The House of Snakes

Chapter 7. The House of Snakes


That was the first sound Sirius heard when he entered Henry's room. He gave a bewildered look to the small white feline. Though his surprise grew as he saw Henry's face.

"What happened to your hair and eyes? Why are they silver? And when did you get a pet?" He asked, staring at the silver haired boy who was lounging on the bed lazily.

"I decided to look different. I don't want to look similar to that lame Harry Potter. And meet Aura, she is my cat. As for how I got her, it's a secret." Henry said, petting the small cat.

"You look ridiculous."

"And you look old. What's the point?"

Sirius sighed and decided to drop the conversation about the kid's unconventional appearance. He dragged a chair from the study table and sat on it, looking at Henry.

"I am asked to have this conversation with you. So, bear with me." Sirius began, "Listen carefully. Not all people here are happy to have you. The show you put in the death chamber had big effects. It made Shacklebolt and Moody afraid of you. And the fear had then spread in every member of the Order. Just now, Molly asked me to keep you from killing anyone. They think that you are a serial killer or something. But I have taken your responsibility. I went against them to keep you here. So, please try not to break this trust. I don't care if you are a killer or not. Not until you try to hurt someone close to me. Are we clear?"

"Crystal. I mean, wow, do they really think I am an unhinged murderer? That's… understandable I guess after they saw me skewering those bastards. You don't have to worry though. I haven't killed anyone innocent yet. I won't hurt any of you. You are all Harry's family and I will try to remain out of his business. It is his world after all." Henry shrugged.

"Thank you. Though I was hoping that you might be willing to help Harry since he is your counterpart. Honestly, Harry needs all the help he can get. Soon, there will be chaos everywhere as the war heats up and a powerful friend like you might be the most important ally Harry will need." Sirius told him solemnly.

"I mean, I won't say no when he asks for help. It's just that it is his world. I don't want to just jump in and overshadow him. It appears he is the hero here and I don't want to interfere unless he asks me. I will do my own thing. I have my own goals. And honestly, I was never good at being a hero. I was a killer and am a killer. I know how to kill without feeling remorse. That's what I am perfect at. So, if you ever need my help just ask me. Your target will be taken out, that you can be assured of. Until then I will remain out of your way." Henry replied nonchalantly.

"Okay. I guess that's the best I can ask for. If you ever need to talk, please come to me. Even if you are not my Harry, you still are Harry and that's enough for me to help you in any way I can." Sirius smiled softly, standing up and pushing the chair back under the study table. His eyes hid so many conflicting emotions as he stared at an alternate version of his godson.

"I will, Padfoot. I will." Henry said with a small smile.

"Dinner is at 8." Sirius closed the door behind him saying that.


Henry stood and looked on curiously at his experiment.

Name: Bellatrix Lestrange

Race: Undead

Class: Mage

Lvl: 40

HP: 2000

MP: 4000

Affection: 0

Obedience: 100

Thoughts: Nothing

He had finally decided to make use of the corpses. He activated the [Create Undead] skill and chose the strongest dead body for the experimentation.

Bellatrix Lestrange. One could say anything about her, but her strength and skills were never in question. She was level 80 before her death. That was a high, very high level. Logically, she shouldn't have died from his single [Death Arrow] since it would only deal 1500 HPs damage while her full health was 4000 HPs. But does it really matter whether someone is weak or strong when an arrow pierces their heart? No, it doesn't.

Unlike him, everyone else didn't have the luxury of [Gamer's Body]. They couldn't survive with an arrow piercing their heart. They would die no matter the amount of their HPs remaining.

That's why even though Bellatrix was level 80, she didn't survive. Because in the end, she was just a human. And humans don't survive with a bursted heart. But she wasn't human now. Not anymore. She was an undead. A missing heart won't stop her from now on.

She would crawl when she wouldn't have legs, she would bite when she wouldn't have hands. She would keep on going until her HPs hit 0. She would do everything in her power to follow his orders.

She was currently standing in front of him. Henry had used [Repair] on her and restored her body before making her an undead. Standing across from him, she didn't look dead at the first glance. Her wild black hair was falling behind her in waves. Her slender hourglass figure didn't have a single scratch on her. Her fancy black dress was clean and devoid of any blood or dust. But her once vibrant purple eyes were glassy. And her skin was also very pale. Though she might still pass as a normal witch.

Let's test some things.

"What is your name?" He asked.

"Bellatrix Lestrange." She answered in a monotonous voice.

"Who do you follow?"

"My master." She replied in the same tone.

"Who is your master?"


"Will you do anything for me?"


"Will you die for me?" Henry asked curiously, stepping forward and pointing his wand at her chest. Usually he wouldn't bother with a wand, but his measly number of MPs had forced him to pick back his wand from his Inventory. He would happily take the discounted amount of MPs for his spells by holding onto his wand.


"Are you sure?" he asked again, standing closer to her. They were just a step away from each other. Henry had to slightly look up since she was obviously taller than him. His wand bumped into her accidently.


"Then stay still." Henry ordered coldly, pressing his wand into her soft squishy chest, just where her heart should be. Bellatrix followed his order and didn't move. Henry stared at her emotionless purple eyes. He confessed silently that she was a beautiful woman. A beautiful bitch, but beautiful nonetheless. Not as pretty as his mother though. He doubted anyone would ever be.

"Ray of Darkness!" Henry mumbled.

There was no jet of light since his wand was pressed into her breast. It was a point blank shot. But a second later, Bellatrix stiffened and then she crumbled on the floor, dead again.

There was no physical injury on her body, but an [Observe] later, he confirmed her death. Her HP was 0.

His new skill [Ray of Darkness] reminded him of the infamous Killing Curse which didn't leave a mark behind on the victim's body though he knew they both worked on different principles.

He was confident that this skill was far stronger than the Killing Curse. And he was also sure that his undead would survive Killing Curses with barely a scratch since the AK worked by forcefully removing the soul of the victim from its body. But what would happen if there wasn't a soul in a body to begin with? Simple, nothing would happen. The AK would just be a merry flash of green lights and nothing else.

'What is dead may never die.' Henry pondered amusedly while looking at his first undead who was sprawled on the floor.

"Arise," he whispered, pointing his wand at the dead body of Bellatrix Lestrange. Her eyes snapped open and she stood straight, waiting for his orders.

"Act normal like a human." Henry ordered. If she could act like a normal living being then Henry would have a shortcut to empower himself. He could spread his undeads as spies in every faction and would have intelligence on everything.

An eager smile brightened his face.

Bellatrix remained still, just looking blankly at him, not understanding his order.

"So you are just a mindless slave, huh. Do you feel pain?" Henry questioned her, pushing his wand violently on her cheek. Well, he wasn't going to get lucky every time. It seems his plan to plant his undeads as spies won't work.

"No." she answered obediently.

"No?" Henry tilted his head in thought before backhanding her across the face. Bellatrix remained unresponsive, not a single sign of anger in her expression. She really was just a soulless husk acting like a human. At least her skin wasn't peeling off like in those horror movies and she was able to maintain her body perfectly. And there was also this human warmth to her skin, most probably because the magic was trying to keep her as human as possible.

"Hmm. A mindless slave. You can be useful too I guess." Henry murmured before waving his hand, putting her into his inventory. She wasn't alive so there wasn't any rule stopping him from stashing her into his vast limitless inventory. He surely wasn't going to let her stay in his room. If the other people saw her then some uncomfortable questions would be asked.

He heard Isis' voice announcing his new quest.


– Create 10 Undead.


– 1000 XP

Well, he had few bodies remaining in his inventory. This quest was easy.


At the time for dinner, Henry stepped into the kitchen.

There was a long table in the centre where everyone was sitting. His counterpart, Harry Potter, was sitting with his friends. The same friends who had accompanied him in the ministry for the fight. Though the blonde-haired girl and Neville were absent.

There were adults present there too. Tonks, Sirius, Remus, a ginger haired plump woman and a kind looking middle aged man discreetly eyed him.

"Come on, Henry. Sit on that chair. It's not taken." Sirius said with forced joviality, pointing to a chair beside Hermione's. Henry shrugged and plopped down beside Hermione.

"Hi. You really did change your hair and eyes to silver. We thought Sirius was joking." Hermione smiled nervously. Tonks grinned from across the table and changed her own hair and eyes to silver.

"Nice choice. Though I like my pink." Tonks chuckled before turning back to her usual form.

"Hi." Henry mumbled back. He noticed that all the other conversations had stopped. Everyone was paying attention to their conversation.

"It is so amazing that there are parallel worlds similar to ours. I still can't believe that you really are Harry Potter from another world." Hermione babbled excitedly.

A nostalgic smile graced Henry's lips, remembering the other Hermione from his world.

"Yeah. You remind me of my version of Hermione. It has been just two months since we started Hogwarts together, but she is already a good friend of mine." Henry said wistfully.

"Oh! Does she look exactly like me or do we differ in appearance? I can't be sure and how did you become friends with her? Also, is Hermione of yours number 1 in every class like me? And-"

"Hermione, breathe." Ron smiled patiently. "Let the bloke answer your questions one at a time."

"Yes, she looks exactly like you. I mean since you are older, you obviously are way prettier than your preteen counterpart. But I am sure that your own preteen appearance would have been the same as hers. As for how I became friends with her, I helped her in finding my friend's toad on the train. I am sure you know him, Neville Longbottom." Henry answered, skipping her last question, he knew how competitive she could be and he didn't want to deal with that right now.

Hermione blushed at his compliment while Ginny and Tonks giggled at her embarrassed reaction.

"Yes, he is a friend of ours." Harry replied who was sitting between Tonks and Ron. The two teenage boys were sending amused smirks at Hermione who in return was glaring at them.

"Though I am a bit surprised that Ron is your best friend." Henry remarked curiously.

"What? Are you saying that your version of Ron isn't your best friend?" Ron asked with a frown.

Henry shook his head.

"Yes, he is barely an acquaintance. My best friends are Neville, Tracey and Daphne." Henry informed them though he didn't mention Iris who was his best-est friend. He just didn't want to discuss her with them. The thoughts of her always left him in a mournful mood.

"Who are Tracey and Daphne? I don't even know them." Harry said, looking at Ron who too shook his head.

"Really? You both are idiots. Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass are in the same year as us. They are our Slytherin classmates. How can you not know them when we have been sharing classes with them for years?" Hermione rolled her eyes at the two boys.

"You are friends with Slytherins?" Both Harry and Ron asked simultaneously, looking dumbstruck.

"Yep. What's the problem with that? They are my childhood friends." Henry said defensively.

"Oh, no, it's no problem. We are just shocked. We never imagined that Gryffindors could be friends with Slytherins." Ron chuckled together with Harry.

Henry shot them a strange look. They both were stupid dorks, no surprise that they were each other's best friends.

"Don't mind them. They are Quidditch fanatics. The idea of Gryffindors being cordial with Slytherins is too strange for them. They sometimes forget that there is a world outside Quidditch." Hermione complained in an exasperated voice.

"You like Quidditch?" Henry questioned his counterpart.

"You don't like Quidditch?" Harry gave him a horrified look. "Ron, we need to get this kid on a broom. He is missing out on something amazing."

"Definitely." Ron agreed. Before Henry could protest a single cute sound interrupted their discussion.


All the occupants of the room stared as a tiny white fluffy kitty ran around the table before jumping into Henry's lap.

"Hello, Aura. Had a nice sleep?" Henry smiled, scratching behind her ear.

"Mew!" Aura purred in affirmation before glaring at the other people in the kitchen. She growled in a threatening manner. Though it sounded far more adorable than a growl should.

"It's fine, Aura. They won't hurt us." Henry reassured his cat, patting her affectionately.

"Whoa! You have a cat and such a cute one." The girls gathered around him, bathing Aura in their attention who in turn immensely enjoyed the pattings and scratchings.


It'd been months since he appeared in this world. He had gotten into a quick routine to stop himself from feeling lonely and miserable.

He spent his free time with Harry and his friends while using most of his time to level up. Isis had been a good friend who had given him quests almost daily so he could speed up his levelling process. He had killed, stolen corpses from graveyards, mutilated dead bodies and did many morally questionable things for his quests.

In the end, it was worth it. He always reminded himself that.

While his levels weren't as high as he wanted, he was glad that he would be the most powerful student when he went to Hogwarts. Yes, Henry was again going to Hogwarts for his first year in this world.

It was weird that he would ride the Hogwarts Express again for the first year. Not that he had to repeat much since he only got two months of education in his real world.

He was relieved that he wouldn't have to fear the older students. Since the war had started, Henry was sure there would be many Death Eater juniors at Hogwarts.

He was also glad that the public didn't know he was the one who killed all those Death Eaters. He didn't need any attention. His goal now was to silently level up to 300 and help others when they asked him.

He wasn't naive enough to think that he wouldn't get attention with his stubborn decision for silver hair and eyes and for keeping his last name 'Potter'. But he would try to keep that attention as little as he could.

Henry had decided with the story that he was a distant relative to Harry, that he was a Potter from a sub-branch of the main family. Dumbledore had been helpful in creating documents for his identity. According to it, he was an orphan, son of a dead squib couple, Asher and Mary Potter.

He knew his decision to keep his last name Potter was going to create many problems for him, but he couldn't bring himself to change it. His name had already been changed by Isis, he would feel like a stranger living in his own body if he couldn't even call himself a Potter. He would rather go through many hurdles than leave his last name. That last name was his legacy and he wouldn't insult it. He checked his character sheet.

Character Sheet

Name: Henry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Necromancer

Lvl: 50(0%)

HP: 2500 (10 per second)

MP: 5000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)


[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Mana Manipulation]

He had created a new skill when the [Create Skill] perk was available again.

[Mana Manipulation]

– This skill gives the user power to control his mana to affect the reality. The more powerful the user, the more he can control his mana.

It was a good skill. He needed this skill to keep up the appearance of a wizard. Right now, he was a Necromancer and his system didn't let him use his magic since it was attached to the Mage class. So, to counter it, he had to spend his [Create Skill] perk to obtain this power. He couldn't exactly go to Hogwarts if he wasn't able to do magic after all.

After declining Harry's offer to sit with him, Henry sought out an empty compartment for himself. He placed his trunk over the upper seat and slumped down on the window seat, staring through the window as parents and children parted with hugs and kisses.

His mother's kind face popped up in his mind. A terrible sadness washed over him. He wished he could throw his arms around her and bury his face into her bosom like he used to do. That would surely cure him of this depression and loneliness. At least, his world was frozen and his mum didn't have to feel the sorrow of losing a child. And just like that, determination coursed through his body again.

He would max this class. He would reach the highest level in Necromancer. He would revive Iris, he would stop his mother from falling apart. Then they would be a happy and loving family again.

A growl sounded from beside him, snapping him out of his trance. Aura was glaring at him. Seeing his cute feline companion lightened the weight on his heart. She was a blessing in this unknown world.

He knew what she was wanting him to do from her wide eyed stare.

"Fine. But don't think that I will always give in to your demands. Just for a few hours, okay?" Henry grumbled half-heartedly.

Unlike a cat, Aura nodded in affirmation. Henry gave out an amused huff and used his [Shapeshifter] perk to turn himself into a small black cat.

Aura mewled loudly and pounced on him. Henry, who now was a black Burmese cat, got into a joyful mood and started playing with her. The two small cats played and wrestled for a while before slowing down and snuggling with each other.

"You are so soft, papa." Aura purred, rubbing her face on his side.

Yes, Henry could understand Aura when he was in cat form. And yes, Henry was a father at the young age of 11. Any problems?

Henry tried to move, but his 'daughter' had her paws around him, keeping him close to her. That was the reason why Henry didn't find his cat form as enjoyable as he should. Because when he was in cat form, he was just a glorified pillow for Aura.

She was a very clingy pet/daughter, but then again she was only a couple of months old. She was like an attention seeking little child, always wanting to be the centre of his world. And truthfully, Henry didn't mind it that much. She was like a ray of sunshine in these cloudy days.

The sound of compartment doors opening made the two cats stare at the new occupants. It took a second, but Henry quickly realised who the two girls were.

They were Tracey and Daphne. But unlike his Tracey and Daphne, they weren't adorable little girls.

These two were basically beautiful women. Daphne had her honey blonde hair in a tight bun and her piercing blue eyes trained on them. Tracey's brunette hair on the other hand was plaited in an intricate style. Her hazel eyes shone happily as her gaze fixed on the felines.

"Woah! Look what we have here." Tracey gasped and plopped down on the opposite seat with Aura in her lap. Daphne gently picked up Henry and placed him in her own lap as she sat on the window seat. He purred as her nimble fingers scratched his ears.

"Papa, papa. See, I claimed this stupid bimbo as my slave." Aura said elaredly while Tracey ran her fingers through her snow-white fur.

"Language, dear. You can't just claim anyone as your slaves." Henry said in a stern voice.

"But I wanna."



"I said no, Aura. Now shut up and enjoy your attention."

"What do you think they are talking about?" Tracey asked Daphne who was curiously looking at the mewling cats.

"Food." Daphne answered succinctly.

"Probably. I am unsure whose cats these two are. I see a trunk on the upper seat, meaning this compartment is already occupied. Should we find another compartment for ourselves?" Tracey mumbled.

"No. I want to pet this one more." Daphne shook her head, fondly looking at the black cat in her lap.

"Meow!" Henry nudged her chest and looked at her with wide emerald eyes.

"Don't worry. I am not going anywhere." Daphne showed a happy smile and hugged him close.

"Hehe. These two are rare beauties. I almost want to steal them from their owner." Tracey giggled as Aura licked her cheek.

"Yes. You are right. That's a brilliant idea." Daphne nodded seriously.

"I was joking, Daphne." Tracey responded with amusement.

"Are you sure? No one will know. We can cuddle with them forever if we steal them. Think about how cosy it would be to sleep with our arms wrapped around their soft furry bodies." Daphne complained with a pout.

"You are making it very hard to say no. But, no. We won't take them from their owner. That is wrong." Tracey firmly told her.

"Goody two shoes." Daphne whispered under her breath.

"I heard that, Miss Ice Queen." Tracey retorted mockingly. Daphne just groaned and laid down on her back, taking the whole seat for herself. She sat the black cat on her impressive breasts and grinned at him.

"Come with me, Mr. Green. I will give you the best milk and tasty cat food." Daphne bribed him in a conspiratorial tone.

Tracey laughed from across them.

"Yeah, milk. Definitely milk. Just bare your breasts for him, the cat will follow you to the end of the world then. Who else wouldn't want milk from the sexy boobs of Daphne? This cat is a male, right? Let's see if the beauty of Daphne Greengrass can charm cats or not."

Henry laughed at the lewd joke. That was so funny. Sirius would be rolling on the ground in laughter at this joke while his mum probably would harshly scold Tracey.

This unique action brought the attention of the two girls on him.

"Was that strange sound laughing? Did the cat understand what we were saying?" Tracey gasped, looking at him.

"Of course it was a laugh. What else could it be you stupid furless bimbo?" Aura hissed.

"Enough! Young lady. If I hear another insult from you, there will be no more cuddle time with me." Henry reprimanded his daughter.

"What? No fair, papa." Aura complained.

"Yes, little ones, why not ignore us and keep on conversing with each other?" Tracey asked sarcastically, dubiously staring at the two cats.

Aura stiffled an urge to insult this stupid bitch and kept her silence. Though she was rewarded with a compliment which made her very happy.

"Good girl."

"Hey, Mr. Green. If you understood what Tracey said then would you become my pet if I show you my boobs. You can even suck on them. Though there will be no milk unfortunately." Daphne offered eagerly, looking at him expectantly.

"You know how messed up and impressive it is that I don't know if you're joking or not? And no, as I am your girlfriend, I forbid you from showing your tits to anyone other than me." Tracey said with a cute pout. Daphne shrugged.

"Sorry, Mr. Green. The offer is no longer available. My girlfriend is very possessive. So, no titties for you." Daphne giggled, hugging him tightly.

Tracey rolled her eyes affectionately at her while tending to the silent Aura, who was glaring at the blonde bimbo for being too cuddly with her papa.

Henry just let Daphne cuddle with him and let the warm happiness fill him up. It was a very fulfilling experience to see his best friends so happy in this war-torn country even if they weren't exactly his best friends in this world.

The rest of the ride went by in this fashion. Tracey claimed Aura while Daphne hugged Henry or 'Mr. Green' as she called him for the next few hours. When the train was nearing the Hogsmeade station, the girls decided to change into their uniforms.

Henry was very conflicted whether to stop them or keep them in the dark and stay where he was. But before they could remove their clothes, Henry decided to change into his human form.

The two girls who were standing between the seats, stared at him in wonder. Henry was impressed that they hadn't screamed yet.

"Yo! Please let me leave before you both take off your clothes. I wasn-"

But his sentence was cut off when Daphne jumped him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Yay! Mr. Green can turn into a human or a human who can turn into Mr. Green. Doesn't matter. What a beautiful and wonderful cat or a human you are. Such nice silver hair and eyes. Please become my pet, please! Tracey, can we keep him? We can even have a threesome with him." Daphne laughed joyfully.

Tracey and Henry stared at Daphne in amazement.

"Baby, he is a kid. I am guessing a first-year." Tracey rebuked absent-mindedly, still in daze.

"No worries. I like them young." Daphne waved her worries away, still clinging to Henry and hugging his face to her voluptuous chest.

Tracey narrowed her eyes on her.

"That joke warrants a punishment. We will get to that when we are into our dorms. Now stop suffocating the poor boy." Tracey scolded her and pulled her away from the dumbfounded Henry.

"Spanking? Please say it will be spanking." Daphne pleaded breathlessly, her cheeks deep with blush.

"I said punishment. Not reward. And I swear if you say one other lewd thing in front of this little kid, I will never spank you again." Tracey hissed with a pinched nose.

Daphne's eyes widened in horror and she sat back on the seat, looking miserable.

"Yes, dear." Daphne nodded. Tracey sighed in relief and looked at the boy.

"So, you are an animagus, I guess. Very impressive for a boy who is just starting Hogwarts. And you didn't think it was important to reveal that earlier. I was getting suspicious why the owner of that trunk didn't come back." Tracey told him with a frown.

"Kind of, not exactly an animagus though let's go with that. That is a more sensible explanation anyway. I was just being a cat because Aura here likes cuddling with me in a cat form since she herself is a cat. You two just stepped into our compartment and adopted us as your personal stuffed toys. Not going to lie, it was enjoyable. So, time just flew by while you played with us. But when you were going to undress, I decided it would be inappropriate to hide my true self anymore." Henry defended himself with a sheepish smile.

"Such a gentleman. Come here, Mr. Green, you can still sit in my lap." Crazy Daphne had been spotted again. Her arms were wide open, offering him a hug.

"Daphne!" Tracey sighed tiredly.

Henry couldn't help, but laugh at their byplay. It was the first time he felt so light and happy after coming to this world. They really were such amazing girls.

"I am Henry Potter and not Mr. Green by the way." Henry smiled at them.

"I am Daphne Greengrass. It is wonderful meeting you, Mr. Green." Daphne piped up, ignoring his real name.

"I am Tracey Davis. Nice to meet you, Henry. Any relation with Harry Potter?" She asked.

"Yeah. We are distantly related. I am from a squib branch of the family." Henry went on with the new created persona. Tracey's face contorted in displeasure at hearing that. She sat back on the seat again and took Aura in her lap.

"Times are dangerous, Henry. Your last name will make you a target, no matter how distantly related you are to Harry Potter. Be careful at Hogwarts."

"But don't worry, Mr. Green. No one in Hogwarts will be able to hurt you. I will kill them if they even try." Daphne whispered dangerously, her blue eyes glowing maliciously with power. The temperature dropped a few degrees in the closed compartment.

"Calm down, Daphne. No one is hurting Henry." Tracey yelled, shooting an exasperated look at her.

"Okay." Daphne shrugged and gave him a brilliant smile. The temperature was back to normal.

After that, they talked for a few minutes.

"It was nice meeting you two. I will leave you both to change. See you later at Hogwarts, Tracey and Daphne." Henry stood up, seeing the train was slowing down.

"See you later, Mr. Green."

"See you later, Henry."

Henry left the compartment after taking his trunk. With Aura placed on his shoulder, he went to Harry's compartment where he would hopefully get the opportunity to change into his robes.

He had used [Observe] on the girls to see what those two thought about him and how powerful they were. They definitely were strong for sixth-year students.

Name: Daphne Greengrass

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 38

HP: 1900

MP: 3800

Affection: 20

Obedience: 0

Thoughts about you: Fondness, Protectiveness

Well, this is interesting. Henry had scored 20 affection points with her just after one meeting. And she genuinely felt protective of him and wasn't just acting. Strange, since he distinctively remembered his Daphne from the real world being a lot harder to increase affection points and far colder to strangers.

Name: Tracey Davis

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 35

HP: 1750

MP: 3500

Affection: 10

Obedience: 0

Thoughts about you: Sympathy, Suspicion

Ho ho ho, this was definitely strange, a world where Tracey's affection points were lesser than Daphne. A world where Tracey was comparatively more wary of strangers than Daphne.

Really, it was quite fascinating. Hopefully he would be able to win her trust during his stay at Hogwarts. Honestly, spending his time with these two girls was relaxing. He wouldn't mind their constant company.

'If my Daphne and Tracey grow up into these two girls then my life will definitely become quite interesting and hilarious.' Henry thought with amusement.


"SLYTHERIN!" The hat yelled.

Henry rested the hat on the stool and walked towards the table full of Death Eaters and Death Eater sympathisers.

The Great Hall was totally silent after witnessing a boy named Henry Potter get sorted into the house of snakes. Henry caught Harry's troubled gaze from the Gryffindor table.

He just nodded at the boy. There was no need for his older counterpart to be worried about him. He was strong enough to protect himself and if not he could still use his [Teleportation] perk to escape.

Henry should have chosen a safe house like Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw to lay low in this tense period of war. But after giving it some thought, he decided the opportunity to be with Daphne and Tracey was worth some danger. And it wasn't like any of the Slytherin students were a threat to him.

None were strong enough to harm him.

He was a budding Necromancer. He would turn their insides out instead of cowering in front of them. He would turn their parents and siblings into ghouls before kneeling before them. Yes, his decision was going to cause some annoyances but it was worth it. After all, he couldn't exactly leave his new friends all alone with the 'evil' and 'pugnacious' Slytherins.

Even though they weren't his Daphne and Tracey, they were still the dopplegangers of his best friends. And that was enough for him to show some familial loyalty to the girls and try to keep them safe.

Daphne waved at him from where she was sitting with Tracey. He hurried towards them and plopped down beside her.

"So, you followed me into the snake pit. Wow, I am flattered. Really, I am. But I already have a girlfriend. A permanent girlfriend. Sorry to break your heart, Mr. Green. Still, you can be my little brother, no? I always wanted a younger brother. I will take care of you, little bro. No one will harm you while you are with me." Daphne babbled happily, ruffling his hair affectionately.

"It's fine. I am too young to have a girlfriend anyway. Hmm, I have never been a younger brother. Well, I will get used to it." Henry played along as an amused smile spread on his face.

"Jokes aside, Henry. You really chose the worst house for yourself. You should not be here. You cannot be here." Tracey sighed, rubbing her forehead.

"I am feeling very welcomed." Henry snorted.

"Shut your trap, Tracey. Big sis will take care of little bro. You don't need to worry." Daphne complained and pulled Henry into a one-armed hug.

"Yes. Big sis will protect me. I don't need you, Tracey. Go away. Boo!" Henry grinned, wrapping his arm around Daphne and shooting a smug look at Tracey.

"You both are going to be massive headaches. Aren't you?" Tracey groaned, thumping her head on the table, ignoring the ongoing sorting.

She was scared, change that to terrified, of the consequences of a Potter sorted into Slytherin. She knew they were on a tightrope after taking this little boy under their wing. She only hoped that they would survive this.

Daphne and Henry just shared an amused smirk, unaware of the legitimate fears running through Tracey's mind.


"Look what we have here? A little Gryffindor trapped in the snake den with Slytherins." An older boy stepped forward.

All the occupants of the snake house were present at the moment. It was just a few seconds after Professor Slughorn, their new head of the house, left the first years so they could mingle in their new house.

Tracey and Daphne were sitting alone on a sofa in a corner. They both stood up and sauntered towards Henry. Their gait was full of confidence, their faces didn't have a single ounce of fear. They stopped between the older boy and Henry, putting their hands on Henry's shoulders.

"Fuck off! Draxin, Henry Potter is under my protection." Daphne smiled coldly, her gaze roaming over every student to see if anyone disagreed. "If anyone here even tries to hurt him, they will invite my unquenchable rage."

"What is the meaning of this, Greengrass? You are intruding in our matters. If you don't follow the agreement then your and your family's assured safety won't be assured anymore." Edward Draxin threatened hotly.

"According to the agreement between the Grey faction and the Dark Lord, we won't interfere with his plans and won't take a side. And in return he won't target us and leave us to our own devices, right? How am I violating this agreement? I just accepted a newly sorted Slytherin first-year into the Grey faction, under my wing. I think I am allowed to do that, no?" Daphne explained stonily.

The others didn't have any answer to that.

"But he is a Potter!" someone yelled from the back.

"Yes. A Potter from a sub-branch. An orphan Potter, a son of dead squib parents. Don't tell me you consider this first-year dangerous? Who I might add knows no magic right now. I hope you won't channel your hatred for Harry Potter on this child. I won't have that. He is under my protection and I won't have him harmed. Do you understand?" Daphne calmly asked.

"What if the Dark Lord asks for him? Will you stand in his way then?" Draco Malfoy, who was silent for the whole time, finally spoke up. Daphne narrowed her eyes at the blonde teenager.

"I hardly think the Dark Lord feels threatened by this first-year. So, I don't see him having any interest in him. But if the time comes when the Dark Lord wants a member of the Grey Faction, this Henry Potter, then he would have to talk with my father. After all, he can't just swoop in and kidnap a boy from my faction. That's breaking the agreement, right, Draxin?"

Edward Draxin was silent for a second before his eyes widened. He started laughing.

"I see what you are doing, Greengrass. You are basically taking Henry Potter as a hostage so you can hand him to the Dark Lord in the future for extra favours. Wow, that's ruthless. But that's exactly what I can expect from someone like you. I am impressed." Edward grinned. "Poor Potter, he can either be a willing prisoner of yours or a dead body. Little kid doesn't have much choice."

"You can think whatever you want, Edward. Now, It's time for me to guide my new friend to his dorm." Daphne replied blankly.

"Haha. Go on. Honestly, it is such a tragedy that a beautiful and intelligent girl like you is settling for the half-blood Davies. I won't mind having that arse." Edward smirked, trying to get a reaction out of her.

"You won't be able to handle this arse, Draxin. Just dream on. I don't like boys anyway. Why would I want your ugly dick instead of my sweet Tracey's flower? If you are being truthful you would have chosen the same in my place." Daphne smiled patiently while her eyes burned with anger.

"Alas, this ugly dick is required to produce future heirs for your family, no? It doesn't matter if you like it. I just need to pump into you for the betterment of our race. We can't have the ancient house of Greengrass die because the daughter of that family wasn't up for dicking." Edward chuckled mockingly.

"Hmm, you are right. I will fulfil my duty as a daughter of my house. But I will definitely choose a better candidate for 'dicking' me than you. After all, your ancestors were pimping their daughters and mothers to gain prestige while mine was already an ancient house even at that time. And the last question for you, Eddy, does your father too follow the tradition of pimping his daughter, wife and mother? I wouldn't mind having a go at your mother. She does have such nice lips. I can imagine them locked with my nether ones. I might even throw some galleons at her for the service." Daphne smirked cruelly.

"You bitch! Cru-" Before Edward could finish the spell, Daphne's own wand was pointed at him.

"CRUCIO!" Daphne yelled. The red jet of light struck the boy and he went down screaming in pain. His blood curdling shriek echoed in the common room. The others looked horrified, but no one came forward to stop it. After a minute of terrified screaming, Tracey placed her hand on Daphne's shoulder and shook her head.

"I think we have scarred the new first years enough. Let's go."

Daphne stopped the spell and gazed at the cowering first years. She let an amused smile play on her lips.

"Welcome to hell."

Tracey grabbed her hand and led her towards the first year dormitories. Henry was hot on their heels.

"This will be your room, Henry. It will be your only safe haven in the Slytherin house. No one can enter it without your permission." Tracey informed him while pointing to a door with his name engraved on it.

Henry nodded and opened it.

The room wasn't too big or too small. It was just large enough to fit a big bed, a wardrobe and a shelf without appearing crampy. Henry stepped in and gazed around.

His cat, Aura, was already on the bed, napping silently. His trunk too was sitting on his bed. Overall, he liked his new room. The green overlay on everything looked quite nice. He plopped down on his bed with a sigh. Today had been quite a tiring and dramatic day.

"Henry, would you mind inviting us in? We can't come in without your permission." Daphne asked.

"Oh, sorry! Come in both of you."

Tracey dragged the chair from the study table and slumped in it. Daphne chose to sit on the armrest of her chair.

"I hope we don't break his new chair." Tracey said amusedly, placing her hand around Daphne's waist. Henry decided to stop them before they began their playful banter again.

"So, that happened, huh? Wow. Don't know what to say or feel."

"Don't worry, Henry. You are safe for now. I won't let anyone hurt you." Daphne said reassuringly.

"I don't want to come out as rude or anything, but why are you helping me so much? I am basically a stranger to you." Henry asked slowly, staring at the crazy blonde girl.

"Yes, Daphne, even I am curious to know. Why are we helping him? I don't reckon your altruistic side has finally woken up." Tracey questioned her.

Daphne hummed in thought.

"Honestly, I don't know. I guess I just like you very much." She shrugged, telling half-truth.

Henry and Tracey shared a glance. Then Tracey shook her head fondly.

"Your latest stunt might get us in more danger." She tried to complain though there was no bite in her words. She seemed resigned, used to her girlfriend's impulsive antics.

"Don't worry. The Dark Lord won't target us. He has enough on his plate. He wouldn't want to anger the Neutral faction while he is waging war against the Progressives." Daphne responded thoughtfully.

"And you think he will leave you all alone if he wins the war?" Henry raised his eyebrow.

"Oh hell no, he will kill all of our leaders and sell us girls into sexual slavery to the Death Eaters to satiate their lust and pop out pureblood babies for his new world. Hmm, even I won't like that and I am far from prude." Daphne said nonchalantly.

"Darling, why don't we keep the language child-friendly? I am getting tired of scolding you already." Tracey growled, smacking her head lightly.

"It's fine, Tracey. I have an uncle whose jokes are cruder than Daphne's. I am used to it. But aren't you worried about what will happen after the war?" Henry asked dubiously. He couldn't understand why Daphne was being so carefree about her situation. If he was in her position, he would have killed everyone to solve his problem.

"I guess I am a little worried. But I have a hunch that Harry Potter and Dumbledore will somehow save the day. So, I try to ignore the looming darkness. Ignorance is bliss after all." Daphne shrugged again.

"Well, you can be sure that I won't let anything like that happen to you. You are my friends now. I will protect you." Henry nodded resolutely.

"Aw! My heart warms that Mr. Green wants to protect us. I can't stop myself anymore." Daphne gushed and pounced on him, hugging him tightly.

"There, there, Mr. Green. I will protect you and you will protect us. Such a romantic proposition. Who's a good little brother? Who's a good little brother? You, you are." Daphne giggled, suffocating him at her soft chest.

"Dear, let him breathe. You don't want to kill your 'little brother' by smothering him between your breasts." Tracey groaned exasperatedly. She didn't even try to reprimanded her.

"Hehe. He is just so cute. You sure we can't keep him?" Daphne asked Tracey with puppy dog eyes.

"No. We can't. I don't share." Tracey replied with closed eyes. Yes, that was her defence against Daphne's cute plea. Just close your eyes. "Let's go now. He looks exhausted. We will give him silence to sleep."

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Mr. Green. We will have so much fun from now on. I will find you some girls to fuck." Daphne jabbered joyfully.

"Daphne!" Tracey whined.

"Fine. I will correct it. Since you are so little, we will catalogue girls so you can fuck them in few years when you are not so little anymore. Was that good enough, Tracey?"


"Perfect." Daphne grinned abashedly.

"Goodnight, Henry. I will take off Daphne from your hair so you can sleep." Tracey showed him a small smile as she stood up from the chair.

"Goodnight, Tracey."

"Goodnight, Mr. Green. Sweet dreams, I won't mind if you have indecent dreams about me. Oh, are you old enough to have those? I guess you are not. Man, you are so little, you can't even have fun in your dreams. Poor boy." Daphne shook her head in disappointment.

"Daphne! Let's go."

"Shut your trap, woman. Let me say goodnight to my little brother. See you in the morning, Mr. Green. Goodnight." Daphne caressed his face gently and kissed him on the cheek. For those few seconds, all her humour vanished and her eyes filled with genuine warmth.

"Goodnight, Daphne. See you in the morning." Henry smiled at the two girls who nodded at him before they left and closed the door behind them.

Henry curled beside Aura and crossed into the dream world with a smile on his face. And no, he didn't have indecent dreams, he was still too young for that. His dreams were filled with red hair and green eyes.


"Hey! Let me enter." Daphne yelled, banging on Tracey's door. They both had just reached their rooms after leaving Henry and for some reason Tracey had decided to shut her door and barred her from entering.

"Go to your own room, Daphne. I haven't forgotten about the punishment. Your punishment will be that you won't sleep with me tonight. So, just fuck off." Tracey's stern voice came through the door.

"Oh, come on. It was just a little fun. You know I wouldn't cheat on you with Mr. Green." Daphne couldn't help, but let her crass humour let out. Even though Daphne couldn't see it, she knew Tracey was gnashing her teeth.

"You know it's not about that. I trust you and am not scared of you cheating on me. You love me just like I love you. You are mine just like I am yours." Tracey's soft yet loud comment drew a blush from Daphne.

"Aw! Just open the door so I can pounce on you."

"Nope. Go to sleep alone and think about how you should act around children."

"I am sorry. I really am. Fine! I will try to reign in myself around Mr. Green. But you can't deny he is too cute. Don't you get the warm protective feeling when you are around him? Don't you want to hug him and never let him go? Don't you get the urge to do anything just to make him smile? Won't you kill anyone who would ever try to harm him?"

"No." Tracey replied frankly.

"You are weird then." Daphne shrugged.

"I am weird? Ha ha ha. I take my statement about trust back. I will keep a close eye on you while you are with him. I can't believe I am feeling threatened by an eleven years old kid." Tracey's incredulity could be felt even through the door.

Daphne just chuckled in amusement.

"No, my feelings towards Henry are not romantic. I think it's a very motherly feeling." Daphne's humour had vanished and her voice was laced with sadness. There was a second of silence before the door clicked open and Tracey pulled her in before hugging her tightly.

"He reminds you of Tori. Doesn't he?" Tracey whispered gently, rubbing her back supportively. Daphne shook her head slowly.

"Not exactly. He reminds me of...myself. When I look at him, it feels like looking in the mirror, Tracey. His beautiful silver eyes are so full of pain and self-hatred. His smile was so melancholic. It breaks my heart. He is hurting, Tracey. He is in so much agony. There's a scar on his soul that I don't think will ever heal. It makes me so sad to see him try to smile when he just wants to cry forever." Daphne whispered in a vulnerable tone, her blue eyes were filled with unshed tears.

Tracey led her to the bed and laid down together with her on it.

"Then the best we can do is make him happy again." Tracey smiled kindly as they lay on their sides, facing each other. Daphne smiled back and snuggled with her.

"I love you. I love you so much." Daphne said, moving closer to her lips. Tracey's lips curled into a smirk. They were so close that they could feel each other's warm breaths blowing on their lips.

"I know. I am just too awesome."

Instead of continuing their banter, Daphne wrapped her arms around her best friend and kissed her lovingly. She tried to put all of her emotions in the kiss, she wanted her to know how much she loved her. She wanted her to know how alone she would be without her.

She hoped her feelings reached her. She hoped her kiss displayed her undying love for her.