Chapter 40 - Onwards and Upwards

13.10 Hours, June 1st, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Contested Space.

The sun was just beginning to crest the horizon as the Helldivers emerged from the underground labyrinth, its first rays piercing the early morning mist. They were greeted by a world still quiet, the usual cacophony of the battlefield momentarily hushed as if nature itself was taking a breath.

Marcus surveyed the landscape, his eyes reflecting a mix of wariness and hope. "This is the dawn we fought for, people. Let's not waste it."

Elena, standing beside him, nodded solemnly. Her face, smeared with dirt and soot, was a testament to the night's brutal endeavors, yet her eyes sparkled with a renewed fire. "The Automatons are offline, but we need to ensure they don't come back. Ever."

Jack clapped both on their backs, his usual grin in place but his voice serious. "So, what's the plan, boss? How do we keep the lights off on those tin cans?"

Marcus pointed toward the distant mountains where the central hub of the Automaton control used to relay commands. "We need to secure that hub. Make sure there's nothing left that can be salvaged or rebooted by any wannabe tyrants."

Ava chimed in, her handheld still busy scanning for any residual signals. "I'm picking up faint echoes of data streams. It seems isolated but we can't risk any data pockets out there reconstructing the network."

Alex adjusted his rifle, already anticipating their next move. "Let's split up. Two teams—one to sweep the hub, another to trace and wipe out those data echoes. We've got to be thorough."

The group quickly divided responsibilities, their movements efficient after countless missions together. Marcus and Elena headed toward the hub, their strides determined. Jack and Ava paired up to trace the faint data signals, their equipment humming softly in the quiet of the dawn.

As Marcus and Elena approached the remnants of the control hub, the destruction was evident. The building was a hollowed-out shell, its interior dark and foreboding. Marcus's voice was low as they entered, "Stay sharp. There could be traps or leftover security measures."

Inside, the smell of burnt electronics filled the air. They moved carefully, scanning for any operational tech or booby traps. Elena's fingers brushed against a scorched panel, her senses attuned to any sign of danger. "Looks like we did a number on them, but let's double-check the data cores."

They found the mainframe room, the cores visibly damaged, but Elena insisted on running a portable scan. "We can't take any chances. Not now when we're this close to real peace."

Meanwhile, Jack and Ava were trekking through a narrow valley, following the weak signals. Ava's device led them to a small, concealed outpost, barely visible under the overgrowth. "Gotcha," Jack whispered as they approached cautiously.

Inside, they discovered a cache of data drives, still intact. Jack whistled softly, "Looks like we found the leftovers."

Ava set up her equipment, her fingers flying over the keys as she initiated the wipe. "Erasing history," she muttered, a grim smile on her face.

Back at the hub, Marcus watched as Elena confirmed the destruction of the data. "It's over. They're really gone," she said, a mixture of triumph and exhaustion in her voice.

Marcus placed a hand on her shoulder, his gaze taking in the silent machines. "You did good, soldier. We all did."

The teams regrouped, sharing their successes. The mood was buoyant, a sense of accomplishment mingling with the crisp morning air.

"We need to report back," Alex said, his voice cutting through the chatter. "It's time they heard the good news."

As they made their way back to their rendezvous point, the sun climbed higher, its light washing over the world that was now, finally, free of the shadow of the Automatons. The battle was over, but the war for rebuilding what was lost was just beginning.