A New Mission

Yuta woken up early as usual, dispelled his shadow clone that he as usual created before going to sleep to study and practice Fuinjutsu, he closed his eyes for a second, going through the shadow clone's memory.

'It's been two months since Koichi started to give me a lot of advanced Fuinjutsu materials to study but considering the vast amount of theory and that half of the time of this two months I'm being outside on a missions, I didn't progress in Fuinjutsu a lot. The theory is vast, and to fully master it and redesign seals to my own Fuinjutsu style, it will take years, maybe decades in this pace…

But this time is not a waste either, with the help of the scrolls Koichi given me, my shadow clone finally managed to implement the idea of a small Fuinjutsu barrier with the ability to absorb chakra of the shinobi that trapped inside. It still is not that great, but it should withstand a few B-rank ninjutsu, that much should be enough to hold almost any Chunin level enemy and maybe hold a little even a Jonin.

It requires a four seals placed in a square shape on the ground, and I have to manually activate the barrier and maintain it while being close to one of the seals, but that part can be covered with one of my shadow clones. For now, this chakra drain barrier will be my best weapon, but if I figure out how to absorb the enemy's drained chakra for replenishing my own – it will be much more useful, but for now I can only disperse it, as taking the enemy's chakra is just a suicide in the normal circumstances. The clone produced only four seal tags for me, so I can use it once on a next mission that I will be going today, I hope there will be some enemy shinobi for me to try it out.'

With that thoughts Yuta left his home and met with his teammates and Koichi and they swiftly went to the Hokage Tower for taking next mission.

On the way Yuta glanced at Itachi and thought.

'Itachi turned 8 recently, he should awaken his Sharingan soon. If I remember correctly, in the plot he exterminates his clan when he is 13, so it's 5 years from this point. I still don't have a solution to the Uchiha clan's problem, but one thing is clear, Danzo has to disappear, that much is out of the question! There is no future for the Uchiha clan while Danzo still exists, and sooner he is taken care of the better.

Danzo is constantly plotting and pushing the Uchiha clan to the edge, while Hiruzen turning a blind eye, unable to come up with a solution to the problem, he always speaks about the peaceful resolution between the village and the Uchiha clan but never does anything, while Danzo pushing suspicions on the Uchiha clan with every possibility he has, forcing clan to relocate after the nine-tails attack and setting constant surveillance of the clan to the absurd levels to find any and every chance to push the Uchiha clan even more.

Danzo is the root of the problem with Uchiha clan. I have to come up with a solution for how to eliminate him, the sooner the better. When Danzo is no more, the only problem will be to calm down the Uchiha clan people, that pushing for the coup, and with that the crisis will be resolved and everything will settle down on its own with time.

Maybe Itachi will be able to kill Danzo, but when he becomes strong enough for it, it might be too late for it, as the situation will be already too hot to resolve it easily. Maybe Shisui will be able to resolve both parts of the problem, but it will be hard to convince him to act this way, Itachi should be already familiar with Shisui or might be already friends with him though, I have to think more on it, there is still time… '

Team two received a new C-rank mission and left the Hokage Tower, Koichi spoke.

"Our current mission is a bandit group extermination on the south-east coast of the Land of Fire, close to the Land of Noodles borders. The bandit group is robbing the villages and killing civilians without any restrictions. Our employer this time is a wealthy merchant that managed to escape from bandits while his men being killed, and his goods taken. We going on a mission immediately, we should be there by the noon of the third day."

"Finally, something good!" Hikari exclaimed happily, "I'm tired of escorting slow civilians or staying protecting someone for days without any action!"

'South-east coast huh, there is a chance that there will be some rogue shinobi as Kirigakure is unstable at the moment with Yagura being controlled by Akatsuki and causing chaos and exterminating Kekkei Genkai users, great, maybe I will have the chance to try out my new Fuinjutsu barrier after all.'

With that team swiftly left the village and went in south-east direction maintaining high speed pace.

As Koichi predicted, shortly after noon of the third day they arrived on the area where the bandit group operates.

After that team scouted the area where is supposed attack on their employer merchant happen and found some tracs of the destroyed carts and some long-dead bodies that were thrown to the forest on the side of the road.

"There still a trail that we can follow" Itachi said observing the scene, "The attack happened more than two weeks ago but it's still possible to track them from here."

"Good" Koichi nods, "Then lead the way, Itachi."

With that group slowly proceeding in the direction of the coast, tracking the bandits, Itachi leads the way and Koichi being in the rear. The group moved slowly, stopping along the way many times as it was hard for Itachi to follow the trail that was left more than two weeks ago by a group of bandits, Yuta and Hikari is not that good at tracking as Itachi, and Koichi isn't helping, letting the team to handle everything on their own.

In the recent missions Koichi acted less and less, letting the team make decisions and solve missions, he only steps in when the team is about to make a major mistake or something like that. And this time everything happens as usual, Koichi brought the team here and now he only acts as observer, letting the team do the job.

By the end of the day the team lead by Itachi finally found the whereabouts of the bandits, coming at the bandit camp by the cave, close to the coast line.

Team slowly approached the bandit camp staying hidden among the trees, as they moved closer Koichi's bored expression changed into the serious one as he said quickly "Formation eleven", saying that he charged straight at the bandit camp performing a hand seals in the process, didn't waiting for the team's response.

'That is the bad news, formation eleven is an immediate retreat order while team leader is stalling enemies for time.' Yuta quickly realized the situation while flickering at the maximum distance away from the camp, seeing that his teammates doing the same.

Team scattered in the direction from where they came here, slightly away from each other.

'What should happen for Koichi to act so rashly? I didn't saw any movements at the bandit camp, maybe Koichi used the sensory technique and sensed a strong enemies there? But he won't act so rashly because of it… He is probably realized that the enemies sensed us already, and the enemy is too strong for us, that's why he ordered the formation eleven.'

As Yuta assessing the situation and continuously flickering away, moving at his maximum speed, he activated his own sensory technique, as he already far enough from the camp, so even if there is a strong sensor in the camp, he won't sense Yuta's using sensory technique from here.

Yuta sensed the unfamiliar and strong chakra signature that coming in his direction, slowly shortening the distance, the chakra is about two times stronger than Yuta's own chakra, and Yuta didn't sense anyone else around, so his teammates already far from him.

'Damn, this is not good, I can't move at this speed for long, the chakra signature that chasing me is stronger, that means that I will tire up sooner than the enemy, in such case the protocol dictates that I should fight the enemy, this is the only option. Why is everything went so south so suddenly…

It's okay, I should not panic, the enemy is only at the Chunin level, even if he has stronger chakra than me it's fine, I still can take him out. Maybe it's a good time to use my new chakra drain barrier.'

With that thought Yuta created two shadow clones and finds out that his new chakra drain barrier seal tags was copied just fine with his shadow clones, so he decided to use copied seal tags to set up the trap, while stayed in place his clones set up the barrier in front of Yuta and concealed themselves and the seal tags with concealment seals.

Yuta, while waiting for the enemy to catch up, started acting as if he is scared to death but still ready to give his final fight, holding a kunai in a defensive stance.

'Well, it's not that hard to act very scared when you already are a little…'

The enemy chakra signature coming closer and shortly after that the enemy appears in a distance. Yuta saw that It's a tall woman with long blond hairs, with face covered with bandages and only eyes are visible, she wore a gray simple clothes but there is a mesh armor can be seeing through the shirt sleeves and collar. She holds a long katana-like sword leisurely holding it on her shoulder.

When the woman saw Yuta, she started to laugh maniacally, clearly mocking him.

"Just look at that, it's just a small kid" The woman said mockingly, slowly moving forward, "Hey kid! Are you sure you are a shinobi? How old are you, six? That is just pathetic!"

Yuta started to step backwards a little, acting like he was in fear, while thinking.

'Just a little closer, just a little and you will be done for…'



[AN: This will be probably the last mission that is described in detail before the Chunin exams. I want to speed things up a little, as I don't like my MC being a child, he is still 7 at this point, almost reaching 8. I'm considering making a time skip at this point, but maybe it will be better to just speed up things…

8 chapters in advance on patreon /SycoreNovels Any support will be appreciated!

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