The Game

Chapter 35. The Game

The three of us are sitting on the floor, the sofas pushed back to create a large open space in the center.

Why have we done this? Simple, Rose had a 'brilliant' idea. We should play a game and relax before jumping into the threesome. It's mostly for Iris' sake, because I definitely don't need to relax; I'm aching to be in bed with them.

If the game weren't fun, I would've reined in this deviation. But Rose is actually onto something with 'Truth or Dare.' Instead of throwing Iris into the deep end, we'll make it fun and challenging, easing her into our depravity bit by bit.

We share a conspiratorial smirk.

"What are the rules? I know how the game works, but how do we decide who goes first?" Iris looks vaguely interested, her hands folded in her lap.

Rose props her back against the foot of the sofa, her legs tucked beneath her. "We'll go clockwise. First Harry, then me, then you. When it's our turn, we'll spin the bottle. Whoever it lands on gets asked: truth or dare. Got it?"

"I think so." She shrugs, glancing at the empty glass bottle in the centre.

"Let's start, then. Ask questions if you don't understand anything." I spin the bottle and lean back on my hands, watching it intently.

After a few moments, it comes to rest, pointing at Rose. She grins and looks up at me. "You know me. Dare."

Before I can give her a task, Iris asks a question. "What happens if the bottle points at the person who spun it?"

"They spin it again," I answer, trying not to roll my eyes. That should've been obvious, then again, this might be her first 'Truth or Dare' game. Unlike me and Rose, she doesn't have a large group of friends to fool around with.

She nods and observes us, as I turn to Rose. "I dare you to do a handstand."

Did I want to make her do something sexual? Yes, but it's better to start off normally.

"Easy peasy." Rose springs to her feet, rolling her shoulders as if preparing for a grand performance. She takes a few steps away from us, placing her hands on the floor. With a quick push, she kicks her legs up into the air, attempting a handstand. It almost works—her body wobbles, her toes pointing towards the ceiling. Unfortunately, she pushed too hard, and topples over, landing on her back with a painful thump.

I cringe as the air leaves her lungs, as she grunts.

"Easy." Iris rubs salt in her wound.

Rose, still groaning and clutching her side, rolls onto all fours and gets up slowly. "Shut up."

This time, instead of rushing in recklessly, Rose moves with more care. She crouches down, pressing her palms firmly against the floor, fingers splayed wide.

With just the right amount of strength, she shifts her weight forwards, propelling herself upwards. Her legs extend in a fluid arc. For a brief moment, she wavers, but then she finds her center. Her core tightens, arms steady, and just like that, she holds the handstand effortlessly.

Of course, she could do this—she's an athlete. And I can't say I mind the view.

Her baggy t-shirt has slipped down, bunching around the swell of her large breasts, revealing her black bra and her flat, powerful belly. Unconcerned by the state of her clothes, she remains steady for a few more seconds before gracefully tipping over and landing on her feet. "Ta da!"

I give her an applause. "Loved it when you thumped. The handstand was okay too."

"Just wait for your turn." She retakes her spot, sitting cross-legged, smirking at me. "I'll make you thump all over."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" I quip, eyeing her bra-clad tits as she pulls down the hem to her stomach, fixing it.

Her eyes gleam, but before she can flirt back, Iris interrupts. "What if someone can't do a dare?"


I sigh and summon my 'Cup of Need', the one that can provide any beverage in unlimited quantity. "We weren't going to add a penalty. Now we will. If someone doesn't want to do a dare or tell a truth, they must drink this much Firewhiskey."

As I set the silver goblet down on the floor, it fills up instantly, the surface crowned with foam. My sisters don't even blink at the display, too used to my rubbish.

"Give it a spin, Rosie." I take a sip, unsurprised and glad for the burning sensation down my throat. It tastes exactly like Madam Rosmerta's. Just what I wanted. This cup would be both a curse and a blessing for a knut-less alcoholic, now that I think about it.

"You don't have to tell me." Rose sends the bottle twirling, drumming her fingers on her knee. When it stops moving, it points at Iris.

There's a predatory glint in her eyes. "Truth or dare?"

Iris hesitates, gulping, no doubt intimidated by Rose's aura, before finally saying, "Truth."

"Chicken." Rose clicks her tongue.

Iris glares at that, unable to accept the insult. "There's a reason it's called Truth or Dare, not Dare or Dare."

"Whatever. Tell me your favourite sex position."

It seems, unlike me, Rose isn't interested in making the first couple of rounds innocent. She's going wild from the start. Maybe I should too.

Iris swerves her head towards me. "Is this even allowed?"

"Everything is allowed," I reply, glancing between them. "Of course, you can skip it and just take a chug. But that would prove Rose right about you being a chicken."

She scrunches her nose and hisses, "Sixty-Nine!"

A wide grin flashes across Rose's face, and she snickers, rocking back and forth. "You like oral more than penetration. Noted."

Iris ignores her and flicks the bottle. It spins longer. When it slows down and halts, it's pointing at me. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare," I say, curious about what the grouchy one will ask.

"Punch Rose on the face," she orders in a monotonous voice before amending, "No, punch her ten times on her udders. Make them flat."

Rose cracks up, not taking offence.

I chuckle. "Not allowed. You can't drag in other players in a dare without their permission. Rose, do you want me to punch you?"

"I'll pass," she says, her lips twitching. "Flat girls might not understand, but just because someone is blessed with plump, round wonders doesn't mean they don't hurt when hit."

"Such a stupid game." Iris scowls, nearly pouting, glaring at Rose's eye-catching pair. "Fine. I dare you to say what you hate about Rose."

"That's more like a truth, not a dare. Dare needs to be an action."

"Just do whatever you want!" She throws her arms up in anger.

Rose facepalms. "What a waste of a dare."

I crawl over to Iris and cup her face, careful not to step on the glass bottle. Her quarrel with Rose is forgotten, and she freezes, her eyes widening. "What're you doing?"

"Whatever I want." I lean in slowly, biting back a smile as she closes her eyes and puckers her lips. Mine meet hers softly—gently. I caress her cheeks as I kiss her.

Her lips part slightly, an invitation that I readily accept, running the tip of my tongue between them. The slow kiss initiated grows into a heated sign of passion. Her limp arms wrap around my head as she deepens it.

When the kiss ends, she's breathing heavily, her warm eyes fixed on me, her wet lips tempting me to go at it again. Backing away, I settle down on my spot, bending down to spin the bottle. Rose remains silent, our only spectator, but I can read her all the same. She wants her own kiss. Well, she'll get it soon.

The revolving bottle loses momentum before finally pointing at Rose.

"Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare," she whispers, her gaze flickering to my mouth.

"Kiss me."

She's clambering over before I can finish the sentence, and her lips lock onto mine just as quickly. I smile in the kiss, my hands framing her beautiful face. Unlike Iris, she snogs me right from the start, her tongue against mine, intensely passionate. My gasp is swallowed by her as she sucks on my tongue, as she dominates the kiss.

I let her for once.

Patting my head, she breaks away after a minute. "That was easy. Are you nerds even trying?"

"Don't worry. I'm already thinking up various ways to tor—inconvenience you." Iris has stolen my Cup and is sipping from it, her eyes narrowed at our lustful exhibition.

"That's the spirit." Rose gives a mocking clap, spinning the bottle. "Let's find my target."

It's me, the target that is. The bottle has chosen me.


She smirks and taps her chin. "Lose your clothes."

Iris sighs. I, on the other hand, smirk back at her. "Eager, aren't we?"

"Very. Time's ticking, little brother, strip strip."

At least she didn't ask me to striptease. That would've been embarrassing. Standing up, I unbutton my shirt and let it drop to the floor. Then I undo my trousers and push it down along with my boxers. Piling them together, creating a makeshift pillow, I sit on it.

I'm semi-hard. It hangs at my crotch instead of aiming a salute at them. It will change soon enough.

Iris tries to be nonchalant, but there's a hint of red on her face. Meanwhile, Rose is openly appreciating it. She could've come closer, maybe even touch it, I wouldn't have minded. "Cute."

It twitches rebelliously at being called cute.

"Funny. Your turn, Iris."

She nods, trying not to stare, and spins the bottle.

I cannot hide my eager grin as it ends up pointing at Rose. The bratty one's smirk falters as Iris straightens up and offers Rose a small vindictive smile. "Truth or dare?"

I wonder if she'd chicken out and go for 'truth'. But she doesn't, bravely meeting Iris' challenge. "Dare."

"I dare you to lick Harry's underwear. The inside of it."

Rose blanches. "Ew. Pass."

Iris chuckles, like a victorious villain. "I thought so. Loser Udders."

Rose glances at the heap where I'm sitting, her face turning green. I almost think she'll do it, but her shoulders drop and she picks the Cup, draining the Firewhiskey in one gulp.

Good. I was afraid she'd let Iris taunt her into it.

"That was a tough one." I prepare for my turn. "I wouldn't have done it either."

"Right? The little devil's mind is full of shite."

Iris shrugs. "Shut up, Loser Udders."

That's a new nickname, I guess. Ignoring their glaring match, I give the bottle a spin.

It lands on Iris. "Truth or dare?"


"Do you love or hate Rosie?" I ask, my lips spread from ear to ear.

Rose catches onto the game, already laughing, and Iris makes a disgusted face. "Not fair. Do I really have to say it?"

"Yes. Or, you can be a loser like Rose and skip it."

There's a temptation to just skip the question, I'm sure. But she firms up and glowers at me, her face twisted in revulsion. "I love Rose."

I chortle at the hilarious expression, joining Rose on the floor. I've never seen an angrier love confession.

Iris looks away, grumbling, "Stop wasting time, Loser Udders. Your turn."

"I love you too, my flat-chested sister." Rose ducks a punch, shoving Iris away, still laughing. "No violence, please. I do not want to hurt my small and petite darling."

I intervene, preemptively avoiding a wrestling match. We can do that later in bed.


Lily Evans

Today had been a shocking day for her—well, for everyone who read the Daily Prophet.

Voldemort was apparently dead. All the Death Eaters were either eliminated or incarcerated. And it was all because of Harry.

What she couldn't understand was why she had to learn it from the newspaper rather than from him. Why didn't he tell her himself? Was he afraid she'd be crossed with him for the killings? He shouldn't have. She has stopped treating him as an ordinary boy. She won't be looking at him through the lens of 'normal', where she'd be expected to make him empathise with the dead, to show remorse. Not only would it be useless, it may also force him to hide things from her due to fear of judgement. And he's already hiding enough.

They call him Rayhmir now. The new hero of Britain. A mysterious genius whose feats put him way above Dumbledore.

She's incredibly proud—there's no two ways about it. But she's also concerned by his secrecy. At this point, she's dying to know about all his abilities and how he got it. He has unparalleled healing powers. He has a vast array of enchanted instruments. He has angelic wings. He can even grant wishes like genies. And now she realises he's also powerful enough to take over the world if he desired. Is it any wonder she's disconcerted for being kept in the dark?

Opening the door to the quarters assigned to the Hogwarts champions—Rose and Harry—she hurries inside, ready for a heart-to-heart with her son. That is, until she stumbles upon this scene.

Iris is also there, surprisingly. Shouldn't she be in her dorm? But that's not what stops her in her tracks. No, it's their lack of clothing. Her three children are sitting on the floor, atop piled garments, between the sofas.

"Mum." Harry greets her with a casual wave, as if he isn't nude, as if his erection isn't towering up at angle.

Rose and Iris have the decency to be mortified, caught off guard by her sudden arrival. Though as the seconds trickle by, they relax. Her eldest even has the audacity to wink at her.

"What are you doing?" she asks, enunciating every word, kickstarting her brain.

Yes, she remembers the night of the threesome. And yes, she knows that Iris may as well have been in a relationship with Harry. But that doesn't mean she expected them to be naked together in the living room. Barring the night of the threesome, their relationships with the sole male in their family had been separate. It lulled her into a sense of safety, where she could pretend that her children weren't fucking each other. No more, it seems. Knowing Harry, he wants to have them all at the same time. His lust is the thing of legends, going by all the wild roleplays they've done together.

"Playing Truth or Dare. Care to join?" Harry offers with an innocent smile.


A normal mother would throw a tantrum when faced with such a scene. Fortunately, Lily has realised she isn't normal either. Her nights with Harry have opened the pandora box, and she knows her demons—she loves them. And the new image of being tangled with them has piqued her curiosity. She wants to know where this is heading. She wants to participate.

Lily is a straight woman. But there are a few situations where it doesn't matter. This is one of them.

"Great." Harry welcomes her with a devious grin, patting the newly made space besides them.

Lily heaves a sigh, fond as well as frustrated. She came here for an important talk. It doesn't look like she'll get that opportunity.


I'm giddy, I'm extremely giddy.

The game was just getting spicy. Teaming up with Rose, I made my sisters strip as well and was just going to dial it up before Mum barged in. Her timing couldn't be more impeccable. Now, the threesome is fated to turn into a foursome.

With Mum joining in, we have to shift our positions. Iris is on my right, Rose on my left, and Mum sits directly across from me. She stands out like a sore thumb being the only person with clothes on. Not for long, I hope. While I did see her naked yesterday, the view never gets any less dazzling. Just the thought of her uncovered hourglass body gets my blood pumping.

Rose moves forward for her turn, her bare breasts hanging like divine fruits. I'll ask to suck on them when I get the chance. Presently, the bottle dances on the floor, teasing the next victim.

It chooses the new player.

Mum accepts her fate without any complaint. "Dare."

Hmm, she could've gone with 'truth' to play it safe. But it's apparent that safe is the last thing anyone here wants.

Rose bites her lips, glancing at us one by one, trying to choose between all the juicy tasks her perverted mind can come up with. Then she smirks, nodding at me. "Let Harry strip you. Make a show out of it."

Sometimes, I feel I cannot love Rose enough. How can someone be so perfect?

"Oh?" Mum quirks an eyebrow, not looking too bothered by it. "You sure about that? I'll remember this."

It could hardly be called a threat when there's no indignation in her tone. Then again, with her glasses on, she must be the nexus of dismay for my sisters. She should have taken them off already.

Rose's smile shrinks and she gestures at us to get on with it. Iris does have a hard time accepting the new circumstances; her face clearly shows it. It's one thing to know Mum and I are having regular romps and another to actually witness it. Only Rose was there with us on the threesome night. For Iris, this must be a bizarre experience, watching her older sister command her brother to take off their Mum's clothes.

"You can just drink the Firewhiskey if you don't want to." Iris gives her a way out.

Mum shakes her head, pulling herself up on her feet. "It's okay, darling. I've long known your sister's voyeuristic tendencies."

"At least I don't like cocks big and thick enough to tear up my insides," Rose banters back, eyeing us with growing lust.

Mum just smiles and stands before the sofa, where Rose and Iris can have the best view. "Come, Harry, do what she says."

"Gladly." I move beside her, so as not to block the view.

She is wearing her usual robes, the function similar to Rose's style with their flowy bagginess, hiding her distracting assets. Her long crimson hair is scraped into a bun at the back of her head, giving her a professional look. First, I pluck the glasses off her nose. Even though Rose and Iris have gotten used to the intimidating aura coming from the enchanted spectacles, they'd breathe easier once they are gone.

I put them on the sofa.

If the relieved sighs coming from behind me are any indication, Mum will be asked more ridiculous dares next time.

"Oops, I forgot I had my glasses on." She smiles sheepishly.

"No worries." I slide behind her, between the sofa and her body, ignoring her confused expression. With my palm on the small of her back, I push her forward, closer to my sisters.

Rose did say to make a show out of it, after all.

The strings are undone next, and I grab the front of her robes from behind. Slowly, I lower it. The robes slide off her pale shoulders, revealing her underwear—her bra and knickers. Mum remains a good sport and loosens her arms, allowing me to peel it off entirely.

Dumping it on the sofa, I hug her from behind, pressing my erection against her heart-shaped butt. She smiles, and I do too, drowning in her familiar heat and scent. For a moment, I humour the idea of saying fuck you to the game and have her right there and then. Stifling that urge, I pull Mum tight against me, perching my chin over her shoulder. The strap of her bra is a silky thing under my chin. I don't mind it. I kiss her neck and yank her even closer, so close that my cock is squashed against the cushioned slope connecting her waist and bum. Again, I like the silkiness of her underwear on my skin.

My palms lay flat on her belly, rubbing her velvety skin. She shudders in my embrace, pressing back into me. I look over at my sisters as I move my hands up. Rose's wide entranced eyes and flitting tongue is expected. The mirrored expression on Iris is not. Finally, it seems, the grouchy one has been infected. I wouldn't be surprised if my [See] revealed a 'Voyeurism' kink.

My fingers flow over the gigantic bumps in the path. They slip over her silken breasts. I can feel her stiff nipples beneath the fabric. I can feel the desperation of my Mum's voluptuous tits to spill out from the confines. I lick her neck just as I squeeze them, my relaxed fingers turning into hungry claws as they bite into the soft-firm breasts.

Mum groans and grinds her arse against my crotch, rotating her bottom this way and that. I suck in a sharp breath when she pushes her own hands behind her—between us, grabbing my throbbing cock.

really want to bend her over and shove it in right now, but a dare is a dare. My sisters are drinking up the show. Why, Rose is already fiddling with her coochie, her hand stuck between her thighs. Even Iris is touching her pert chest absentmindedly, transfixed by our performance. I need to keep going.

Locking my orgasm with my skill, I let her stroke me as I continue fondling her. Then my fingertips sneak into her bra-cups and with a jerk, her tits are out, jiggling violently—up-and-down, side-to-side.

There is more than one gasp this time. It's not only Mum who's shocked by the sudden pull. Rose and Iris are gaping at us—at Mum's large, milky tits.

Mum makes a cute sound when I kiss her clavicle, when I grope her breasts, weighing them under my palms. Her soft moan morphs into a sharp one when my fingers sink into the ample mounds—when my thumbs force her firm, erect nipples down. Still pawing her funbags, I let my other hand slip away. It retreats down her belly, it slinks into the negligible silky barrier, running through the tiny grassy hair, reaching her wet core.

When I cup her pussy, it's not only Mum who quakes with a hoarse moan.

A glance forward reveals both my sisters are fingering themselves—rapidly.

could keep it going, but it's no fun if they climax.

Withdrawing my hand from her secret, I unceremoniously push her knickers down. I leave her addictive breasts and kneel behind her, kissing her shapely arse cheeks, peeling down her underwear. As she steps out of it, I unclasp her bra, and it pools at her feet as well, baring her whole.

"Done." I grin and sit down at my spot.

My mum and sisters are staring at me in incomprehension—at the abrupt anticlimactic end. "Your turn, Mum."

The heat recedes from their brains, and their disappointed looks chips at my cold heart. Maybe I should've said fuck you to the game and initiated the foursome. I wouldn't have to deal with three pairs of puppy eyes.

When they realise I won't be swayed, Mum gathers her garments and piles it up under her, just like us. Glaring at me sullenly, she spins the bottle. I'm hundred percent sure she will ask me to fuck her if the bottle ends up landing on me.

Unfortunately, it doesn't point at me. Iris is the next victim.

Mum's disgruntled mood softens and she asks, "Truth or dare, sweetie?"

"Dare," Iris replies instantly, unable to look her in the eye, not because she is ashamed or anything, no, the only reason she cannot is because she's too taken with Mum's boobs.

"Finger me." Mum throws a look at me.

Her smirk screams 'I don't need you. I have daughters as well.'

Heh. She thinks anyone can give her relief. Cute. It's time she understood important things.

I lock her orgasm with my [Orgasm Control] skill. Let's see how long that uppity smirk lasts.

Iris scoots closer to Mum. Her lips find Mum's hard nipple before her fingers reach her clit. Mum sighs happily, not seeming to mind this bit of selfishness. For the next couple of minutes, a shy Iris prods and pleasures Mum with her fingers while sucking on her teat. But no matter how hard or skillfully she used her digits, Mum's frustrated scowl does not crumble into a blissful ecstasy.

"It's no use, Mum. Harry must've done something," Rose grumbles, having scooted closer as well, enjoying their lewd presentation.

Mum looks at me. "Did you?"

"Perhaps." I lean back on my hands, pushing my legs straight ahead, sending the bottle rolling away.

Her furious face is hot, but her penduling tits as she crawls towards me are hotter. The enormous pair sway lightly—hypnotically.

I do not say anything. Not that she needs words.

Planting her hands on either side of my waist, she peppers kisses down my chest. First kisses are on my nipples, then on the abs, then my belly button. Before long, her S-tier lips are hovering over my glistening glans. The precum has made the bellend shiny.

Mum's hot breath rolls over the sensitive part, and I cannot help but squirm. Her nose caresses the side as she looks up at me, her emerald eyes gleaming with arousal. The tip of her tongue peeks out and hits the bundle of nerves. Her chuckle drowns my wanton moan. Unable to let her keep teasing me, I grab the crimson bun on the back of her head and draw her closer to my slanted tower.

"So rough." The breathy tone she uses for those words halts my brain, and before it can restart, she wraps her lips around the bulbous head.

The strength of my squeeze ruins her careful immaculate bun, turning it into a messy hairy ball, but I'm still mindful enough not to lead the act. I just hold onto her hair and let her do the act. I simply stare into her eyes as she sucks and blows onto the cockhead. Then she's swallowing past the crown, lotioning the veiny surface with her spit. Hollowing her cheeks, she makes her mouth a vacuum, drawing out a throaty moan.

I want to close my eyes. I want to throw my head back and fuck her mouth. I do none of those. I dutifully play the staring match and let her set up the pace. My hand on her head is not there to guide, just to use it as a handhold as she wrecks my world, as she bobs her head and works on my throbbing cock.

I want to see what my sisters are doing, but my world has shrunk to the green eyes of my Mum. I cannot look away.

Seconds turn into minutes, and instead of tiring, Mum only gets more intense and rough.

When I feel like my balls are hammering against my urethra, I disable my [Orgasm Control] and let myself climax.

I grunt, my eyes closing shut, my fingers finally pulling her head down, my hips giving an instinctive thrust. I experience the dopamine rush, as I shoot into her hot mouth, spurt by spurt, filling her throat.

Mum, seasoned in fellating me, gulps it all down with ease, not protesting and simply burying her nose in my pubic hair, working her throat and cajoling every last drop from my overstimulated cock.

My grip loosens and I tumble back, letting her go.

Her heaving breaths are all I hear as I close my eyes and relax. When my eyes open, Mum is there, hovering over me. Her sexy face paired with her messy crimson hair makes me tingle down there. And my soft cock twitches.

She laughs and shakes her head. "The game is over. We should find a bed. Your sisters are already going at it."

At her words, I glance at them.

The same sisters who rarely ever shared affectionate words are now tangled together in a sixty-nine, their heads buried in one another's thighs, their hands gripping each other's butts, forming an ouroboros circle.

I'm mesmerised by the sight, by the lapping sounds. Not wanting to disturb them, I flop on the sofa. Mum follows me, dropping beside me.

"It will take them some time, it seems. Want to do something quick until then?" Mum whispers, her fingers climbing the slope of my thigh, seeking my cock.

I flinch as she caresses my sensitive glans. Throwing my arm around her neck, I pull her closer. "I wouldn't mind a handjob while I watch them."

She grants my wish quietly, watching them too, her fingers encircling my shaft, gliding up and down. It's not hurried, her hand moving leisurely. I, too, give my hand something to do while I ogle my sisters. I hold her squishy globe in my fist, gently rolling and squeezing it.

Mum hums in appreciation, cuddling into my side, working on my cock while I massage her tit.

We watch with painstaking attention, and I help them with my [Orgasm Control] skill, kindling the roaring fire in their cores. They stiffen in their tight embrace, arching their backs and burying their mouths in each other's cunts. Mum too makes a keen sound as I pinch her nipple, extremely aroused by the display.

Their moans are muffled, but their shaking bodies reveal their orgasmic ecstasy. Having attained their releases, they roll on their backs and pant, their mouths wet with sweet juices. Even though I have one peerless fat tit in my hand, I can't help but stare at Rose's rising and falling chest, at her rosy nubs, begging to be sucked.

Mum frees my now erect cock, and she aims her words at Iris and Rose. "Should we take this to the bedroom?"

"I guess abandoning the game was inevitable." Rose laughs, heaving herself to her feet, as if the entire game wasn't a trap to arouse Iris.

Iris, too, gets up but she doesn't utter any words. Her burning eyes convey everything.

Picking Mum up bridal style, eliciting a giggle, I make my way to my room, trailed by my excited sisters.

The door is shut behind us, and Rose enlarges the single bed to contain all of us. I climb up with Mum still in my arms, her warm gaze filled with love and lust.

I gently put her down, her head resting atop a pillow. I touch her chest and activate my lactate skill. "How about you two catch your breath while I plough Mum. You can drink her chocolate milk while you're at it."

Iris' haste shocks me. How many kinks did she acquire tonight? Voyeurism? Lactation?

She snuggles into Mum's side and latches onto her teat. If the way she croons and combes Iris' hair is any indication, she doesn't mind the aggressive feeding. Rose copies Iris, pressing against Mum's other side, engulfing the pink nipple.

I know what we're doing is all wrong and disgusting. But the sight of Mum humming and caressing my sisters' hair while they eagerly cuddle into her and drink her milk is strangely wholesome. It makes me all warm and content. This might be all I need to live a satisfactory life.

Grabbing Mum's thighs, I hug them to my chest and rub my cockhead against her labia. She just smiles at me, holding onto my sisters.

Her nether lips don't prove much of a barrier as I give a thrust, the inner walls sliding apart, welcoming me in, fitting like a perfect glove. Her insides are hot and wet, a familiar snug sleeve for my cock.

I saw in and out, slowly and languidly, careful not to go fast and break the sweet moment. My thrusts are so carefully powered that there is no slap of flesh, no sounds of creaking bed. I fuck her slowly but intimately, sinking every last inch of my shaft.

Mum purses her lips, not uttering any sounds, patting my sisters' heads as they drink, fixing me with a seductive smile.

Twisting her hips all the way to the right, so they're not in the way, I lean in and capture her lips, even as I piston into her.

Her lips are soft and plump, and her tongue is a skillful partner, engaging me in a lovely duel.

While my sisters suckle on Mum's breasts, I busy myself with her beautiful mouth. I'm tempted to shove them away so I can grab her tits. But I compromise and use her thick butt as a handhold.

This serene moment is broken when Mum gasps and break the kiss, her eyes flitting, her arse arched, forgetting her task of petting my sisters, clenching her inner walls around my cock, cumming with a bestial grunt.

Having been keeping track of her building orgasm, I time it right and drive myself as far as I can go, exploding with a hoarse sound, my seeds rushing out and into her chamber, plastered to her walls by the drilling movements.

I stay in there for a second, revelling in the rhythmic contractions. Then I pull it out and stumble back on my arse, nearly falling off the foot of the bed.

Iris breaks away and inches towards me, grabbing my face and pulling me in for a kiss.

She tastes like chocolate milk.

I deepen the kiss and pull her in my lap, my palms under her, splayed in a futile attempt to cup the entirety of her curvy cheeks.

I kiss her long enough that the taste of Mum's milk disappears. By now, I'm already hard again, and Iris wastes no time mounting me. With her hands on my chest, she pushes me down on my back and starts riding me.

I put my hands on her arse and enjoy the view of her scrunched up beautiful face, of her bouncing crimson hair. I trace my palms up her butt, up her tiny waist, over her pert breasts. They easily fill my cupped fingers, and I squeeze them roughly, making her ride me faster.

Wrapping my arms around her neck, I pull her down for a hug, and she happily reciprocates it, slamming her arse on my crotch while her face is buried in my neck.

I close my eyes and lose myself in the hot skin of her neck, in her alluring scent.

I can hold myself back only for so long. When she crashes onto me one last time with an ecstatic shriek, I let myself go, colouring her insides white.


When you have absolute control over orgasms, the sex doesn't end unless you want it to. The night turns into midnight, and yet we keep going. There's no reason to stop when you can keep arousing your partners, when you can keep healing their soreness.

It's an absolute debauchery. After a while, just like our bodily fluids, the Firewhiskey starts flowing. So it's no surprise when things get raunchy. But of course, a tired body and mind can only take so much.

I realise what type of drunk my girls are. While sloshed, Mum gets intense, Iris becomes morose, and Rose starts giggling and 'thinking'.

Having taken care of Iris and Mum thoroughly, I let them sleep. Now it's time to put the last monster to bed, who's sprawled over the floor.

"C'n you… fill me up so much… that—that your cum goes… all the way t' my stomach?" she mumbles, her glassy eyes unfocused, her words slow and slurred, her brows knitting together in hazy thought.

I help her up from the floor. She wanted to listen to the 'interesting' static music from the ground while I pounded her. Now that we are done, it's better she lies in a soft bed instead of a hard floor.

"I doubt that." I chuckle, my arm around her waist, so she doesn't tumble. "Doesn't seem biologically feasible. Your digestive tract and your sexual organs aren't connected, I think."

"Shame." She pouts, climbing over the bed and falling beside Mum with a plop. "I wanted to try it."

"Next time." I pull the covers over her and lean in to kiss her head. "Night."

She mumbles something and closes her eyes.

I take a step back and admire the three people dearest to me. Mum is in the middle, spooning Iris, with her arms wrapped around her protectively, and Rose doesn't take long, squashing behind, spooning Mum in return.

This is a good life. But unlike them, I'm not hammered enough to sleep without a thorough shower.

Dispelling the light, bathing them in a cosy darkness, I enter the bathroom. With a wave of my hand, the shower head starts raining water. I sigh in bliss as I'm soaked in cool water, my hair flattening and curtaining my forehead. I shampoo my head, I let the water wash down all sorts of dried fluids.

It's when I pick up my body wash that a loud crash startles me. Dropping the bottle, I rush into the bedroom and activate the lighting enchantments.

Rose is on the floor, groaning, arse stuck up. "Harry."

"Here." I rub my face and levitate her towards me, at the entrance of the bathroom.

She giggles and flails, 'swimming' towards me in slow, clumsy strokes. "There you are! I—I was lookin' for you! Couldn't find you… thought you disappeared!"

I catch her as she throws herself at me, her fingers clumsily mushing into my damp hair. "Whoa… didn't know I came this much. D' I really smell this… soapy?"

I do not want to know how she even reached this bizarre conclusion. "It's not your… It's shampoo. I was showering."

"I want to too!" she yells in my ear, making me wince.

I've had enough. I use my [Heal] and cure her inebriety. I don't want her tripping and cracking her skull.

The effect is instantaneous. Her eyes clears up, and her brain starts working properly. She should be glad I took her inexorable hangover too.

"Now that you're back to your senses, you can go back to sleep or shower with me." I set her down, though I keep my hands on her waist.

She grins and pushes past me. "We can shower together."

I can see the future. I know what mere showering will become. But I don't mind it.

We step under the showerhead together and clean ourselves. We're close enough that we often brush against each other. Sometimes it's elbows and most times it's her arse or tits.

She moves back into me, her butt on my crotch, and raises her arms overhead, holding onto my head. "Can you wash my chest, little brother? I can't seem to reach them."

I laugh at the humorous excuse and take her in my arms, burrowing my face into her damp neck while my fingers find her lathered breasts.

Her moan is the spark that caused the explosion. Twisting and pulling her areolas, I rub my erection along her butt crack.

Rose arches her back with a loud moan, grinding against my erection. "Does little Harry want to make love to big sister Rose again?"

"Yes, Rosie. I want you. Right now." I bite her earlobe, mauling her tits within my grasp.

"Is that so?" She bumps me with her butt and pushes away, turning around to smirk at me. "Fine. You know how much big sister Rose loves her little brother."

A step forwards brings her close to me again, and her hand starts from my chest and trails downwards. She grabs my boner and walks back, leading me, until she comes in contact with the cold tiled wall. She strokes me unhurriedly, her aflame eyes revealing her passion. "How do you want me, little brother? On my hands and knees? Or slammed against a wall?"

I press into her, trapping her between me and the wall. "This is fine."

"Oh?" She spreads her legs and rubs the bellend against her outer lips. "Fine is not good, little brother. Tell me what is perfect. Your dear sister will do anything for you."

I place my hands on either side of her head. "This is perfect, Rosie. Look me in the eye while we do it. Kiss me."

Her lips spread wide in a smile. "Adorable. Okay, if this is what you want." She releases my cock and throws her arms around me, smashing her lips against mine.

As I align myself and sink into her hot pussy, she folds one leg around mine, and slips it upwards, until it is coiled around my back. I grab that thigh and drive into her. With the other hand, I grope her ample breasts.

The noise of pattering water drops masks our softs moans. It muffles the occasional clap of flesh.

The need to breathe pulls us apart, and I tuck her head under my chin and slam away, plunging in and out.

The hand on her thigh slides further and cups her thick and tight butt cheek. And the one on her chest moves around and finds her other arse cheek.

As her leg around my waist falls back to the floor, I heave her up and pin her against the wall, amping up the pace, fucking her hard.

Rose hangs onto me, screaming on my neck, biting me as I fuck her against the wall.

The cool water still splatters the floor, it douses us. But the heat from our groins keeps us from getting chilled.

The heat of her pussy is probably strong enough that I won't pull out even if the showers turn icy.

I rut into her, my arms under her thighs, supporting her full weight. It's tiring; I won't lie, holding her up while moving my hips.

That's why I don't mess with our orgasms when they hit us naturally. Rose goes limp in my arms, nearly pulling us down, and she succeeds a second later when my knees grow weak as I twitch into her.

I carefully lower us, and sit with my legs tucked beneath me. She lands onto my lap.

Grinding into her for a few more moments, I deposit all that is left in my balls.

Rose pants behind the curtain of her wet hair. I push the crimson locks away and cup her pink face.

"Did that satisfy you, little brother?"

I open my mouth to be snippy, but all that leaves is a "Yes".

Pecking me on the lips, she gets off me. "Mind washing me again?"

I nod, aware that we may end up fucking again. Sleep? Who needs that when you have a hot girl in the shower with you.