Current status and plans

Yesterday Yuta bought some groceries and some other necessities like toothpaste, soap and stuff and some notebooks and pencils for taking notes. He spent 500ryo in total, from which half of it he spent on food like rice and eggs that will lasts him for around 4 days. 

With these expenses it is clear for Yuta that the 1000ryo monthly allowance is not enough even for just a normal food. 

'Hm… If Naruto also got only 1000ryo in the series then it makes sense that he normally ate only instant ramen during academy days, that stuff costs around 10ryo for one serving, so that is how he spends his 1000ryo.' 

'If I have to buy normal food and cook, I will spent all my allowance in 2-3 weeks, that won't do. Shinobi that led me here told me that I can collect ration bars at the academy and that might be the solution to this problem.' 

'I doubt it will be tasty but hey, it's a free food and probably also healthy and contains all that my body needs. And it's not like I have a choice here, I don't have enough money for normal food, and surviving on cheap instant noodles will hinder my growth.' 

After Yuta brought food and stuff yesterday and had a meal, he went to sleep highly enjoying the silence and his private space of his new apartment for the first time in this world. Living for more than a year in the noisy space of the orphanage among kids and being treated as a kid was not easy for Yuta. 

Before the reincarnation Yuta used to be a man that lived his own life how he wanted it, making decisions for himself and had his own house with no one telling him what to do. And after all that he found himself in a noisy environment of the orphanage among kids and where everyone treats him as a kid. That was stressful and annoying! 

And now as Yuta was finally out, he was enjoying this change in his life greatly. Only getting to this point he realized how much he disliked his time in the orphanage. 

Yuta woke up in the morning, took a shower, cooked and ate some rice with eggs and now has free time. 

Yuta sat at the desk and started to think about his current situation and plans. 

'The academy starts tomorrow, today I'm free. It's time to analyze my current status and my plans for the academy.' 

'I trained in chakra control exercises for a whole year. Now even water walking is not giving any results for me, no matter how much I train with it there are no improvements anymore. Maybe I can come up with something new for the chakra control training, I will think about that later on.' 

'I also trained my body with 2 hours of running every day and that is also not providing any improvements anymore. I have to improve my physical training if I want to train my body further. Well, at the academy they should teach us how to train the body properly so I will just wait for that instead of trying something new on my own.' 

'I learned how to use sensory abilities and now I can sense other people's chakra in a radius of 20 meters, and only when I concentrate on it. It's hard and exhausting to do, but the more I do it, the more it improves the radius and eventually becomes easier. I'm training in my sensory abilities for 2 hours every day and that leaves me mentally exhausted.' 

'Maybe if I had a sensor teacher that I could ask some questions instead of trying things blindly on my own to figure it out - that would be much easier. But it's not like I had a choice in it, this sensory training is the only thing I managed to come up with to not waste my time in the orphanage.' 

'During the academy test I managed to sense some other people's chakra and compare it with my own. Among the kids there I only sensed a few that had bigger chakra reserves than the normal civilians. Some of those with bigger reserves have lower amount than me, and only 2 of them have bigger amount.' 

'I didn't have the opportunity to sense chakra of any clan kids or those 3 kids that claimed to have mastered D-rank ninjutsu and skipped the test. But I sensed the chakra of some present shinobi, and that amounts are much higher than mine. Some of them had chakra 5 times bigger than mine and others much more than that.' 

'I guess most of them are Chunins and those that had only 5 times more chakra than me probably are Genins. So, for now, I have one-fifth of the amount of chakra that adult Genins have.' 

'Well, I'm only 5 now and I haven't trained my body properly yet. Learning and training ninjutsu should also have a good effect in increasing my chakra reserves later on. So, all in all this is the expected result.' 

'For now, it's safe to assume that I have very good chakra control and I have a stronger body than most of the enrolled students thanks to running, bigger chakra reserve and tree walking exercise that also trained my body. Also, I developed my sensory abilities to some degree.' 

'But there are some kids among the civilians that definitely had some shinobi training, like those 3 that claimed that they knew D-rank ninjutsu, or those that have a higher amount of chakra.' 

'Well, I doubt that I need to worry about them. They likely will be placed in the elite's class, and I will be in the normal class.' 

'My goals for the academy will be to learn everything I can from it and that is about it. I don't need to stand out and attract any attention to myself, at least not until the graduation. If I want to get some capable Jonin sensei I will need to show my capabilities at some point.' 

'I think the last year of the academy will be the best bet for that. At the last year before graduation, I will show what I'm capable of, so I will get better chances to be placed in some good team with a good Jonin sensei.' 

'And if I do so only in the last year, there will be fewer chances to being forced to join Root. Also, at that point I should have a much stronger spiritual energy, so if something happens at that point, I should be able to fix it with time travel.' 

'Right now, after the year of chakra control exercises and training in sensory abilities my spiritual energy had grown a lot. Now I can travel up to 10 days back in time. In my estimation with good training that helps me grow spiritual energy, in around 2 years I will able to time travel up to 30 days.' 

'At that point the loophole will be available when I will be able to constantly travel back in time again and again as my soul energy fully restores in 30 days.' 

'When my spiritual energy grows even more than that I will be able to return to any point in time eventually, even back to the point in time when I came to this world.' 

'And I need even a lot more than that to be able to do other cool stuff with my Time control ability! I feel like I need an enormous amount of spiritual energy compared to what I have now to time travel with my physical body. When I will able to do that, I will be able to travel to the future or to the past over the point in time I came to this world.' 

'I don't exactly know how it would work for the time being, I need to increase my spiritual energy first and then I should start to understand the mechanics of the physical time travel. But as I haven't encountered my future self yet, I can assume that I can't interfere with my past self when I do physical time travel, or maybe there is some other complications. Or future me decided to not interfere with his past self for some reason.' 

'The academy will last for 6 years. But there is the possibility for graduating early and the possibility to stay at the academy for more years if you failed the graduation exam. There will also be a Jonin sensei test, and if you fail that, you will be sent back to the academy. And there will be only 2 more additional chances if you fail.' 

'If you fail to graduate and become a Genin for the third time, you will be assigned to the Genin Reserve to repay the village for wasted resources on your education. Becoming Chunin after that will be hard. And there will also be a lot of manual labor for you in the Genin Reserve with not so good payments and not a lot of possibilities to learn new techniques and become stronger.' 

'So, failing and entering the Genin Reserve is the lowest status that shinobi in the village can get. They mostly do simple tasks like delivering messages and stuff, patrolling or being permanently stationed in some border fortresses. And in the time of war, they play a role of the cannon fodder.' 

'Well, passing the graduation exam and Jonin sensei test should be easy for me. Especially with time travel, because I will have as much tries to pass it as I need to. At that point I should have spiritual energy strong enough to time travel as many times as I want and have as many tries in passing the test as I want, hehe.' 

'I wonder when they will teach us the 3 basic jutsu. Until they do there is not much for me to train with. For now, I can only train in sensory abilities for 2 hours a day, and I also need some advice on how to train my body, so I want them to teach us stuff the sooner the better.' 

With that thoughts Yuta spent all day relaxing at home, excited about the academy that starts tomorrow. But his excitement will not last for long… 



[AN: What do you think about the physical time travel and how it should work? I already decided on how it will be but I also interested in your opinion on it.

Thanks to Yionfhj, PoKo4i, inane, Lokeft, Zenith_Master and poonie_jr for the power stones!]