Itachi Trains Yuta; Itachi Wants To Learn Fuinjutsu?

It's been a month since Itachi agreed with Yuta to work together on keeping the village safe with the use of Yuta's supposed prophet powers and Itachi's helping him with whatever he can. After Yuta told Itachi some small things about his future, like his strong bond with his younger brother Sasuke and how he learns fireball jutsu from his father on his first try, that seems is not happened yet, Itachi start to believe in Yuta's claim about his ability.

Itachi decided to believe in Yuta's claim of him awakening some sort of a prophet Kekkei Genkai for a one simple reason actually. It's that if Yuta's lying about it, the flaws in his claims will be discovered soon enough, and it's not like Yuta asking him to do something outrageous. So Itachi will believe in Yuta for now and wait for more solid evidences to appear.

With that the usual group of Yuta, Itachi, Hideto and Shingo starts to spend the lunch breaks at the academy courtyard as in Yuta's previous timeline.

On one of that days at the lunch break, while the group is seating and relaxing in time between classes, Itachi suddenly asked with puzzled expression, "Guys, what do you think is the meaning of life?"

'Damn, not this nonsense all over again! Well, while I like Itachi's personality, and this sets of questions was fine for the first time, but now, getting through them all over again is a bit annoying.'

While Hideto and Shingo looked perplexed with this sudden question out of blue, Yuta turns to look at Itachi without changing his neutral expression and said, "Isn't it's just to live? No one wants to die, it's that simple. And you always can find your own purpose in life, it's not like there are wrongs and rights among them, and for every person it's different."

After that response Hideto and Shingo become even more perplexed. Itachi on the other side, widen his eyes like he was found some kind of enlightenment about the true essence of the world.

'Damn, am I getting good at spitting out this type of philosophical nonsense? That's not the type of skill I want to master! I accepted to play the role of the prophet, not the philosopher!' 

Later on this day, when academy classes ended, Yuta and Itachi meet at the academy training grounds. Yuta asked Itachi previously if Itachi can teach some things to him and Itachi agreed to that. After that they decided to meet once a week for Yuta's training after classes, and now is the time.

On the first session Itachi tested Yuta in taijutsu and helped him to correct some flaws in his moves and done some sparring's for the day.

Itachi can't teach the Uchiha taijutsu style to Yuta for two reasons. The first is that there is not much to it, after all Uchiha, when they don't use genjutsu or ninjutsu, usually rely on ninja tools, like shurikens, ninja wires, kunais and other things, there is not much of taijutsu moves at the first place in their fighting style.

The second reason is that after Uchihas awaken their Sharingan, they are relying on the efficient and precise movements in fight, and this type of style cannot be mastered by someone without the Sharingan. The Sharingan and its abilities is the essence of this fighting style, and taijutsu is the only tiny part of it.

On the second session Itachi trained Yuta in the kunai fight, it vent pretty much the same as with the taijutsu session.

On the third time they meet for the training, Itachi trained Yuta with the shurikens. Yuta learned the right ways how to use ninja wires with shurikens, how to calculate the shuriken trajectories and stuff like that.

But this skill is what Yuta hates the most, Shurikenjutsu is the hardest skill to train for Yuta, and the most useless in his opinion. To say that Yuta is not having a talent for shurikens, is like making him a compliment. It's just not his thing he feels like.

This is the fourth time they meet for the Yuta's training already.

"We already went through the basics" Itachi said, thinking what to do next, "What you want to train next, Yuta? How about basic academy jutsu?"

"I think I mastered them good enough already." Yuta responded, then for demonstration hi grabs kunai from his pouch and throws it in to the ground not far away from him.

After two seconds, when nothing happened after kunai was thrown, Itachi looked at Yuta with questioning look, "Is something supposes to happen?"

As soon as Itachi said that, kunai a couple meters from Yuta is suddenly puffed with smoke and Yuta appear on its place, as Henge jutsu stops working.

At a same time the image of Yuta that was still stands in front of Itachi also disappears, and there is only a kunai can be seen on its previous place, as Bunshin jutsu also stops working.

Seeing that performance Itachi soon realized what happened.

"You combined all three basic academy jutsu, and you used it so fluently and without any hand seals, that is amazing!"

'Well, being complemented by the genius Itachi himself, I can't say I didn't like it… But recalling all those months of focused training to master this stuff, there is nothing special about it, just some hard work that's all…'

"There is nothing great about it" Yuta said looking down, "Just some basic jutsus, maybe it can surprise some Genin or fresh Chunin, but I doubt I can hit any experienced shinobi with that."

"It's a good combination and you have mastered this jutsus to such a high degree" Itachi said loudly, "There is nothing to feel bad about it!"

"You are right" Yuta said looking up again. "But what I truly want to master for a long time now is genjutsu. I read a lot about it in the library, but there is only theory about it." Yuta said while picking up his kunai and putting it back.

"Hm, you want to master genjutsu?" Itachi looked at Yuta surprised, "Well I only started to learn genjutsu myself, so I can't teach you right now, maybe a few months later, when I master it myself? I already learned some things but I can't teach it to you without a good understanding of it myself."

Yuta looked slightly dejected hearing that.

'I was really excited that today is the day I will finally start learning some practical genjutsu, well, it can't be helped. In our fight in the previous timeline, Itachi used some type of genjutsu that affects sight, but that point in time was like a couple months later than the current time. So Itachi is most likely learning that technique right now it seems.'

'Well I can wait, no big deal, maybe he can teach me something else.'

"Hey Yuta" Itachi suddenly spoke, looking a little hesitant, "Do you think you can teach me fuinjutsu?"

'Itachi wants to learn fuinjutsu from me? Looks like he had developed some interest after seeing my privacy sealing tag. And how do I teach him? It's not the same as ninjutsu, where all you need to know is some hand seals, some basic information about the jutsu, and knowing how much chakra you need to put in it for it to work, besides the affinity requirements if it's an elemental jutsu of course.'

'For teaching him fuinjutsu he needs to learn the basics first, and it's not like I can teach it to him better than scrolls in the library can, right?'

"Itachi, I developed my own special fuinjutsu style, it's very different than any other styles I've seen so far. And I can teach it to you if you want to. But to get to that point you must learn all the basics that in the library about the fuinjutsu first. There is no other way around it, and it will probably take you a whole year if you have some talent for it."

Itachi looked a little dejected hearing that.

'Well, it taken multiple years for me, but if it's just the basics, someone like Itachi can probably go through it even faster.'

"There one more thing about it, Itachi" Yuta continued, hoping that Itachi will drop the idea, "From what I have learned so far, if you hope to become one of the best fuinjutsu masters in the future and be able to develop your own seals, you need to develop your own fuinjutsu style. If you learn mine or someone else's style, it will be hard for you to grow to the top of fuinjutsu mastery after that."

"But if you want just to be able to read and break seals, as well as be able to make your own seals by copying the seals those others developed, for that developing your own style is not necessary."

"Also, Itachi, if you will need the help of the fuinjutsu master in the future, you can always ask me, I will be there for you."

'I hope he drops the idea now, it was my longest speech so far in this entire new life! If he still insists on the learning fuinjutsu himself after that…'

After some time of contemplating about the matter, Itachi calms down and looks at Yuta with calm expression.

'Well, looks like I was able to convince him after all. With so much effort I put in that speech it's only natural after all!'

"Yuta, I still want to learned it eventually. I will read the basics and come back to you when I have some questions, is it fine with you?"

"Yea, sure, I always happy to help!" Yuta replied with a slight smile.

'Damn my luck! Now he will put more time in to learning fuinjutsu, making me less special in our team, and he will have less time to learn new techniques to teach me after he learns it…'

'Maybe I should go back in time and not use the sealing tag for privacy?! Well, there is no point in that I guess, Itachi will get to know about my fuinjutsu mastery either way, just a little later. Well, there is no helping it, let's make Itachi a fuinjutsu master on top of everything else, I guess…'


[AN: Well, with Sharingan that grants the photographic memory and the ability to see chakra, the potential of Itachi in fuinjutsu might greatly surprise our MC later on, what do you think?

5 extra chapters ahead of schedule release on my patreon /SycoreNovels 

Big thanks to Zion X for supporting me on patreon!]