Focus On Your Present

"Rek?" Liam called. "I really think that if you still have feelings for her, then you should tell her," he advised and Derek looked down at his beer, the truth hovering on his lips.

"It's complicated, Liam. I don't want to make things harder for her....."

"But you're making it hard for yourself," Liam cut in as he reached out, placing a hand on Derek's shoulder. "Complicated or not, you deserve to be honest with her and yourself. Don't let this be something you regret," he said and Derek shook his head.

"You know why I can't tell her...."

"I do and it's why I think you should tell her. It's time you forgot about your past and focused on your present," Liam said and Derek nodded slowly, the weight of Liam's words sinking in.

"Thanks, man. I'll think about it," he said sipping from his beer.