
Chapter 26. Lustful

The sun was moderately warm at this hour.

The hour was late in the morning. The cool breeze blew from the sea, mitigating most of the heat.

Eos, formerly known as Voldemort, lay sprawled on her back, on the blanket at the beach. She was staring at the underside of the umbrella as a handsome face slipped between her knees.

"Good, Jack, right there." She moaned, curling her fingers into his light blonde hair. She bucked her hips as his tongue prodded her core. She pulled his face deeper between her legs.

She sighed as her new boy toy lapped at her pussy fervently.

Life was fun, she had decided. It had been unfortunate that she wasn't aware of it until now.

But after her freedom, in the last months, she travelled all over Europe, seeing marvellous pieces of ancient architecture and culture everywhere, eating new and untried food, and meeting multitudes of people.

She had quickly immersed herself in the joy she felt after gaining bits of new knowledge. And unlike her late husband, she held no grievances with the muggles. She didn't mind mingling with them. Or having sex with them for that matter.

She had made a regular habit of finding new and exciting scenic views to spend her sunsets and sunrises in, whether it be in the magical world or the muggle one, it didn't matter. And the handsome boys and men, who fell for her at first glance, also flattered her and boosted her ego. She always wore clothes that while not inappropriate nor entirely provocative, did give a peek at her curvaceous body.

Unlike her pathetic husband, she didn't even need magic to find consenting partners. Wherever she went, men constantly vied for her attention. And she only gave it to the most beautiful ones.

Jack was one of them.

In the morning, while she had been drinking coffee at a cafe, this sixteen-year-old boy had slumped into the chair opposite her.

And just from the brief look in his unique azure blue eyes, she had been able to understand his motives.

He had been smitten with her unworldly beauty and wanted a taste of it.

Although he had been acting confident and flirtatious, she had sensed the nervousness within him. He felt like he was in the presence of a goddess.

That thought tickled her and strangely made her rather proud.

She since had deemed him cute and good enough to fuck.

So, here she was, on a beach with her knees spread open and a boy's mouth latched onto her quim.

She let out a high-pitched moan as he hit a spot.

The beach wasn't too crowded and the few people who saw their perverse act had just grinned and given them privacy.

She really loved France.

She might even decide to stay here and build a home for herself. The weather was good and there was an abundance of potential sex partners.

Her reverie was cut short when another man settled beside her.

This man had been hungrily watching them from a couple of feet away, fisting into his shorts until Eos winked at him and had taken off her bra, letting her perfect babies out.

It had been a taunt, an invitation to see if the man was brave enough to join them.

She grinned as his gaze stuck on her full round breasts. "Finally decided to join us?"

He gulped and nodded. She giggled, grabbing his face and mashing it on her tits.

"Suck on it." She whispered hoarsely. The man did as ordered, taking her nipple in his mouth and nursing on it. She groaned in pleasure, tightening her grip around his head, and trapping him in her boobs.

"Jack, why don't you put it in? It seems your oral skill isn't enough to wrench out an orgasm." She drawled, running her fingers all over the chiselled back of this new man. Damn, this man looked like a Greek god. She might fuck him for a few more days.

"Sorry." The boy apologised.

"Don't worry, my dear boy. You've much to learn." She giggled, enjoying the jealousy in his eyes as he saw the man feasting on her teats. As if to incite more anger, the man roughly grabbed her other breast, squeezing it, drawing out a wanton moan from her mouth.

Without another word, Jack pulled down his shorts and shoved his dick inside her.

She laughed in pleasure as each rhythmic slap of his hips sent a jolt of pleasure in her cunt that spread in ripples throughout her entire body. "Good boy, Jack. You can go a little harder if you want."

"My name is Jacques, not Jack." He pouted, increasing his pace.

She just screamed. "Harder, Jack! Harder!"


"How the hell did you get taller in a single day!" Neville yelled, after coming out of the fireplace and gaping at the Potter twins.

Just last night, on his birthday, they hadn't been anywhere near as big as they were now. He couldn't possibly fathom how these two's body growth was always so strange and excessive. It was honestly queer and incomprehensible.

"Puberty." Harry gave a beatific smile, shrugging innocently.

"It doesn't work like that. Puberty doesn't make you grow half a foot in a single night!" Neville threw up his hands at the absurd excuse.

"There, there, Nev. You'll too grow someday. No need to be so jealous." Iris smirked, pulling him into her arms and kissing his cheek.

This type of affectionate gesture was normal between them even if it always left him flustered. She was always like a teasing younger sister to him.

But how the hell could he consider her younger when her boobs were pressing onto his face and she was towering over him?

It was very condescending.

And she seemed more like a fifth or sixth-year girl than the average third-year. He practically looked like a child in front of her.

It was quite humiliating.

He jumped away and glared at them. He looked at his mother who was standing beside aunt Lily. They were silently watching the drama with raised eyebrows. He swiftly moved towards them and latched onto his aunt's hands. "Tell me the secret, aunty. I don't want to be a dwarf forever."

Chuckling, Lily embraced him and patted his head. "There's no secret, Neville. Even I got surprised at their recent growth. But you don't need to worry. Your father was a rather tall man, even taller than James. I'm sure when you're done growing, you'll be bigger than these two idiots."

Neville gave her a sullen stare, not wanting mere consolation, but a remedy.

"Honestly, Lily, it is bizarre to see someone grow half a dozen inches in a span of a single day." Alice commented as Neville went back to the twins who playfully made fun of his currently short height. Which was rather ironic since he was one of the taller boys in their year group.

"I know. But it is what it is. I'd them checked at Saint Mungo's today. They said that my kids are just early bloomers." Lily lied, not allowed to reveal the [Peak Body] perk.

Before they could continue their conversation, the flames in the fireplace turned green once again, and three blondes stepped out of it in a regal manner. Though Astoria's regalness didn't last long when her gaze fell on Harry. "Whoa! When did you get so big? And why does Iris have such big boobs?"

Daphne smacked her on the back of her head, earning a look of approval from their mother.

"Ouch! At least try to hide this child abuse when we're in front of others." Astoria grumbled and fled to Harry, who picked her up and sat her on his back. She clung to his neck and locked her legs around his waist.

"I apologise to you, Iris, on behalf of my uncouth daughter." Proserpina sighed, though her lips twitched briefly as she discreetly glanced at the redhead's growing assets.

Like mother, like daughter, she thought wryly.

"No problem, aunty. I'm used to Astoria's brand of madness." smiled Iris, her red face betraying her embarrassment.


The congregated family sang the birthday song. Harry and Iris sliced the cake and offered the first bite to each other. They both smiled blissfully, the earlier worries of the day pushed to the back of their minds.

They both laughed as they licked each other's fingers clean, throwing their arms around one another for a brief, but tight hug and whispering "Happy birthday''.

After that, the small celebration passed on as it always does.

Soon everyone was fed and content.

Lily whispered something in her friends' ears and they nodded.

"Iris, why don't you show your friends to your room? I think they'll like to see what gifts you've received this year." announced Lily.

It wasn't lost on anyone that they were being dismissed so the adults could talk about something serious.

"Okay, mum. Let's go, Harry." Iris agreed, grabbing his hand.

"No, leave Harry behind. He needs to be here."

Iris shot her a puzzled look but nodded reluctantly.

"Why can't we stay?" Astoria pouted as Iris tried to usher them out of the living room.

"Astoria, go." Proserpina ordered with narrowed eyes.

Astoria bit back a retort at the order and went out of the room after Iris.

Lily closed the door behind them and raised some privacy wards. Then she sat down beside Alice and looked on expectantly at him.

Harry got on his feet, standing before them. He gazed around as they stared back at him.

Aunt Proserpina sat alone in an armchair. She was wearing a dark blue silk dress that flared out from the waist down. Her blonde hair was tied in an immaculate crown. And her left leg poked out from the slit of her dress, giving him a glimpse of her milky thigh. She truly looked magnificent. Only she was the one who had taken so much care of her appearance for this informal event. Then again, she was always like that.

Calm and majestic like a queen.

She gave him a knowing look, aware of his gaze, basking in his attention.

Name: Proserpina Greengrass

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 53

HP: 2650

MP: 5300

Affection: 70

Obedience: 0

Thoughts about you: Fondness, Amusement

Uncle Sirius and Uncle Remus on the other hand were wearing simple t-shirts and slacks.

Padfoot was grinning at him and Moony was staring at him inquisitively.

Harry smiled back at them.

Name: Sirius Black

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 50

HP: 2500

MP: 5000

Affection: 100

Obedience: 30

Thoughts about you: Love, Protectiveness

Name: Remus Lupin

Race: Human (Werewolf)

Class: Mage

Lvl: 49

HP: 4900

MP: 4900

Affection: 80

Obedience: 10

Thoughts about you: Love, Protectiveness

His eyes then wandered to the last two in the room.

Aunt Alice was sitting beside his mother. She nodded at him, her lips spread in a warm motherly smile. Her attire for tonight was a simple black gown that accentuated her large bosom and slim waist. He considered her the only one whose breasts came anywhere close to the perfection that was Lily Potter's tits.

Name: Alice Longbottom

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 51

HP: 2550

MP: 5100

Affection: 100

Obedience: 30

Thoughts about you: Amusement, Love

She arched her eyebrow when she caught his glance at her cleavage. Her warm smile turned mischievous and she winked at him, hiding her smile behind her fingers.

He abruptly turned his gaze to his mother who too was in a beautiful gown, but a red one. It might be getting repetitive, but Lily Potter was really the sexiest woman alive. He didn't get to admire her much since she shot him a dry look, having caught his momentary blunder with Alice.

Fine, he would worship her in the bedroom then.

"So, Harry, what is it? Lily said you wanted to talk with us." asked Remus.

Without much fanfare, he got to the main point. "I want you guys to train me. As you know, Voldemort is alive and after me. So, I thought it'd be rather prudent to be ready. And what better way to be prepared than to be trained?"

"And why is Voldemort after you, Harry? Would you like to tell us something?" Aunt Proserpina enquired, tilting her head to the side. There was something dangerous in her eyes, a suspicion that was on the cusp of confirmation.

"Because of the prophecy, of course." He replied smoothly, causing her eyes to narrow, not getting the answer she wanted.

"True. Don't worry, Harry. We'll take care of him. You don't need to train. Enjoy your school life, pup. Leave this to us." Padfoot smiled reassuringly.

Harry shook his head. "We never know when or where he might pop up. I won't always have an opportunity to flee. I must know some magic to defend myself."

A moment of silence ensued after that.

Sirius at last sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Fine. I'll train you. But not for another year; Next summer when you are over fourteen, I'll take you to the Caribbean, where my new home is, where I'll show you all that can be learned. Until then, relax and enjoy your childhood. You're too young to worry about the Dark Lord."

"I'm with Sirius on this. Come this time next year and we'll teach you." Uncle Remus agreed with his friend, clearly not in favour of spoiling his childhood.

"What about you, aunty Alice? Are you postponing it too?" Harry groaned, looking at her pleadingly. Somehow he had thought that they would easily agree to his demand.

Once again, he had been too optimistic. How stupid of him.

"Aw, the puppy eyes. You always know what my weakness is, dear. Fine, I'll train you. And unlike these dogs, I'll do it sooner. You might be happy and surprised to know that I'm your new Defence teacher this year at Hogwarts. I wouldn't mind giving you extra lessons."

That announcement brought everyone's attention to her.

"Really?" Lily asked, hearing about it for the first time.

"Really. Apparently, someone exposed Lockhart as a fraud. So, now the blonde ponce is in jail and Hogwarts needs another teacher. Since I was bored, I signed up." She shrugged.

"But isn't Transfiguration your subject?" Harry interrupted curiously.

This prompted an exasperated smirk to bloom on her face. "Yes. So what? You think I don't know enough DADA to teach you little brats?"

"Oh, okay. You can train me throughout the year then." Harry smiled excitedly, figuring out how great this situation was for him.

She grinned back. "Yes. Although don't tell this to anyone. I want to keep this a secret and surprise my Neville on the first of September."

"Fine. I'll keep mum so you can give Nev a heart attack." promised Harry, rolling his eyes.

"As for me, come to Greengrass Manor tomorrow at noon. I have one month with you before you have to go to Hogwarts. By then, I hope to see you master the basics."

Harry turned to Aunt Proserpina with wide eyes, astonished by her offer. She was the one in whom he had the least confidence for accepting his plea. She always seemed so busy with the Wizengamot and family business, that he thought she would straight up decline him.

But here she was, being the quickest to take him under her wing.

"Thank you, aunty. I'm so happy. I can almost kiss you." Harry breathed in relief.

She chuckled softly, her eyes gleaming. "No need to be surprised, Harry. I can surely spare a couple of hours daily to teach you."

Before Harry could thank her again, Alice groaned and glowered at the blonde. "You just did it to spite me. Didn't you, Proserpina? You just had to one up me."

"I don't know what you're talking about, Alice. My motivation to impart knowledge to dear Harry is totally altruistic." She smiled blankly, briefly glancing at the black-haired woman with a haughty look.

"Bitch! I can see it in your eyes." Alice spat.

"Mind your language, you filthy fatballs carrying whore!" Proserpina cussed, her mouth twisting into a sneer.

Harry looked on dubiously as the two adults bickered with each other like street dogs. Sirius was cackling madly and yelling 'Fight, fight, fight' while Remus was trying to stop their verbal spar.

At least now he knew where Astoria got her filthy mouth from. It was genetic, he was sure as he heard such words coming out of Aunt Proserpina's mouth that he wouldn't even dare repeat.

Although he dearly hoped that Daphne wasn't similar to them. Otherwise, his image of her calm serene beauty would quickly crumble into ashes.

"Enough! I'll kick both of you out if you don't stop this nonsense right now!" His mother yelled finally, standing up and planting her fists on her wide hips.

Both the women continued to grumble rebelliously but heeded her warning.

"Harry dear, you can go to your sister and friends. I think you got what you wanted from these morons." She nodded at him with a strained smile.

"Uhm… yes. I'll just go upstairs." Harry coughed, slipping out of the room.


After the party ended, everyone readily went home, tired and content. Sleep calling to their weary bodies and minds.

Not Tracey though. She could have just stayed at Harry's if it wasn't impolite.

She stepped out of the fireplace in her house.

"I'm home." She called loudly.

"How I wish you were not." Her mother's annoyed reply came from the other room.

Tracey rolled her eyes at her bitchy mother. "Tell me something I don't know, mother."

"Just shut up and fuck off to your room, girl. I don't want to see your ill-omened face." The scathing response came again.

If she wasn't used to it, Tracey might have felt hurt.

But, she again rolled her eyes and climbed the staircase.

"Goodnight." She whispered to no one.


Following a relaxing bath, Iris put on light nightwear; A loose blue t-shirt and shorts.

She climbed into the bed and turned off the night lamp, sprawling on her back and staring at the ceiling sullenly.

It had been her birthday. And while the entire duration of the party was fun, she didn't get any alone time with Harry. Which was a required element for a Happy birthday. Their mother had stood true to her words and hadn't let them be alone with each other for more than a couple of minutes. As if fearing they might start rutting like horny dogs. Which might or might not have been true.

It was annoying, to be honest. She was used to Harry's company and had taken it for granted all this time. She had never thought that there might come a time when she couldn't even talk to her twin brother.

But now that she hadn't had a single private conversation with him, she realised how much she missed him. She wanted to see him, to hug him. She wanted to kiss him and then cuddle into him. The need was almost pathological.

She really would have given anything just to see his stupidly handsome face. To hear him utter 'goodnight' or even mockingly call her 'little sister', which showed how desperate she was.

Before she could decide to break her mother's trust and sneak into her brother's room, Harry himself teleported and came to her.

Fortunately, she didn't scream at his abrupt appearance. Opting to show her surprise by just widening her eyes.

He slinked into her bed and lay beside her.

She rolled on her side to face him.

He was grinning stupidly at her.

And Merlin damn it, she was too.

"Hey!" He whispered happily. "Missed me?"

She took his face in her hands and kissed him soundly. Her lips merged with his in an urgent needful kiss, making a happy sound in the back of her throat.

Even when they stopped kissing, which was good three-four minutes after, she kept her forehead against his, breathing out on his lips and breathing in his scent. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Iris." He smiled, offering a quick gentle kiss on her swollen lips.

She giggled softly, feeling victorious and strangely giddy to share such a kiss with her brother while their mother was still in the house.

It was cathartic to kiss him like that. An act that would have surely caused her to be on the receiving end of her mother's ire.

"Why're you here? Not that I'm complaining." She asked, shifting a little so she could stare at him.

Although it was dark, she knew he was the most beautiful being she had ever laid eyes on. She caressed his face, her thumb first tracing his lips and then the shape of his jaw.

"I didn't like the thought of our birthday ending without us having some alone time. It'd have soured this happy day." He mumbled, heaving her on top of him.

She gasped at the sudden change of position. She propped herself on her hands on either side of his face, her red hair forming a curtain around their heads. She felt his greedy hands on her hips, slipping into her shorts, massaging her arse cheeks, leaving phantom burns everywhere on her skin.

She moaned, kissing him again, pushing her own hands under his t-shirt, basking in the heat of his flesh. She shuddered, as the tips of his fingers crept into her knickers and touched her core. She wrenched away her face and tumbled beside him, pulling away. "Not now. We can't do it for a month. We shouldn't break our promise to mum."

Harry nodded reluctantly. "You're right. I just got too excited, sorry. At least cuddle with me, please."

He gave her a cute puppy look and she melted immediately, she scooted closer until her arse was pressed on his crotch and her back onto his chest. She made an approving noise when his hands wrapped around her middle and he pulled her against him.

He kissed the nape of her neck before nibbling on her collarbone. She rolled her eyes as his arms tightened around her waist, pushing his boner deeper between her butt cheeks.

"This is not just cuddling. You're grinding on my bum." She complained wryly. She sensed his smile on her collarbone.

"Well, it's not sex so it's fine." He made an excuse, cupping her breasts through her t-shirt and rubbing his hardness on her cleft, his hips squashing her plump arse.

She sighed exasperatedly, folding into his embrace and sinking into his hold, as their shared heat enveloped her, as his scent filled her nostrils, as his touch burned her and healed her at the same time.

She hissed in pleasure as his fingers found her naked mounds under the garment, her stiff nipples being rolled between his fingers. His touch was rough on her bountiful chest and the short rapid movement of his hips on her bum was getting insistent. She felt his excitement throb and shiver on her butt before he climaxed, loosening his tight hold around her.

She felt him exhale on her chin, as he came. It changed the way he touched her tits. Where earlier he was squeezing and mauling her flesh, now he gently ran his thumbs around her areolas, causing a tingle to grow in her heart, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin, causing her core to moisten.

He pulled her shoulder, making her lie on her back.

"Eep!" she uttered in shock when suddenly his hand was inside her shorts and knickers, again. "Harry!"

"I'm just returning the favour. Relax and let me do the work." He snickered, affectionately kissing the side of her neck.

She did so, unsurely, letting him touch her pussy.

His fingers grazed her swollen clit and she resisted the urge to jump.

"Ahh… hmm…" she moaned as he caressed her, encircling the bump until he was pressing on it.

He left his thumb on her clit, gently nudging her button, and his fingers slipped down further, cupping her snatch.

"Harry." She whimpered, her hips trembling.

She bit her tongue as he rubbed her nether lips before slowly pushing his single finger in. She looked at him with wide eyes, her breaths coming in huffs.

She keened, closing her eyes, his single digit burying deep inside her.

She was thankful when he kissed her, distracting her from the overwhelming sensation.

Soon he was pistoning his finger into her, in her tight passage which grew wetter and wetter with each thrust.

She snogged him ardently, unaware if he was sucking her or if she was sucking him, uncaring if his tongue was in her mouth or if hers was in his.

She kissed him wildly, not even knowing when she began pushing her cunt against his finger.

Letting him return the favour was the best decision she made that night. As it was clear from her muffled scream in his mouth, as it was clear when she bit his lower lip. As she came, squeezing her hips, entrapping his hand between her legs.

They lay side by side, their breathing loud enough to be heard through the door if it hadn't been charmed silent.

She rolled around so she was facing him again. "That was bloody brilliant."

"Thank you." He smiled cockily.

Her cheeks reddened when he dipped his wet finger into his mouth, swirling his tongue and sucking the tangy taste off it. She pressed her face on his chest, feeling scandalised at how he licked her juice, and wrapped her arms around him. With a shy small voice, she complained. "Pervert!"

"I guess I am." He laughed, hugging her back. "Goodnight, Iris. I love you."

"Goodnight, Harry. I love you too." She smiled contently, nuzzling his neck and tucking her head under his chin.


The next early morning, Harry kissed his sleeping sister softly before teleporting back to his room. There was no need to cause a family drama. He wasn't sure if his mother would check on them in the mornings to see if they were in their respective rooms or not. Better be safe than sorry.

Harry, check your stats. You got a new perk from the Creator himself.

Isis informed him. He did as suggested.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Lvl: 450(0%)

HP: 22,500 (10 per second)

MP: 45,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)

[Dreamer] (Passive)

[Sleepless] (Passive)

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)

[Healing Pocket] (Active)

[Unbarred] (Passive)

[Mentor] (Passive)

[Harem King] (Passive)



[Weapon Master]




[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Army of the Dead]


[Master of Dead]


[Soul Searcher]

[Black Fist]


The [Black Fist] was the skill he had made on Christmas using [Skill Create] while [Possess] he just made last night.

[Black Fist]

– Gives the user power to land a punch on the opponent, no matter how far or out of reach the user is. The power of the user's punch is multiplied by 3x. The opponent however must be in the visible range of the user to use this skill.

While it didn't look much, it was an overpowered skill. He could now punch anyone with 3x of his power from afar and safely. He could fly high into the air and mimic throwing a punch and a real punch would hit the target. With his high levels, he was sure he could kill the normal muggles or magicals with a single punch.

He had even tried it while he was out as the Red Grim and it had worked. A single use of [Black Fist] had caused a miscreant's head to pop like a pumpkin.


– Gives the user power to possess any undead or sleeping being.

This new skill which he created last night was self-explanatory. He had the powers of a necromancer. It wouldn't do if he didn't have the most basic skill of that Class. Did he need it? He didn't know, but it was a must-have, so he created it.

These two were nothing new. He knew about them. What was surprising was this new perk.

[Harem King]

– Allows the user to incite lust in the opposite gender at his will. Its passive function is to keep the love interests of the user open-minded. It cajoles them to agree to bullcrap reasons and to accept the Harem situation. Note: It doesn't necessarily make them happy about it.

'Well, the Creator wasn't a total bitch,' Harry supposed. This would surely help him down the road. While he loved his sister, he also loved his mother. And then there was Daphne too. Not to mention Astoria, who had stubbornly decided to pursue him. There were too many girls to choose from.

And if it had come to that, he would have easily chosen his sister. Iris was the best. She was his soul mate. The one he loved the most. He wouldn't have taken too much time to decide with whom he wanted to spend his life.

However, fortunately, he didn't have to choose now. That didn't mean he would become a manwhore and start to actively pursue everyone. It only meant that he wouldn't say no if opportunities arose.

"Thank you, Creator. You are not a total arsehole."