Chapter 15 - Devils Tale

18.10 Hours, May 1st, 2187

Grid location: Alpha Centauri System, Planet Stronghold, Super Earth space.

The atmosphere in the Helldiver Command's war room was tense, thick with the anticipation of confrontation and the weight of betrayal. After revealing the extent of the internal conspiracy, the Helldivers faced not only the external threat of the Automatons but also the rot within Super Earth's leadership.

Captain Alex Reynolds stood before the high council, his team flanking him, a digital projector illuminating the damning evidence they had extracted. Council members, high-ranking officials whose life's work was supposed to be the protection of Super Earth, shuffled uncomfortably in their seats.

"We've brought back more than just enemy fire," Alex began, his voice resonating with authority. "We've uncovered a betrayal that roots deep into our own soil. This," he gestured to the screens showing encrypted communications and tampered directives, "is proof of collaboration with Automaton forces. It compromises not just our military efforts but the very ethos of Super Earth."

A murmur ran through the room, faces turning from shock to anger to fear. Elena stood resolute, her eyes scanning the council members, trying to pinpoint shifts in their demeanor. "These modifications to Automaton programming aren't just tweaks. They're strategic, meant to extend conflicts, to benefit those who would see Super Earth not as a sanctuary but as a marketplace for war."

One council member, a venerable old general with a chest full of medals, leaned forward. "Are you suggesting there is a profit motive in prolonging the war?"

"Yes, sir," Elena affirmed. "And we believe it's orchestrated by one of our own, someone in this room."

The accusation hung in the air like a thick fog. Marcus, ever the blunt instrument, added, "We're not just fighting machines out there. We're fighting greed and corruption. It's about time we clean house!"

Jack piped up, his tone serious despite his usual cocky demeanor. "We need immediate action. It's time to root out this cancer. No more politics, just action!"

The council erupted into chaos, voices raised in both defense and accusation. Amidst the uproar, Alex raised his hands, calling for silence. "We have the means to end this conflict," he declared. "Let us be united in this. Let our enemy be the machines and those who would betray us, not each other."

The head of the council, a stern woman with sharp eyes, banged her gavel. "We will have order! Captain Reynolds, your findings are grave. We will convene an emergency session to investigate these allegations with the full support of the Helldiver Corps. In the meantime, your team is to be lauded for their bravery and vigilance."

As the meeting adjourned, the Helldivers exited the room, their mission clear but their path fraught with more danger than any of them had anticipated. The corridors of power were as perilous as the fields of battle.

Outside, the base was alive with the usual hustle, but undercurrents of tension made conversations hushed and glances suspicious. Alex gathered his team for a quick debrief.

"We've opened the gates now," he said, looking each of his team members in the eye. "This fight just got bigger than any of us anticipated. But I know this team. We don't back down from a fight; we end it."

Elena nodded, her resolve hard as steel. "Let's make sure we end it on our terms."

Marcus cracked a rare somber smile. "Spoken like a true Helldiver. Let's get to work."

As they prepared for their next phase, the conspiracy deepening and the battle lines redrawn, the Helldivers knew the war they were fighting was evolving. But so were they. Ready for whatever lies ahead, they stood united, a bastion against both external and internal storms brewing on the horizon.