The Island of Elune

Chapter 60. The Island of Elune

"This time it isn't even a tie." Fleur groaned, flopping on the bed headfirst.

Perching on the edge of the mattress, Elitsa sighed and patted her back.

Harry, meanwhile, closed the door behind him and took his usual seat on the desk chair after dragging it near them.

It was the evening of the same day where they had been humiliated by their rivals, the taste of defeat still too fresh, as displayed by the sour moods of his teammates.

He couldn't truly blame them; he would have been like that too if his chance to shine was snatched away from him by a thirteen-year-old girl. This task was meant for Elitsa to show off her magnificence to the world. But in the end, her performance was dwarfed by Daphne's unique way of tackling the problem.

In all honesty, Harry would have easily won them the previous two tasks if he had the full reins of the team and allowed himself to let loose. But Elitsa had been elected captain due to her age, and she had then proceeded to be fair and give each of them main roles in different tasks. If it wasn't that way, then things might have been quite different.

Not that he disagreed with her tactic. With that single move, she had established a strong sense of camaraderie within the group, preventing any future resentment or backstabbing.

In a way, Harry admired her for this selfless decision. Maybe it wasn't as successful as someone taking charge of a group and commanding them, but at least it was incredibly fun and sowed seeds of fruitful relationships.

That was far more important than any tournament.

Elitsa and Fleur had already become his good friends, and that wouldn't have happened if they were fighting each other for the spotlight.

"Don't worry. Only the end counts. I'm not going to lose," he said, leaning back in the chair and sporting an easy smile.

"You said the same thing last time," Fleur mumbled, one side of her face sunken in the pillow as she stared at him doubtfully.

Harry shrugged, his smile not slipping. "It will be different this time since I won't have to fear overshadowing you two."

"Any idea what the last task will be?" Elitsa spoke up before they could start arguing or, worse, begin flirting.

"Nope. We'll just have to wait until the organisers disclose it as they'd promised."

After the end of the second task, Bagman told them that they would soon reveal more about the last event. Apparently, it was still under development and couldn't be shown to the champions yet.

Whatever. Harry would be ready for anything. He wasn't going to lose to Daphne this time.

Not again.

Her taunting smirks were becoming less cute with each passing day. And it was only because of the steamy kisses following those smirks that it remained tolerable.

"What will we do if we can't prepare for it? We have the entire four months."

"Let's relax for a bit."

"Not a bad idea." Elitsa nodded, thinking of spending some leisure time with her mother, and she also wanted to have a talk with Headmaster Aleksander about her career choice.

Fleur agreed from where she was slumped on the bed. "I wouldn't mind just lazing around and exploring the 'Ogsmeade village. Didn't get many opportunities to sightsee."

"Sure. It'll be my pleasure to show you around."

"Merci. I will be sure to reward you for your effort."


It was ironic that he didn't follow his own suggestion. And didn't relax. Instead, he decided to complete one more quest that had been on his to-do list for a while.


– Go to the Island of Elune and save the last elf.


– Perk [World Jumper]

This was the quest he had gotten when Daphne had returned from the mysterious island with grave injuries and told him the peculiar history of her family.

He was not going to lie; he had been pretty sceptical when she narrated Klaus Atros' adventurous search for an elven bride. The man who would later become Klaus Greengrass after finding Illiniya and changing his last name in her honour.

But when Isis gave him a quest in response to that myth, he had to open his mind and accept this ridiculous tale as truth.

He hadn't attempted this quest yet because he feared he wasn't ready. And Daphne's description of the behemoth monsters she had faced there didn't exactly alleviate his concerns. There might even be the involvement of Elune herself—a literal goddess—to complicate matters.

Was he powerful enough to face divine beings if all hell broke loose?

He didn't know.

The only divine beings he had met were Creator and Lady Death, and he didn't think this Elune was anywhere close to them in terms of power and influence. She was just a minor goddess, after all. But that still didn't solve that particular problem since he couldn't know how strong the minor gods were compared to him.

He wouldn't even think of going on this quest if he hadn't recently gotten the safety net of [Immortality] Perk.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Death Knight

Lvl: 1,000(max)

HP: 50,000 (10 per second)

MP: 100,000 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)

[Dreamer] (Passive)

[Sleepless] (Passive)

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)

[Healing Pocket] (Active)

[Unbarred] (Passive)

[Mentor] (Passive)

[Harem King] (Passive)

[Instant Dungeon] (Active)

[Words of Power] (Active)

[Crime Scribe] (Active)

[Immortality] (Passive)



[Weapon Master]




[Skeleton Horde]

[Undead Archer]


[Create Undead]

[Ray of Darkness]

[Army of the Dead]


[Master of Dead]


[Soul Searcher]

[Black Fist]



But now that he was unkillable—almost becoming a god himself in his own right—he would like to complete it as soon as possible and move forward in his life. That was why he called his Party members for a meeting the next day, at least the ones who were in school.

"It's time. I'm going to the Island of Elune to finish that quest," he announced as they sat on the sofas in the second Room; Iris beside him while Daphne and Tracey took the other settee facing them.

"Island of Elune?" Tracey uttered cluelessly.

"Elune is a goddess…" Daphne went on to offer a brief explanation with an uncharacteristic bubbly smile and enthusiasm, proud of her great ancestors and her deity.

Like always, Tracey took in the information quite well, only sending Daphne a furious glare when she heard how her friend almost died chasing her dream on that mystical island half a year ago. The blonde had the decency to look sheepish and suffered a short lecture about the consequences of recklessness.

"Are you sure we're strong enough to go to that island?" Daphne questioned after Tracey was done with her, wearing a nervous look, still traumatised by her near-death experience.

She didn't think she would ever forget the pain of being riddled by arrows and falling into the river from so high up. She sometimes even woke up in the middle of night and had to convince herself that she wasn't plummeting through air anymore.

Harry scratched his chin, contemplating her question. "We should be. I'm at the current peak of my power, and so are you. We can't get any stronger than this. I reckon we'd overcome every obstacle with ease. But I can go alone if you want. I'd prefer that over risking any of you."

"No." Iris' response was quick and absolute.

Daphne nodded too. "I won't let you go alone. And my ancestors would be ashamed of me if I didn't accompany you to save the last elf."

"If that's what you want. Now I only need to contact mum and we'd be good to go."

"I'm quite excited about taking part in my first quest. It's going to be fun," Tracey chirped up, envisioning going on an adventure with her friends.

Harry gave her a deadpan look. "You're not coming with us."


"Because you're not strong enough and would probably die within minutes."

The brunette scrunched her nose in dissatisfaction, unable to argue back. She had just recently started joining him in the Dungeon, and even then, she didn't spend much time on the training. Because unlike Daphne and Iris, she wasn't really interested in serious fighting and didn't like violence. Even her perk and two skills weren't combat-oriented, focusing more on long term satisfaction.

Current Members(4/4)

— {Iris Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Peak Body]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Flying]

– [Energy Shield]

— {Lily Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Reviver]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Repair]

– [Death Arrow]

— {Daphne Greengrass}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Sleepless]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Weapon Master]

– [Reset]

— {Tracey Davis}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Unlimited Money]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Experiment]

– [Add]

She knew she couldn't live off the Potters' generosity forever. So, she had chosen [Unlimited Money] Perk to become financially independent. This also gave her the tools to make her secret dream of becoming a legendary Enchanter come true. She had literally drooled when Harry read aloud the description of these skills.


— Gives the user an ability to create new enchantments from the imagination. The success rate depends on the magnitude of the enchantment and the level of the user.


— Gives the user an ability to enchant any object with up to three add-ons.

This was an extraordinary opportunity.

She thought Harry was stupid for not utilising these skills to their full potential.

Considering how few Master Enchanters were presently there, he was sitting on a gold mine. He could really become the world's richest person by selling enchanted weapons or trinkets to the masses. There was more than enough demand. And he wasn't doing anything with it.

Then again, he had money and power from the beginning. For someone like him, it was just another set of skills that he could ignore.

It was like gifting a beautiful silver necklace to a wealthy person; while it was nice, they already had far better diamond jewellery that they would rather wear.

But she was not him and had never been rich. Even before becoming homeless, she lived in a small apartment with her mother. For her, these skills were a way to jump up in the social hierarchy and make a name for herself.

"You can just resurrect me if I die," she said only half-jokingly, wanting to experience a true quest.

At once, she knew that wasn't the right thing to say.

He froze, and his eyes widened before narrowing into thin slits.

Glaring at her in a way that turned her blood cold, he whispered dangerously, "The day I intentionally let you die because I can resurrect you is the day I'll not be me anymore. If I ever do something like that, then be merciful and kill me; if not, then just run away and abandon me."

"Sorry, was just kidding."

"I was not."

Iris squeezed his hand, causing him to release a sigh. "Don't worry, Trace. Just don't talk about dying. It's a sore point."

"Okay," Tracey said quickly, not wanting to upset him anymore.

"We'll see you soon. If anyone asks about our whereabouts, act oblivious."

"I can do that. I'll go as far as to say I'm an expert in acting oblivious."

Beckoning Daphne, he shot Tracey a small, reassuring smile before teleporting away.


"Is that you, Harry?" Lily called out from the kitchen as she heard the noise of approaching footsteps.

"Mum." He greeted her warmly, pulling her in his arms and placing a chaste kiss on her mouth.

Initially, she smiled on his lips and went on to deepen it, but the sound of someone clearing their throat made her jump back in shock.

"I feel the love, mum. I feel the love." Iris crossed her arms, stepping into the room after him with Daphne on her tail.

Lily chuckled awkwardly and embraced her daughter, hiding her embarrassment at being caught. She had thought that he came alone like usual, desiring to spend some bonding time with her in bed. Apparently, that wasn't the case.

The fact that he came on a weekday should have been her first clue that he wasn't here for mere pleasure. But the excitement at the sight of her son was too much for her to wait and see if he was alone or not, even when she had visited him just yesterday for the second task. There was no one like him who could make her loins stir with a single look. She was basically addicted to his touch, like some junkie. And these weekly sessions were starting to feel like they were not enough.

"I can kiss you too, if you want." She smirked, internally laughing at her daughter's repulsed look.

"Hard pass. I only kiss Harry and no one else. Definitely not old ladies."

"That's hardly something to be proud of," Daphne chimed in with a wry grin, "Good morning, Mrs. Potter."

"Good morning, dear. I assume there's a reason you all are visiting me today."

"Yea. We're here to pick you up for a quest. The elf island one," Harry replied.

"Oh, you're allowing me to tag along on a dangerous quest? Where's my overprotective son, and what've you done with him?" She said dramatically.

There had been many arguments between them about this very point. He never allowed her on the quests because she was his backup reviver. And while she understood the strategy of keeping your trump card safe, she still wanted to participate and look over them.

So, consider her shocked at this sudden change.

Harry rolled his eyes at her theatrics. "Now that you're level 300 too, you can take care of yourself. And since I'm immortal now, I don't need a backup reviver and can resurrect others if the worst happens."

Lily nodded at the reasoning, stifling the urge to tell him that she knew how to take care of herself from the start. She was the infamous Crimson Witch and didn't need to hide behind her children. It was kind of annoying when everyone believed in her legend except her children. Though that wasn't exactly true. They knew her strength but still wanted to protect her. Which was heartwarming if nothing else.

"Give me a minute; I'll change into something appropriate for combat."

"What's wrong with your current outfit?"

Lily looked down at herself and made a face.

She was wearing a baggy t-shirt and cotton shorts. "Everything. You can't expect me to go out in these."

"We're not going to a fashion show," he responded blandly, not seeing any reason to waste time on this.

Iris sighed aloud and waved her away. "Stop arguing with the moron and just go change."

"Oi! I'm not a moron."

Leaving her squabbling children behind, she hurried to her bedroom.

In a minute, she took off all her clothes and put on the most important thing.

Her bra.

Without it, the quest would be far too distracting, both for her and Harry. She could already imagine his lecherous gaze on her breasts every time they bounced during combat. Her son was rather taken with her bust. Which didn't seem abnormal anymore.

Then she slid into comfy trousers and tank top before tying her long red hair into a tight bun. After approving the image in the mirror, she wore her boots and returned to the kitchen, where the kids were bantering amongst each other.

At her return, Harry ogled her for only a second before focusing back on the quest. "Daphne, show me the image of that Island. I'll teleport us there."

The blonde opened her mind and allowed him entry, imagining the place with as many details as possible. It was telling how much she trusted him to bare her mind at his first request.

"Okay. I'm done." After saying that, he teleported them to the shore.

Without another word, he took to the sky with Iris close on his heels, leaving the other two on the ground, and gave a cursory glance to the island.

Behind them lay the vast sea, while before them was the white, sandy beach that merged into the grassy plain a little ahead. After that, there rose a giant mountain range that spanned around the edge of this oval island like a natural wall. The way the mountains perfectly encircled and shielded the island was anything but natural. And the fog that hovered over the entire island was just as artificial.

"Disappear." He intoned, using his [Words of Power] Perk.

The fog vanished abruptly, and the twins were given their first glimpse of the beautiful island.

Various dirt paths wound down from the mountain range and made their way inward to the broken tower that was placed in the centre of a big lake, which itself was situated in the centre of this island.

Harry memorised the tower and signalled his sister to follow him.

They landed back on the ground, where Lily and Daphne were waiting for them.

"I can teleport us to where I think the elf is imprisoned," he said before they could bombard him with any questions.

He should have known. It wouldn't be that easy.

"No, I want to kill those who tried to kill me, those who trapped the last elf. We'll use the same path I used the last time and clear the pests," Daphne demanded, and she began walking towards the large crack in the mountain face that acted as the entrance to the island.

The other three shared a look between them before following after her, knowing that she wouldn't be convinced otherwise. And they knew that she needed this closure, so they didn't force her to abandon her revenge plan.

Harry would have rather used the easier and shorter way, but there was nothing to do now that Daphne had decided to win over her doubts and fears.

Once entering the crevice, he used warming charms on them.

After a long trek, they trickled out into the open and stood on a well-worn, declining path that curved around the mountainside. There were thick clusters of trees on either side of the road, making it difficult to see past them.

Daphne stopped and raised her hand, telling them to be alert as the loud thumping footsteps echoed from ahead.

They all took out their weapons.

Harry took out his Black Sword. Iris— her White Sword. Lily— her Excalibur. And Daphne— both her sword and the wand.

The thing that halted before them was thirty feet tall.

Its shape was humanoid, but that was the only resemblance it had to humans. Its head was disproportionately bigger than its body. Even its limbs were unnaturally long and sinewy. And its large orb-like eyes were dull blue and glassy, barely holding any intelligence in them.

And it was naked too.

Thankfully, the weird giant thingy didn't have a monster cock swinging comically as it charged towards them with an animalistic roar. That would have been deeply traumatising. Instead of a swaying dingdong, it had a blank space where its groin was.

He better stop trying to find its dick and take care of the blonde giant; otherwise, it would squash them under its feet.

He shouldn't have worried.

Before he could kill it, Daphne used her charmspeak. "Die!"

The giant tumbled backwards and rolled down the slope.

It was dead as soon as she yelled the word.

It was quite similar to his [Words of Power] Perk, but where his power enabled him to command the entire world, her charmspeak only allowed her to affect living beings. The comparison was rather unfair.

"Slow down," he called after her as she ran ahead, gaining confidence in her strength.

They came to a stop after leaving the mountain and the corpse behind.

In front of them lay a beautiful grassland that stretched in every direction, only contained by the majestic mountains. There were even two rivers, adding to this aesthetic scenery.

One streamed down from the mountain just a little to their left and ran along in a straight line before emptying into a lake. The other flowed from the opposite hills and merged with them to make it bigger and deeper.

In the centre of this grand lake was a small island, on which stood a short, broken tower. But a large horde of various types of monsters stood between them and their goal, roaming around mindlessly.

Some had wings, while some had four hands. Some were barehanded, while others were waving tree trunks.

"This is where I fell." Daphne pointed to the nearby river, lost in a memory.

He squeezed her shoulder and led her away. "Forget about it. We've got monsters to slaughter."

Throwing one last glance at the place that could have been her grave, she walked forward with heavy legs.

"Don't use that voice magic. I want to have some fun too," Lily said, brandishing the opulent sword of King Arthur and dashing forward, becoming a literal blur, her silver-golden blade leaving a shining trail.

Out of some thirty monsters, three fell in the next second, blood and limbs flying left and right as she slashed through their flesh. Not wanting to miss the fun, Iris and Harry joined their mother, tearing through the monsters as if they were made of clay.

Daphne, for once, simply stood back and tried to ignore her growing apprehension.

Something was extremely wrong, and she couldn't put a finger on what that was.

"Come on, Daph." Iris yelled once they were done massacring the mindless beasts.

She hurried after them, unheeding this anxious feeling. As she passed by the butchered bodies, she couldn't help but think that she had seen them from somewhere. It was like deja vu; her hair stood on its ends, trying to tell her something.

Shaking her head off the muddy thoughts, she caught up to them and stared at the tower.

Reaching the lake, Harry and Iris picked up Lily and Daphne and flew over to the other side.

After setting them down, they approached the two-storey tower.

The upper half of its top floor was gone. And its ground floor wasn't in any better condition; one side crumbled in.

"There's light on the first floor. Someone's there," he said, looking at the only intact part of the tower. "Fan out and keep an eye. I'm going to take a look."

Receiving their nods, he flew up and entered through the broken window.

He remained alert and looked around the circular chamber.

It was considerably bigger from inside. Must be magic. Opposite him was a single bed that seemed to have been used recently. Other than that, there was nothing else. It was barren and didn't possess any personal touch.

Harry's lips quirked up when he glanced to his right. "I come in peace. Don't shoot."

The invisible woman stilled before becoming visible.

Harry's jaw dropped as the woman walked warily towards him. Her gait was light like that of a trained warrior, and she seemed on edge. She wore a white tunic and brown breeches that had been out of fashion for hundreds of years. And it didn't even fit her. Some parts looked too snug or loose on her body.

"Proserpina?" he mumbled in disbelief.

Because that was how the woman looked. She had the same long blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Even her face was totally identical to his beloved aunt's. The only difference between the two women was the long elf ears… and her bigger and rounder chest.

The elf said something in an ancient language that he hadn't ever heard.


Yes, he just demanded the world become her translator. Because that was absolutely fine and nothing out of the ordinary.

"Why are you here, human?" This time, he understood her words. And her tone was far from friendly. He was glad that she wasn't pointing an arrow at him. Yet.

He gulped, mulling over what to say. He couldn't exactly say that he was here on a quest. Opting to let Daphne handle this mess, he said, "I'm here with a friend who has been searching for you. I'll call her. Daphne, Iris, mum, come up!"

The elf narrowed her eyes and stepped back, looking ready to fight or flee.

Just as Iris flew in, carrying Daphne and mum up, an arrow whizzed towards them immediately.

It all happened in a second. And was totally unexpected.

At the sight of the blonde, the elf growled and fired an arrow, muttering, "I killed you last time."

It was the difference in their levels that allowed Daphne to safely bat it away.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Harry exclaimed angrily, instantly jumping onto her and kicking away her bow before she could shoot another arrow.

Grabbing her by the neck, he picked her up and slammed her against the wall.

"Mother," Daphne whispered in shock, falling to her knees, unable to comprehend what the hell was happening before her eyes.

Even his mum and sister were shocked into silence, not knowing why Proserpina tried to kill her own daughter.

"She's not Aunt Proserpina. My 'Observe' shows her name as Illiniya."

"Illiniya Greengrass? Wife of Klaus Greengrass?"

At that name, the elf started struggling more, acting more like a frenzied beast than a hum– an elf.

Harry tightened his grip on her neck and drove a fist into her stomach, making her groan in pain. "Don't test my patience. Don't make me kill you."

Under his glare, she calmed herself. "Take the half-breed away from here and never come back."

Daphne looked like someone she loved had slapped her right in the face.

And that just angered him more.

"What's your problem? What has she done to you?" He hissed, pressing his thumb deeper into her throat.

"Harry." Iris' warning stopped him from piercing her voice box.

He released her and let her fall on her butt, stifling the urge to kick her in the face.

"What has she done to me? Her people have destroyed me! They have taken everything that I hold dear! And you have the audacity to act all high and mighty?"

Ignoring her outburst, he kneeled before Daphne and hugged her tightly.

He hadn't seen her in this state since her father's death.

"What are you talking about? You were in love with Klaus Greengrass. You left this island to become his wife." Daphne narrated, gently pushing him away and standing before the ancient elf.

Illiniya laughed in disbelief. "Love? I was a slave to your ancestor. Just a broodmare to bring 'perfect' children into the world. The sadistic barbarian stabbed us in the back after we welcomed him as our kin. He killed my brothers, then desecrated the temple of Elune by forcing himself on me, yelling how powerless even Elune was before his might. If that is love, then I hope you feel that love for the rest of your life, half-breed. I hope someone loves you like the great Klaus Atros loved me."

"That's a lie. Klaus Greengrass wasn't like that. He was just and fair. He was kind and compassionate." Daphne yelled, clenching her fists at her sides and not backing away.

Like a viper, the woman jumped at Daphne and tried to bury a dagger in her chest. But Harry pulled her away before she could succeed.

"Shh, it's fine. Everything's fine. Klaus is dead. You're safe," Harry said soothingly, taking her away from Daphne, knowing that nothing good would come out if they remained in the same room.

Illiniya screamed and raged as he flew away from the tower. But eventually she slumped into his arms like a lifeless corpse. Seeing a big rock outcropping on the bank of the lake, he deposited her there and hovered before her in the air, not knowing what to say.

"What is your price, human? What will it take for you to kill that wretched half-breed? In my brief venture into the outside world, I have realised you humans would do anything for a price. Tell me your price?" She stared at him with dull blue eyes.

Harry shook his head, offering her a sympathetic look. "I love her. I can't kill her. Your anger is misplaced, Illiniya. Daphne hasn't done anything to you. Klaus Atros was the one and he has been dead for a while."

"I see. Then when will you take her away? The mere sight of her makes my blood boil. Flee away before I kill you to reach her." Illiniya bared her teeth, looking up at the cloudy sky as a tear rolled down her cheek.

He sighed, fighting off the instinct to hug her. While it looked like she needed a hug more than anyone, he knew she would lash out if he touched her. "Soon. Is there anything I could do for you before we leave? Believe it or not, we came here to help you."

The elf looked at him as if he had grown horns. "Help me? I don't need anyone's help. I'm content to share my misery with Klaus' descendants whenever they come here seeking me. The way they scream and cry when I kill them and turn them into dumb monsters is heartwarming."

Harry rubbed his face, realising that they had killed the zombified versions of Daphne's relatives earlier. "Just tell me what you desire so we can go away. The more I talk to you, the more I'm losing my sympathy for your tragedy."

Her laugh was empty, just like everything else. She was nothing but a vessel of hatred.

"Kill me and send me to Alfheim then. Send me to my brothers and family. It's been too long since I've seen them. And killing these half-breeds isn't much fun anymore. It has gotten boring. Can you do that, human? Can you kill me?" Her tone was somewhere between taunting and hopeful as she offered her dagger handle first.

"Why don't you just kill yourself? You don't need me for this."

"And face my family as a coward? I'll die with a bow in my hand and meet my brothers as a warrior. I will not take my own life. If I could, I would have done it long ago."

Harry stared at her proud look, unwittingly remembering how similar she was to Daphne and Proserpina in both nature and looks. It didn't take him long to guess that, along with her father, her mother was a descendent of Illiniya too. Their looks were too similar not to.

So, did that mean Tim Greengrass married Proserpina because he knew she had elf blood in her? Just like Klaus, did he also want strong children?

It was a mystery whose answer he would never know.

"Fine. I'll give you your peace. I hope your next life will be better than this one," he said softly, taking the dagger from her grasp.

For the first time, he saw a true smile grace her lips. And it was so similar to his aunt's that he almost dropped the dagger.

She didn't flinch as he dropped before her on the rock and stepped closer.

Raising the dagger, he aimed it at her heart and shoved it in swiftly, not wanting to prolong her suffering.

Illiniya gasped, clinging to him, her fingers digging into his shoulders as he lowered her into his lap.

Tears began falling from her eyes, her lips started trembling, and she gave a heartbreaking wail before falling silent, her dull blue eyes open and unseeing.

Her last cry was filled with so much pain and anger that even he couldn't control his tears. It was like a scream of hatred aimed directly at the Gods themselves for letting this happen to her.

Wiping his eyes, he proceeded to bury her near that same rock, not knowing if he had done the right thing or not.


– Go to the Island of Elune and save the last elf.


REWARD: Gained

– Perk [World Jumper]

[World Jumper]

— Allows the user to jump to another world.

Note: User cannot choose the destination if he is not level 10,000

If this were saving, then he would never want to be saved.