Chapter 101: Around the Corner

The hum of the *Leviathan*'s engines was a steady, familiar comfort in the vast expanse of space. Captain Jack Steele stood on the bridge, eyes fixed on the holographic display that showed their trajectory. The weight of their recent mission, and the cargo now secured in the hold, pressed heavily on his mind.

"How long till we reach the outpost?" Jack asked, breaking the silence.

"Six hours, if we don't run into any trouble," Zara replied, fingers deftly adjusting controls. "But I'd bet my last ration pack we'll have company soon enough."

"Speaking of company," Reyes interjected, stepping up beside Jack. "We've got a few loose ends to tie up. Harrington's intel, for one. We need to know what else he's hiding."

Jack glanced at the younger officer, who stood nervously at the back of the bridge. Harrington's face was pale, but his eyes were resolute. "You got more to tell us, Lieutenant?"

Harrington nodded, stepping forward. "There's more to Project Genesis than what I initially shared. It's not just a weapon; it's a beacon. It can draw the Terminids to a specific location. The idea was to use it to lure them into a trap."

"And you thought now was a good time to mention this?" Zara's voice was sharp, her gaze icy.

"I didn't know if we'd make it this far," Harrington admitted. "But now that we have the device, we have an opportunity. We can choose the battleground."

Jack's mind raced. This was bigger than he'd thought. "Alright, Harrington. What's the catch?"

"The catch," Harrington said, his voice grim, "is that it requires a massive power source. Something we don't have on board. We'd need to link it to a planetary grid or a major starship."

Jack turned to Zara and Reyes, their expressions mirroring his own mix of intrigue and concern. "We'll need the Federation's help. Let's hope they're in a cooperative mood."


The outpost loomed ahead, a small but strategic Federation base on the edge of contested space. The *Leviathan* docked smoothly, the crew disembarking with practiced efficiency. Jack led the way, his team falling into step behind him.

Commander Bryson, a stern-faced officer with a reputation for no-nonsense command, met them at the airlock. "Steele. What brings you here unannounced?"

Jack wasted no time. "We've got something that could turn the tide against the Terminids. We need your resources and your cooperation."

Bryson's eyebrow arched. "And what might that be?"

"Project Genesis," Jack replied. "A weapon that can disrupt their neural networks. And a beacon to lure them into a trap."

Bryson's eyes widened slightly, but she kept her composure. "That's classified tech. How did you get your hands on it?"

"That's a long story," Reyes cut in. "One best saved for when we're not in immediate danger."

Bryson considered for a moment, then nodded. "Follow me. Let's see what you've got."


In the command center, Harrington set up the device under the watchful eyes of Federation engineers. Jack and Bryson observed, tension simmering in the air.

"This thing better be worth the trouble," Bryson muttered. "We're stretched thin as it is."

"It is," Jack assured her. "We've seen it in action. It can give us the edge we need."

Harrington completed the setup, turning to face them. "It's ready. But like I said, we need a massive power source."

Bryson's eyes narrowed. "We can reroute power from the main reactor. But it'll leave us vulnerable. If this goes south, we're sitting ducks."

"It won't," Jack said, his voice firm. "We've got one shot at this. We make it count."


Hours later, the outpost buzzed with activity. Federation soldiers and Helldivers worked side by side, preparing for the coming battle. Jack stood with his team, their bond forged through countless skirmishes and narrow escapes.

"You ready for this?" Zara asked, her voice low.

"Ready as we'll ever be," Jack replied. "Just another day at the office."

Reyes chuckled. "Yeah, another day saving the galaxy."

Harrington approached, a serious look on his face. "It's time. The device is powered up and ready to activate."

Jack nodded. "Let's do this."

The team moved to the command center, where Bryson and her officers waited. The tension was palpable, the weight of their mission hanging over them all.

"Activate the beacon," Jack ordered.

Harrington pressed a series of buttons, and the device hummed to life. A pulse of energy shot out, invisible but potent, spreading through the void.

"Now we wait," Bryson said, her voice tight.

Minutes felt like hours as they watched the sensors. Then, a blip. Then another. And another.

"They're coming," an officer announced, his voice tinged with fear.

Jack's heart pounded. "All units, prepare for engagement. This is it."

The Terminid ships appeared on the sensors, their numbers overwhelming. But this time, they were ready. They had a plan.

As the first wave of Terminids approached, the outpost's defenses roared to life. Laser cannons and missile launchers fired in unison, the space around them lighting up with explosions.

"Hold the line!" Jack shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

The battle raged on, each second a test of their resolve. The Helldivers fought with everything they had, their determination unwavering.

Amid the chaos, Jack caught sight of Harrington, his face a mask of concentration as he monitored the device. "How's it holding up?" Jack shouted over the din.

"It's working!" Harrington replied. "The beacon's drawing them in, just like we planned."

"Good," Jack said, a fierce grin spreading across his face. "Let's give them hell."

The Terminids pressed harder, their relentless assault testing every defense. But the combined strength of the Federation and the Helldivers held firm.

As the battle reached its peak, a massive explosion rocked the Terminid fleet. The disruption field from Project Genesis pulsed out, sending shockwaves through their neural networks.

"They're breaking off!" Bryson yelled, disbelief and relief mingling in her voice. "It's working!"

The Terminids, disoriented and crippled, began to retreat. The outpost's defenders pressed their advantage, driving the invaders back into the void.

As the last of the Terminid ships disappeared from the sensors, a cheer went up from the command center. Jack turned to his team, exhaustion and pride written on their faces.

"We did it," Zara said, her voice trembling with emotion.

"Yeah," Jack replied, clapping Harrington on the back. "We did."

Bryson approached, a rare smile on her face. "You've done the impossible, Steele. The Federation owes you a debt."

Jack shook his head. "We're all in this together. We've got a long fight ahead, but we've shown we can win."

As the *Leviathan* prepared to depart, Jack took one last look at the outpost. They had won a crucial battle, but the war was far from over. The Terminids would regroup, and they would come again.

But now, they had a weapon. They had hope.

Jack stepped onto the bridge, his team by his side. "Set course for the next rendezvous," he ordered. "We've got a galaxy to save."

The *Leviathan* surged forward, into the unknown, ready for whatever came next.