
The doorknob rattled in Fiona's hand, each click echoing the frantic beat of her heart. Fiona's heart was too pretty occupied as she stepped into the single room that served as their entire home, bathed in the harsh afternoon sunlight filtering through the thin blinds.

Too preoccupied to spare the bed where her mother lay a glance because she was hoping her mother was already asleep, she went to take her seat on the single couch in the room, worry lines clearly evident on her face.

Are you okay my dear? You seem worried about something," Fiona's mother said the moment Fiona got into the house, startling her.

She turned to her mother, a forced smile playing on her lips. "You're not asleep," she said, still surprised and Diana smiled.

"I was about to when you came in. Is he gone?" Diana asked, her voice laced with something more than just the usual afternoon worry lines etching deeper around her eyes.