Crown for the King

Chapter 65. Crown for the King

"You see, my world is special. You can even say it is the most powerful one. That's why the gods of this plane are considered main gods, even when there are different iterations of them in every universe.

"Just to give you a full picture, your own world has its own Lady Magic, Lady Life, and Lady Death. In fact, all the gods you'll see today have their own doppelgangers in your world. But those aren't as strong as these ones. That's why they are not the 'main gods'. Honestly, the only unique deity in the entire multiverse is me. While there sure are many Harry Potters, there's only one Lord of Chaos," Creator replied from where he was perched on his throne.

Harry—along with Lady Magic, Lady Life, and Lady Death—were sitting on chairs on the left side of the throne. He had just asked Creator a question that always confused him.

Did the gods have their own alternate versions like everyone else? The answer seemed to be a resounding yes.

"How does that work? Does a god only have power in his own world? Or are they able to traverse and affect the entire multiverse?"

"You're overestimating us, little one," Lady Magic said with a patient smile while twirling her blonde curl. "Gods don't even have much power in their own world. We're just personifications of concepts. It is strongly suggested not to interact with the ever-multiplying worlds. In truth, we're mere watchers. Of course, there are some of us who defy the rules and fuck with the multiverse anyway. But the Natural Order always pays us back for our daring. Or so we think."

He didn't miss the way Lady Death glared at the other two goddesses.

"Why do you think that?" he asked, ignoring that for now.

It was Lady Death who answered. "I'll give you an example. A long time ago, even before Harry—the other Harry—ascended to godhood, Lady Magic and Lady Life did something horrible. They defied Lord Time's law, the ruler of gods, during that period. The law they broke clearly stated that no gods were permitted to manipulate the mortal world directly."

"I still don't regret it." Lady Magic interrupted with an unashamed grin, winking at him and throwing her leg over her knee, briefly giving him a glimpse of her black underwear.

Now that he was prepared and getting used to the urgent attraction between them, he only blushed instead of throwing himself at her feet and worshipping every inch of her creamy skin. Really, he hadn't felt this hot and bothered since... ever. He'd need to find a solution to this lust before he became her puppet. And while she seemed harmless and playful, he couldn't trust her yet. He hadn't ascended just to become a slave to his cock.

"Well, many other gods still condemn you for being the harbinger of chaos. If not you, then they at least do regret it." Lady Death spoke coldly, unamused by the interruption. "Now let me continue and keep your mouth shut."

"Hmph, fine."

The pale woman stared at her for a couple of seconds before turning her gaze back to him. Without any prompt, she continued, "Lady Magic feared that she would vanish from existence because the population of the magicals was decreasing. She feared normal humans would hunt them to extinction. And without any of her children, the concept of magic would slowly disappear from this world. So she broke the sacred law and interfered in mortal affairs."

Here, her glare intensified. Lady Magic remained unaffected, while Lady Life scratched her cheek in a sheepish manner. "Somehow, these two thieves stole my instruments and gave them away to three wizards. These instruments are famously known as Deathly Hallows. She thought that it would help the magical race remain strong and undefeatable. And so the Peverells of this world became extraordinarily powerful. But that alone wasn't enough to secure Lady Magic's continued existence."

Harry raised his eyebrows. This seemed awfully similar to the fairy tale in his world. He glanced at the other two goddesses. It seemed Lady Death was fated to lose her instruments in every world, with or without her consent. After all, he too had acquired them recently, which meant Death of his world too lost these for some reason.

"You still hold a grudge for that? Come on, you didn't even use them that much."

"But they were still mine. You had no right to take them."

Creator clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention. "Enough bickering. The others will arrive in a few minutes. I don't want them to see you fighting like feral cats."

The women straightened in their seats, acting noble and majestic, as if they weren't just a second away from pulling each other's hair.

Heh. He would pay money to see these busty goddesses getting all wild and physical with each other.

"What happened next?" he asked, wanting to know the story.

Before the others could continue, Creator decided to summarise it. "For breaking the law, Lord Time imprisoned these two in this very chamber. Of course, that didn't stop Lady Magic from getting into mischief. In the modern era, she and Lady Life decided to make a powerful homunculus, a vessel in which Lady Magic could hide her essence and safeguard her existence."

Both Lady Magic and Lady Life smiled warmly, remembering what happened next. While the result had been unexpected, they were glad for it since that mishap gave them a daughter.

"The method didn't work out. And instead of a soulless husk, a new immortal being was created. It was Jasmine, who'd later become my wife. But that's a story for another time. It's safe to say that both of Lady Magic's attempts to escape fading didn't bore good enough results," Creator said, resting his head against the throne.

There was silence for half a minute. And just as Harry was going to break it, Creator spoke up on his own. "In the third try, Lady Magic did something unprecedented. Something no god would do. She tore off half her essence and gave it to a single wizard, instantly making him the most powerful being on his planet. And she also implanted a foreign desire in the subconscious of this wizard. 'Why not be immortal?' That was the desire. And that wizard was me. Long story short, with the help of this gift and Lady Death's guidance, I became the first mortal to merge my soul with Chaos and attain the title of 'strongest'."

Harry looked at the goddesses with admiration and understood why they were able to act so frankly around Creator. Of course they could and would; these were the very people who helped him reach where he was.

Still, he didn't understand one thing. "How did giving up one half of her power help Lady Magic?"

Creator shook his head with an exasperated sigh. "Didn't you understand the core of the problem? Lady Magic feared the extinction of her children in this world. Which would then lead to her fading. So what better way to save her life than to give half her essence to a wizard and make him obsessed with immortality? After all, even if only one of her children got immortality, her existence was guaranteed. She'd become the weakest of the Elder Gods, but at least she'd exist. That was her plan, and it came to fruition, as you can see. Now, she's not only alive but has become one of the strongest gods since her existence is directly dependent on me."

"But what will happen to her when you die?"

He regretted that question as soon as it left his mouth. The curious and happy air around them changed.

Lady Death pursed her lips. Lady Life lowered her head. And Lady Magic's flirtatious grin vanished.

"Nothing will change. Harry's world is now blooming with magic, and he's made sure that no harm will befall it or me. While I'll surely lose some power, it won't cause me to fade," she said stiffly, giving Creator an understanding look, knowing that he was done being primordial and just wanted that simple, carefree life once again. And she couldn't fault him for that.

Although all three goddesses wanted him to stay, they'd already given up on convincing him of that and had come to respect and understand his point.

Before Harry could muster up some words to lighten up the atmosphere, other gods and goddesses began appearing from thin air.

In an instant, he was down on the floor, standing with everyone else. Even the three goddesses were with him. Only Creator remained on the pedestal. On his obsidian throne.

Harry couldn't see any familiarity in the man who was peering down at them coolly. Just a second ago, they'd been talking in a nonchalant manner. But in the place of that man, now remained a cruel tyrant looking down at them from his high throne.

Creator stood up.

And everyone kneeled and lowered their heads.

For a moment, Harry thought to follow their example, but something told him that would be a bad move. He was the future king. And him falling on his knees would make him lose all the respect of his fellow gods. After all, a king never bows to anyone. Not even to gods. So, even when pressure increased on his shoulders. Even when his knees began to shake. Even when the weight of Creator's icy gaze bent his back, he struggled to stay on his feet.

It felt like eternity, but Creator's lips twitched briefly before he said, "Rise."

And the suffocating pressure vanished as if it'd been an illusion.

Harry was aware of all the fearful whispers and apprehensive glances, but his eyes were fixed on the king of gods, who didn't show any emotion and kept staring at him. Other gods had already begun moving away, gathering around the round walls on either side, leaving him in the centre of the chamber, fearing they'd be smited too if they remained in his vicinity.

Only Lady Death, Lady Life, and Lady Magic had the bravery to remain near him. But even they moved away as Creator descended the steps, his gaze firmly on him, his soft footfalls seeming as loud as lightning.

Okay, now he too started fearing for his life. Did he make the right decision by standing proud? Or was he really meant to kneel when everyone else did? Just as his heart was about to jump out of his throat, Creator averted his gaze and looked at everyone else.

Harry almost crumpled in relief; it was only the thought of losing his pride that kept him on his feet.

"We are here for a very unusual occasion. Today, a new king is going to be crowned. Today, I'm going to retire from this post. I'm sure you all are very glad to see me go. I'm sure you want to sob in joy and plan a hundred-year-long feast. After all, many of your brothers and sisters are dead by my own hands. Sometimes, I've been merciful and given them quick deaths. And other times, I've taken years to wrench all kinds of pleasure before leaving them a husk of their former selves, before giving them to sweet oblivion." A cruel grin had made its way to his face. And all the gods cringed and cowered.

Only Death, Life, Magic, Time, and Fate remained fearless.

"Still, I'm not some clueless fool who doesn't know his sins. I've never been delusional enough to think that I was doing anything for some greater good. I have killed. I have raped. I have butchered and tortured. And I have no urge to justify that. All that I've ever done, all the misery that I've caused, was purely because I had the might and the desire to do it. Because I had the power and freedom to do anything. Because might makes right. That's the law that existed even before Lord Time's hair and beard began turning grey. And that's a law that will continue to exist for eternity. If you want to blame someone for your sorrow and wretchedness, then blame it on your weakness." He chuckled darkly, aware of the barely hidden rage behind the frightened gazes.

But they wouldn't do anything. They were fools, more like spineless peasants than gods.

"Consider this a merciful instance. Consider it an incredibly rare second chance. Consider it whatever you want it to be. Today, I'm leaving this Eternal Chamber of Seven to never return. Today, I've decided to pull away from the workings of the multiverse. Today, I've decided to give back your freedom. But that doesn't mean I won't return to murder you all if any of you come after me. That doesn't mean I can't come back to show you the error of your ways. So be good, children, and don't make me come back." Creator's loud, arrogant voice was echoing in the chamber as he tried to meet everyone's gaze.

Of course, no one was foolish enough to look into his dark green eyes. Only a few trusted gods knew that he was going to die today, so the threat still held weight for everyone else.

He stepped past Harry and took centre stage. Then he spread his arms at his sides and closed his eyes. "You know what that means? That means this is the last opportunity to strike me down. Come on, I even have my eyes closed. If any of you want to give it a try, then try it. You won't get another chance afterwards. Kill me if you can!"

The shout made everyone jump back.

Creator grinned and shook his head. "Thought so. Have a nice day."

Saying that, he vanished.

Harry stumbled a little as a black crown suddenly appeared on his head. Cursing inwardly at this misstep, he looked around but was surprised to see everyone back on their knees. Well, okay, no one seemed to be in the mood to make fun of him for tripping. Or maybe they didn't notice. Hopefully, it was the latter.

The old man with a long grey beard smiled at him and yelled, "All hail Chaos!"

"All hail Creator!"

"All hail Destroyer!"

"All hail Harry Potter!"

"All hail the King of Gods!"

Harry's heart thundered as the happy cheers replaced the apprehensive atmosphere. A grin grew over his face as everyone surrounded him and shook his hands and patted his back, crying and laughing in relief. Relieved to finally have a good-hearted king.


"You sure about it?" Jasmine asked, caressing his face.

It was more of an attempt to offer him an excuse to turn back than a real question. They had extensively discussed it and had already come to a decision. Still, it was her duty to keep reminding him of the foolishness of their next step. And she wouldn't shirk away from her duty, even when it became repetitive.

Creator—the retired Creator—smiled, a gesture very few people would ever see. "This is the billionth time you're asking. And my answer remains the same."

She shrugged. "Good. I want to finally experience death."

He chuckled and draped his arms around her, pulling her close. "Still suicidal as ever, Jas."

"That's how I was made. Hopefully, I'll be more normal in this next adventure," she mumbled, returning the gesture and embracing him tightly.

"If that's what you wish for." He gave her a squeeze and placed a kiss on her brow, allowing himself a moment to enjoy the warmth of her hug.

Stepping back, he offered her one last endearing look before putting on his game face.

Then he snapped his fingers. And the new king was summoned, the black crown still glinting in the starlight over his head.

Harry stumbled only for a second before regaining his balance. Examining his surroundings, he surmised he was in some bedroom. And it wasn't that difficult to guess whose bedroom it was when he turned around and saw the occupants themselves. Surprisingly, it wasn't some gaudy abomination fit for a tyrannical emperor but was rather normal and human. It was most probably due to the influence of that kind-looking woman beside Chaos.

As one would expect, there was a big bed and a couple of dressers—just the usuals. The four walls were painted soothing blue, and the floor was made up of pristine white marble tiles, with a couple of rugs strewn over it. Though there was no door to leave the room. Not that odd, considering these two could simply teleport in and out.

But what was most eye-catching here was the ceiling. It displayed a breathtaking view of outer space, providing a deep, melancholic feel to the room. It was a sin to compare it to the enchanted ceiling of the Great Hall in Hogwarts. And yet, that was the first thing that came to his mind. He didn't know why, but just looking at the star-studded sky made his eyes water. He felt like shedding tears as his soul filled with boundless wonder.

He snapped back to reality when soft, warm hands cupped his face. It was the kind-looking woman he'd noticed before.

He didn't think he could find words to match her beauty. Because it wasn't just the way she looked that made her so indescribable. The way she smiled, the way a lock of her dark blue hair fluttered over her forehead. Even the way her sapphire-blue eyes shone. Everything about her was perfect. If he was still laden with the burden of [Lustful] trait, then he'd be drooling over her. But since he'd been freed from that curse, the only emotion at the forefront of his mind was awe. Of course, there was a little bit of lust too, but mostly it was amazement that a woman like this could exist.

She offered him a motherly smile and stepped back, but not without taking the opportunity to muss his hair. "You just look like my Harry. Of course, you're way cuter and less psychopath-y than him. Is psychopath-y a word?"

Chaos simply rolled his eyes and stopped beside his wife. "No, it's not. You meant psychopathic. Anyway, meet my wife, Jasmine."

Damn, they almost acted like a normal couple. He would have thought it sweet if he didn't know Chaos' true nature.

"Nice to meet you, my lady." Harry bowed dubiously, not knowing how to react.

Jasmine chuckled. "No need for that. It'll be a shame for you to bow to me when you just refused to kneel before my husband."

"It's different. I'll happily kneel for you whenever and wherever you want." The words escaped him before he could filter them.

He cringed; that sounded so cheesy and suggestive.

Chaos let out a long-suffering sigh while Jasmine's lips spread in a wide grin. "I hope it wasn't some innuendo. I might have to put you on my lap and discipline you otherwise. Or maybe you'll enjoy that, hmm?"

Harry coughed, shaking his head. "Not into that."

She laughed again and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Be more responsible in the future and don't chase skirts too much. Or else my mum will eat you whole."

"Enough talking. Let's get right to business." Chaos interrupted like the bitch he was, conjuring three chairs for them and taking his seat.

Harry sat in the one facing them. "I have a couple of questions before you off yourself."

"Alright. Ask away."

"How will I get stronger from here? Will my 'Instant Dungeon' remain relevant?" He began, pleasantly surprised when a coffee table popped between them. He happily took the cup and sipped the well-made tea, almost releasing a blissful sigh. Why was everything here so damn good?

The tea, the ceiling, and the kind and beautiful woman that Chaos didn't deserve—even the bed appeared comfy and cosy.

If the man before him listened to his thoughts, then he didn't acknowledge them. After taking a small sip himself, he addressed the question. "No, grinding in the dungeon won't make you stronger anymore. Now you've got to visit different worlds and spread your influence. Meaning, you've got to create a cult that spans multiple worlds, or, if you're being generous, you can call it a religion. The more worshippers you gather, the more powerful you become. That's how I have programmed your game. It will be instinctual once you begin, so I won't waste my time on this topic anymore. Next question."

Harry put the cup down on the table and folded his hands in his lap. He briefly glanced at Lady Jasmine, who had her eyes closed and was resting in the cushioned chair. Apparently, she wasn't interested in this conversation. Though he at least realised that even uber-powerful gods rested like humans, you really learn something new every day.

Shaking his head off the distracting thoughts, he focused on his predecessor. "Last question. What was Lady Magic talking about earlier? She said that the Natural Order paid back for the gods' daring. But you ended the story without explaining why she thought that?"

Creator crossed his arms behind his head and leant back, gazing up at the ceiling. "It was just a theory. A superstition, if you will. She thinks that it was the Natural Order that made her break the law in the first place. Since some gods were breaking old laws, including herself, the Natural Order gave me an opportunity to rise above all and punish them. After all, what is the best way to keep the gods in line? Make a mortal rule over them with an iron fist. Or so she thinks."

"Does that mean her theory is wrong?"

"Of course. No one made her do anything. It's just blame shifting—a defensive mechanism so she wouldn't feel guilty for the deaths and misery of her fellow brothers and sisters. After all, it was her actions that made it possible for me to ascend. And everything became bullcrap after my ascension. That's what the other gods and goddesses believe," he replied with an amused smile.

Harry wouldn't lie. He was truly tempted to kill the one before him and avenge all the innocents who had suffered this tyranny. But that would be biting the hand that fed him. And he couldn't bring himself to ignore the debt that was owed between them.

Dragging his mind back to the conversation, he asked, "So this Natural Order is no threat to me?"

Chaos shook his head. "No, the Natural Order is just a passive primordial force that cleans up everyone's crap and keeps the multiverse running. Unless your actions threaten to collapse the very existence of the multiverse, you can basically do anything, however unnatural and against the natural law it might be."

Harry nodded slowly, glad that there wasn't a chance for some insentient force to simply wipe him out of existence. That would be unfortunate.

As if already knowing that he was done with his questions, Chaos woke up Lady Jasmine and regarded him with a strange stare.

Before Harry's eyes, the tea cups disappeared from the table. And an instant later, a black hole snapped open over the entire area of the flat wooden surface, like a small tub. It was inky and shadowy, swirling like some potion in a cauldron.

"This is the entrance to the world I've created. And I need your help to lock it after we enter it. Only you'll ever know where this world is. That too, because only you can keep it safe since I won't have the powers to protect it once I give up my divinity." Chaos explained, getting up on his feet.

Jasmine smiled at him and followed his example.

But Harry wasn't done; he scowled and jumped to his feet. "Why do you get to have a happily ever after when so many deserving people don't? Why should I even bother helping you?"

Jasmine's smile dimmed, while Chaos simply groaned. "How naive can you be? Didn't you understand a single thing until now? The world isn't fucking fair. Here, bad people prosper and good people suffer. Here, cruel kings become heroes, and a sad, abused elf becomes a villain. And just like all the other bad people, I, too, will have my happy ending when many deserving people don't. The world isn't fair or just. It just is. The multiverse isn't human. It doesn't have morals or ethics. It is just an ever-expanding sea of worlds, indifferent to its inhabitants. Now do your fucking job and close the portal once we're gone. Got it?"

Harry scrunched his face and grunted his assent.

Jasmine looked at him sadly and caressed his cheek. "Maybe my husband is right. Maybe he is wrong. But now you'll have the power to mould the multiverse as you please. And maybe you'll force this indifferent multiverse to act more human. Goodbye, child. And keep your loved ones close and happy. Because once you lose them, nothing will be able to pull you out of the bottomless pit."

Harry lost his scowl and nodded at the pearl of wisdom, looking on reluctantly as Lady Jasmine's body crumbled into a globe of white energy. A pure soul without memories or a sense of self. She had become a clean slate. The state a soul can only achieve after repenting for its sins in the afterlife. Of course, these two had the strength to bypass the requirement. He shouldn't even be surprised.

Chaos gently guided her soul into the black hole.

Once she was sucked away, Chaos looked at him with mixed emotions. "I'll offer you a suggestion too, junior. A suggestion that will save you a lot of grief in the future. Before turning your family and friends immortal, change their races into any species that can comprehend immortality. Because humans are never meant to live too long. If you don't do that, their souls will become corrupt later, and they will crave death like a starving person craves food. Be mindful of that."

Harry flinched, having almost forgotten how Creator lost his sister and wives. Coincidentally, he was just going to make his loved ones immortal once he went back home. He couldn't put into words how glad he was that Creator stopped him from committing to that stupid path.

He sighed.

One more reason to feel beholden to the cruel tyrant. "How will I be able to turn them into a different species?"

"You will see many wonderful things as you explore the multiverse. Elves, Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Yokais, Divine Beasts, and Humanoid Dragons. You will meet innumerable species that can survive and enjoy immortality. I won't spoil you anymore. You will have to find the answer yourself. I'd have suggested making them minor gods for simplicity's sake. But you lack the power and authority to offer them divinity. And you also lack the required time to gain that power. Since they're still humans, they'll die before you even earn those levels. I'd suggest you not laze around too much and start looking for solutions in a couple of years. Goodbye."

After dropping that bomb, Creator too crumbled into a globe of white energy.

Harry guided the new soul into the black hole and closed it once it rushed into it.

There, his work was finally done. Now he could go back and get some sleep. A person could only handle so many new things before they became tiring and bothersome.


A.N. This is the last second chapter. The next one will be the last tomorrow. If you guys get a little confused here and there, don't worry. This fic is actually a spin off/sequel to my other fic called 'Kill Me If You Can' where the story followed Chaos, and showed how a Harry Potter became the first mortal to ascend beyond even Elder Gods and take the entire multiverse for himself. Maybe I will repost that fic here too. We will see. But The Overpowered Gamer can be read as standalone too, of course, so you are not missing much.