First Genjutsu

The rest of the days went fine, and today is the day when Yuta is supposed to tell Itachi about Orochimaru and get summoned by Hiruzen. Yuta is seating on the ground and starting to draw a seal on the empty paper tag. This is the time when Itachi is supposed to show up.

And just like in the previous timeline, Itachi showed up again, when he come closer to Yuta he spotted that Yuta is drawing a seal. He spent not much time on studying Fuinjutsu, but even with that little knowledge on the matter, Itachi can see that the seal that Yuta is drawing looks different from usual seals that displayed in the library scrolls.

Itachi comes closer and watches as Yuta drawing the seal with interest without interrupting him. A few minutes later, Yuta completed the seal and put back the brush and ink. The seal looks like two circles, one inside the other, and both circles have some symbols and texts written in a roundabout manner. The inner circle taken most of the paper tag space, while the outer circle are just the thin outline of the inner one.

Then Yuta placed his hand on the seal and activates it, the outer circle starts glowing and then disappears, right after that the inner circle start changing its form completely, and the whole surface of the sealing tag becomes a mess of lines and unreadable symbols.

"This is the Fuinjutsu style I created that I talked with you about previously" Yuta calmly explained to Itachi, "Every seal I draw, it requires to actually draw two seals, inner one is functional, and outer one is transformation one. When both are in place, I have to activate the outer one so then the actual final seal will be formed for later use."

'Well, I know that Hiruzen spying on us right now, so this much should make him more interested in me and less hostile. While I don't want for my style to be leaked and replicated by others, I highly doubt that this much that I shown here will be enough to reverse engineer it.'

'But I probably better start using privacy seals whenever I inscribe more seals from now on. If Hiruzen will see a few more of my seal designs he might actually grasp the concept of it, and I don't like that at all.'

"I see" Itachi simply replied.

'Well, that demonstration is not actually for you, sorry Itachi.'

After that Yuta activates the seal one more time, and now it forms the visual distortion around both of them and cuts off the sounds from outside.

Yuta tells Itachi the same thing about Orochimaru as he did the previous time, the dialogue between them went the exact same way and Itachi leaves after that in a hurry.

After Itachi leaves Yuta continues his physical training the same way as he did previous time and starts to leave in the same time as back then. But this time he is not confronted by ANBU and makes his way home safely.

'Now let's see how the Orochimaru situation will play out. But this time if I will suddenly being confronted by some Uchiha shinobi, I will time travel immediately and cut this plan of mine, it's causing too much trouble already.'

'While I safely escaped from Hiruzen, I don't know if it will go the same way with Uchihas and their genjutsus if they suddenly figure out the source of Itachi's information and will try the same thing Hiruzen did.'

With these thoughts Yuta does his usual routine, eats, takes a shower and goes to sleep.

Days are passing by with no additional troubles, Yuta didn't ask Itachi about if he reported the information about Orochimaru or not, he just waiting to see how things will turn out.

Finally the day was come when rumors about Orochimaru start spreading like wildfire. In the rumors its states that Orochimaru defected the village, there is no additional information or any changes of how it were in Yuta's previous timeline.

'So Fugaku didn't intercept him I suppose, maybe this is for the best.'

On the next day Yuta and Itachi met again for the usual once per week training. Yuta, seeing that Itachi looks like he wants to say something, puts the privacy seal on the ground and activates it.

"Did you tell your father about Orochimaru previously? How it went?" Yuta asks.

"Yes I did, and father was able to spy on the conversation between the Hokage and Orochimaru before Orochimaru defected." Itachi said in a grave tone, "He told me about it afterwards, Hokage didn't even try to stop him leaving, Kakashi Hatake taken charge to pursuit Orochimaru but failed to do so."

"I see, well there is nothing we can do" Yuta replied in a calm manner.

As the secret conversation ended, Yuta deactivates the privacy seal, and Itachi putting aside the Orochimaru's matter, he visibly calms and says, "Today I will teach you a genjutsu".

'Finally some good stuff!' Yuta thought excitedly.

"This is the D-rank genjutsu technique called Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique" Itachi continues, "This is the simple technique with a lot of flaws, but it is good to learn it first.

It needs a little more chakra than Shunshin jutsu, it uses only two hand seals, but the tricky part is to directly transfer your chakra on to the target in close range and maintain the precise control over it.

If jutsu completed successfully it will show to the target the scene that he fears the most. Now I will demonstrate it to you."

As Itachi said that he immediately procced to form hand seals looking at Yuta.

'I had read about this jutsu, it's completely impractical one. It requires to directly transfer your chakra to target in very close range, because of that, even not a sensor can feel the chakra invasion and quickly understand what's happening, following by him immediately flaring his own chakra do broke the jutsu even before it starts. At least that's what any experienced shinobi will do.'

'This is the exact same genjutsu that Kakashi used against Sakura during his bell test in the anime, and Sakura instantly fainted because of it. Well let's see how it will feel like to be a target of it.'

As Itachi completed the jutsu, Yuta felt as a small amount of foreign chakra invaded his body, there was a small frame of time between when it started invading and when it actually affected Yuta.

'Yes, as I thought, there is plenty of time to break it before it starts working.'

As Itachi's genjutsu starts working, Yuta blinked and the scene around him completely changed, Yuta found himself standing in the middle of his work office from his previous life, there is a rows of desks with PC's on it, his colleagues from work is seating and working.

'Damn no way my biggest fear is to return to my previous life and go to work again… That is just ridiculous, I miss my previous comfortable life, alright? Or am I?'

As Yuta thinking about it he flared his chakra really hard the next second he starts seeing this illusion, he clearly doesn't want to spend there even a second longer.

The genjutsu breaks and Yuta finds himself in front of Itachi in the academy training grounds once again.

'Why I feel so much relief right now? Well it doesn't matter. This jutsu is not that great but now I can at least practice genjutsu, right?'

"Did you get it?" Itachi asked, "Do you want me demonstrate it one more time?"

'Hell no!'

"No thanks, I think I get it. Mind if I try it on you now?" Yuta replied with a bit conflicted expression.

"You can try it on me now" Itachi said.

And with that Yuta starts to practice the 'Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique' genjutsu on Itachi, while Itachi allows it to affect him and dispels it after a few seconds each time.

'Well, it's hard to maintain precise control of my chakra, that molded in to a jutsu and transferred to someone else, and Itachi is only stands a two meters from me, if the distance increases, it will be even harder.'

'I have to train on this aspect of it to master it as much as I can, it will be crucial to perform any genjutsu in general. The problem is that the jutsu requires the target to practice it. While Itachi can help me with that from time to time, I need to find the solution that will allow me to practice on my own.'

'Well, I can ask Hideto and Shingo for help, but I doubt they will be happy to experience this torture jutsu over and over again.'

As some time passed and Yuta depleted his chakra practicing the jutsu, he asked, "I want to practice it more, but asking you or someone else for help seems inconvenient. How did you practice it?" Yuta looks at Itachi with curiosity.

"I used to ask someone in the clan for help, but recently I started to use the Shadow Clone jutsu for it" Itachi replied, and knowing what the next Yuta's question will be, he continues, "I can teach you the Shadow Clone jutsu if you want, but there is a problems with it.

It requires a lot of chakra to create even one shadow clone, and if you don't have enough you may die. The other problem is that this jutsu is a B-rank. While there is no problem when I teach you other stuff, you have to keep the Shadow Clone jutsu a secret for at least another year.

Yuta, are your chakra reserve was full when you started to practice genjutsu with me?"

"Yes, I only spend a little on the privacy seal" Yuta replied trying to keep calm façade while being very excited inside after hearing about the possibility to learn the Shadow Clone jutsu.

"I see" Itachi said calmly, "Right now you have the chakra reserve somewhat around low-Chunin level. You need to increase your chakra reserve by at least twice from what you have now, to be able to safely create one shadow clone. I can't teach you the Shadow Clone jutsu before that, sorry Yuta." Itachi said apologetically.

"I see, thanks Itachi, I think it will take some time then, I will ask you about it when I'm ready."

'The Shadow Clone jutsu, that is the good stuff! Can't wait to actually try it in practice!'


[AN: I'm back from vacation and from today the chapters will be published regularly as before, one chapter a day somewhere between 1pm and 4pm EST (GMT-4).

6 extra chapters ahead of schedule release on my patreon /SycoreNovels

Any support will be appreciated!]