Chapter 51 - Shade of Democracy

05.10 Hours, June 6th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth Space.

The night stretched long and ominous as the soldiers prepared under the cloak of darkness. Jack's team was a simmering pot of tension and anticipation, gearing up in silence, each member mentally rehearsing their role in the mission to come. The brief calm before the storm was palpable, the air thick with the promise of action.

Jack checked his equipment one last time, his fingers expertly navigating the familiar contours of his gear. Beside him, Elena did the same, her expression a mask of focus and determination. Their eyes met briefly, a silent exchange of resolve and mutual respect.

"Check your comms. I don't want any surprises once we're out there," Jack instructed, his voice low but clear. The team responded with nods, each member double-checking their radio links.

"Signal's good," Elena confirmed, her voice just as low. She turned to address the team, her posture rigid with authority. "Stay sharp. Keep your eyes open and watch each other's backs. We're not just fighting for territory; we're paving the way for peace."

The transport vehicles hummed to life, their engines a dull roar in the quiet night. The team loaded up, the heavy thud of boots and clatter of equipment filling the space. As the transports rolled out, the camp disappeared behind them, swallowed by the darkness.

The journey to the enemy supply lines was tense, each soldier lost in their thoughts, the weight of the impending conflict pressing down on them. The landscape passed in a blur of shadows and moonlit terrain, the silence a stark contrast to the storm brewing within each of them.

Upon arrival, the vehicles halted, hidden by the thick brush. The soldiers disembarked swiftly, forming up with practiced ease. Jack led the way, his night vision casting the world in a ghostly green hue. They moved like specters through the terrain, the only sounds their muted footsteps and the distant call of nocturnal wildlife.

As they neared the target, the silhouette of the enemy supply depot loomed ahead, an imposing structure guarded more by its isolation than by manpower. Jack signaled for the team to hold, his hand raised in a silent command.

"Positions," he whispered into the comm, his voice barely above a breath. Elena and two others peeled off to the right, moving to flank the depot.

Through his scope, Jack surveyed the depot. A few guards patrolled the perimeter, their movements lazy, unsuspecting. He waited, holding his breath, counting their steps, learning their patterns.

"On my mark," Jack finally breathed into the comm. "Three... two... one... Mark."

Silenced shots whispered through the night, each finding its mark. The guards slumped silently, unaware even in their final moments. The efficiency of the team was chilling, a testament to their training and their resolve.

"Perimeter clear," Elena's voice confirmed over the comm. "Moving in."

The team converged on the depot, slipping inside the shadows. Inside, crates of supplies were stacked in orderly rows, the munitions and rations critical to the enemy's operations. Jack's team planted explosives, setting timers with precision.

"Fire in the hole in three minutes," Jack warned. They retreated, moving back the way they had come with disciplined speed.

As they reached a safe distance, the depot erupted in a ball of fire, the night sky illuminated with the destructive beauty of their handiwork. The sound rolled over the landscape, a thunderous declaration of their presence.

Back at the transport, the team loaded up, the adrenaline beginning to ebb as they processed the success of their mission.

Elena met Jack's gaze, a flicker of triumph in her eyes. "One step closer," she said, the impact of their actions not just tactical but symbolic.

Jack nodded, feeling the weight of their progress. "One step closer," he echoed, turning to look back at the burning light in the distance. They were indeed paving the way for peace, each explosion not just tearing down the old but building the hope for something new.