First Weeks of the Fresh Genin Life

As Yuta comes home, takes shower, eats some food, he sits at the desk and unrolls the scroll that Koichi gave him. 

'It's a lot of theory and examples here, huh, it will take a few hours to go through all of it… Well, I just make a shadow clone to deal with that and just go to sleep, God bless Tobirama for creating such useful jutsu!' 

And just like that, Yuta created a shadow clone with enough chakra so it can last till morning and Yuta's own chakra will regenerate faster than it will be depleting during the sleep. 

As Yuta went to sleep, his clone glanced at him with annoyance, sighed and sat at the desk to study the scroll. 

At 4:30am in the morning Yuta wakes up, takes a quick shower, eats some food, takes a lunch box that is prepared by his clone and dispels the clone. After standing for a minute with closed eyes going through the acquired memory Yuta opens his eyes. 

'So that how the proper concealment is needs to be done, my clone not only studied the scroll but also implemented it for my concealment seal design, that's good. I replenished my Fuinjutsu ink and paper so now I can produce more seal tags, but I can't create another shadow clone in the morning to do it, I better to have all my chakra during the training, so my only option is to create clone for seal production during the night if I have enough chakra for it.' 

With that thought Yuta left for the team-two training grounds. 

On the team-two reserved training grounds, when everyone gathered and Koichi has finally arrived, Yuta returned the Fuinjutsu scroll to Koichi and said, "Thanks for that, it helped me to improve my concealment seal to cut off chakra fluctuations." 

Koichi grabbing the scroll looked surprised, "I only gave it to you yesterday, and you already studied it and also implemented it to your own seal design?" 

Yuta replied with a slight smile, "Well, my shadow clone did it during the night while I slept." 

"I see" Koichi was a little concerned, "That is smart move, but you need to pay extra attention to your chakra management, it's not safe to maintain shadow clones while you sleep." 

"Yes, sensei, I know the risks involved and will be careful." 

While Hikari became annoyed with the mention of the Shadow Clone jutsu, no one paid attention to it and training began. 

During the entire day of training Koichi continued to drill into his Genins the squad formations, tactics, and protocols for various kinds of situations. 


Inside his office Hiruzen taken a glance at how Koichi's training his team through his crystal orb tool, sighed and mumbled to himself, "Sigh, looks like Koichi is already forgot that he now in charge of the Genin team and not an ANBU squad, he is teaching them ANBU formations and tactics instead of standard ones… 

Should I interfere? No, let's just keep an eye on it…" 

And with that Hiruzen decided to let Koichi to do what he is doing… 


The training day ended, and the group dispersed. Yuta went home, done his normal routine, created a shadow clone for creating seals to restock his seal stash and went to sleep. 

At morning Yuta checked how much seals his clone managed to produce during the night, there was ten paper tags each with new concealment seal, chakra suppression seal and explosive seal. 

'Thirty paper tag seals with one shadow clone during the night huh, well, explosive tags are the simplest ones so if the shadow clone will focus on it, he could create 50 of them or so. It will take some time to restore my stash of explosive tags though…' 

With that Yuta's Genin life continued, days passed with the normal routine of Koichi training and occasional D-rank missions once in two to three days that usually takes half a day to complete and pays around 1500ryo for Yuta. 

In the first two weeks Koichi concentrated his Genin team training on squad tactics, formations, and protocols. During that time Koichi taught the Shunshin jutsu to Hikari, as he considers that mastering it is essential to all team members for quick reactions and escape purposes. 

This two weeks was not too hard or exhausting for Yuta physically, as there not much actual physical training were in there, but still there was enough of it for Yuta to slowly improve his physical capabilities over time, as occasional D-rank missions usually includes intense physical activities, like weeding the fields, moving heavy stuff or chasing the ninja-cat Tora… 

What was exhausting to some degree for Yuta is the large amount of information that Koichi is drilling in the three of them, always demanding to catch things faster than they capable of. Well, Itachi is doing fine, while Yuta is struggling but still makes it, while Hikari is the slowest one in the group in terms of the learning speed, but even she is trying her best and not complaining about it. 

At the start of the third week, early in the morning, when the team was gathered Koichi asked everyone to tell him all of their techniques and the level to which they mastered them. Koichi already knows about most of it from the Genin test at the first day, but he still wants to completely understand his team's capability to decide how to further improve them. 

Everyone started explaining their capabilities to Koichi. 

Hikari was mostly a Taijutsu and Kenjutsu user, where Kenjutsu is self-taught with the 45cm (about 1.48 ft) wakizashi sword and Taijutsu is an academy Taijutsu-style. She mostly relies on her high physical strength and speed. Hikari also mastered the Shunshin jutsu to some degree during the last week but she still needs a hand seal to activate it. 

After Hikari explained her skillset Koichi asked her to fight him with taijutsu and then Kenjutsu to gauge it properly. That was a short sparring with Koichi being mostly in defense. 

Watching the fight Yuta was surprised. 

'She is fast, and strength behind those punches, kicks and sword slashes is scary. I should never fight her in close combat no matter what! The moment I will get in to the reach distance of her sword I will be dead… I have to create the strategy against opponents like Hikari!' 

After Koichi was done with Hikari, he called out to Itachi and Itachi also explained his abilities. 

Itachi is proficient and effective in close combat with taijutsu and kunai fight, very skilled in Shurikenjutsu and the technique to control shurikens with ninja wires, he also mastered Shunshin jutsu and Shadow Clone jutsu, as well as Uchihas signature fire style Great Fireball jutsu. Itachi also developing a technique to combine fire style with shurikens but this jutsu is still incomplete. 

And he also described his Genjutsu skills to Koichi as well. Itachi claimed that he can influence up to two senses of the target in the 20m radius and that this technique was imperfect until he awakens his Sharingan. 

After that Koichi called Itachi for a sparring and asked him to perform all his jutsus against him one by one starting with Taijutsu. When sparring started with taijutsu Yuta analyzed. 

'Itachi is moving on the Hikari speed, actually even a little faster than her, but the strength behind his blows is lower by around 30% than Hikari.' 

Then Itachi and Koichi pulled out kunais and fight continued. After a short while Itachi jumped back and thrown a dozen shurikens at Koichi, which he blocked with his kunai. Itachi redirected the shurikens with ninja wires and directed them at Koichi again, trying to tie him with ninja wires in the process, which Koichi successfully dodged. 

'The speed and precision behind Itachi's shurikens was grown from the last time I saw it, dodging or blocking his shurikens will be not an easy task for me… Damn this world is dangerous, I have to prepare a good strategy against not only close combat but mid-range to, if I well be even a slightly distracted, that shuriken attack will hit me.' 

After that Itachi performed a single hand seal and blow a huge fireball from his mouth, and immediately after that he thrown a bunch of shurikens in the direction that Koichi is supposed to dodge. Koichi dodged the fireball and blocked the shurikens in the process with his kunai. 

'Wow, the power behind that fireball is huge, and as I sense Itachi's chakra, he only spends insignificant amount on it, around 10% or so, for me that will be the third of the entire chakra reserve.' 

And with that Koichi ended the fight and commented, "Your Genjutsu skills and precision with your chakra control is good, you should concentrate more on Genjutsu in the future" 

"Yes, sensei" Itachi replied politely. 

"Now it's your turn, Yuta" Koichi returned to the group and spoke. 

'Hmm, well I have nothing to hide actually, except my Fuinjutsu style specifics of course...' 


[AN: 5 extra chapters in advance on my patreon /SycoreNovels

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