Chapter 108: A New Threat

The quiet hum of the *Leviathan* was a stark contrast to the chaos that had consumed the battlefield. Jack Steele stood in the dimly lit war room, the tactical display casting an eerie glow on his face. He studied the shifting patterns, each blip representing lives hanging in the balance.

"Captain," Zara's voice broke through the silence, soft but urgent. "We've got incoming data from Dr. Chang."

Jack turned, eyes narrowing. "Put it through."

The screen shifted, revealing Emily's face, flushed with excitement and fear. "Jack, you need to see this. I've analyzed the new Terminid units we encountered. They're more than just advanced combat models—they're a hybrid of Terminid and human DNA."

A heavy silence settled over the room. Jack felt a cold knot form in his stomach. "Are you saying..."

"Yes," Emily interrupted, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words. "They're evolving. They've been experimenting with human DNA to enhance their capabilities."

Jack's mind raced. "How is that possible?"

"I've only scratched the surface," Emily replied. "But it's clear they've been studying us, learning from our biology to create stronger, more adaptable warriors."


In the hangar bay, soldiers were busy repairing damaged equipment and tending to the wounded. Harrington, a bandage on his arm from the recent skirmish, oversaw the operations. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the exhausted faces.

"Keep it tight, people. We need to be ready for anything," he barked, though his voice carried a note of concern.

Jenkins approached, his face pale. "Sarge, you think they'll hit us again soon?"

Harrington clapped him on the shoulder. "Count on it, Jenkins. But we'll be ready. We've got to be."


In the med bay, Reyes sat by the bed of a young soldier, her breathing shallow. He watched the medical team work, his thoughts heavy. The cost of their recent victory weighed on him, each casualty a reminder of the stakes they faced.

Dr. Chang entered, her expression grim. "Reyes, I need to talk to you."

He stood, following her to a quieter corner. "What's going on?"

"We've confirmed that the new Terminid units are using human DNA," she said quietly. "They're not just evolving—they're integrating our strengths into their own biology."

Reyes swore under his breath. "That's why they hit us so hard. They're getting smarter, more tactical."

Emily nodded. "And more dangerous. We need to find a way to counter this, or we're going to be outmatched."


Back in the war room, Jack convened a strategy session. Around the table sat his top officers, each one hardened by years of battle. The atmosphere was tense, charged with a sense of urgency.

"We've confirmed the Terminids are using human DNA," Jack began. "This changes everything. They're not just adapting; they're evolving at an unprecedented rate."

Harrington leaned forward, his face a mask of determination. "What's our next move, Captain?"

"We need to hit their research facilities," Jack replied. "If we can disrupt their experiments, we might slow their progress."

Zara tapped on her tablet, bringing up a map of suspected Terminid outposts. "There's a facility on the outskirts of the Helios system. High Terminid activity, and it fits the profile."

Jack nodded. "That's our target. We'll take a strike team and hit them hard. Reyes, I want you to lead the assault."

Reyes met his gaze, a fierce light in his eyes. "Understood, sir. We'll make sure they know we're not backing down."


As preparations for the assault began, the ship buzzed with renewed energy. Soldiers checked their weapons, engineers fine-tuned the transport shuttles, and medics prepared for the inevitable casualties. The air was thick with anticipation and determination.

In his quarters, Jack sat at his desk, the weight of command heavy on his shoulders. He activated his communicator, the image of Emily appearing on the screen.

"Emily, any last-minute advice?"

She smiled faintly, the strain of recent discoveries evident on her face. "Just one. Be careful, Jack. We don't know what we're up against."

He nodded. "We'll be ready. Stay safe, Emily."

"You too, Jack," she replied, her image fading as the connection closed.


The assault on the Helios facility was swift and brutal. Reyes led his team with precision, each move calculated to maximize their impact. The Terminids fought back with their usual ferocity, but the human forces pushed through, driven by the knowledge of what was at stake.

"Push forward! Don't let them regroup!" Reyes shouted, his voice cutting through the chaos.

Explosions rocked the facility, sending debris and Terminid bodies flying. The ground team moved like a single organism, each member playing their part in the deadly dance of combat.

As they breached the central lab, Reyes' eyes widened at the sight of the experiments in progress. Tanks filled with hybrid Terminids, suspended in a viscous fluid, lined the walls. The room was a chilling testament to the Terminid's relentless drive for perfection.

"Plant the charges," Reyes ordered. "We're taking this place down."


Back on the *Leviathan*, Jack and the command team monitored the assault in real-time. The tension in the room was palpable as they watched the feed from Reyes' helmet cam.

"Come on, Reyes," Jack muttered under his breath. "Get out of there."

The seconds ticked by, each one an eternity. Finally, the charges were set, and Reyes signaled the retreat.

"Extraction point secured. Get us out of here!" he called, his voice steady despite the chaos.

As the team boarded the extraction shuttle, the facility erupted in a massive explosion, the shockwave visible even from orbit.


Later, in the aftermath of the successful mission, the mood aboard the *Leviathan* was a mix of relief and grim determination. The threat was far from over, but they had struck a critical blow against the enemy.

Jack stood on the bridge, staring out at the stars. The battle ahead was daunting, but they were ready. Together, they would face whatever came next.

Reyes joined him, a tired but triumphant smile on his face. "We did it, Captain. But this is just the beginning."

Jack nodded, his resolve unwavering. "We'll keep fighting, Reyes. We have to. For all of us."