Chapter 67: The Decoy

18.58 Hours, June 12th, 2187

Grid location: Proxima System, Planet Tethlis, Super Earth Space.

In the wake of their recent victory, Jack and his team remained on high alert, knowing that the Terminids would not take their defeat lightly. As they regrouped in the command center, tension hung thick in the air, each member keenly aware of the ever-present threat looming on the horizon.

"We can't afford to let our guard down," Jack said, his voice low but resolute. "We need to stay one step ahead of the enemy at all times."

Maria nodded, her fingers flying across the control panel as she monitored incoming transmissions. "I'm picking up some chatter," she reported, her brow furrowed in concentration. "It sounds like the Terminids are planning something big."

Jack's jaw clenched at the news. "Any idea what?"

Maria shook her head. "Not yet. But whatever it is, we need to be ready for it."

Meanwhile, out on the front lines, Elena and Carlos led their troops in patrols, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of enemy activity. The air was heavy with anticipation, the tension palpable as they waited for the inevitable clash.

Suddenly, a distress call crackled over the radio, cutting through the silence like a knife. "We're under attack! Repeat, we're under attack!"

Elena's heart leaped into her throat as she listened to the panicked voice on the other end. "Where are you?" she demanded, her voice tight with urgency.

The response came back garbled, but Elena caught enough to know that the attack was happening on the outskirts of the city, far from where they were currently stationed.

Without hesitation, Elena and Carlos sprang into action, rallying their troops and speeding towards the source of the distress call. As they raced through the streets, the sense of foreboding weighed heavily upon them, each step bringing them closer to the unknown danger that awaited.

When they arrived at the scene, what they found sent a chill down their spines. The area was deserted, the only signs of life the charred remains of buildings and the smoldering wreckage of vehicles.

"It's a trap," Carlos muttered, his eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of movement.

Elena nodded grimly. "They lured us away from the city. We need to get back there, fast."

As they turned to leave, a sudden explosion rocked the ground beneath their feet, sending them sprawling to the ground. Above them, a swarm of Terminid ships descended from the sky, their weapons blazing as they unleashed hell upon the unsuspecting city.

Elena's heart sank as she watched the destruction unfold before her eyes. "We've been played," she whispered, her voice heavy with regret.

But there was no time for remorse. With the city under attack, they had no choice but to fight back with everything they had.