Chapter 46 - Peacetime

11.58 Hours, June 4th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth Space.

Marcus and Elena moved cautiously through the outskirts of the settlement, their senses heightened as they searched for any signs of trouble. The air was thick with tension, and the sound of raised voices echoed from the heart of the settlement.

"Keep your eyes peeled, Elena," Marcus whispered, his hand resting on the grip of his rifle. "We don't know what we're walking into here."

Elena nodded, her gaze sweeping over the ramshackle buildings that made up the settlement. "Got it, Commander. Just say the word if you need me to cover you."

As they approached the center of the settlement, they saw a group of armed individuals gathered around a makeshift podium. A man, presumably the settlement's leader, was addressing the crowd, his voice loud and impassioned.

"We won't stand for this any longer!" the man declared, his fists clenched in anger. "It's time we took back what's rightfully ours!"

Marcus and Elena exchanged a wary glance, silently agreeing that they needed to learn more before making their presence known. They slipped into the shadows, listening intently to the man's speech.

"We've been pushed around for too long," the man continued, his voice rising with each word. "It's time we showed them we're not to be trifled with!"

Elena leaned in close to Marcus, her voice barely a whisper. "Sounds like they're gearing up for a fight, Commander. What's our move?"

Marcus considered their options carefully, weighing the risks and potential outcomes. "We need to find out who they're planning to attack and why. Then we can decide on our next course of action."

With that, they continued to eavesdrop on the conversation, piecing together fragments of information that hinted at a power struggle between rival factions in the settlement. It was clear that tensions were running high, and violence seemed inevitable if nothing was done to defuse the situation.

As they listened, Marcus spotted a familiar face among the crowd—a member of the scavenger group they had allied with at the factory. He motioned for Elena to follow as he approached the man, hoping to glean more information from someone with insider knowledge.

"Hey there," Marcus greeted the scavenger, his tone casual but probing. "Mind if we have a word?"

The scavenger regarded Marcus with a mixture of surprise and suspicion but nodded nonetheless. "Sure, what do you want to know?"

Marcus got straight to the point, his voice low but intense. "We heard there's trouble brewing in the settlement. What can you tell us?"

The scavenger hesitated for a moment before replying, his gaze darting around nervously. "It's true. There's been tension between the factions for a while now. Things are about to come to a head."

Marcus's jaw tightened as he processed the information. It seemed they had stumbled into a powder keg ready to explode at any moment. They needed to act fast if they were going to prevent bloodshed.

"We need to warn the others," Marcus said, his voice urgent. "This situation is about to get out of hand, and we can't afford to let innocent lives be caught in the crossfire."

With a shared sense of purpose, Marcus and Elena hurried back to their team, knowing that their actions in the coming moments could determine the fate of the settlement—and perhaps their own.