The New Member

Chapter 34. The New Member

Daphne didn't give a response and just stared at Lily dumbly, not knowing how to react to the news that her father was dead. She stayed limply against Harry's side as he kept his arms around her supportively. But her mind was far away to notice his sweet gesture.

One of the biggest reasons for her trying to gain more power had been the hope of healing her ailing father. She had seen him always slumbering like a dead man, and the few rare moments when he was awake had been filled with pained screams and mad ramblings. She had thought that she might do something about it. That she could change her father's tragic destiny and complete her family for once.

Alas, it seemed it wasn't meant to be. Just as she had been fated to remain weak and useless, her father's death seemed to be predetermined too. It was like some higher power was mocking her, whispering 'Only if you were more powerful, you might have completed your quest. And then might have saved your father. But it was never meant to be. This is your storyline. Your script. Follow it and be happy.'

Was there even a reason to be alive? To be hopeful? When everything was already written by fate? Why even cry and feel joy when fate had already decided what was going to happen to her? If all her actions were predetermined, was she even a person or just a bag of flesh doing its part in the divine preordained plan?

It wasn't her fault, was it? Her father's death was set before she was born, before, even he was born. All her efforts had been in vain. She had been like a puny insect trying to challenge a dragon and got burnt to a crisp in the end. She finally understood her place.

Ah, yes, and it was such a relief to at last realise the ultimate truth. Everyone was a slave to fate and should be content in the few glimpses of joy they were granted in return for their long miserable life. Asking for more, and desiring more was purely selfish and greedy.

She let herself go and accepted this beatific truth.

Meanwhile, Harry and Lily looked apprehensively at the blank-faced Daphne, who didn't seem to blink and was staring into space silently.

Harry felt as if she was drowning herself in her mind, trying to sink into the white noise and blank background, to find an escape from the truth and reality. He honestly thought that it would have been better if she was yelling and sobbing instead of this… whatever this was.

He hadn't given much thought to the aftermath of Tim Greengrass' death. He had never been close to the man, never had a single conversation with him. So, between choosing him and his aunt Proserpina, he easily chose the latter, not caring much when she killed him. In hindsight, he should have stopped her from that reckless action. If he had done that, he wouldn't have had to face these grim consequences.

Looking at the emotionless face of his best friend, he didn't think she would ever heal from this. There was a certain aura of utter defeat enshrouding her as if she would never be able to walk again without slouching. As if her eyes would forever remain on the ground subserviently.

Her effortlessly confident nature was permanently ruined, shattering itself into an unmendable mess.

But maybe he still had a chance. There still might be a way to stop her from breaking, to stop her from fading into a bleaker version of herself.

Yes, Harry had decided what he was going to do and was set on his path. He wouldn't let Daphne become someone so weak and dreary.


He sprang up to his feet, resulting in Daphne tumbling sideways onto the sofa's armrest, which finally got her out of her thoughts and made her blink.

"Wait for me." He said to her softly, patting her head. He glanced at his confused mother before walking up to the fireplace. He took a fistful of the floo powder and stepped into it, brimming with determination.

"Greengrass Manor!"


Proserpina was slumped in an armchair beside her dead husband. If she had her way, she would be far away from here. She didn't want to see his ugly face any more than she needed to. That was why his body was covered with a white cotton sheet. Out of sight, out of mind.

She wished she could flee to Potter Manor and see for herself if her daughter was really fine. But the image had to be maintained. She had to keep up the charade of being a mourning housewife, otherwise, uncomfortable questions would be raised. In retrospect, she had been a bit hasty and rash in killing Tim. She should have made some plans before executing him. But at that time, she had been overcome with emotions after her talk with Harry. And what happened next was history.

Still, she didn't regret it. A weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she could breathe easily now. She wouldn't change a single thing about it if she got the chance to redo it.

The sounds of approaching footsteps drew her out of her reverie.

Harry marched through the door and stood before her. His jaw was set in resolution as he stared down at her. Proserpina was surprised that he didn't even take a peek at her offered cleavage like he usually did. It must be a serious matter if this horny boy had something else in his mind other than tits and arse.

"Harry?" She uttered in befuddlement, not knowing why he was there.

"You have to tell them the truth." He said in a clear voice without a hint of hesitation.

Proserpina didn't even have to ask who 'them' were. She shook her head in denial, not having the courage to tell her daughters that she had been torturing their father all this time and killed him when she had her fill. That was the way to the destruction of her family.

Harry made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat and grabbed her shoulders, yanking her up on her feet.

Proserpina gasped at being manhandled and shot him a scowl, his fingers digging into her shoulders, making her a tad bit uncomfortable. But the anger in his eyes was far more pressing than his fingers.

"Don't be a coward, aunty. If you'd seen how devastated Daphne became after hearing the news, you would understand what I'm feeling. It is better that Daphne and Astoria despise their father than mourn them. I would rather see them angry than broken. And believe me when I say that Daphne will never be the same if we let her go forward blindly. And I won't just stand on the sideline and let her go through it. Please, aunty, pull yourself together and tell them the truth. It is the best course of action."

The blonde woman gazed into his eyes, the conviction in them making her doubt her own decisions. Was her current path really the best way forward?

She thought about it as he stared imploringly at her.

The fear that her daughters might see her in the wrong instead of their father was what kept her from walking this path. She would rather die than see that come true.

She voiced her fears. "But what if they hate me? For keeping their father away from them? For tormenting him?"

Harry scoffed in derision. "They won't. They are smart girls. After what I've heard about Tim Greengrass from you, he seemed like a man who'd even betroth his daughters to ugly old men to keep the blood pure. Your daughters have learnt independence from you. They have known freedom because of you. They would be thankful for not becoming broodmares to be traded for favours and prestige. Believe in them. Believe in yourself. They love you more than the dream of having a father."

Prosperina nodded with bright eyes, wrapping her arms around him and sighing. "Okay."

She didn't see the relieved look on Harry's face as he ran his palm along her spine soothingly. But she felt it as his posture relaxed.


Harry took Daphne and Astoria back to their home. Proserpina was there to greet them, smiling sadly when Astoria jumped into her arms and hugged her firmly.

Daphne simply stood still beside him, not saying anything. Harry took her arm in his, intertwining his fingers with hers and giving it a gentle squeeze. Usually, this would embarrass her and make her blush. But now she remained dull and unresponsive.

Proserpina led them to the living room where the four people sat down for a serious conversation.

Again jumping ship, Astoria moved away from her mother and climbed into Harry's lap, throwing her arms around him and hiding her face on his chest.

Harry somehow managed to keep one arm around Astoria's waist and the other still holding Daphne's hand. He tugged it towards himself.

Daphne mutely sat beside the two, facing the matron of the house.

Proserpina saw her eldest daughter's state and realised why Harry had been so aggressive in convincing her to change the plan. Looking at Daphne, it appeared as if she wasn't entirely there. It was as if half her mind was imprisoned somewhere else and she was barely functioning using the rest.

There was no sign of tears in her eyes. But the usual spark of intelligence in it was gone too. She didn't like the comparison, but Daphne acted like a mindless cattle, not caring what was happening around her. It was heartbreaking to witness it.

She took a calming breath and looked at the three children in front of her. "Daphne, Tori, I have something very important to say to you. It is about your father."

Astoria morosely offered her attention while Daphne just stared into the space, not deigning it any response. But the next words out of her mother's mouth shocked her enough to come out of this depressed vegetative state.

"Your father didn't die. I killed him."

"What?" Daphne croaked hoarsely.

And thus the tale of betrayal unfolded, once again, but this time in the presence of her daughters. Both the girls kept their silence, aptly listening in to their mother's story and her reasons for doing what she did.

Once their mother concluded her story, the girls were astonished and felt more than a bit cheated. Here they were mourning him when their father had been an arsehole.

"What the fuck, mother?" Astoria asked eloquently, but was cowed under her glare.

"Language, Tori!"

And the smack she got on the side of her head, courtesy of Daphne, told her that even in this situation she wasn't allowed to be crass. Talk about an abusive family, she mused dramatically.

She glowered at her elder sister but internally cheered that Daphne finally came out of her shell and was acting normally.

"Hey! No smacking my little Tori's cute head." Harry defended her like the gallant knight he was, pulling her close, his mirth clear in his voice. Smiling happily, she rubbed her face on his chest in a show of affection.

Daphne just snorted at their antics and looked back at her mother. "It wasn't your fault. I forgive you for what it's worth. You did what you felt was right. But I still need time to come to terms with it. I need to be alone for a moment."

Saying that she stood up and walked out of the living room, trembling with suppressed emotions as the rug was pulled from underneath her, and the truth ordained that the night was day, and the day was night. It would be a hard pill to swallow.

How can she hate her father when she had idolised him all her life? It would take effort to break that fake benevolent image she had of him and replace it with reality.

Astoria jumped out of his lap, concerned for her sister. "No, she definitely doesn't need to be alone. I'll go and make sure that she is alright."

She kissed his cheek in farewell and ran away after her sister, ignoring her quiet mother. It looked like the younger girl hadn't forgiven her mother yet.

"It'll be okay, aunty. Don't be scared." Harry consoled her as her face fell at the blatant avoidance.

Still, between Daphne and Astoria, her younger daughter was far easier to manage. It would only take a day for her to come running back. And ordering the elves to make her favourite dishes would also go a long way in earning her forgiveness. She might just make them herself for extra points.

"I hope so, Harry."


The next couple of days went by swiftly and the funeral of Tim Greengrass took place. It was a small private affair and only the closest friends and some high officials were invited. Since all the other members of the Greengrass family were dead, it left these two younger blondes as the last living scions of the oldest family in Britain. There were no grandparents, uncles, aunts, or cousins crying and wailing at their father's death. They were all alone.

Even from their mother's side, the Castle family, they didn't have anyone. Proserpina Greengrass, née Castle, was the only daughter of that dying family, and her parents had been long dead to attend the funeral now. It was a bit saddening how these three had only each other as a blood family. Still, the two Longbottoms were there, as were the three Potters. And blood or not, these were no lesser than their true family.

There were other people too, of course, including Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall. Even Minister Fudge and Lucius Malfoy were attending to pay their respects to the 'hero' of the last war, who had been injured irrevocably because he was 'spying' on the Dark Lord and helping the good side until he was caught and paid the price for his 'bravery'.

Lucius honestly was regretting coming here on insistence from the Minister. The glare on Lily Potter's face loudly proclaimed that he wasn't welcome there. And in the privacy of his mind, he confessed that he was mightily scared of her. He hadn't forgotten that this was the same Crimson Witch who had killed and tortured many of his fellow Death Eaters. He didn't really believe in higher beings, but he thanked them that this fiery redhead woman had calmed down after the war and had stopped going after the likes of him.

He wasn't delusional enough to think that he would have been able to survive if she did. He again thanked the heavens that motherhood had mellowed the cruel Lily Potter. Yet, not wanting to take any risks, he made his excuse and apparated away.

The rest of the ceremony went on uninterrupted and everyone, bar the Potters and the Longbottoms, left after Tim Greengrass was buried. Soon even they prepared to return to their homes.

"Come to Potter Manor in the evening. I've something to tell you." Harry whispered in Daphne's ear when he gave her a goodbye hug. She nodded imperceptibly and stepped back, standing beside a melancholic Astoria.

"Harry." Proserpina smiled softly, stepping forward and enveloping him in her embrace. He reciprocated it, wrapping his own arms around her waist. She kissed his cheek as they parted, stroking his hair.

Even in the plain black funeral dress, she looked quite gorgeous and elegant. Like a regal queen.

"We will resume our lessons from tomorrow onwards."

"Thank you, aunty." He offered a grateful smile, glad that his training wouldn't discontinue.

Giving an extra tight hug to Astoria until the air of melancholy around her evaporated and a small smile took over her face, Harry floo-ed home, promising her to return tomorrow.


Harry led Daphne and Iris into his room, closing the door behind him.

The bright blue painted walls were a welcome sight to the blonde. As were the bright red bed sheets spread over the bed. So different from her own grey ones. Books were arranged on the white shelves and the red dusky sunlight streamed through the window, casting a dull crimson parallelogram on the floor.

Harry switched on the lights before jumping into bed.

Iris took her place beside him, and the blonde settled cross-legged before them, giving them a curious look.

"So what do you want to talk about, Harry?" She spoke up, staring at them, placing her hands behind her, and leaning back on them.

Not answering her question, he used the moment to [Observe] her. She had put on a pink casual dress that went down past her knees and her honey-blonde hair was tied in a loose ponytail, which swished with her head movements.

Name: Daphne Greengrass

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 30

HP: 1500

MP: 3000

Affection: 80

Obedience: 40

Thoughts about you: Love, Admiration

Harry hid his surprise at seeing her secret. It had been a while since he had used [Observe] on her. And Love definitely wasn't there in her 'Thoughts about you' section the last time. He recalled there being a question mark sign. Isis, his system, had told him that the question mark showed her undecided emotion. Something which she was consciously unaware of or something which she hadn't accepted yet.

So, was she aware of her love now? Had she accepted it in the end? Most probably.

He wouldn't lie. He was very much flattered that a beauty like Daphne was in love with him, and found him attractive. And she indeed was a beauty with her beautiful crystal blue eyes and light blonde hair. While not totally developed yet, she had crossed the boundary of childlike appearance and become a very pretty young girl, who Harry didn't mind having.

Was he greedy? Yes, he was. He confessed to himself that he was selfish, but he really wanted everyone that was close to him. Iris, his mum, Daphne, Tracey, aunt Proseprina, aunt Alice, and even little Astoria when she grew up enough. He wanted to have all of them. Not only due to how they were all stunning, but also because he loved them. And the thought of someone else becoming closer to them, usurping his place in their lives sparked a poisonous fit of jealousy inside him.

"Daphne, if you remember, I recently promised to make you one of the most powerful witches of the era. And today is step one, the beginning of the road that'll lead you to absolute power." Harry said after a while, stashing away the distracting thoughts.

Daphne perked up, hiding an eager smile. "Does this have to do with you two being the Grims?"

Harry nodded slowly, "You can say that, but not really. To make you totally understand what's happening, I'm going to tell you all of my secrets. Because without doing so, I can't help you much. So, I need to know that you trust me as much as I trust you. This is the last chance to step away, Daphne, because once you accept my proposal, once you know my secrets, your life will be entwined with mine."

Daphne agreed without hesitation. "Okay."

Harry was taken aback by that but pleased nonetheless. "Take some time to think about it. Once you agree, you will know secrets about the world that you can't pass on to anyone else. Not your mother. Not your sister. Not our friends. And not even your future husband or children. This will be permanent, Daphne. Don't be hasty."

As if he would let any other boy even sniff around his Daphne. But the image had to be maintained. He needed her to get how serious he was being. There would be no takebacks once she stepped forward.

The blonde shook her head with a shy smile. "I trust you, Harry. I don't need time to think."

Harry shared a glance with his sister who just shrugged, not having any insights to offer.

"Okay then." Harry said and opened his Party System, and then added Daphne into it.

Current Members(3/3)

— {Iris Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Peak Body]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Flying]

– [Energy Shield]

— {Lily Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Reviver]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Repair]

– [Death Arrow]

— {Daphne Greengrass}

Shared Perk(0/1)

Shared Skills(0/2)

"What was that bell sound?" Daphne exclaimed suddenly, as a chiming noise echoed around.

"It means that you are now added to my party." replied Harry, enjoying the amazed look on her face.


"I have supernatural powers and have the ability to share some of my powers with those in my party. Mum and Iris were the only ones in it. But now you too have joined my party." Harry revealed, knowing that it wouldn't clear any of her confusion.

"Harry, stop playing with her and start from the beginning." chuckled Iris.

"Spoilsport." He mumbled with a smile before looking up at the bamboozled expression of his best friend.

"Fine. Let's start from the beginning. It will take some time to do that, but it is very necessary. First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Harry Potter, the God-in-training. The God of Order once I attain my divinity." Harry announced with relish, spreading his arms pompously.

All he got in return was bland and dubious looks.

"It's the truth." He said, a bit defensively. Come on, it was their cue to give him awed looks.

"It is indeed." Iris agreed, rolling her eyes at her dramatic brother, surprising Daphne that she believed him. "But you don't have to be so pretentious."

"You just know how to hurt me, don't you, Iris?" He groaned.

Iris giggled and coiled her arms around his neck, pressing herself against his side and loudly kissing his cheek. "Better?"

"Better." He smiled amusedly, pulling her into his lap, and making her gasp at the sudden move. Her back was flushed against his chest and his arms were snug around her waist. She blushed as he nestled his chin atop her shoulder and kissed her face before looking back at Daphne.

Instead of complaining as others would, Iris just shrugged nonchalantly and made herself at home in his lap, wiggling her butt and adjusting until she got a good seat.

Daphne, who was used to seeing the twins acting 'lovey-dovey', the term they used to tease them when they were kids, didn't even bat an eye. Though she did feel it was a bit inappropriate at this age. Not that she would voice it. They were twins after all. And weren't twins supposed to be extra close or something?

"As I was saying, I am really a God-in-training. Now for how and why, I'll tell you the entire story. It was just before my 10th birthday that I woke up with a hovering blue translucent box in front of me …"

It took almost two hours to tell her everything. Harry's first magical quest involving those Death Eaters who wanted revenge on the Crimson Witch. Then his foray into vigilantism, growing his infamy as Red Grim. His fight with Lord Voldemort in the chamber on Halloween. Iris' death and his decision to jump to another world to stop the time in this one. And then his focus on the quest to max the [Necromancer] Class. Meeting grown-up versions of Daphne and Tracey and befriending them. Returning to this world after killing Voldemort in that one and raising thousands of undead for himself. Resurrecting Iris and then adding her to his party. Giving her Perk and Skills which caused her body to grow instantly.

He told her everything about the game and what he did in the last couple of years. He even told her about the two Voldemorts and how one was dead while the other had fled.

Daphne listened to all this with growing scepticism. It was just too fanciful to be true. And then he finished his tale after saying how he recently died on 1st August in a special quest due to decapitation, leading his mother to attach his severed head and resurrect him.

She could have gone on without the details if she was being honest. Harry didn't need to have been so descriptive about the macabre scene.

"And so I've been learning elemental magic from your mother to become less dependent on my system."

Daphne glanced at the twins and when she realised that they were being truthful, she didn't know how to react. There were dozens of disturbing pieces of information in his stories that should freak her out. They had dropped bomb after bomb at her and she almost became numb.

"Fuck." She mumbled in the end, eliciting rounds of laughter which she too joined in, though hers was a bit hysteric.

"I heard you say something about levels. On which level am I?" Daphne asked after she calmed down. She had always thought that she was extraordinarily strong. That was until she faced the creatures on the island.

"Level 30."

"And how does that compare to others?" She asked thoughtfully. Although it seemed too low to be special.

"My current level is 470. Iris is level 280. My mum is 93. But we have quests and are connected to the system so we level up way faster than others. Usually, the normal people, the likes of which you can find in Diagon Alley, don't go up past level 35. But some people are a bit stronger than the average witch and wizard. For example, all the Professors in the school are somewhere between level 40 and 50. And the students range from level 10 to 30. Even Headmaster Dumbledore is only level 150 and he is considered the most powerful wizard of the era." Harry answered, remembering the observation he did in his first year to understand how powerful everyone was. Compared to them, he was an overpowered monster.

Daphne's eyes widened and she stared at Iris through a new lens. "Iris is so strong. Even stronger than Dumbledore."

"Raw-power wise? Yes. But he still has his skills and experience. Some things can only be learned by experiencing the ravages of time." Iris laughed, scratching her neck in embarrassment.

Harry hugged her close and planted another kiss on her neck. "Don't be so modest. You're already one of the most powerful witches I have seen."

Harry announced proudly, making her puff up her chest. Daphne laughed at them. Why did Harry's praise mean more to her than hers?

Shaking her head and deciding to pull the conversation back to the topic, she asked. "What Perks or Skills can you give me?"

"I can't give you the ones which mum and Iris have. Also I can't share Gamer's Mind, Gamer's Body, Observe and Skill Create. Excluding these, you have plenty of choices." said Harry, bringing up his Character sheet.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Lvl: 470(0%)

HP: 23,500 (10 per second)

MP: 47,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)

[Dreamer] (Passive)

[Sleepless] (Passive)

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)

[Healing Pocket] (Active)

[Unbarred] (Passive)

[Mentor] (Passive)

[Harem King] (Passive)



[Weapon Master]




[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Army of the Dead]


[Master of Dead]


[Soul Searcher]

[Black Fist]


Harry gave her a brief rundown on the Perks. And then he explained all the skills, even the ones which were locked with other Classes.

"Harem King?" She asked, not knowing if he was making fun of her.

"Yes, it is a recent Perk I acquired. Since I have a Lustful trait, I need sex every day. And it'd be quite difficult for a single witch to handle me. So this perk allows my harem members to understand the problem and co-exist." Harry explained clinically.

"And where are you getting it? I don't remember you having a girlfriend." Daphne questioned suspiciously, trying to will the blush away. Why was she just getting to know that her friend was sexually active?

"I don't kiss and tell. I'm a gentleman." Harry smiled condescendingly.

"Don't try to hide it, Harry. If she is going to work closely with us then she will stumble on the truth somehow. Currently, Harry is bonking mum. And once we go to Hogwarts, he will shag me until I'm satisfied. Won't you, brother dear?" Iris smiled mischievously, giving him a passionate kiss on the mouth. And it couldn't be mistaken for an innocent peck. Daphne saw Iris's tongue plunging into Harry's mouth. She heard the lewd sounds they made.

Her face quickly flushed red and she couldn't help but stare at them with growing embarrassment.

Harry chuckled awkwardly when they pulled back. "Oh well, Iris is right. You were bound to find the truth."

Daphne shook her head and decided to act as if nothing happened. It wasn't her business what they did in the privacy of their rooms. "I'll decide what Perk and Skills I want tomorrow. Uhm, goodbye for now."

She hastily retreated and climbed down the stairs. When she faced Mrs. Potter in the living room, she couldn't unsee the image of Harry thrusting into her while she moaned and cried his name.

Which resulted in her blushing and stuttering her way toward the fireplace and floo-ing home.

Lily was dumbfounded why the usually confident stoic Daphne was acting like a socially anxious girl.

She shrugged, eh, whatever. At least she wasn't being gloomy.

In Harry's room, Iris was laughing loudly while he was smiling in amusement.

"Did you see her face? She was like a tomato with wide eyes! Pure comedy. I wanna see how she'll react tomorrow."

To be honest, even he thought her reaction was funny. Usually, he would be mad at Iris for disclosing their secret. But he trusted Daphne enough to know that she wouldn't reveal it to others.

"Oi! What are you doing?" She exclaimed when Harry grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down on the bed.

"The kiss made me horny. Take responsibility now." He smirked and mashed his mouth on hers, his hands creeping under her t-shirt and caressing her warm skin.

Iris wasn't to be left behind as she kissed him back. Her one arm fisted into his hair while the other one slipped into his pants and grabbed his throbbing manhood.