Compromises and Sacrifices are Fun

Chapter 58. Compromises and Sacrifices are Fun

"Where are we going?" Tracey asked as he led her towards the second Room of Requirement, the replica he had made for Daphne; the original was still only being used by the Potter twins, and Iris had made it clear that it was just their place and that no one else was allowed in their secret. He didn't mind granting her this small selfish desire, knowing the significance of the place where they first had sex and where they became one in the true sense.

It was the day after the Yule Ball. And Tracey had sought him out first thing in the morning to hear about his explanation. The explanation that would allow her to understand his confession of loving her even when he was in a happy relationship with Daphne.

Though she hadn't counted on Daphne and Iris accompanying them at his request.

That did surprise her and raise the stakes. Unnecessarily raised the stakes, if she was being honest.

If it was just him and her, and he made a stupid request like asking her to become his second girlfriend in secret or something, then she could have simply kicked his arse and put him on the right path. Because even though she loved him, she would not break Daphne's heart. She would not break her trust. The blonde had been her first friend, her first best friend, and Tracey would rather die than steal her happiness.

But now that they wouldn't be alone, and Harry would offer his explanation in front of both Daphne and Iris, she wouldn't get the chance to save him if he blundered.

If Harry did something moronic, then he was truly fucked. He had the power to destroy so many relationships here with this mysterious explanation that it scared her of the upcoming conversation. It almost made her turn on her heels and avoid the potential storm altogether.

Not once did she consider that Daphne might already be aware of his reasoning, that she might be on board with his plan.

Tracey had gotten sucked into the assumption that he wanted both of them. She thought that he was going to make a stupid bid in hopes of convincing Daphne to allow him another girlfriend, but would end up losing everything instead. Because, surely, Daphne would rather kill him than share him.

"Make a small cut on your palm and press it on the door," Harry said, waving his hand before him.

To her astonishment, a door materialised on the left side of the corridor.

She whipped her head between Iris and Daphne.

From their unsurprised faces, she came to the conclusion that they were already aware of this secret room.

Now, that stung.

Why did only they know of this secret room? Why wasn't she invited? Wasn't she his friend too? Wasn't she dear to him too? Wasn't she important to him too?

'Friend, yes. But not a girlfriend or a beloved sister,' she answered her own question, her lips drooping in discontent.

Even though she knew it was unfair to compare herself to the two girls, she did.

The results were obvious.

Harry and Iris had always been close. Too close, some might say. Unlike normal siblings, who grew apart and became independent as they aged, the twins remained close. She would even add that they had grown closer, if that was possible. And she didn't think any girl could replace Iris in the influence she held over her brother. Not even Daphne.

But that was not to say Daphne and Harry weren't dear to each other. Because they were. After Iris, she was the closest to him.

An argument could also be made that Astoria was the one with the most influence over him with the way she made him eat out of her palm, and it was somewhat true. But Harry treated her as a bratty younger sister he never had and would rather prefer the older sister for more meaningful interactions. So, Daphne definitely trumped her there.

Compared to them, Tracey was nothing. She was not his beloved twin. Nor was she his amusing, bratty sister. And definitely not his gorgeous girlfriend.

She was just one of his best friends.

"Tracey." He nudged her side with his elbow, bringing her out of her ruminations.

Doing as she was told, she smeared the wood with her bloodied palm.

A second later, the red handprint vanished. And Harry took her hand in his, healing the small cut with such a gentle touch that it made her nearly breathless. Why did he have to be so goddamn easy to fall for?

She wished he wasn't so handsome. She wished he wasn't so nice. Maybe then she wouldn't have tried to find glimpses of him in Blaise.

Pushing open the door, he pulled her into the room, her hand still tucked in his.

She looked over her shoulder, expecting jealousy in Daphne's eyes, but the blonde merely smiled, placing her palm on her shoulder and pushing her forward.

Her eyes widened when she took in the appearance of the room.

It was a narrow room; the width was not as big as the length. And there was only one window on the opposite wall. But what shocked her were the familiar settees in the centre. Potter Manor had the same set of sofas. She would know since she lived there. Other than that, there was a single glass table separating the two settees, it too was familiar, identical to the low table in Professor Longbottom's private chamber.

She would have thought that they were borrowed from the original owners, but that idea was just too ridiculous to be feasible.

Her question was promptly answered when Daphne plopped down on the sofa, leaning against the armrest and crossing one leg over the other.

Somehow, there were books stacked on the glass table in front of Daphne that weren't there before. It was clear that they were more of a show for her benefit than for the blonde's desire to read.

"This is a magical room that can become and provide almost everything," Harry clarified, releasing her hand and taking a seat beside his girlfriend.

Iris was quick to occupy the remaining space beside her brother, leaving Tracey no choice but to sit on the sofa facing them. As she perched on the edge, her spine straight and her eyes narrowed, she realised that the long-awaited explanation was already known to the other two girls.

It was the seating arrangement that gave it away.

Not for the first time that day, she felt excluded. Though there was relief too. Because no matter what happened today, she wouldn't be the reason for Harry and Daphne falling out. She wouldn't be the one coming in between them. Not that it looked like there was anything wrong between Harry and Daphne anyway. This explanation was clearly approved by the other two girls, so there was no need to fear negative reactions from them.

But it raised an important question.

What was this explanation? Because she had been grossly off the mark in her assumption and was feeling clueless.

"Such a wonderful room, could have used it for so many wonderful games." Tracey looked at them with a sweet smile, a smile brimming with anger and accusation.

The trio winced, catching onto her meaning, and realising that she was pained by the exclusion.

"I made this room for training purposes only. Wanted a versatile room to allow Daphne and Iris to go full out."

So only these three knew about this room, she pondered. Not even Astoria and Neville were in the know. That made it a little better since she wasn't the only one excluded by them.

She shot him a bland look. "I could've used some personalised training too, oh great Professor Potter. Maybe then I could've been a dragonslayer too."

Now she understood why Daphne was so strong and why she had been able to face a behemoth dragon with such ease. Because she had been receiving special training from him all this time, not counting the lessons she got from her mother. And Iris wouldn't be that far behind in terms of strength since Harry worshipped the very ground she walked on and would do everything to make her happy.

Was Tracey jealous? Absolutely. It wasn't every day that you got to know that your best friends had their own secret meetings that didn't involve you.

It hurt, of course. It hurt that she wasn't as special to them as they were to her.

As if reading her mind, Harry quickly spoke up, "I would've invited you if I thought you were interested in real fighting."

"Real fighting?"

"Yes. Where you learn to fight people. Where you learn to kill them if the situation demands."

Tracey blinked, taken aback. That came out of nowhere.


"You heard it correctly. And that's why I didn't invite anyone else. Because only Daphne and Iris have it in them to do what's right."

She goggled at him before turning her gaze to Iris and Daphne.

They both gave an awkward nod, wishing Harry hadn't worded it like that. It made them sound like terrorists or revolutionaries, depending on the perspective.

"But why are you even training them to do that?" She barely held herself from yelling and freaking out.

What the hell were they talking about?

This wasn't how she thought this conversation would go.

Where was his explanation for 'I love Daphne, but I love you too'?

Why were they suddenly talking about killing people?

It didn't make one lick of sense.

Harry closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he opened them and stared at her.

"I am Red Grim, and Iris is Black Grim. We're the ones who are keeping the bad guys in check. You can even say that we're responsible for nearly eradicating crime in this country. And I once considered making Daphne a Grim too, but the need never arose. Now you know why only Daphne and Iris have received my personal training. Because they're prepared to be killers. Because they're prepared to let go of their morals for the good of people."

"Is this a joke?"

In response, Harry pulled a plain red mask from somewhere. Then he put it over his face. And she had read enough muggle newspapers to remember the only identifiable feature of the infamous serial killer.

His poison-green eyes.

With a flick, the mask disappeared, leaving her to stare at the impassive expression of her friend, who also happened to be a killer with body counts in the tens of thousands.

Was there ever a person beside Harry with such a high kill count in history?

To say that Tracey was stunned would be an understatement.

No, saying that her world collapsed into nothing would still be an understatement.

There were no words that could describe her complicated feelings.

"Why?" she managed to utter, her heart trying to break through her ribs.

Harry grimaced, knowing that 'wanted to level up' would not cut it. Because he started murdering criminals only to gain levels at the behest of his game.

But that didn't mean he wasn't affected by all the misery and tragedy he saw, or that he wasn't sympathetic to all the unlucky ones he couldn't save.

Alas, you can sympathise only so much before you break or become numb. And he had decided to become numb to the cruelty of humanity. No, it wasn't a choice. He had been forced to become numb.

He had gotten so used to it that he hardly felt shocked when coming face to face with some disgustingly inhumane acts. Maybe that was why he didn't go out as Red Grim anymore. Nowadays, he only puts on this costume when it is extremely needed.

And after acquiring the [Instant Dungeon] Perk, there was really no need to go out on a murdering spree.

Although the fear of Red Grim still kept the malefactors on their toes, at least for now. But it would only last so long before everything reverted to how it was before.

But it was fine.

That was how it should be, after all.

Chaos and instability were natural.

Order and peace, on the other hand, were artificial, needing constant work and effort to maintain.

"It's complicated," Harry said in the end, "but it was to help the innocents."

Not the entire truth, but it would have to do for now.

She snorted, burying her face in her hands, trying to find appropriate words to throw at him. "Help innocents? By killing others?"

"Does it matter? They were bad guys. They had it coming," Daphne added flippantly, supporting him.

"While I understand your view, don't judge us. You haven't seen what we have seen. It's easy to be all pure and good when you don't have to face psychopaths and rapists on a daily basis. Sitting comfortably in a room and shouting out opinions is useless and pathetic when you aren't familiar with the entire situation." Iris shuddered, remembering all the bad things she had witnessed in her time as Black Grim.

Unlike Harry, she hadn't become numb yet, instead, she used anger and hatred when dealing with the worst of society.

Tracey had the decency to look ashamed, but she was still not done. "Okay, I concede, Iris. It's unfair of me to judge you when I haven't faced what you have. But my question is, why even get involved in this? You're just thirteen! Why did you feel the sudden need to become vigilantes?"

Iris clammed up, not being allowed to reveal anything about the game. But without revealing it, she didn't think they could make her understand. She gave Harry a sidelong look, silently asking if he was ready to add Tracey to their party. She knew there was a spot left for one more member, courtesy of him reaching the level cap of Death Knight Class.

"It doesn't matter. You can consider us evil if you want. I don't care. The only thing that matters is if you'll be with us. Even after knowing our crimes, will you still remain our friend? Or will you cut off all the connections and leave us?" Harry questioned, his face apathetic, not heeding Iris' request to add Tracey to their party.

If she wouldn't choose them when they were 'wrong' then she didn't deserve to be added to their party. He wanted all his party members to be absolutely loyal to him, and if they couldn't even do that, he wouldn't risk trusting them.

"What?' Tracey froze at the ultimatum.

But he didn't repeat himself and kept staring at her.

Daphne and Iris gave her sympathetic looks and urged her to choose them.

How could he even expect her to choose between them?

While his very worldview clashed against hers, that didn't mean she was ready to abandon them. They had been friends since they were kids. She was neither righteous nor strong enough to break all her friendships due to this moral conflict. The memories she had made with them were far more precious than her principles. She still treasured the moment when he took her in without hesitation. After realising her family situation, he gave his all to make her happy. He had given her a home and shelter. And even a new family.

Did she even have the ability to break away from them? From him?

She didn't know if Harry was a good person or not. But what she knew was that he was undoubtedly a great friend who would do everything for his loved ones. And she was weak and yearning for affection, and she would rather remain in the small group that he considered his loved ones.

Tracey would rather lose her morals and identity than lose her friends. They were all that were left to her after she escaped her toxic mother. And she would be a fool to let them go.

"That's a stupid question. You should know I'll never leave you. No matter what."

The smile that broke through Harry's face made everything okay in her book.

"Good. Then let me add you to the game."

For the next half an hour, they revealed many secrets. Telling her how he gained his special gamer power when he was nearly 10, then the attack on his home that same day. His jump into another dimension after the death of Iris at Voldemort's hands, his friendship with the alternate Daphne and Tracey, and all the other important bits.

Tracey was predictably left speechless, trying to process all the information.

"Tell me, Harry, which Daphne do you like the most? Me or the other one?" Daphne broke the silence.

Harry chuckled nervously, knowing there was only one correct answer here. "You, of course. That Daphne was older and quite different than you. She was more like the loving older sister I never had. I love you both in different ways."

"That doesn't really help in your case. Iris is your sister too, and you fuck her the most." Daphne smiled wryly, quirking her eyebrows in challenge.

"It's not me who's being a prude. We can do it now if you're feeling jealous." He grinned, bumping her shoulder with his and throwing his arm around her.

"Not so fast, Potter. I'm not sleeping with you until I'm a little older," she responded dryly, digging her elbow in his side and shrugging off his attempt to hang his arm around her neck because she knew him well enough to know that the next step would have been him grabbing her boob.

"Suit yourself."

Tracey, who had finally digested the big dose of revelations, noticed an odd thing they said while flirting. "Time out. What do you mean by, 'Iris is your sister too, and you fuck her the most'?"

The redhead sported a smirk, deciding to speak up. "Well, when two people get naked and the boy pokes the girl with his pp then it's called fuc—"

"I know what sex is! I mean, why are you two having sex? You're siblings!"

Harry scratched his chin, thinking about how to explain it.

"It's his kink. He gets more turned on if it's family members. Remember, if you ever want to arouse him, just tell him he's like your brother. He'll get it up instantly." Daphne snickered and pecked his cheek, unable to ignore the urge as he blushed and looked too cute.

"There you have it. We simply have an incest kink. And Harry is quite hot, to be honest. Why pursue subpar boys when I have perfection sitting right in my home?" Iris nodded sagely.

"Aw, you're perfect too, Iris. Come here, gimme a kiss."

Iris giggled and slid over his lap, straddling his hips and wrapping her arms around his neck. Then she cupped his face and captured his lips in a searing kiss.

Daphne—sitting beside them—rolled her eyes, exasperated that they couldn't keep their hands off each other even in this tense situation.

Tracey gaped at the twins, blushing when Harry grabbed hold of his sister's arse and deepened the kiss. "Is this normal?"

"I think so. Not that I have witnessed them going at each other. I'm just guessing here." Daphne shrugged, eying the twins with interest as they sucked each other's mouths. She was glad that Iris and Mrs. Potter were there to satisfy Harry. Otherwise, that responsibility would have fallen on her, and she didn't think she would be ready anytime soon to lose her virginity. The idea of sex, while exciting, also left her feeling scared and anxious.

On the other sofa, the brunette was clutching her head.

This definitely wasn't how Tracey thought this meeting would progress.

Chaos? Order? Gamer system? Alternate world? Incest? Gods? Female Voldemort? Power of resurrection? Immortality?

Truly, it was the most bizarre day of her life.

Only when Iris retook her seat and wasn't grinding her bum on Harry's crotch anymore did he focus back on her. "Oh yea, remember how I said, 'I love Daphne, but I love you too' last night? This is why. Because Daphne and Iris are okay with me pursuing other girls."

"Right, because of that 'Lustful' trait," Tracey mumbled to herself, somehow still conscious after getting hammered by all this nonsense.

"Somewhat. Although I'll try to lose that trait soon. This is the reason why I stopped you from getting close to Zabini yesterday. Because I love you and want you to be with us, with me for all eternity. So, will you join me?"

Tracey rubbed her face, feeling tired even though she hadn't done anything physical this morning. "You mean if I should abandon the normal way and join your pseudo-harem?"

"Uhm, yes?

"Fine. I'd be a fool to decline this offer to remain with you forever. I accept. Now, do I get a kiss or something for becoming a member of this cult?" She said with a flushed face, trying not to show how eager she was to get her hands on him.

Harry let out a relieved laugh, moving over to her and kissing her soundly on the mouth.

When he tried to pull back, she simply dragged him to her side on the sofa and kept on snogging him, giving herself freedom to touch all his body. As he manoeuvred her into his lap and slipped his hands under her skirt, she didn't complain, opting to suck his tongue while he fondled her hips and arse.

That was the day Tracey sacrificed something to gain Harry's full trust.

Oh well, it was the greatest kiss she ever had.

She intentionally decided against remembering that it was her first kiss.


That same day, Harry decided to use his new skill and finish one of his remaining quests. Now that Tracey was firmly in his grasp, he could move on to other important things.

If he were completely honest, the brunette would not have been his first choice for adding to the party. She neither had the disposition nor the desire to fight. And even after reaching level 300, she would be the same pacifist girl. He felt his precious party member spot was wasted on her, but sometimes sacrifices had to be made for the long term benefit. And he couldn't really allow her to drift away from him. She was his. Now and always. He wouldn't let Blaise take her from him.

Shaking his head off the distracting thoughts, he looked at the screen hovering before him.


– Find the three Deathly Hallows.

The Invisibility Cloak: In possession

The Elder Wand: In possession

The Resurrection Stone:


– 20,000 XP

– Perk: [Immortality]

After this quest, only two would remain pending. So his eagerness to complete it was understandable. And well, he wouldn't say no to immortality. While the safety net of getting resurrected by his mum if he died was nice, the option of never dying was obviously better.

He had tried to use his [Words of Power] perk to just demand the Resurrection Stone from the world. But apparently, he was still not strong enough to command the world to give him god-level artefacts.

Not yet anyway.

He raised his arm at his side and used the [Clairvoyance] skill, focusing on his objective, concentrating on the desire to reach it.

A blue sphere of light formed over his palm and promptly began moving away at a sedate pace.

He walked out of his dorm and into the Gryffindor common room.

Since the light was only visible to him, he didn't need to worry about others noticing it.

Exiting the common room, he jogged after the light that led him down to the third floor. From there, he descended the Grand Staircase, waving back at the few acquaintances who smiled at him, careful not to look as if he was in a hurry.

As he stepped out of the castle, he hoped that the artefact wasn't on the other side of the world. That would take too much time, and he would have to postpone it for later. But the way the light ball glowed brighter with every step, assured him that the Resurrection Stone was somewhere near.

As he crested the small hill around Hagrid's hut, a suspicion grew in the back of his mind at coming near a familiar place.

He strolled down the snowy slope, cautious not to slip and go on an unplanned ride.

The grounds were covered in a thick layer of white, and even the sky was grey with heavy clouds.

He'd better finish his task before the snow falls.

Rainfall and snowfall were only pleasing to the eyes when watched through a window with a blanket wrapped around you and a glass of hot chocolate warming your hands. Otherwise, they were an annoying hassle that everyone should avoid.

Pulling the black jacket tighter as an errant wind whipped past him, he hurried after the light that glowed against the magical abode.

He ignored the intrigued stares and went inside the Beauxbatons Carriage. But unlike every day, he didn't rush into Fleur's room. No, this time he knocked on the door beside the one where his friend stayed, waiting for permission.

"Come in." The response was in French. But he guessed it right and pushed open the door, going in after taking off his boots.

"Harry? What a pleasant surprise. You're not here to kill me, are you?" Eos asked in a humorous tone, the ball of light hovering over her head making her black hair shine before vanishing when he cancelled the skill.

"No, not today," he joked back.

The relationship between them was hard to describe. It had started with him trying to decapitate her in the first meeting. Since then, the air between them had been filled with mistrust and suspicion. It was not until she offered herself as his mentor for the duration of this tournament that things between them began to change. And while he didn't really need her help in his academics, he used these opportunities to visit her every now and then.

They were not friends in the traditional sense.

Not yet.

In reality, they were more than acquaintances but less than friends. Or maybe he was just being dumbo by not accepting the truth that they were already friends. In simple words, it was a complicated mess.

"So, any particular reason for the visit? Or do you just want to bask in my presence?" She waved him towards her bed while she slumped into her favourite armchair beside the window.

He nodded at her, plopping on the bed as she stretched in the armchair, rolling his eyes at how uncaring she was when her breasts popped out of her tight gown, the scandalous neckline unable to hold her mammaries in.

But he only spared a glance at the pale, round wonders before looking back at her face.

It wasn't the first time she had shown him her boobs.

No, more often than not, these visits included her flashing him her tits in some way. Not that he ever fell for her seductions. He was too good for that. And that only seemed to increase her desire to get a reaction out of him.

Harry hadn't lost to his lust.

Not yet anyway.

Deciding to get right to the point, he leaned back on his hands. "Usually, I would've fought and killed you to take the Resurrection Stone. But since I like you now, I'll just ask politely. Do you have it?"

Her amused expression vanished, and she sat up straight in the chair, regarding him with a wary look. Her constant fear of him had abated in the last two months. But that didn't mean she had forgotten about his unending power.

She rubbed her thumb along her ring finger and opened her mouth several times to say something.

At last, she muttered a spell, and a wedding ring appeared on her finger.

She took it off gently and tossed it towards him.


– Find the three Deathly Hallows.

The Invisibility Cloak: In possession

The Elder Wand: In possession

The Resurrection Stone: In possession


REWARD: Gained!

– 20,000 XP

– Perk: [Immortality]


— Lady Death has renounced your life. You are now deathless.

Harry gulped down the urge to laugh as he felt his body change, as he felt his very soul change into something new, something indestructible.

The feeling was gone the next second, and he felt normal once again.

There were only two more quests to go before he ascended to godhood. Or at least that was what he had presumed would happen.

"Hope that helps you. It's the last memento of my dead husband, the wedding ring given to me by Tom. And even though he kept me a prisoner in a gilded cage, I've come to realise that I still loved him. Take care of it," Eos said, eying the ring with a wistful gaze.

"You regret killing him, don't you?" he asked, storing the ring in his Inventory.

She shook her head, her cherry lips stretching into a small, sad smile. "No, I don't regret it. My freedom is more important to me than love. If I get a chance to go back to him in exchange for trading off my freedom, I'll choose freedom over him without hesitation."

"Such a cold woman," he smirked, unable to accept her view.

He would rather live with Iris in a small, six-by-six, cramped prison than fly over the world without her. But he was not petty enough to look down on her for their differing opinions. He had never been confined to a single room for his entire life, so it was unfair of him to judge her.

"But I'm warm where it matters." She quirked her lips, resting her elbows on the armrests and pushing forwards her chest, making them jiggle a bit.

"Yea, whatever. I'll go now. My work here is done," he said, rising from the bed, peeking at her sumptuous tits one last time. They were delightful as always, of course, and he wouldn't have minded taking a bite if things were different between them.

He raised his eyebrows when she got out of the chair and stepped into his path, crossing her arms under her rack and shooting him a leer.

She was close enough that he could feel the heat of her body trying to latch onto him, trying to overpower him with sweet promises. And her scent, oh her scent was intoxicating—vanilla—making it difficult for him not to give in to the temptation and trace his tongue down her neck and see if it tasted like vanilla too.

"Did you really think I'd give away one of the Deathly Hallows for free?" She purred like a proud cat, placing her palm on his chest where his heart was, her fingers clutching at his shirt as if trying to take hold of his heart.

She leaned forward, making his heart pound harder.

He could almost taste the vanilla on her lips as she smiled against his mouth.

It wasn't a kiss. Just a small peck. And he was already hard as stone.

He had to give it to Eos, her sensuality was unmatched.

She peered at him with doe-like eyes, her dark hair framing her alluring face, a coquettish smile playing upon her cherry-red lips. "Three sessions whenever I want. Have sex with me three times for giving you the mythical Stone. Give me an opportunity to show you what you're missing. I don't want you to run away from me anymore. I've had enough of it. Let's fuck. What do you say?"

Their noses were touching as she whispered softly, her warm exhales caressing his lips, sending a shiver down his spine.

She took his hands and placed them on her bare tits.

He wetted his lips, giving her boobs a tentative squeeze, his fingers digging in her voluptuous flesh. They were great, he unsurprisingly noticed, on par with his mum and Aunt Alice.

He met her gleaming eyes, glancing at her seductive smile, and remembered Daphne's advice about her.

Fuck it, he wasn't going to control himself anymore.

She moaned, her smile disappearing as he twisted her stiff nipples. "Alright. But no other boys in these three sessions. If I have to fuck you, I'll do it alone."

"Deal," she agreed readily, unbuttoning his shirt, biting her lower lip in excitement, and running her hands over his chest once he was exposed.

He dropped his jacket on the floor and untucked his shirt before taking it off, giving her free rein to touch all the contours of his torso. But he wasn't idle and didn't stand like a mannequin for her to devour. As she touched him, he returned the courtesy, fondling her breasts, squeezing them, and running his thumbs in circles around her nipples, tracing her pink areolas.

He was surprised when she gave him a sudden shove, pushing him into a sitting position.

Flopping on the bed, he raised his eyebrows as she turned around, facing away from him.

Pushing back her arse in his direction, she loosened the dress and let it pool at her ankles, revealing her body. Her thighs were thick and meaty, while her arse was big, round, and full.

Her body was perfect in every sense. From the way her tits hung at her chest to the very colour of her silky black hair. It would be unfair to compare her body with anyone else when she was made by the Creator himself. And the God being a man, had done everything, given Eos every advantage that would make every male drool over her.

Harry gave her a small once-over, admiring the straight, gorgeous hair and leering at her plump cheeks that weren't hidden by the thin red thing she called underwear.

"Turn around," he ordered.

She sent him a smirk over her shoulder before doing as she was told, crossing her arms behind her back and offering him an unobstructed view of her sensuous boobs.

Opening his trousers, he leaned back on his elbows, unashamed of the tent he was pitching. "Unzip it."

Licking her lips, she squatted down and tried to use her hands.

He slapped her hands away.

"Use your mouth."

Her lips spread in a wide grin, and she suppressed her giggle.

Putting her hands on his thighs, she pushed her face towards his crotch, nudging the bulge with her nose.

When he laced his fingers through her smooth hair and pulled her face down against his crotch, she caught the zip between her teeth and dragged it open, treating herself for the hard work by rubbing her face on the soft cotton underwear.

Tucking her fingers in the waistband of the trousers, she removed it with one mighty pull, doing the same with his boxers thereafter.

Smiling against the side of the shaft as it sprung out and struck her mouth, she looked up at him from her knees.

Gripping his cock loosely in her hold, she brought it closer to her face and stuck her tongue out, dragging it around the crown, loving the way he jerked when her tongue pressed on the bundle of nerves.

She swallowed the crown head and swirled her tongue around it before giving it a powerful suck.

Harry moaned aloud, breaking eye contact, and throwing his head back, staring at the ceiling while she pleasured him in a slow, meticulous way. His eyes glazed over once she began swallowing more and more until her nose was grazing his groin.

The heat and the wetness of her mouth were overwhelming, he confessed to himself. And when she blew and sucked on it, he had to bite his tongue and stop himself from coming.

He lazily slumped into the bed with her kneeling on the floor between his dangling legs.

Panting as she began bobbing her head, slurping on his throbbing length, he abruptly sat up. Then he clutched her head and started thrusting into her mouth, the pleasure infecting his mind. She didn't seem troubled by the rough treatment though, and as he stood up with her lips still clamped around his girth, she had to stand on her knees to maintain their position.

Using his hips for balance, she let him thrust away with abandon and stared into his fiery emerald eyes.

Even with her mouth occupied, she somehow managed to grin with her eyes.

Knowing that she wouldn't mind, he pushed his cock as far as he could and released ropes upon ropes of semen directly into her throat.

Stepping back, he pulled out and sprayed the last spurts over her tear-stained face.

"So, now do you regret avoiding my advances?" She smirked, getting up and cleaning herself with a wave of her hand.

In response, Harry simply grabbed her and threw her on the bed.

She laughed at this. "I'll take that as yes."

But Eos ended up moaning when he flipped her onto her stomach and buried his face deep in her arse. Her velvet-red knickers were wet from arousal, but that didn't stop him from motorboating her cheeks.

Grabbing hold of her arse cheeks, he roughly rubbed his face against them.

Eos gasped as he violently tore off her underwear and licked her core. She drew in her knees and stood on all fours, spreading her knees to give him more room to play with her fanny.

Though her elbows gave away under his effort to squeeze out an orgasm from her, and she tumbed face first on the pillow.

With her arse up and face down, she groaned and came hard, her knees trembling for a whole minute as her insides quivered like a violated guitar string.

But that didn't stop him from spreading her nether lips and poking his tongue in, seeking the nectar she released.

"Harry!" she yelled, twisting and turning as he didn't show one bit of mercy to her overly sensitive zone.

It wasn't a surprise that she came again, and this time she squirted all over his face.

Thankfully, he let up his attack and allowed her to calm down a bit. Rolling onto her back, she offered him a half-annoyed and half-impressed look. But his towering mast took all her attention, and she instinctively spread her legs.

He grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders while simultaneously sliding his cock into her pussy. Pushing until he was buried inside her, pushing until her toes touched her ears, pushing until he was hovering over her, and then said, "By the end of the day, you'll regret asking me for only three sessions. I'll ruin your cunt for anyone else. And no hordes of boys will be able to fill the hole that I'll leave behind."

She chuckled throatily, bent at an awkward angle. "Let's see if it's just a bluff or the truth."

Harry smirked and began railing her into the bed, shaking the entire bed with each thrust.

The sound of their rough coupling would have been heard by the whole Beauxbatons Carriage if the room wasn't warded.

Eos fled to dreamland after the fourth hour, Harry going full out, knowing that she could take it unlike others. Even after she blacked out, he continued ramming into her for the next two hours.

She had woken up the lust demon, and it wouldn't go away until fully satisfied.

That was the best sex Harry ever had, at least physically.

After all, nothing could beat wrenching out every last drop from his virile balls.

Though that did have the disadvantage of him spraying his seeds anywhere and everywhere since her pussy could only take so much.