Chapter 38 - A Call to Serve

10.02 Hours, June 1st, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Contested Space.

The pre-dawn light cast long shadows over the ruins of the old communication hub, giving the scene a somber yet defiant tone. As the Helldivers approached, their boots crunching over debris, the weight of their previous skirmishes seemed to blend seamlessly with the eerie silence that enveloped them.

"Keep your eyes peeled," Marcus instructed, his voice low but carrying through the still air. "If the Automatons know we're after the hub, they'll not give it up easily."

Elena scanned the horizon, her sniper rifle at the ready. "Clear so far, but it feels like the calm before the storm." Her words, though whispered, resonated with a tension that was palpable among the team.

Jack adjusted his heavy blaster, his usual jovial demeanor subdued by the gravity of their mission. "I'd rather face them head-on than deal with any more surprises."

Alex, ever the strategist, was mapping out potential entry points on his digital pad. "There might be underground access. If we can bypass the main entrances, we might avoid triggering their defenses."

Ava nodded, her fingers already dancing over her own device, seeking to intercept any electronic signals. "I'm on it. If there's a way in, I'll find it. Just keep those metal heads off me."

The group moved cautiously, every step measured, every breath controlled. They reached the outer perimeter of the hub, and Ava signaled a pause. "I've got something," she announced, her eyes narrowing at the data on her screen. "There's a subterranean network connected to the hub. Looks mostly intact."

"Can you get us in?" Elena's question cut through the momentary silence that followed Ava's discovery.

"With a little charm and a lot of luck," Ava quipped, her focus unbroken as she began the hacking process.

Their wait was fraught with anticipation, each member of the team poised for action, their weapons a comforting presence in their hands. Then, Ava's device beeped softly, a green light flashing up.

"Access granted," she said with a grin, but her triumph was short-lived.

Almost immediately, the ground beneath them trembled, the rumble of engines tearing through the quiet. "Company!" Alex's warning was timely as a fleet of drone scouts burst from hidden alcoves around the hub.

The battle that ensued was a blur of motion and noise. Marcus led the charge, his commands clear even above the chaos. "Formation Delta! Ava, keep working on that entry. We hold them off!"

As blasts and explosions filled the air, the Helldivers moved as a cohesive unit, their training and instincts melding them into a formidable force. Elena picked off drones with precise, calculated shots, while Jack's blaster sent several more into fiery spirals.

The drones, though numerous, were not the main threat, and everyone knew it. "It's a distraction!" Elena called out, reloading her rifle. "They're buying time!"

"Not on my watch," Alex growled, stepping up his assault. His determination was a tangible force, driving the team forward.

Meanwhile, Ava worked furiously, her fingers a blur. With a final keystroke, she pumped her fist. "Got it! The tunnel should be just beneath—"

Her words were cut off as the ground indeed opened beneath them, but not in the controlled manner she had intended. The explosion was sudden, the force knocking them off their feet, a cloud of dust and debris obscuring their vision.

As the dust settled, the Helldivers found themselves in the shadow of the hub's main structure, the opened tunnel now accessible amidst the rubble. They regrouped quickly, checking for injuries.

"Everyone in one piece?" Marcus's voice was stern but relieved when no serious harm was reported.

"Let's not waste this chance," Ava urged, her earlier victory overshadowed by the immediate danger but her spirit undimmed.

They descended into the darkness of the tunnel, their lights piercing the gloom. Behind them, the sounds of the battle above faded, replaced by the heavy silence of the underground.

"This is it," Alex murmured, his voice echoing slightly off the tunnel walls. "Let's find what we came for and give those Automatons a reason to fear the dawn."

With renewed resolve, the team advanced, deeper into the heart of enemy territory, each step taking them closer to the secrets that might turn the tide of the war.