached, his steps deliberate. The rest of the squad gathered around, drawn to the crackling static that now filled the air. Elena twisted a dial, honing in on a transmission that gradually became clearer.

"...repeat, all units, this is Command. We've detected a massive buildup of Automaton forces in your sector. Immediate evacuation is advised..."

The message was a cold splash of reality. Jack's eyes met Alex's, filled with a silent question. Alex knew what he was thinking—they could barely afford to hold their ground, much less orchestrate a full retreat.

"We're not running," Alex said firmly, meeting the eyes of each member of his team. "We'll make our stand here. Prepare for another wave. This is our ground, and we'll defend it!"

Cheers of approval erupted among the troops, the fire of defiance burning bright in their eyes.

Meanwhile, in a quieter corner of the camp, Elena's hands flew over the controls, her mind racing. "There's more to this, Captain," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been monitoring other frequencies. There's a pattern to their movements, something strategic we're missing."

Alex nodded, his gaze intense. "Keep digging, Elena. Anything you find could give us the edge we need."

As preparations ramped up, Jack and a small team ventured out under the cover of darkness, setting traps and scouting Automaton patrol routes. His return brought grim news.

"They're mobilizing faster than we anticipated, Captain. It's like they're being... driven, controlled. It's not just random attacks—it's coordinated."

The revelation hung heavy in the air. Alex turned, facing the group, his expression hardened with resolve. "Then we're not just fighting machines. There's a mind behind this, a commander. We take out the head, and the body will fall."

Back at the communications rig, Elena's voice suddenly cut through the tension. "Captain, I've intercepted something crucial. They're controlled centrally by a hub, a sort of... command unit. If we can destroy it, we might just break their ranks!"

A plan began to form, a dangerous gambit that relied on precision and bravery. "Listen up, team," Alex announced, the map of the sector spread before them under the dim light. "We have our target. It's not just about survival now—it's about striking a blow that will echo through their ranks. We hit that command unit, and we hit it hard."

Determination set in the hardened faces around him. The night grew deeper, the stars watching silently as the Helldivers prepared for what could be their most crucial fight yet. This was more than a battle; it was a statement—a declaration that Super Earth would not fall quietly into the night.