Chapter 55. The Egg and the Bell
"Daph!" Astoria exclaimed as Harry and Daphne entered Professor Longbottom's personal quarters. It was earlier decided that the family would meet here after the conclusion of the first task. And everyone was already present. Even Hermione.
As her sister hugged her and looked up at her with bright blue eyes, Daphne grinned warmly. It did nothing but increase her sense of success and pride. The slight concern she had about using her skills excessively vanished when she saw Astoria's face full of awe.
"That was fucking awesome. I can't believe you're so powerful," Astoria said, beaming at her.
Though she pouted when Daphne cuffed her for using the f-word, "Ow."
"Don't be crass," she warned, taking her hand, marvelling at Mrs. Longbottom's homey room.
There was a desk under a big window where Neville, Iris, Tracey, and Hermione were gathered. Then, further into the room, two plush sofas faced each other, with a low glass table separating them. This was where her mother, Mrs. Potter, and Mrs. Longbottom were seated.
"Good work, Daphne. You clearly became everyone's favourite." Iris chuckled, ignoring Harry's sulking.
Tracey joined in the ribbing, slinging her arm around Daphne. "How does it feel to be outperformed, Harry? Maybe now you can finally feel what we mere mortals go through when some lazy boy excels at everything without much effort."
"Nope. I didn't lose. We tied. So, I'm afraid I still don't know the taste of losing. Just as you don't know the taste of victory," he said condescendingly, ducking under Tracey's swipe and smacking her butt before dancing away.
"Come here, you arrogant twat," Tracey yelled after him, trying to catch him. But he fluttered away like some damn butterfly. Always remaining one step ahead.
"Will you tell me what magic you used to cage the dragon?" Hermione asked, used to turning a blind eye to Harry's antics. Neville, too, paid attention, wanting to know how she became so powerful.
"Sure. It was elemental magic. I'll give you an introduction book that I've used before. But beware, it takes years to master it. And I've had my mother training me since I was little," Daphne answered, receiving a nod, glad that she understood how time-consuming this branch of magic was.
"Daphne, come here," her mother called her from the other side.
Sidestepping before a running Tracey could collide with her, she marched towards the sofa, where the adults were conversing. At her arrival, they stopped and gave her an appreciative look.
"Well done, dear. Your performance was perfect. I don't think even Proserpina could've incapacitated a dragon with such ease. Could you, Proserpina?" Mrs. Potter smiled.
"No. I can impartially say that my daughter has surpassed me," her mother confessed with a proud grin.
Daphne thrust her chest out and raised her chin high. Feeling like she could conquer the entire world. After all, it wasn't every day that she received such compliments from legends. Of course, Harry had to appear beside her and interrupt this praise-Daphne session.
"But I did good too, didn't I, mum?" He dropped beside his mother, fishing for compliments and messing with her crimson hair.
"You did wonderful, love. Fleur Delacour couldn't have pulled that stunt without your help." Mrs. Potter smiled, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and planting a kiss on his cheek.
"Thanks, mum," he replied in an overjoyed voice, cuddling into her side and resting his head on her soft bosom. Other people would have thought this a sweet scene. And maybe it still was. But Daphne could never look at their affectionate gestures without picturing them fucking each other. That was the curse of truth.
"What variation of shield charm did you use to combat the dragonfire?" Alice inquired, leaning forward. Even Proserpina, sitting beside her, was intrigued by the question.
"It was a simple shield charm. I just infused it with too much mana. Making it near unbreakable," he replied idly, refraining from slipping his palms over his mum's big, round breasts. Well, at least he could lightly press the side of his face on her tits. Though the layers of the black gown and the bra didn't allow much heat to transfer between their skins.
"I guess that's possible." Alice hummed, turning her gaze towards the wall clock. "I think it's time for you both to depart."
"Yes, it's well into noon. And I have to go through the bill that was cancelled before. Hopefully, this time it'll get passed." Proserpina agreed, sending him a discreet grin.
"I see. Will see you soon, Harry." His mum smiled, knowing that he would visit her on the weekends as always.
He hugged Proserpina and kissed her cheek after Daphne and Astoria were done. He did the same to his mum before she floo-ed home, whispering hot promises in her ear until she was blushing red. If others found it odd, then they didn't mention it.
"Harry, stay behind. I want to talk about your extra classes," said Alice.
The others saw the dismissal for what it was and left the room.
"So, what do you want to discuss, aunty?" He asked, hiding a knowing smile as she rose from the sofa. His mouth dried up as she peeled off the outer robe. Standing in a frilly red gown. Its straps were noodle thin, baring her milky arms and collarbone. The neckline was modest enough, offering just a hint of cleavage. But when you have breasts the size of hers, even modest dresses become seductive. They were large, round mounds of flesh, enhancing her sexual appeal.
Her blood-red gown enwrapped her hourglass figure. Accentuating her perky behind and plump thighs. He looked up at her beautiful face, meeting her vibrant eyes. "Turn around."
She licked her lips and spun around. Her straight black hair flowed down her back and stopped at her waist. His gaze fell on her big, voluptuous butt, the gown doing a fine job of displaying her perfect, heart-shaped arse.
Standing up, he navigated around the glass table and paused behind her.
Placing his palm on her hip, he dragged it up her thigh, revelling in the way she trembled. Squeezing her full arse cheek, he leaned forward and pushed her hair over one shoulder. Kissing the side of her neck, pressing himself against her, moaning on her flushed skin, his crotch throbbed as it squashed on her soft buttocks.
Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her tight. So tight that his erection found a way to snuggle between her buns. A throaty sound escaped her as his mouth attacked her neck. It was a flurry of lips, tongue, and teeth. Prompting her to start rubbing her arse up and down. Grinding. Humping. The intensity of which only increased when he pulled down the straps and the bra. When he began fondling her chest. Squeezing them together. Pulling them apart.
He pinched her stiff, red nipple between his thumbs and fingers. Rolling them this way and that. Abusing them until she screamed in bliss. Their first orgasm was soft and pleasant. Like the flow of a small brook instead of a breaking dam.
Though the bursting of the dam was on the list too. He turned her around and stole her breath through her mouth.
Pulling her down on his lap once he sat down, he kissed her jaw. Tracing a path down from ear to chin with his tongue.
"Harry!" She gasped as he took her teat in his mouth and clamped on it. Sucking and teasing her nipple. But before he could apply the lactation spell and feast on her milk, a knock resounded through the room.
"Fuck!" Alice cursed, getting away from his lap and pulling up her bra. "Sorry, dear. I forgot I had a meeting with Professor McGonagall. We'll continue this tonight."
He panted like a fish out of water. "Okay. Give me half a minute. Turn around and bend over quickly."
It seemed she would protest. But the pulsating cock in his hand assured her that it wouldn't take too much time. Doing as she was told, she bent before him. Pushing her arse towards his face. She moaned when he slipped his hand under her gown and groped her thick cheeks.
Touching her with one hand and rapidly pumping his cock with another, it didn't even take him half a minute before he was spraying ropes upon ropes of jizz on her legs.
Another knock was heard, this one louder and more insistent.
"Wear this same gown at night." After saying that, he pulled up his jeans and teleported away. Leaving his aunt to take care of the mess.
It was evening. And for once, Harry walked into Fleur's room instead of teleporting there, as he had gotten used to doing. He found her sitting on the bed with Elitsa. They were talking in an intense tone. Discussing the first task that took place in the morning. They nodded at him as he dragged the chair away from the desk and in front of them before taking a seat.
"What are we talking about?" He asked, stretching his back against the backrest and lounging with a lazy smile. The pleasure that he had experienced with his girlfriend was potent enough to keep him mellow even now. And the time following that had been spent with his mum, sister, friends, and aunts, which only served to keep his mood in the clouds. The offer to visit his aunt Alice at night to continue from where they left off was equally appreciated, obviously.
Fleur scowled at his carefree expression. "We were talking about 'ow Team B defeated us. And 'ow we will 'ave to be wary of zem in the upcoming tasks. So, zis won't 'appen again."
"We didn't lose. We tied with them," Harry clarified, frowning at her annoyed look. "And drop that long face. We didn't know that Daphne would go so overboard. But she had the advantage of performing last, knowing exactly what she needed to do to overshadow us. We'll get them in the next task."
"Harry is right. We had the disadvantage of performing first," Elitsa added, patting her back. Getting sick of consoling the French champion.
The Veela sighed, pushing her fingers through her silver hair. "I know. I am just frustrated 'ow your girlfriend's performance dwarfed mine."
He shrugged, understanding her feelings. He, too, would have been pissed in her place. "Then we better start working on the next task if we don't want this to repeat."
Fleur straightened, dipping her head in agreement. She reached behind her and picked up the big golden egg. Placing it in her lap, she scrutinised it with furrowed eyebrows.
Elitsa took the golden bell. Wincing at the loud tinkling noise when she shook it. Gasping as a jet of water gushed out of it. Drenching Harry, who was sitting before them, almost toppling him from the chair.
"Thank you for your concern, Elitsa. I indeed needed a shower. It's not like I already bathed," Harry grumbled, drying himself and vanishing the water from the chair and the floor.
"Sorry," she said, not sounding apologetic at all.
Fleur giggled at his sardonic tone. Before her attention turned towards the small latch at the bottom of the egg. She took a sharp breath. "It's time we see what zis clue is."
Harry and Elitsa leaned forward in anticipation as she gripped the latch.
And then she opened it without much fanfare.
Obnoxious screeching wails echoed throughout the room, pervading and attacking their ears.
The three grimaced. Scrambling away from the source of the racket. Covering their ears and glowering at the offensive object.
"Close it!" He yelled over the anxiety-inducing sound, wanting nothing more than to smash the metal egg into tiny pieces.
Fleur snapped it shut, and at once there was merciful silence. The unpleasant sound that forced them to pull their hair was no more.
They looked at each other with wide, dubious eyes.
"I don't think I've ever heard something this nasty." Harry rubbed his abused ears. Glaring first at the egg that tried to shatter his eardrums and then at the bell that puked water on him.
"What does zis mean?"
"We might've to fight a banshee in the next task. Probably," He answered slowly, scratching his head. Only half-joking.
Fleur mulled over the observation and couldn't deny that it was possible. If the organisers could throw a dragon at them, then why not a banshee? Would it be a step up or a step down?
"Then what was the purpose of the bell?" Elitsa asked with a raised eyebrow, not truly believing his theory. It seemed too vague to be true.
Harry stared at the bell and the egg. "Water. Banshee scream. Water. Banshee scream. Water banshee? Wet banshee? We've to fight a wet banshee?"
Elitsa facepalmed. Hard. So hard that she regretted facepalming.
"Thank you for that image." Fleur gagged at the vision of an aroused banshee. Doing her best to erase that picture from her head.
He rolled his eyes, his lips twitching at their reaction. "Pull your mind out of the gutter. I mean, what if we've to fight a banshee underwater?"
That drew Elitsa's interest. "Not possible. A banshee can't scream underwater. Using a banshee beneath the water would be redundant."
"Hmm. I'm out of ideas then."
But Elitsa was already up on her feet with the bell in her left hand. Struck with an idea after listening to Harry's nonsensical hypothesis.
She hurried to the centre of the room. Seeking free space on the floor. Grabbing her wand, she gave it a wave, conjuring a small tub on the ground. Then she used the golden bell to fill the tub with water. It took only a minute before it was brimming.
The other two watched her with curious gazes.
"Give me the egg," she commanded, glancing over her shoulder.
Harry and Fleur moved towards her, affected by the excited tone.
He handed her the golden egg. And watched as she submerged it in the water. She pulled the latch, and the egg opened like the petals of a blooming lotus. But no screeching wails came from it this time. No, there was only silence. They looked at each other in confusion before Elitsa decided to kneel down and lean over the tub.
"What is she doing?" Fleur asked as the Bulgarian pushed her head under the water.
Before he could answer, Elitsa pulled her head back. Her sopping black hair matted to her skull, and water dribbling down her face and neck. But there was also a proud smile etched on her lips. And her grey eyes shone with pride.
"Put your head underwater. You will get the clue."
Harry and Fleur shared a look before getting on their knees beside Elitsa. They dunked their heads. Getting mesmerised by the melodious song that reverberated through the tub. It shocked them how the cruel, ear-piercing wails turned into something so enchanting and hypnotic.
Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.
The three came out with gasping breaths. Hair drenched and water dripping down their chins. Harry shook his damp hair, spraying water over the others. Prompting irritated yelps from them as they scooted away and shot him a glare.
"So, to summarise, the task will take place underwater. These creatures—merpeople, I'm sure—will take something from us. And our task will be to retrieve it within an hour. Not too difficult. Just have to find a way to breathe underwater." Harry summed it up, drying himself and running his fingers through his hair. He looked at the girls and gulped. Enthralled by the way the trickling water traced a path down their pale necks and collarbones, seeping into their deep cleavages and accentuating their alluring curves.
Fleur noticed his eyes, and her lips curved up. For some reason, not displeased by his attention. Drying her silver hair, she tied it in a low ponytail, allowing it to snake down her shoulder.
Elitsa, upon sensing the younger boy's gaze, rolled her eyes while tidying up herself. "Eyes up, Harry. And about the task, I think you are correct. It should be easier than the dragon one. Does Hogwarts have any large water bodies other than the Great Lake?"
"No. There's only the Great Lake," he replied, ignoring the instance of getting caught gawping at them. Well, the other boys would have done the same. Only with more blushing and stuttering. He did comparatively well, to be frank.
"Then we can be sure that the second task will take place there. We have an excursion to plan," Elitsa declared, standing up and walking back to the bed.
They followed her example and retook their seats. Fleur didn't seem satisfied by their captain's decision though. "'Ow about we postpone it for two weeks? I want to spend my time wiz my family while zey are 'ere."
"Fine, we will scout the Great Lake in two weeks. Not like we don't have plenty of time," Elitsa acquiesced, sporting a small, understanding smile.
Cedric watched as Stefan paced before them.
Sitting beside Juliette on her bed, he shook his head at the boy. Apparently, not acquiring the bell from the dragon was a big mistake. And it would result in them getting disqualified in the next round. That was what Stefan yelled.
"You're worrying too much, mate. Mister Crouch said that the egg would suffice in providing the hint," Cedric said for the umpteenth time. It wasn't the first time he had tried to calm him down. But the stubborn boy refused to listen.
Stefan growled and stomped up to Cedric, looming over him. "Then why is the egg giving stupid screeches instead of a hint? I tell you, the bell is necessary to get the clue. We have already lost."
Cedric winced, unable to respond to that. When they opened the egg, the only thing they received were ear-splitting screams. And however much he tried, he couldn't ignore Stefan's claim. Maybe they really do need the bell to make sense of these wails produced by the golden egg. Still, they hadn't tried anything with the egg yet. He wouldn't lose hope until he had tried everything.
"Stop it. We have time. If we are unable to find a solution, I will try asking for help from the other teams," Juliette reassured him with a sweet smile. Inwardly cursing the buffon for being so irritating. She was starting to lean more towards the idea of supporting Cedric for real. Playing this two-sided game was becoming more hassle than it was worth. The first task had shown how ingenious the Hogwarts' champion was. And latching onto him for her stay here didn't seem unpleasant.
"Why would they help us?" Stefan spat back, unable to comprehend why their enemies would aid them.
"Because we're the weakest team and no threat to them," Cedric spoke up with a self-deprecating smile. He wasn't delusional enough to think that they were on the same level as the other teams. Their team didn't have anyone who would trick a dragon and jog down its spine. And neither a powerhouse who would tame a dragon by sheer power and intimidation.
"What? We are not weak!" The man hissed.
"Did you not see that Greengrass girl decimate a dragon? Did you not hear about Harry Potter's unbreakable shields?" Juliette asked with raised eyebrows, hoping she didn't sound as condescending as she felt.
That managed to shut him up.
"Look, mate. We're not the strongest. But we can be clever. We might not win, but we can try," Cedric offered. Trying to be affable even when the other party was doing their best to be uncooperative.
Stefan grunted his assent, "Fine. But we have to win the second task."
"We'll try. All we can do is try," Cedric muttered, getting a nod from Juliette. He was truly grateful that she wasn't this difficult. He could only imagine his mental state if he had to manage two hot-headed teammates.
"I am taking the egg and will see if I can find something," Stefan announced, not giving them an option to protest.
Grabbing the golden egg, he went away without sparing them another glance.
Cedric released a heavy breath and slumped onto his back. Smiling when Juliette began combing his hair with her fingers. It was pleasant. Doubly so when she scratched his scalp. She had become his good friend in the past month as they had worked together. And he could hardly remember the time before he met her.
"Hey. I have heard your school allows you to visit the nearby village on weekends. Will you mind if I come along with you?" She requested, biting her lower lip cutely.
"It'll be my pleasure." Cedric laughed when she kissed his cheek and plopped down beside him, snuggling into his side.
The classroom was dark since all the windows were closed. And the stench of mold and dust was rampant throughout the room. The only source of light was the white globe of light hovering over their heads. But it wasn't strong enough to brighten up the entire classroom.
Daphne stared at the intricately designed egg sitting on the floor. And its lustrous surface shone in the white light. Pondering how to unlock the clue, she scrunched her blonde eyebrows. Which appeared almost white at the moment. She was pretty sure that the keening, incoherent noise would turn coherent once something was done. Now she only had to find out what that something was.
"Maybe use the bell," Chloe suggested from where she was hunched on the floor. Oh yes, the bell. She had almost forgotten about the second object they had taken from the first task. Then again, the golden egg was far larger and more attention-grabbing than the simple bell. Although the bell wasn't small by any means. After all, it had been attached to the neck of a colossal dragon.
Daphne took the bell from her and inspected it with gleaming eyes.
She shook it lightly and was surprised to see water rush out of it and douse her clothes. Her white blouse became see-through, exposing her satin black bra. Viktor, who was leaning against a bench, politely turned his face away.
She quickly dried herself, suppressing a blush as Chloe laughed in a raucous manner. Asking her why she was wearing such a fancy bra. Ignoring the small mishap and the embarrassing question, she crawled towards the egg and stood on her knees.
This wouldn't be that simple, would it?
Bracing herself, she opened the egg, grimacing as the horrible shrieks filled the room.
She resisted the urge to blast the accursed egg. And dangled the bell over the egg, above the epicentre from which the noise originated.
The bell began oscillating and spluttering water over the egg. And slowly, gradually, the screams turned into decipherable words.
Come… voices… searching…
Which then morphed into broken sentences.
And while you're searching… you'll sorely miss…
She persevered, even when the excess water began pooling around her knees. Making her shiver from the coldness of it.
The final product was a melodic song. That sounded sweet but became threatening once they grasped the full lyrics.
Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground,
And while you're searching ponder this;
We've taken what you'll sorely miss,
An hour long you'll have to look,
And to recover what we took,
But past an hour, the prospect's black,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back.
Daphne stood up, vanishing the mess and closing the egg. She wore a thoughtful look, glancing at Chloe and Viktor. Who looked pensive after listening to the song.
"That doesn't sound good," Chloe murmured, getting up and walking to her.
She nodded. "It doesn't. The task will take place in the Great Lake. That's the only viable site. And some underwater creatures will steal something or someone from each of us."
"You know these creatures?" Viktor asked, perched on the desk.
"I've got my suspicions. But have to confirm it before I can be sure," she responded, picking up the egg and the bell and ambling towards the door.
Chloe hurried up and walked beside her. "Why did you say the creatures will take someone from us? The line clearly says 'We've taken what you'll sorely miss'. Not who, but what."
Daphne shot her an amused look. "Chloe, everything and everyone can be considered a thing. And I don't think the organisers would hide our favourite book or plushie in the depths of the Great Lake. No, that doesn't sound flashy enough, that doesn't raise high stakes. It's definitely a hostage situation."
"Da. She is right." Krum agreed with their captain, and followed behind them. "Where are we going?"
It was the first week of December. And winter had taken a firm hold over Scotland. Entire days passed by without a glimpse of the sky. And dark clouds sprawled as far as the eye could see. There was even an occasional drizzle. Giving expectations of snowfall or at least a heavy rainfall. But the heavens refused to give a conclusion to this predictable suspense. And the pressure kept mounting without any outlet.
In this dreary weather, the castle remained unaffected. Warmth and cheer present in every nook and cranny. Laughter and shouts of anger still prevalent. This steady warmth flared into a heated flame on a certain day. When an announcement was made.
Harry, having nothing better to do, was lying on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room. With a book spread open on his stomach. All the students were away attending classes, leaving him alone in the unusual silence of the dorm. But that didn't last for long. Throng after throng of people rushed inside. Some chattered with barely held excitement and some with unbridled anxiety.
Disturbed by the sudden noise, he sat up, pushing his back against the soft cushion. Before he could seek out his friends to ask the reason for this clamour, Lavender flopped beside him with eagerness clear in her sea-blue eyes. He shifted in his seat so he could face her. And smirked as she smiled slyly and pushed her chest forward.
Only a growing teenager could have such a disproportionate body.
While she was slim and petite, her chest stood out with how large and round it was against her frame. And the widening of her lips told him that she was aware and proud of this. Flipping her curly blonde hair over her shoulder, she fixed him with a sultry smile.
"Hello, Lavender. What can I do for you?"
She rocked back and forth, her breasts grazing his arm. "Do you know about the Yule Ball?"
"I do," He answered to her shock, guessing where this was going.
Ignoring her stumble, she forged ahead. "Please take me to the ball then."
"Nope. If you don't know, I have a girlfriend. So, I already have a date for the ball." He shot her down, feeling a teeny bit bad at the way her face fell.
"You sure? We can even do that at night. I'll do anything if you say yes." She perked up, the gesture making her tits go boing-boing. By now, they had gathered an audience, putting him in the spotlight.
"Yes. I'm sure," he said in an apologetic tone, standing from the sofa and hurrying away to his friends.
Astoria latched onto him as soon as he sat down beside Iris. Trembling with exuberance, she looked up at him with conviction. "Harry! Go to the ball with me."
'Not another one.' He mentally sighed.
"Tori, you do know that your sister is my girlfriend?" He asked her slowly, as if talking to a five-year-old.
"Yup. But I'm your future wife. And it's not like you and Daphne don't spend enough time together. Take me to the ball instead. She can survive one day without you." She nodded assuredly, as if her logic was totally sound and impregnable.
Unlike Lavender, he couldn't shoot her down. Not if he didn't want her to cry or throw a temper tantrum.
"How about you convince Daphne first? If she agrees, I'll take you to the ball," he replied instead, knowing that Daphne would never do so. No girl would skip an opportunity like this just to make their sister happy. This was a rare event that his girlfriend would like to attend with him.
Astoria narrowed her eyes but gave a reluctant nod. "Fine. I'll talk to her."
The silence after that was uncomfortable. Iris and Hermione shot him disapproving looks for not being frank with Astoria while Neville smiled at his predicament.
"What about you, Hermione? Who's taking you?" He asked, directing the attention away from him.
The brunette shrugged nonchalantly. "Neville's taking me as a friend. It's good he asked me and spared me the melodrama that has taken over the school."
Even though her tone was steady and bland, he could detect the joy she was carefully hiding. She, too, was infected by this sudden fever.
"I should probably go and check on Daphne. Hopefully, she hadn't said yes to some suicidal bloke," he joked, aware of how silent his sister had become once the talks of Yule Ball began. Don't get him wrong. If he didn't have a girlfriend, Iris would have been his first choice. But since he did have a girlfriend, it would be rude to take his twin to the ball.
This was going to be a headache, wasn't it?
Not for the first time, he contemplated making clones. But he was a dumbo who'd get jealous of his own clones. So, it was better he hadn't experimented in that department. Making them just to kill them out of envy would surely degrade his sanity. Wait a second. Would that be considered suicide or a homicide?